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Everything posted by howmanywords

  1. Ah thanks for the heads up! That was good stuff. I cracked up when they said his chicken feet tasted like rhubarb pie and Rodney said he cant help it because pie is in his blood ha. I need to find his Throwdown episode so I can watch Bobby Flay beat him.
  2. This pic has to be THE cutest thing! I'm still smiling since seeing it yesterday..Alfonso's little boy brought Witney cupcakes and balloons to rehearsal.
  3. I find it bizarre that Justin is included in this "superstar" competition. Its great that the chefs are playing for charity and obviously the successful ones dont need the money but considering Justin was just pleading for money on Twitter/ starting a Kickstarter to raise money to go towards work his restaurant needs he may want to consider going on any of the competition shows where he can actually win money for himself.
  4. I know nothing about Janel's now ex boyfriend so I dont really know why he chose to post publicly about the break-up. In a time where everything is plastered all over social media it could be something harmless or perhaps he just wasnt thinking if he's upset or.. Maybe that's exactly why he posted what he did. Janel's ex comes out smelling like a rose since he had no harsh words at all, but it does make you wonder if he knew an awful lot of hate would fly Val's way especially with all the talk going on.
  5. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/10/north-west-kim-kardashian-kanye-west-spoiled-50k-earrings/ I rolled my eyes so hard reading this. I doubt a 16 month "expects" luxury accommodations. Pretty sure she would settle for a comfy crib and not jetsetting all over the place with paparazzi flashing cameras in her eyes. And if this child truly has her "own" penthouse these two are bigger jackasses than I thought. Why would they not keep her in their own most likely huge room? Is it so her team of nannies also have a luxury suite?
  6. Holy crap I just googled more pictures of this guy. WOAH! Clone is right.
  7. So apparently next week Alfonso has Salsa and the song is JLo and Pitbull's "'Booty" ha. I totally called the song when I saw the pic that was posted to the official DWTS Instagram account yesterday of the rehearsal. This should be interesting!
  8. That clip of Alfonso in the Tap Dance Kid is exactly why I'm dying to see a Tap freestyle, and I think Witney could choreograph something pretty amazing too. I dont think we've even seen half of what he can do.
  9. I thought it was interesting they didnt hide the fact that Alfonso caused a huge stir last week since they made it known on air that his dance garnered 11 million views. So yeah I think they love any kind of buzz regardless who they can get it from and they'll boast about it. And Alfonso gave them some much needed buzz. To be honest I dont think there's this big conspiracy to try and let Derek win again. Mainly because I think it looks bad if he just keeps winning over and over. If he does win I chalk it up to Derek himself always being as good as he is and having a partner with a quite rabid fanbase. Janel seems more pimped than any of them because I think if anything the show has been wanting Val to win for a while now. .
  10. It bothered me a couple of weeks ago but they did give him 10's last week so its not as if its something they are doing it every week. Tonight though the judges are NUTS. Its not just Alfonso too though..they're just really bitchy and harsh tonight. I mean they're even busting out the 5 paddles! Crazy.
  11. She just gets more and more trashy. If she keeps going bra'less by the time she's 40 her boobs are going to be sagging down to the ground.
  12. I actually think some of the outfits pictured are OKAY. Some are still pretty bad but I thought overall some of the outfits showed she dressed slightly better for her body type and her boobs weren't on full display all the time. Even the shoes she wore back then were better for her type of figure. Now all she does is insist on wearing these strappy shoes that actually make her legs look shorter. Some of the shoes in those pics are gorgeous. Most glaring though is obviously her face. Good lord! Is she still going to deny plastic surgery? Her whole face is completely different.
  13. Aarti annoys the hell out of me. It really bugs me that not only does she keep popping up on these competition shows but she's winning ugh. Ditto for the hope she goes out early in the championship round.
  14. At first I couldnt remember a thing about Flamenco, but oh wow! I just watched Kellie Pickler and Derek's and YES you are correct there is indeed a tap element to it. This should be GREAT and I'm so curious to see how Cheryl will choreograph it. Cheryl is really terrific when she has a great partner.
