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Everything posted by howmanywords

  1. This "memorable year" theme is something they've been doing like the last 6 seasons or so and I've more often than not ended up loving it. We've gotten some really amazing dances (JR & Karina's tearjerker Rumba and Meryl & Mak's Foxtrot just as an example) Even though some of the stories that go with the dances are sometimes overly sappy we got the fun bits of nostalgia like Elizabeth Berkley dancing to I'm So Excited because she chose for her year that infamous "I'm so excited, I'm so scared!" Saved By the Bell episode. This year it seems we're getting at least some fun numbers (THE CARLTON! Tommy dancing to Elvis!) though as noted above I'm curious to see how a Samba to Milkshake will play out.
  2. Antonio was a actually in the music video for that song he's dancing to so I guess he considers that year his most memorable? I cant remember if that was the same year he landed his breakout role on General Hospital.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i9Mba9keHA For some reason I can't see the song working all that well for Samba.
  3. I'm not really worried about where they will go from here, I'm sure they have many great dances they could deliver amazingly well. and besides after he came out so strong with the Jive (one of the hardest dances) in week 1 I think he ended up with too much pressure early on. I'm more worried about them living up to the hype that has been set up for this coming week. Since Alfonso was announced as a contestant people have been screaming CARLTON DANCE"! Even the official DWTS Twitter and Instagram are letting people know that they are doing this next week and he and Witney sure sound excited about it. I feel like if its nothing short of perfect it will feel like a letdown. Witney also has to be careful when choreographing that that they do give a lot of jazz content and not just focus on The Carlton. BTW since this is Memorable Year week I think that's why they went with this so early on. I figure they were probably hoping to wait a little while to bust out the huge nostalgia factor but this seems like the right week for it given the theme. After the show last week they when they were interviewed and it first came out this was the song/dance they chose for this week Witney made a point of saying "but we're saving the actual Carlton dance for a later time". Now they are making it clear thats exactly what they're doing. I wonder if they decided to go with it just in case they by some bizarre chance theyre may not be a later time.
  4. YES exactly. When I comment on the clothes North is wearing its not because I think little girls should be in pink ruffles, its about how a baby should be dressed for comfort. My idea of comfort for a 1 year old sure isnt bulky boots and tight leather leggings. However if we are going to talk about the appearance of the clothes I think a baby wearing a sheer lace dressis outrageous. Does anyone think this is a normal look for a BABY? Kim clearly wants her to be her "mini me" but I dont even think Kim realizes how trashy she dresses
  5. There's been a few recent disaster outfits where it looked like she wasnt wearing a bra. I dont think she cares if her boobs sag as long as they are on display.
  6. Alfonso tweeted confirmation about the spoiler for next week hee. Can't wait! And Witney posted a picture of rehearsal and she's wearing a Carlton shirt. Too funny. BTW for anyone who has ever doubted Alfonso's fanbase, woah. He had to to defend Witney on social media because she got attacked pretty hard for the crack about carrying his fat ass around. I figured they had the kind of relationship where she can say things like that and he wouldnt really get offended but yeah wow she got slammed. I'm glad he defended her and encouraged his fans to not hate on her.
  7. I think its way too early to predict who is making the finals. Think back to week 1 - did anyone think Tommy, Michael and Betsy would outlast Randy? I think if anything has been proven is that everything is very unpredictable as the weeks go by. I also think Alfonso is held to a higher standard because he came out so strong early on. Getting perfect scores this early on could be a curse more than a blessing IMO.
  8. Seriously WTF? All 8's? I thought he was underscored tonight but once again I thought the song didnt really work for the dance..anyway barring any last minute changes..Next week is Memorable Year . !!!!
  9. That poor baby probably just wants to crawl into her crib in comfy clothes and take a nap as opposed to being dragged all around and treated like a human prop. I follow Kelly Clarkson who gave birth to her daughter a few months ago and she only posts pics once in a while and anytime she does posts pics, like she posted today her little girl is wearing fun, vibrant colors and clothes that look appropriate for a baby with her little legs looking like they can actually move around and breathe. And here's North with her clunky boots and freaking black lace.
  10. I actually think the leather skirt is very cute, but my problem is the whole outfit. Maybe a baby wearing a shirt with a skull rubs me the wrong and then combined with the leather leggings AND the skirt. And everytime I see those clunky boots I keep wishing that poor kid had comfy shoes on.
  11. Keith and Nicole are a bad example of celebrities who keep their kids away from the paparazzi because they're always photographed with them strolling through airports, out in the park, etc. They were even photographed by them at Nicole's fathers funeral just last week. Blue Ivy isnt blurred out by the photo agencies either. Some celebs like Jennifer Garner and Halle Berry are simply more passionate about it that others and go the extra mile to protect their children.
  12. I cant stand Kim and her whole trashy family, but this nutjob doesnt have the right to physically attack ANYONE. Just because Kim is a famewhore who isnt a star on the same level as Brad Pitt or Bradley Cooper, etc doesnt mean she deserves to get attacked. This guy could end up seriously hurting someone one day and I'm going to keep wondering why he hasnt been permanently thrown in jail. The thing that's truly scary about him is he's been asked why he does this stuff and he'll just say things like "I'm normal, there's nothing wrong with me". His latest remark about the Kim incident is "I hope she's not mad at me". The guy is a certified lunatic.
