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Everything posted by howmanywords

  1. You know what I find really sickening about the new pictures? Even when she did Playboy there was one thing she wouldnt show. Now even thats up for grabs. Stay classy Kim! And yes I stand by my belief that she's a famewhoring pig and I feel bad for her child and the crap she'll look back on.
  2. A few years back I encountered Alton in NYC. At the time I worked a few blocks from Chelsea Market so I often saw a lot of FN personalities if I passed on my lunch break or on my way home. Some I met, some I just gave a glance to. One day I saw Alton and before I thought to approach him I saw a young guy go up to him and just wanted to shake his hand and tell him he was a big fan. I can't explain his demeanor. He just seemed..cold? Distant? It was weird and he was hard to read.
  3. Look back at any picture of Kylie from a year ago and its apparent she had a shit load of work done. Yes she's using a lot of liner on her lips but her lips were SUPER thin. No amount of liner is going to give that much fullness, and that picture posted above shows her lips are larger even without the lipstick/liner. No amount of makeup will change the shape of your eyes either and open them up so visibly. You can see the skin above her eyes actually being pulled up.
  4. Ick I just saw that cover. She just gets more and more trashy. Between the sex tape, her Playboy spread, her W magazine and GQ nude spreads and now this poor North West will have so many things to be proud of growing up. The funny thing is I was reading an interview with Snooki/Nicole Polizzi a few months ago where she talked about how as soon as she became pregnant it forced her to grow up and realize she was going to be someones mother now. So she looked at what was important and cleaned up her trashy, drunken image for her son. Not Kim though, a leopard doesnt change its spots in her case. Kim will put being an attention whore over her child.
  5. I dont hate Janel. Hate is a strong word that I reserve for people who have hurt me or my family. However I dislike her more than the others remaining and I REALLY cant stand Val. The two of them combined annoy the crap out of me and yes I do think they are overrated, overscored and crammed down my throat. I thought they were overscored LAST week and this week. And what really ticked me off was the lack of content being pointed out and still being rewarded a 10. when others get points taken off how is it right that they get a pass? Especially when Julianne says "no content but who cares"? Seriously? And even if the flub was on Val's end they are a pair, a team..in the past mistakes have always been something the couple usually get called out on. I fully admit this showmance crap has played a huge part in me actively disliking them. It started week 1 when she told him she loved him and she started turning me off from when on Twitter week one she made one of her favorite tweets someone saying "WTF to the "Duck Dynasty" chick getting a 9" this coming off of Janel complaining about her scores week 1.
  6. Alfonso just posted this picture on his Facebook page of the Fresh Prince Reunion that happened last night! So cool. So um I dont know about anyone else but I have to admit all these weeks, that as great as Alfonso has been I've always pretty much seen Carlton. Last night though? Holy hell. Dude brought the sexy last last night with that Paso! That was just insane. Apparently Argentine Tango is happening next week so I hope we see more of that.
  7. If Bethany wins I'll be fine because it would be the result of her growing and improving every week, and having a great pro who always brings out the best in his partners. Not to mention it is well known she has a rabid fanbase. Janel however is getting her ass kissed and being handed high scores despite mistakes. When a judge says "not enough content but who cares"? I call bullshit. For others they called out on it. IMO she wont win unless they flat out rig the results. The way shes being overscored and propped up smacks of someone they want in the finals but isnt pulling in the votes.
  8. LOTS of people are already complaining about how the judges completely disregarded Janel's obvious screw up and gave her 10's anyway, yet when others make mistakes the judges point out that a point has to be deducted. I hope this constant overscoring backfires on these two in a huge way. eta: if that Alfonso/Witney/Lindsay Paso didnt get a perfect score I would have really called foul. That was unbelievable.
  9. Considering Tommy is the worst dancer left I guess anyone else going tonight will be a shock but since Lea was pretty low on the leaderboard last week I dont know if it would be considered that shocking. But ack Tommy being safe makes me nervous. And these judges as usual sound like idiots tonight. Len's comments to Alfonso sounded like they were 10 worthy so what he gave him made no sense. Dont even get me started on Carrie-Ann.