  15. Yes but it was the nostalgia factor that prompted all those places to promote it like that in the first place. There wasn't any mention of other dances this week or any other week all over talk shows because it wasnt simply a matter of it being a good dance. I can't remember the last time any dance caused that. I predicted weeks ago once Alfonso busted out "The Carlton" people were gonna lose their shit because I remember how the Fresh Prince reunion on the Graham Norton show was huge and went viral. The whole Carlton thing was bigger than I think many realized.
  16. The YouTube of Alfonso and Witney's Jazz is now over 2 million views, in under 3 days. No DWTS dance has ever, ever gotten views like that. The only ones that have got that kind of viewing, or a million views or surpassed that are dances that have been on YT for 3-5 years. TPTB have to be thrilled it got that kind of response. Never underestimate the power of nostalgia!
  17. Either the show weeded out spam on Twitter (the Lea/Derek pairing did seem almost spam if you look at Twitter) or they just decided on whatever the hell they wanted to do. And Witney with Michael? That height difference alone is going to be awkward. I expect Antonio & Allison to be a potential trainwreck.
  18. I said this a few weeks back but I think if Kendall is seriously being considered for VS I can easily see it being for their Pink line.They do have angels for that line and the whole line is geared towards teens. While there are the typical VS bra/panties they also have hoodies, sweatpants,shorts, etc. And even when you do see the Pink lingerie the models aren't all that huge in the chest area.
  19. Wow those numbers really are huge for Sadie. Especially when you look at the other videos, even the more popular ones from that last few weeks and what they average. The only one thats up there is Bethany and Derek's Jive from 3 weeks ago at 739,000. That Carlton/Jazz video is being posted EVERYWHERE so I'm not shocked at the insane numbers. Even CNN showed earlier tonight!
  20. Earlier I had read a recap from reality TV blogger who goes to DWTS tapings often and he said that he never heard the audience erupt the way they did after The Carlton (he noted that in the studio it was insane and even louder than on TV), now I'm reading Carrie Ann Inaba's blog about the show and she too said it was the loudest crowd reaction she's ever heard in all 19 seasons. Pretty amazing. I noticed MTV started airing Fresh Prince reruns this week. I know channels like Nick at Night have been airing them for some time and through those re-runs even young people have come to love the show but with MTV now it will span to even more people.
  21. Twitter and Facebook have been lighting up since last night with tons of comments and the video of the dance posted over and over (Alfonso was trending on Facebook all last night until this morning). This guy brought a lot of joy to people last night! Like GMA tweeted, "time stood still and I felt young again". And what's really cool about how Alfonso emphasized he wanted to do the dance for the fans, its such a stark contrast to Jaleel White who refused to do The Urkel because he didnt want to geek out and be a gimmick. Witney's choreography showed that something that could easily be seen as a gimmick can be done the right way. Watching it again I love how much fun the pros and the other contestants are having afterwards. And yes that dance is HARD! Amazing that all these years later Alfonso can do it so flawlessly without missing a step.
  22. I was actually looking at Twitter a little while ago to see how the switch-up voting is going and by far the biggest votes seems to be Bethany & Mark and Lea & Derek. The most common vote I saw for Alfonso is Cheryl. I did see a lot of Sadie and Val votes so its a possibility.
  23. Wow just wow..I said yesterday my fear was that there wouldnt be enough Jazz content if the focus was going to be on The Carlton but they NAILED it. Just incredible. I was watching that with such a huge smile on my face and Alfonso just looks so effortless when he moves. I needed that after so many sad stories. Did anyone else catch Jonathan's pissed off face after the dance? It went by fast but I thought at quick glance he looked annoyed. Huge props to Mark as well for his choreography. He too did a great, great job of incorporating Sadie's story with the Samba.
  24. I mentioned this in the Alfonso thread but I'll bring it here as well..last week after the result show she said what they were dancing to but said they weren't going to do the Carlton, that they would save that for a later time. But now her and Alfonso are making it very clear they ARE doing The Carlton, the two of them have been excitingly tweeting about it every day and the DWTS Twitter/Instagram have been pushing it as well. I guess at some point shortly after that interview they changed their minds. Alfonso's first tweet about it and the way he said "its now official that we are doing The Carlton" made me wonder if they were going back and forth about it. I had said in the other thread that with them saying so much that they're doing THE CARLTON and not even emphasizing Jazz that I just hope Witney did put in enough Jazz content when she choreographed the dance, because I can see the judges complaining about that.
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