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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. I'd pretty much agree that no one is jealous of Bethenny's success with Skinnygirl. Maybe sick of the screen time she gets and the edit she gets on the show, though... So I have to wonder if that was partly what Dorinda's drunken frustrated ramble was about. Feeling as though the whole show revolved around Bethenny's business. Like, can you have a gathering without your product placements, lady? (And yeah I get that this one was obviously Skinnygirl focused--and I still would think it's rude to be making critical/jaded remarks during the trip, Ramona--but I can see the frustration just popping out, especially given that we are talking Dorinda here.) Are there any other franchises where product is shilled so consistently and frequently? Hilarious. My dad was from Westchester County and I used to explain it as "upstate." At some point I was duly corrected. ;) I changed my description to "about an hour outside of NYC" and then to "where the Clintons moved, but not as expensive of an area." My dad's side of the family--born and bred New Yorkers (New York State-ers?) going back generations* and still there--refer to going to the Bronx, or Brooklyn, or Manhattan, but all are implicitly NYC. Yes there's an aspect of Manhattan being The Big City--but it's all The City. * Please excuse the Pete Campbell-esque digression; I'm very proud of my NY roots despite the fact I've never lived there
  2. And I was pleased that they saved the visual gag for the show itself--that line has been in the ads all season, but they never showed the full Scissorhands, LOL. Also impressed that they did all that makeup for like 2 seconds of screen time. That's commitment! :) I'm still laughing about it!
  3. And this seems like common courtesy to me. Wouldn't it be kind of normal to expect (at some level) that your friends and guests--at minimum--would come and stay at your house/rental without crapping on you & what you're celebrating? It was just so depressing that B had to tell Ramona to act like a human and be polite.
  4. Thanks, it popped in my head and then I sang it the rest of the night ;)
  5. Huh, thanks. Kinda the difference between the OC and Beverly Hills. Sorta. Still kinda sounded like The Tinz thought West Palm was Shantytown...
  6. "Strange colonies of jellyfish-like creatures were found in high levels near coastal metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, New York City, and Miami..." ;)
  7. I like to mix in circles, cliques, and social coteries... but this west coast gal has no idea what the differences are. She's making it sound like the difference between Palo Alto (one of the most expensive places to live in the US) and East Palo Alto (sadly, one of the most economically challenged cities in the Bay Area). What are the differences? Heaven forfend I misspeak and confuse the two!
  8. Poor Bobby, the only kind of Tinder date Bobby's gonna get is one on that little boat that brings stuff to the beach
  9. Never again is what you swore, the time before... (The song is 27 years old! Wow...)
  10. Haha! I've been doing a Mad Men rewatch the last week, and if I recall correctly, that was an effect of the "Rejuvenator" weight loss machine Peggy Olson had to write about...
  11. You know, I thought Eeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone's the master... I don't think Peggy's fake. I feel for her and can totally get behind what you're saying. <3 However, I do think VICKI is fake and is milking this for her own sketchy, self-serving purposes. Which makes Vicki's faux stance as the Patron Saint of Cancer Casseroles all the more gross. I hope the cameras are there when Vicki arrives, casserole in hand, to babysit. I somehow feel like I'll be waiting a long time.
  12. Vicki is so transparent. "I like nice people" = "I like people who have dozens of expensive cars, a giant house, and no clue about my cancer-scamming ways."
  13. Just watched the virgin episode. That dude is a douche. So you want to get back together with the girl, who's still a virgin, who you cheated on, and you attempt to impress her re: your awesome listening skills by complaining about her plate scraping, and later try to force her to give you a HJ when by some miracle she actually agreed to share a bed with you? And your charming dialogue about "putting stuff in there" (or whatever)? Wow, I'm so impressed. I'm shocked she didn't accept the proposal! ...Kidding! Run, Minnesotan Emma Stone! Run! I love the dialogue from the subsequent episode: "I'm SUNNY, DOOD!" "More like cloudy." I don't think I can make it through the episode though...
  14. I actually didn't mind either Amy or Matthew this episode. I really thought Rusty would be going home. Everything about his presentations was obnoxious to me. I hate being YELLED AT... I guess it's supposed to get you pumped? It just puts me off.
  15. Also loved B's red swimsuit. Super flattering.
  16. Not to mention that their Internet connection is probably far from awesome. That can add extra time too!
  17. The iPad is simply an example of Bugs not being as professional as she claims to be (gossip, while commonplace, is not professional or becoming of a "leader" IMO). I personally would not feel comfortable hiring someone who constantly bitches to and about her coworkers in an effort to prove how she should have her superior's position. I personally haven't seen anything about Bugs that blows me away, professionally, so I'm left with my impression that she's a whiner who won't be happy until things are perfectly her way. At this point she's totally Bitch Eating Crackers towards Hannah ("Look at her GETTING ALONG with Adam! How dare she!").
  18. I understand being frustrated and disgruntled but that doesn't excuse her from that iPad stuff. And at a certain point, with a bad manager, you either have to find a new job or learn to deal with it. I doubt Bugs would cut out in the middle of a charter season, but she is STILL whining at every turn, so she'd probably do well to keep quiet and keep her nose to the grindstone and get through the season. Future employers will now see this and think she's nothing but (or not much more than) an insubordinate whiner. True leaders don't whine about coworkers all the time, especially TO coworkers DURING work. besides, why complain that your manager had a BETTER relationship with someone she'd been antagonistic towards?
  19. In that case, perhaps she's more Alsace-Lorraine? Going back and forth between two big "powers". :D (I agree with the other poster who wrote that the OP was joking that Lauren is the exact opposite of neutral)
  20. Well Bugs sure does know how to complain about everything, now doesn't she? For all I could say about her, I would never take Hannah as someone who shirked her responsibilities. And yes, it is totally possible for her to be super busy doing things you don't see, Other Person Whose Name Escapes Me At The Moment. Speaking of shirking responsibility, Malia sure knows how to pretend she has no agency in a situation, doesn't she? I hate the false equivalency on these shows, that "I'm being HONEST" absolves you of any responsibility in the outcome of a situation. Jax and Britney. Oh boy.
  21. She actually said something like, "Is it ok if I start eating?" while the women were debating something. Cracked me up. Hey, a show about that couldn't be any worse than RelationShep. Or RHOD. Or Shahs. Or SC Savannah. Or... er... many Bravo shows...
  22. LOL! (Honest, Bethenny, I literally LOL'ed!) I had a Husky and she routinely did stuff like this. I admit I keep watching this. Maybe not as much as Bambi and the potato, but enough ;) The wow was pretty tacky, though some of rest of the stuff he said wasn't all that bad. That said Shannon needs to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT to everyone. And stop speaking about herself in such negative terms. And I wish Tamra hadn't spoken about Shannon's weight gain as though she were going to keel over on the spot as though she was on "My 600 Lb Life." It's not healthy but at the same time, that was bordering on catastrophizing, which is the last thing Shannon needs. Anyway, I agree about Peggy's husband. That was such a kind statement and it seemed sincere. Compared to so many of the RH husbands, who are pretty douchey. They remind me a little of Joyce and Mr Joyce from RHOBH.
  23. This makes sense because she is BANANAS!!!! [insert Minion GIF]
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