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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Good God! So it turns out Kelly even flipped sooner than we saw! If this is true, Max and Shirin really must've been that bad at the game!
  2. "You and Ellie fit. Go back to her." When he said that, I liked Sonny for just a moment. Because . . . seriously, Spinelli. It's a no-brainer there. Hell, that's probably the smartest thing Sonny's ever said.
  3. Oh, she married into it? Ah. Then I can see why she was montaged now. She'd have had to be biologically tied to them to be seen in full. Interesting that you don't see Joe or Rob as very high on the list, @viajero. What brought that about?
  4. Did they sound like they were up for voting him out when Carolyn talked to them about him? I don't think I heard them make any concrete, solid plans for that.
  5. I don't remember much about that episode. Did she lie to Goren and Eames? Or to the one who ended up killing him? If the latter, then I can see why she suffered no consequences. It's lying to the cops that I'd agree about. I mentioned it a few months ago in season five's thread, but I'll say it here, too. In "The Healer," while I can see how Logan and Barek could've gotten him immunity since he could legitimately have claimed plausible deniability in all knowledge of Lydia's schemes, it's still glaring to me that Robbie didn't at least get considered for involuntary manslaughter for unknowingly aiding her in Sarah and Kristy's murders. I figured it was likely the way Logan and Barek saw him reacting as her schemes were laid out, and how disgusted with himself he looked that he'd unintentionally aided her in two murders. Like they clearly saw a guy who had absolutely no idea in any of what'd been going on. But still, involuntary manslaughter at the very least should've been on the table, even if he did end up with immunity.
  6. Sadly, Cagayan was won by a man, though there was a woman I was rooting for in it: my girl, Tasha. And as popular as All-Stars is, and even though a woman did win it, most of the strategy was still driven by one of the most overrated men in Survivor history.
  7. During the blinds, her audition was montaged, but during it, Carson's voiceover said that Bren'nae was indeed a descendent of the De'Barge family, though I'm not sure which brother is her father.
  8. Well, so far, no one else seems to have figured it out, so that's good for them. And they have Jenn's idol in case anyone does figure it out.
  9. Interesting. I wonder how Tyler's gonna take him being gone?
  10. And Carolyn had found them annoying after having been on the same tribe as they were up to that point. So I really don't think Jenn and Hali were being mean girls. Max and Shirin really were that annoying to be around.
  11. Why worry that he could flip? Because of what he did to Vince? That was the only time he's ever done that. He stayed true to his tribe the other two teams he's been to Tribal Council, voting Nina and Max out with the majority. I highly doubt he flips to the boys' club unless he gets a really huge incentive.
  12. I'd love to see Joaquin go early. Anything to keep him and Rodney from starting the bromance from hell.
  13. I'm just hoping she doesn't pull a Christy/Dolly/Sarah. If she does, the men might all gang up on her. But at least the previews seem to indicate she might not be in any immediate danger of getting the chop.
  14. I wonder if there'll even be any legitimacy in the classes anymore since they'd be taught by a pre-merge boot? Not exactly a respectable, credible source to teach the class.
  15. Max wanted to take Joe out? When they weren't even on the same tribe? When did he say that?
  16. Ugh. In a lot of ways, he and Rodney seem like a match made in heaven. Or hell. Your choice.
  17. Anyone else think that she and Jenn are the main power pair on their tribe right now?
  18. Hey! Will wasn't too useless this week! He even caught a ball in the second Reward Challenge! Fancy that! Shirin's voting comment about him makes me really glad she and Max got blindsided, though.
  19. Well, hopefully, she'll have more normal company now that Lindsey and Max have joined her.
  20. She has the respect of her tribe, and now, she's got an idol. She really could go far in this game.
  21. One thing I like about this season is that both hidden Immunity Idols that've been found so far have been found by women. It's usually men who find them, so I'm glad to see women doing so this time. First Carolyn, and now Jenn! :)
  22. I couldn't believe he didn't want to keep that poor hen for her possible eggs. Take out the rooster, Joe!
  23. Agreed. I dislike Mike less after seeing him give Kelly props for her toughness (via confessional, but still . . .) and realize what Dan and Rodney were doing to potentially alienate Sierra, but other than that, he seems to be the least bad of the Blue Collar men. That is not meant as a ringing endorsement.
  24. Kelly made a lot of more obvious moves tonight. It was good to see her not take the predictable route and lord her swing vote power over the heads of both sides like Sarah did in Cagayan. She just chose her side with not much drama or hesitation or waffling. And then, she just as smartly jumped to the other side when it was clear to her that Carolyn was as tired of Max and Shirin as Jenn, Hali, and Will were.
  25. I still like her in spite of her kookiness. But seeing her get totally blindsided by Max's vote-off was hilarious!
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