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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. JWOWW’s next career should be ditchdigger because he’s proving he can just keep digging himself a deeper and deeper hole... I thought she just got in from Ice Capades! Or maybe a stint as a dancer on a cruise ship revue?
  2. Watch out if someone named Sheree wants to go into business with you! LOL I wish Reza had named his line something other than “Reza”. Other than Vanderpump Sangria (which I loooooove l) or Vanderpump Rose, I have no desire to purchase something just because it’s named after someone in reality TV. He should have gone the Skinnygirl route and just named it something cool and/or catchy. No one cares about his name when it comes to hair care; he’s not a hairdresser! Just be memorable. Vegan pea protein? Phew! I was worried that they were going to use grass-fed cow peas.
  3. Thanks to all the Meghan PI’s here who are well versed in reminding us all what the deal is with Steve!
  4. I felt so torn about that. On the one hand, I totally agree: it was a party for Eddie and it should have included *his* guests of choice; Tamra could have invited Shannon and given her the option of either attending and avoiding (as you suggest) or just politely declining. On the other—I knew Shannon would be the one invited because she’s the one on the show, and maybe having David there was too much “real” even for RHOC. Not to mention that I was more than happy to NOT see David. And who knows with this show—maybe David had already said he wouldn’t come (due to Shannon, or just filming in general), and that whole conversation was just staged. Re: Tamra’s Christianity... I don’t mean to be too harsh but really, all she has to do is look at the Bible and see that yes, even good Christians endure trials. I doubt that the people sawn in two or fed to the lions because of their religion were fake-crying as she did in that TH. I have the unfortunate feeling that her church is one of those that tells you to make a vision board (like Vicki!), slap George Clooney and a new Mercedes on there, pray, and God will dump it in your lap.
  5. Hmm, maybe it was an ep from last season, then... the description that was on my TV said it was from 2018, so I assumed it was this season. But it looks like S4 was 2018 as well. Sorry!
  6. Dr. Mooooooooooon! The return of Dr. Moon! Wonder if he will give Shannon’s ankle an enema.
  7. This action around the heat lamp is the best this ep has been this far. IRL I would be upset for Gina—but in the case of this episode I don’t care. Get on with the arguin’!
  8. This party has one of the weirdest collections of outfits I’ve seen in a while. When Vicki looks the most normal, you know something is wackadoo. WHY is Shannon wearing that heel?
  9. I HAVE NEVER HAD MULTIPLE PARTNERS IN MY LIFE! LOL This episode’s winner is Tamra though.
  10. Hey Lawyer Lady—it’s one thing to be “snarkastic” and another to be a douche to people who you’re meeting for he first time, who are guests in your home.
  11. Who screeches more—Tamra or Gina’s kids? Ts almost a draw. Seriously though, this dinner reminds me of dinner time at the house of a friend with kids. I don’t need to see this on my TV. What’s next, Gina takes overtired kids to Target? In other news, I actually liked Tams’ T-shirt.
  12. Watching the donut episode and—I know they’re kids—but it was odd that some of these kids seemed to (slightly) sabotage their own partners with the texture twist. I mean, if your partner was making key lime, wouldn’t you give them the graham crackers because that’s ACTUALLY what goes with key lime, and accept the pretzel because you can get a good crunch and flavor it the way you want? And if your partner was making some sort of chocolate thing (ETA actually a cookies and cream donut!) wouldn’t you trade for the fruity topping for the chocolate cookies because YOUR donut was fruity and not make some sort of convoluted strawberry-chocolate-coconut connection? Anyway, this season isn’t making me smile the way previous ones have. And many of the kids are just plain not-good, let alone best kids in the country. I don’t want to be TOO hard on them, but it’s just losing its luster.
  13. I’m a half hour in to this shindig and I’m already yawning. Recipe for a Skinnygirl(TM) Reunion: 1 part cacophonous cackling 1 part retread arguments about resumes 1/2 part boooooooyyyyahhhhh Splash of Ramona Googly Eyes Serve over ice that’s so exhausted it’s turned back into water
  14. This is what I was thinking as well. I have friends who are personal trainers and for the most part I’d really rather not have them be my own trainer. Shannon may just want someone “objective.” Also isn’t Cut Fitness sort of CrossFit like? That seems kind of intimidating, especially if you’re not in great shape (I know a lot of people love it, but I’m guessing that Shannon—who hated a Peloton bike—is not one of them).
  15. For a brief moment, the TM became the TMI...
  16. I like the idea of having Dale on... She’s more in line with the rest of the cast. She and Ramona could really be... something together. Thanks for the Fudgie memories. If John is Fudgie... is Dorinda Cookie Puss? ?
  17. Look who’s trying to shoehorn herself into the series... https://people.com/tv/tori-spelling-hires-teddi-mellencamp-accountability-coach (I saw this mentioned in the Speculation thread too, but thought I’d put it here as well.) I have zero desire to see any of Tori’s “journey”. And OF COURSE she’d choose Teddi as a life coach.
  18. I like her, too. I want her back, and maybe they can replace Carole with someone in Tinsley’s extended circle. But does she have a career now? I kid, I kid. ;) Aww, Fudgie! We used to have a Carvel in my neck of the woods but I just googled and now it’s gone. So no Fudgie for me. But it reminds me of my family in NY. Comparing John to Fudgie almost seems sacreligious. But very NY appropriate at the same time. LOL
  19. Whether or not B MEANT to be nasty with the “no career, no children” comment, it’s totally tone deaf. The way she talked about C’s notable career like “well, what have you done lately” makes it sound like whatever C has done in the past is eclipsed by B’s current success simply because it’s current; not just a statement about Carole’s current work situation, but one about her worth, purpose, and drive. And while ostensibly you could say that the “no kids” thing was simply a factual statement, it’s an incredibly loaded one. There are various reasons why women don’t have kids—some of which can bring up deep hurts. I may have said this before (possibly in relation to the costume-party jab about Carole playing a widow who’s into politics) but a statement like that reminds me of what Tai said to Cher in Clueless, when they had their spat: “You’re a virgin who can’t drive.” Was it true? Yeah. But was it intended as a remark that could cut where it hurts? Also yes. Personally I don’t put it past B to have a remark like that sharpened and at the ready. But clearly mileage varies there. This was one of the funniest aspects of this episode to me. Hashtag Lawyers and “Friends.” I also loved Ramona’s crazy eyes during one of the clip segments. Too bad they were insets and probably too small to make GIFs of.
  20. Awww, Colin. What’s a normal guy like you doing on a ship like this? He looks a little too much like a former manager for me to be attracted to him (it’s just a thing I have—he’s plenty cute). But that aside, he’s a catch. Better than JWOWW, that’s for sure. I doubt Conrad will poop where he eats again. Meanwhie, Casey, why are you striving for the booby prize? It makes you look really bad, on top of it all.
  21. Me too, Shannon... I mean, walnutqueen! This was both an annoying and boring episode. (Bore-noying?) Commenting and reading here keeps me attached. Otherwise I don’t need to watch Tamra screeching, Vicki pretending to be innocent, endless screeching about misunderstandings, and bore-noying toddlers. I did like the segment with Kelly and Jolie. It did actually seem genuine.
  22. That was sad. And they kept zooming in on the drinks. I generally like Eddie. Sorry to see that he’s not taking every step he can to manage his health. I get being averse to meds, but this is such a serious situation.
  23. Sorry, Shane. Other than being a jerk, I guess he isn’t that memorable.
  24. Well, THAT all escalated quickly. I see that we are back into Shrieking Harpy Tamraland, and next we’ll be back to Hollerin’ Kelly. I don’t know if I can take this.
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