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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I suspect it was because of Jeff. Saffron hinted numerous times that she didn't get along with him, so I wouldn't be surprised if Julianne had the same problems with him. As for my favorite episode with Wheeler . . . God, as one of her fans, it's hard to choose just one. I know I liked her introductory episode, "Tru Love." While her verbal deliveries weren't the best, I liked her facial reactions to the lesbian bike repairwoman and her "WTF?!" double take upon hearing Keith's revelation of his father storing videos of "the back years" with his female flings. Plus, she was the one to crack the case, figuring out Keith and Danielle's motives, and I liked how she easily handled Danielle both times she and Keith got caught. I liked "Blasters," too, since it at least gave us a bit more of a look into her past and her having to watch all of the lustre get knocked off her teenhood crush. Though I can't figure out as to whether or not only Logan was declared to be "in blood" by the Albanian mob leader, or both Logan and Wheeler were, despite her not being present to hear it. "Weeping Willow" wins points from me if only because that was where I thought Julianne showed the most spark, at least when both Logan and Ross looked to her to make the public announcement and, in horror, she widened her eyes and said a confident "No!" to it. Only to wind up with an almost defeated look when she had to do it, anyway. I liked the ending of "World's Fair" just because of her awkward expression as Meena's brother is using her as his prop, but that's it. And then "Renewals." I just liked that she was the one (along with Eames) to take down Patty, with no Logan in sight.
  2. Actually, Audrey and either Mickey or Pete helped each other. Rob & Ryan had barely gotten there at the time.
  3. While I also would've used it on Mickey & Pete, I totally understand using the U-Turn on Ryan & Rob instead. They are a team of athletic alpha-males who could dominate physical tasks and probably outrun Sukhi & Jinder in a footrace. And they were hindered greatly by a Speed Bump on the way. Plus, they were in the back group of teams. Seemed as good a time as any to try and knock them out when they were vulnerable. It didn't work, thanks to Michel's brain fart, but it was at least worth a shot. If Michel had been better at that Roadblock, it would've been a success. At six wins, Natalie & Meaghan have officially tied the record for the women's team in all versions of TAR with the most wins with Valerie & Bodhana from TAR Ukraine (and TAR17's Nat & Kat are behind them both at five wins), but they're not the team with the most wins ever. They're still beaten by TAR13's Nick & Starr, TAR15's Meghan & Cheyne, and TAR Asia 2's Rovilson & Marc, all of whom had seven wins (and in Rovilson & Marc's case, all seven of those were in a row, I think!). And all of those teams are dwarfed by TAR20's Rachel & Dave, who have the record of eight wins.
  4. I don't think SVU did it for the time Dani Beck took Olivia's place with Elliot, either, did they? So it is weird Falacci was placed there over Wheeler during her time away.
  5. I don't care about the reasons. As far as I'm concerned, killing over something so small is the definition of "petty" to me. Hands down. And that's all I'm gonna say about a first-season episode in a thread about the second season.
  6. Doesn't change the fact that it was a petty reason to have her killed. Priceless or not, representing something or not, it was, as I said, pathetic.
  7. The only thing I come away from that episode thinking is how pathetic Hannah looked at the end. Both of those killings just to stay with Sarah? I mean . . . really. Many, many, many of the perps on this show had such pathetic motives. I put Hannah right up there with the older woman in season one who killed the Asian woman just over a figurine she wanted when all she had to do was ask.
  8. Hi. We're boyfriends and the race's first-ever Asian gay team. As a rare gay team of color, I'm hoping for an Oswald & Danny-type run rather than a Ron & Tony-type run.
  9. Hi. We're mother and daughter. I'm happy to have another mother/daughter team after eight seasons. But then again, the only really good one that wasn't cannon fodder was Nancy & Emily from TAR1. The other three we've had have either gone quickly due to their own mistakes (TAR2's Deidre & Hillary and TAR9's Wanda & Desiree), or from someone else's (TAR17's Andie & Jenna). Hard to believe they'll only be our fifth mother/daughter team due to the show's love for father/son and father/daughter teams. Only mother/son teams have a lower count, with three (TAR7's Susan & Patrick, TAR13's Toni & Dallas, and TAR14's Margie & Luke). Also, I'm glad we have our first black parent/child team since TAR6's Gus & Hera.
