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Too Late Kev

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Everything posted by Too Late Kev

  1. Oh, the weather outside is...delightful...[wait a minute, that's not right.]
  2. It feels odd to do that, but it's also very nice. Go only to the things that interest you, stay the exact amount of time you want to, choose the restaurants you want without worrying about someone else's taste...
  3. I had my mom make appointments with the doctor for quite some time, until I finally had a doctor near my apartment instead of in my home town. So...maybe a few years after college? I'm better now...mostly. ;)
  4. I wouldn't want to have someone set up my hotel room (and I'd have words for the hotel management if they let someone in my hotel room). I'd refuse to do that kind of thing to anyone else and would encourage others not to, either. It's weird.
  5. The second episode of Gotham repeats Friday night, 9 PM Eastern time. Same thing happens next week, and hopefully thereafter, because there's nothing else I watch in that time-frame at the moment. That will change whenever Grimm starts,which I just looked up and is 10/24. So at that point, I'll have to figure out what I want to do. No DVR here, although I know there's hulu and all that stuff. I just don't enjoy watching shows on my computer.
  6. If they start rotting off, you may already be a walker.
  7. I had really low expectations for Selfie (I think they put all the worst stuff in the commercials, for once) and I actually liked it. Karen Gillan 's accent would sometimes try to come out, but other than that, it was kind of almost charming. I like Scorpion, even though the cases are pretty ridiculous. I'm enjoying Forever, and I thought the first Gotham was quite good. I liked Madam Secretary and will keep watching for a while. It might lose me after a while, though. stewedsquash, there's no expression about having someone stuffed. That's why I said "...that no one's ever heard of before." ;) You had scared poor King of Birds (he's very delicate!), so I thought some levity was needed. :) An Ohio artist who makes things from discarded books...plus she's a former TWoP Office Denizen.
  8. A figure of speech...that no one's ever heard before?
  9. In some of the Office forums (I can't remember which ones for sure, I think MTT and TWoP), there was a person who called herself "God in This Chili's." I think there was also a "Whitest Sneakers." My name comes from "Hot Girl," S1, E6.
  10. I split Skittles into two piles -- "Red & Purple" and "Other." I eat the "Red & Purple" (2 at a time, not mixing colors) and get some fool to eat the "Others." So, no, I have no idea what you people are talking about in terms of weird little eating rituals. I'm extremely normal.
  11. I agree with the King of Winged Flying Creatures that the Lulu story is fantastic.
  12. Congrats, frenchtoast! :) MichelleAK, please let us know how your house is when you find out, and be safe.
  13. I've never heard of Cup Custards, even years ago. Maybe they're a regional thing; I've never lived very far west. I like custard, though, so they sound good to me. I buy Oreos for the gluten-eaters in the family, but I wait until there's a sale and then stock up. I try to get them at $2 or $2.50. I kind of remember their regular price at $2.99, though, so either I'm misremembering or again, it's a regional price difference. I always had my Pop Tarts toasted; that was definitely how they were best. But yeah, my kids who eat them just eat them untoasted. Not sure how that happened (beyond it making sense for their school lunches).
  14. I used to like spreading peanut butter on Oreos. Without peanut butter, I'd do the splitting thing and eat the middle first.
  15. smrou, it's not just spackle, it's sweet pink spackle, so it's awesome.
  16. There are a few different gluten-free Pop-Tart-like items. They are not actually remotely Pop-Tart-like, and none of them have frosting, which was always a requirement, as far as I was concerned. I've seen recipes to make your own GF Pop-Tarts, but who has the time for that? (Ain't nobody got time for that.)
  17. I think we have some Froot Loops in the cupboard for my youngest kid. I can't eat them (gluten), but back when I could, I'd have some occasionally. I wish I could still eat Cheerios. I liked the multi-grain ones.
  18. I got 27%; average is 30%. My brain wasn't working -- I couldn't think!! King of Birds, I'd be pretty happy with 35% when distracted. Kalliste, does he let you know as soon as he schedules his game when it's going to be? Then you can both schedule around his game, which might be annoying for you, but perhaps it's better than you being suddenly derailed.
  19. He plans around a game, and I'm sure that all of us at some point or another (or all the time) have planned around a TV show, even with the options available to see it another time. And people who want to run most days would plan when they're going to do that. I don't see that it's very different. I liked the Veronica Mars movie quite a bit. It really was just an excellent episode, but longer. I always liked Piz. I never really cared who Veronica was with, though, but I just wanted her to be happy. (She's real, right?)
  20. I didn't know what Joycean was, either! :) I don't think I'd heard it as a word before this, but now I'll hear it 3 times in the next day -- that's how those things go. I think there's a word for that, too. I remember the first time I heard the word "tarmac," and thought, "That's not a word!" Sure enough, it was, and I heard it 3 times in the next couple of days.
  21. I think the Alaska/NY cruise sounds kind of cool (figuratively as well as obviously literally). But unless my life drastically changes (like winning a gazillion dollars and then waiting until my kids are older), I wouldn't take a trip like that. And of course, I'd want the most cozy warm clothes ever and I don't think I'd be out on deck for long periods of time.
  22. It wouldn't occur to me that mums had any kind of a season except for "if you find them in the stores, you can certainly put them out." And with something like decorating, your opinion (and the opinions of others in your household, maybe) is the only one that matters.
  23. toast, what sort of job are you looking for (beyond "the paying kind")? Good luck with the doggy situation, Glory.
  24. I'm with King of Birds on liking summer nights when it stays light late. Sunset now isn't too terribly early, but I really dislike when it's dark at 5 PM. I'm so tired at night when I go to bed and it's already been dark forever.
  25. I remember feeling that way at first back on TWoP's Chilis. I think it was because there'd be times I'd check in and they were talking about music or something else I didn't know anything about. Eventually I realized that, like with any group conversation, there'd be times I had something to contribute and times I didn't. :) It's nice to get new blood, but since some people have changed names from TWoP anyway, I'm sometimes confused about who's new and who isn't, plus names run all together for me. I'm terrible at names. Anyone else horrible with names?
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