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Too Late Kev

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Everything posted by Too Late Kev

  1. Glass half full, King of Birds. :)
  2. I voted. Our governor's race consisted of: two people I wasn't enthused about and don't have a ton of trust for, but are of the main parties so one of them will win; two people who seemed kind of good but can't possibly win numbers-wise and weren't even in most of the debates so I don't even know that much about them (my fault, I know); and one nutball. All in my opinion, obviously. So it's difficult to say, "Yippee! I'm exercising my right, responsibility, and privilege to vote!" But I voted for the person affiliated with the party I'm registered as, for better or worse. Remember the Mr. Sunshine "Yay" theme song? That's about how I feel about it all. But I'm glad possibilities is more enthused, and no matter what, I vote. ETA: We do have some very interesting ballot questions (not ballet questions, as I wrote and then changed it) this time around, so that's cool. I'll be watching with great interest tonight to see which yahoo is our new governor and what the results were for all the questions.
  3. King of Winged Creatures, were you following a recipe? I don't think I'd attempt bean soup w/o a recipe, and for a crock-pot, a specific crock-pot recipe. I've thought at times about getting a crock-pot, but what stops me is counter space (or lack thereof). And isn't that a bummer when food is so bad you have to throw it out? :/ The best part of that comic was "but...jetpack." I never have much trouble with the clock change in the fall. It's always a matter of, "Hey, I stayed up too late again! Ooh...but it's an hour less late than usual, so that's good." In the spring it's worse, of course. But I'm always really glad it happens on a Saturday night (Friday would work okay for me, too) because messing around with my clock on a school night would be a bad thing.
  4. We had rain here, and maybe some snow tomorrow (unless things have changed and it's just rain, I haven't looked for a while), but that's nothing unusual for us. Sorry about the apocalypse, King of Birds. Hunker down. ;)
  5. We had 41 - 43 people. One group had 8, but then it seemed a couple more came; it's very confusing when there's that many at once! Mr. Kev set up an alarm on the driveway so we'd know when someone passed it, and it just went off at 1 AM. I expect it's the wind or some wildlife, but it's a little disconcerting. I wasn't really all that excited or prepared for Halloween this year; I just ran out for the candy last night and my non-nut choice ended up being Smarties, which is kind of awkward because you have to tell them it's okay to take 4 or 5.
  6. I put a Bavarian hat on and a German-type cardigan and grabbed a walking stick that I've never actually used for walking, so I can answer the door in a costume, albeit a not very interesting one. As usual, we will be counting the trick-or-treaters. Our low is 26 (just last year) and our high is 67 (in a year when the town decided to hold Halloween on a different night because of a power outage, but some people came on 10/31 anyway, and some people probably came twice). The highest non-doubled year was 58.
  7. I keep having "This is Halloween! This is Halloween!" running through my brain and those are the only lyrics I know to that, and I'm not sure what it's even from (maybe Nightmare before Christmas?) I know, I could Google it. Too lazy. The other thing running through my brain is, "Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate..." and some of the other rhyming lyrics from Shake it Off. So my brain is not a quiet place.
  8. You want Tara with you. Next time she stumbles and twists an ankle, some of the walkers will stop for the nummy-nummy appetizer, giving you a chance to get away. I'm guessing they dumped Bob in hopes that Bob would tell everyone about the nearby school, drawing off the best fighters and leaving the "weak" behind. Hungry, hungry, hospital workers?
  9. So, I think I get to see smrou and frenchtoast later today in a Boston ptv meetup... I don't think I'll dress up on Halloween to answer the door, but I have one kid who'll still trick-or-treat and one who's going to a Halloween party and planning to dress up, so that's fun.
  10. Halloween, Hateball, hoverboards. ("Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!")
  11. He's talking about the Termites. Remember when Abraham, Rosita, and Mullet-Man, after having found Maggie, Bob, and Sasha, met back up with Tara and Glenn in the tunnel? A, R, and Mullet were supposed to go on to Washington, but Mullet said he wanted to check out Terminus first; maybe they could find people there to join them for the Washington trip. Sasha was interested in continuing on to Washington after Terminus too, I think. So he got to Terminus but pretty much wanted to move on right away. They mentioned moving on to Washington, and boom. Shitstorm.
