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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. The actors looked so different, I was really wondering if that hinted at distorted memory. Oddly enough I also thought that the husband’s response was also imagined— he seemed so “shrug” about it. I guess I have to go back to rewatch to see if that still makes sense.
  2. Loved Episode 4—a very well constructed story. However, it felt like the Romanov/Romanoff angle was a little more forced here. In the scene at lunch, I noticed that the daughter gave off some Betty Draper vibes—once they described her outlook on life, that made some sense. I caught another little Easter egg this week—the Jeopardy! question we overhear refers to the Hoover Institution... which happens to house the archives of—ta dah!—the Romanovs. I took a class in the archives one summer and got to see some of the items. One of them was a diary. The class all gasped when we opened the diary and a pressed leaf fluttered out. Seeing something so fragile and personal, while knowing the brutal end, was so poignant.
  3. I’m not sure how much I’d enjoy this show without LVP. I can’t stand Lisar; I don’t want to watch Erika smug her way through the season; Kyle frustrates me; and I like Teddi, but she isn’t enough to carry the show for me. Again, I don’t think LVP is perfect, but she’s the one character I’ve actually enjoyed watching through the seasons. And maybe that’s why I like watching her... she feels like a character rather than someone I would take all that seriously. A season of listening to the rest of the cast complaining about her DEFINITELY sounds tough to get through.
  4. You can also copy the link for the tweet—from the URL in your browser or from the share option in the app. Then just paste it in and it converts to an embed here.
  5. Let me just say that—though Rhylee can be a pain—I love that Captain Lee called it like he saw it and identified Chandler as part of the problem. Chandler talks about Rhylee’s attitude, but his needs a massive adjustment as well. I mean, considering that we’ve had the likes of Trevor Senior Deckhand and that kid who took the pictures of himself with guests—along with Dean and a few other miscreants who were tossed off early—at least Rhylee works.
  6. Rewatching... If we’ve been seeing “fun Gina” this whole time, I’d hate to see “annoying Gina” or “obnoxious Gina.” Either that or she has a different definition of “fun.” Nada tostada. LOL
  7. Geez, could they have at least titled the article differently?!? I’ve seen the ep, so I wasn’t spoiled, but for people who haven’t... Thanks for putting it in the spoiler tags :)
  8. In other news, Vicki knows the word “volatile” and can use it correctly in a sentence. And here we go again... “Happy to Divorce” Gina gripes about what Shannon has. ?
  9. Vicki is a Medium the way that Brooks had cancer.
  10. STOP SCREAMING FOR ONCE!!!! —Tamra, screeching ?
  11. I’m watching and I’ll probably stick out the season. So far episode 1 was my favorite. Much like Mad Men, most of the characters were awful, but it was a compelling story. Ep 2 was nightmarish (moreso than ep 3, for me)—quite possibly because it was more “real.” My favorite part was when the wife drove off and Cake’s version of “I Will Survive” played us off to the end. Episode 3 was all kinds of weird. I “liked” it better than Ep 2 but I’m not usually that into the horror-ish stuff. Thankfully this was closer to Alfred Hitchcock (Under Capricorn and maybe Rebecca and Marnie) than Wes Craven, but still. I do love that all of these are so cinematic—the budget must be crazy. And as always, the use of music is a high note (pun slightly intended). There is overall a touch of Hitchcock to these, and I’m here for that. I could do without Weiner’s obsession with adultery. Waiting for the thread (aside from the obvious) that will tie all these people together. John Slattery HAS to return—I can’t see him limited to that minutes-long appearance on episode 2.
  12. A post by @SweetieDarling in this week’s episode thread about giving all newbies a second season got me thinking about the RH one-and-dones I would have liked to have seen return/didn’t mind as well as those I knew I wanted to jettison out the gate. For example: I loved Joyce on BH and definitely think she should have returned. I would have loved more Jules on RHONY but I realize it may not have been good for her mental health. Even OC Lizzie I could have dealt with. On ATL: I love Kim Fields (...Tootie.) but she was not a great fit on the show. I kinda wanted her off for her own sake. Here’s a controversial one: I think a second season of Peggy might have been entertaining.
  13. I’ll take this to small talk, but your post had me thinking about the one-and-dones I wanted off versus those I liked and/or wouldn’t have minded on a second season. I figured Kelly would get another season and was resigned to it, but some of the others... This season, I wouldn’t mind seeing Emily again even though I’m not that enthusiastic about her (and I kinda wish Shannon would befriend her), whereas Gina can’t get off my screen soon enough with her goopy conscious uncoupling and her... I don’t know what else.
  14. Geez. That was obnoxious. Tear the label off the hot sauce label... don’t want them getting any inadvertent FREE advertising! The funny thing is, the other day I saw a big box of that Core water in the cafe where I work. Part of me wants to try it and part of me wants NOT to try it just out of spite.
  15. I wouldn’t be all that crazy about it either! My dry itchy skin in dark water, no bueno. Tamra had a touch of both Regina George and her mom this episode. A mean girl but also trying so hard to get in with the “young” crew.
  16. This is already one of my favorite settings for a RH vacation! If I had to go with Tamra, you’d need to pay me... But otherwise the people seem so great!
  17. I don’t need Gina’s theories about why marriages work and why they don’t. Hey Vicki and Shannon, I wouldn’t believe that Tamra was just innocently having a giggle and funsies with her gal pals, either.
  18. Is Emily that much younger than anyone else that she can make cracks about the early bird special?
  19. Saw those butlers and thought... Hey I have a great idea! Vicki gets into a golf cart accident without Coto Car Insurance and is assigned to be Tamra’s butler!
  20. Conveniently, “Hoor Me” looks similar to “Poor Me”...
  21. I’ll start by saying I think that the color looks great on her. The downside of all this is that she *owns a clothing store* and, on top of dressing better just for the sake of looking better, she could be a great “model” for those of us built more like her... and in turn drive more people to her business. As it stands she’s not that great of an advertisement for her business, at least in that sense.
  22. No way! I read about this guy the other night and would never have thought to make the connection. (But calling him a “star” of VPR is a stretch—the other article I read didn’t mention VPR at all...)
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