  13. A leather skirt AND leather pants http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2768498/North-West-steals-attention-leather-trousers-Yeezus-tour-joins-Kim-Kanye-Balenciaga-Paris-show.html
  14. I was thinking the same thing. Chris Brown had to clean up dog shit, wash windows and pull dead weeds, Lindsey Lohan had to do her service in a morgue, this jackass gets to teach? Huh?
  15. Oh my gosh YES. I still get choked up thinking about that. IIRC he and Karina were both in tears by the end of it. I loved Lea last night even though I think she was overscored. I tend to think they overscored her because she isnt pulling in the votes but they put her at the beginning of the line-up again. Alfonso danced better than most of them (I totally got what Julianne meant about the "Alfonso groove") but that song was all wrong for the samba.
  16. Yep back when all the divorce rumors started ages ago I remember several articles saying there was no pre-nup and that Bruce is actually worth more than Kris, and that he was still entitled to half of whatever she has. The divorce actually happening isnt any more shocking to me than nudes of Kim leaking.
  17. Curtis Stone has made several appearances on that show The Best Thing I Ever Ate and IIRC he competed on Iron Chef America once so he's been on FN's radar for quite some time now. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him getting his own show. He's more likable than some of the personalities being crammed down our throats. The first episode of Gibson's show is up on the FN site. He's got a great personality and I liked how he interacted with the farmer he spoke with but he made a smoothie that seemed really very simple. Like last years I dont expect these web series to get much traction but I'm sure its thrilling for him.
  18. Very happy with the results! That was a great final camera challenge from all of them (well except Finn who I still didnt understand) but Gibson was awesome and his food looked yummy.
  19. I mainly know Megan from the movie Think Like a Man. Kim must be pissed that more nudes of people other than herself came out today. All the attention is on Rihanna today and Gabrielle Union who is royally pissed and prepared to go to the FBI. To be honest Rihanna is another one I have zero sympathy for. I've lost track of how many times she flashes her boobs and dresses to shock people.
  20. Maybe if Justin wasn't such a snotty brat who thought he could dictate and request his perfect show that FN deemed too costly, that he was above what FN wanted to give him he would have a regular show and a regular paying job on the network and he could pay for whatever his his crappy hipster restaurant needs.
  21. To be perfectly honest I think Carnie was so offended by Marc calling her a lunatic because something is really mentally wrong with her. Its easy enough to toss around that word in a joking way but for someone who really does have a psychological issues its a pretty harsh insult that can be taken pretty personally. If you know anything about Carnie's father and his severe mental issues I wouldnt be shocked if its in her genes. My experience watching Carnie goes way back to the Wilson Phillip days. I can remember watching interviews with all 3 of them on MTV back when they were at the height of their popularity and she ALWAYS seemed unbalanced especially compared to how calm the other girls were. Then when she had her talk show back in the 90's thats when I really thought something was wrong with her. Extremely, extremely over the top and annoying? Beyond! But what struck me was how she would go from laughing hysterically to sobbing over some little thing in a matter of minutes. She was always very extreme in her reactions to things. Then when she appeared on Rachael vs. Guy I felt like she TRIED to maybe tone things down but by the end it was the same all over again. The last time she was on Chopped before this last appearance she literally looked like she was punched in the gut because she was chopped. Something is really, really off with her. Don't even get me started on this charity she's playing for. Just all kinds of WTF.
  22. When this nude photo leak first got started with Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and others I remember an article that said the hacker had a boatload nudes of other female celebs that he was holding and would eventually leak and Kim's name was mentioned back then so yeah I do believe she was legitimately hacked. Vanessa Hudgens also had nudes leaked today Even though she's taking the photos with her Blackberry its entirely possible to still get hacked via iCloud..All it would take is for her to transfer them to her iPhone. Kim has an iPhone as well as the BB and Kanye has an ipad and iPhone so...However the whole thing is laughable because while the other females who had nudes leaked likely are pretty embarrassed this is Kim we're talking about who was put on the map by a freaking porn video, posed completely topless for magazines, wears see thru pants and walks around with her tits hanging out. Are people supposed to feel sorry for her or even funnier, shocked?
  23. If she does end up modeling for VS thats exactly what I think it will be for, their youth oriented "Pink" line. Adults wear it too but its definitely not something you would have to be very large chested for. While they do have bras and panties they have really cute hoodies, leggings, tee shirts, etc.
  24. Gross. As long as he shelled out a lot of money to get the whole bottom row of his teeth replaced with diamonds maybe he can buy himself a new chest and stomach? I think I'll just take a minute to laugh that Kim has to deal with this controlling idiot with a flabby stomach when she use to have this..talk about a downgrade.
  25. There's actually another clip of the Alfonso/DJ Jazzy Jeff/Graham Norton Show on YouTube that has well over 25 million views..between that and how absolutely bonkers the crowd went it just convinces me further that the nostalgia factor could be a VERY strong factor on DWTS.
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