  10. Hi. We're married dentists (well, a dentist and an orthodontist, to be more precise) from South Carolina. I'm seeing a coed version of Nat & Kat, because any kind of doctor or dentist has to have the preparation needed for the race.
  11. Hi. We're friend and firefighters from Massachusetts. Honestly, firefighters haven't had the best runs on this show (I suppose F6 was decent enough for TAR3's Damon, but Matt & Daniel from TAR22 didn't even do half as well), so I'm not sure what to expect from these two. They look like they'll be good at the physical tasks, but not much else.
  12. Hi. We're sisters and realtors from Miami. Being the requisite blond girl team, I'm hoping for a Dustin & Kandice or Caroline & Jennifer (yeah, I said it) redux rather than a Caitlin & Brittany or Ally & Ashley redux.
  13. Hi. We're cyclists and very good friends. Women's team. Look strong and intelligent. I can see a decent stay in the race on their part.
  14. Hi. We met on Survivor: South Pacific and got engaged soon after . . . even though one of us was still married when we first met! I think they can make a decent go at it like Rob & Amber did, considering that Survivor is no easy game to play. Then again, I thought that about Ethan & Jenna, too, and look what happened to them. So they could go either way.
  15. Hi. We're the first Asian dating couple ever. Only took twenty-five seasons for them to cast one. I don't know. Not feeling them so much, and I usually root for Asian teams.
  16. Hi. We're dating professional wrestlers. Lori & Bolo 2.0, anyone?
  17. Hi. We're food scientists who mainly work with candy, as well as other desserts. They look like real sweeties. No pun intended. Heh. Could go a fair distance if they play their cards right.
  18. Hi. We're married surfers. One of them is also the first one-armed racer, so this should be interesting, seeing how far they manage to get.
  19. I'm watching the series all the way through with my boyfriend on DVD, and I told him the same thing. But it apparently didn't bother him. She was new, and the show was trying to let people get to know her and establish her relationships with the rest of the crew. Plus, she came on around the time the Borg were becoming the prominent villains, and she was the tie to them. So it made sense. I think season four was largely about Seven shedding her Borg-ness and integrating more with the crew. Probably part of season five, as well. At least Jeri Ryan played the part well. And at least they returned the balance in season six.
  20. Did this season have the two murdering sisters who were pretty much largely outed because one's pathetically glaring dependence on staying with the other led her to confess the whole thing? I remember all the screaming she did to stay with her, only to not even get that.
  21. Funny, because the fact that Paige uses her words (as does J.J.) is actually why I like them together. I find J.J. and Paige refreshing, frankly, because unlike most couples, whenever they have a fight or a tiff, they actually talk things through. What a concept, huh? Reminds me of the old-school couples who did the same things.
  22. Don't get why anyone would be happy. That performance deserved an elimination, for sure. Glad Natalie & Meaghan are back on top, and I continue to be happy that Sukhi & Jinder did well again. Wonder why they didn't show Alain & Audrey and Ryan & Rob's cemetery visits?
  23. I'm a little surprised by the sudden sadness in Rex & Bob being out, especially after the expressions of the sentiments that they should've been gone four legs ago but for Jen & Shawn's forced withdrawal. For sure, I'm glad they're gone. Even though I wouldn't have been sad losing Ryan & Rob because they seem to be the only wholly uninteresting team left. Natalie & Meaghan dropped again. I hope they can improve. Also liked seeing Sukhi & Jinder seemingly continue their turnaround. The Detour was certainly challenging, and decently balanced. The Roadblock wasn't so bad, either. And the flag and coin challenge rocked. Still liking Natalie & Meaghan and Sukhi & Jinder the most, at this point.
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