  12. I don't know, but remember Rick's groggy view of the guy cutting up the other guy? It seemed like he'd been out but was coming back to consciousness. If they were basically dragging them to the trough anyway, why not conk them on the head when they were disoriented? The Termites seemed to be perfectly happy to have all eight lined up and conscious for the conking and bloodletting. Suddenly I'm thinking about the group "Fine Young Cannibals." That's what Gareth and his hipster friends are! But it's more like FYC and their mother Mary.
  13. The Termites could have been more humane by conking their victims on the head when they were "out" because of the gas. At least, I assume the gas put them out. But it does seem like they were going for the most terror possible. Way to emulate your tormenters, Termites! :/
  14. Now I get it, thanks. I thought you had two separate issues, that one of your lamps (as in a light fixture that stood on a floor or sat on a shelf) had broken and at the same time, your TV stopped working. (Light dawns on Marblehead, which apparently is a Massachusetts expression only, but is appropriate here.)
  15. Wait, you're not replacing your TV? Or am I misreading things?
  16. The used ones at Salvation Army would need converters if they're too old. If you're not looking for anything too huge, nowadays you can get a halfway decent TV for less than $200. The question is whether one has a spare $200, I guess. Here's one at Target for $99, but I've never heard of the brand...
  17. Carol saw Rick and the others being forced to go into the train car, and she knew Rick and some of the men had been taken somewhere, because she asked crazy Mary about it. So it seems that Rick's group didn't have that much time in the train car to prepare their weapons before the gas was thrown in, and then the Termites wasted no time in getting the four men to the trough. And speaking of the gas, no one tried to grab it and throw it back out? You might get a burned hand for your trouble, and maybe it wouldn't work, but if Abraham (I think it was him) had time to yell, "Get back!" there might have been time to throw that thing out. I agree that Rick and the others at the trough should at least have tried to get up and throw their bodies at the butchers once the first guy was slaughtered. Their ankles and wrists were zip-tied, I think, but couldn't a person get to a standing position? There were only two butchers and 7 guys on death row. Even if you had a very small chance of overpowering the butchers, wouldn't it be better to try and to go out fighting than to wait for the clunk on your head? I thought it was an awesome episode -- very exciting. And while I think Rick's idea that they should kill all the Termites made sense, once he saw Judith was alive...he didn't want to risk losing her again and probably losing some of the group members. As soon as he saw her, he went into "keep the group big, strong, and safe" mode. So, run, and try to find safe ground.
  18. Sorry for your technological troubles, King of Birds. That's no fun. I don't like watching stuff on my computer, either, but since I don't have cable and I'm a Walking Dead fan, I find things that other people have downloaded and watch them on my computer anyway. It's slow (like I have to pause to give it time to load more, watch a few minutes, and repeat), but it's worth it to see TWD. If my big TV went out, we'd move the only other (much smaller) HDTV to the family room and quickly research TVs to replace the big one ASAP. I could live without a TV, like if there were a zombie apocalypse and I'd be too busy trying to survive anyway...but barring things like that, I kind of need my TV. For a baseball fan, like you? Yeah. You really need it.
  19. Kalliste, I saw the outtake with Troy and Abed/Batman while I was looking for the Batman voiceover video. It's great. You can spend a lot of time on YouTube watching Community bits. Troy and Abed are my favorite combination.
  20. It sounds like a good place to live in a zombie apocalypse. Just set up fencing that diverts the zombies away, and some kind of deterrent for humans...
  21. Happy Bday, LL! :) Could Kalliste's avatar be Abed as Batman? I remember there was a Community where Abed was Batman, with the greatest voiceover at the end...
  22. Pumpkins are also big this time of year because they are displayed at Halloween and just in general a sign of Halloween. And I guess because this is the harvesting season for pumpkins? So when the weather gets Fall-like and Halloween is coming closer, places come out with pumpkin coffee drinks and all kinds of silliness. I like Reese's peanut butter cups. Yum. I also have an excellent recipe for peanut butter cookies (although I haven't tried to translate it to gluten-free, which I'd have to now before making or eating them). And I occasionally make a chicken satay with peanut butter. But that's about the extent of pb recipes I have.
  23. Getting jacked out of your mind on a pharmacy run is a great way to become the entree. :/
  24. stewedsquash, you didn't give any context for your post. Is it "things that sound kind of disgusting"? (When I could eat Pop-Tarts, the only acceptable kinds were strawberry, cherry, and blueberry, in that order.)
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