  10. Sadly racism will never go away. But in this case is the hate Kris is getting really that much about race? So many people in the Kardashian/Jenner family have dated/are dating African-Americans so why would anyone be surprised or complain about Kris dating a man of color? For me it isnt about race or age, I'm more annoyed she seems to be flaunting it (much like they ALL do with everything they do) so soon after its been announced her and Bruce are getting divorced. The constant need for attention drives me nuts. I doubt race is the issue with Kylie either who is obviously dating Tyga. I think people are more bothered by the age difference in her case since she isnt even legal yet.
  11. Yeah to this. I have no doubt Shirley knows a lot more about ballroom than Carrie Ann but in this case I highly doubt Shirley sending her negative feedback on FB has anything to do with her telling her whats right and wrong about her ballroom knowledge. It just smacks of being bias and unprofessional.
  12. Alfonso says in this article from a few weeks ago why we may not see Will in the audience. I guess I can see his logic but I hope finale time he makes an exception! The Jazz/Carlton routine is pretty close to becoming THE most watched DWTS dance of all seasons on YouTube with well over 4 million views, its only about 150,000 views from a dance from 4 years ago. Crazy!
  13. Carrie Ann said in her Parade.com blog that she got negative comments on Facebook from Mark's mom *rolls eyes. I have more respect for those, even the ones I dont like who just take criticism like an adult and learn from your mistakes.
  14. There are a bunch of post show interviews floating around and I got from them (at least the ones I watched anyway) that Sadie & Mark will dance with Emma, Peta & Tommy have for the trio Jazz and will dance with Sharna and Alfonso & Witney will dance Trio Paso Doble with Lindsey Arnold.
  15. I'm very good excited about that! Great song too with Ain't That A Kick in The Head". Witney tweeted that they were interested in ideas.
  16. Next week I believe is the Viewers Choice show and fans had to choose either Foxtrot or Argentine Tango for Alfonso/Witney so he'll have one of those depending on what won the vote.
  17. Not that I'm complaining since I'm a fan, but when was the last time Alfonso performed in the first half of the show?? He's gone last 3 times and 2nd to last 3 times. What a shock Janel and Val got immunity *rolls eyes* Lea lost some points with me for wanting to go against Tommy and actually saying so out loud.
  18. I never thought Kylie was ugly. I actually thought she was prettier than Kendall at one time. Problem is Kendall was always viewed as the prettier one by the media and then she started really taking off as a model and Kylie has taken a backseat. Then her looks really got unnecessarily trashed. Its not even so much the media but basically thinks like Twitter and Instagram that these girls are addicted to reading and people have no problem sitting behind a computer throwing around insults. The thing is she's took young to realize plastic surgery doesnt solve things and can sometimes make you look worse which I think she does now. Her lips are too big and its bizarre to me that she never even seems to smile anymore. Every damn picture she has the same frozen expressions. She just looks..empty. Back when I was in high school a friend of mine wanted to get as nosejob (she DID have a big nose but it actually worked for her and I thought she was very pretty). IIRC she was 16 around when she wanted it and her parents were refusing. They told her once she turned out 18 she could do it but not before. By the time she did turn 18 enough people encouraged her that she looked just fine and she never got it. With Kylie I doubt she has any type of support system but rather a materialistic family and a mother who has no problem letting her children go under the knife if it could help line her pockets.
  19. Here are the dances for each couple: Janel and Val – Contemporary, Romeo and Juliette Bethany and Derek – Salsa, Lucy and Ricky Riccardo Alfonso and Witney – Cha Cha Cha, Batman and Robin Lea and Artem – Jazz, Bonnie and Clyde Michael and Emma – Foxtrot, Tarzan and Jane Tommy and Peta – Paso Doble, Johnny and June Cash Sadie and Mark – Contemporary, Adam and Eve Alfonso posted this picture to his Instagram of himself practicing the zipline.
  20. Unless the money TLC is paying the kids goes directly into a trust fund for them I don't believe at all June WONT get that money since there are minors here and June would have access to it. I know she said at one time there were trust funds set up but I don't believe anything she says.
  21. I too watched Witney on SYTYCD and didn't like her at all. I did like her a tiny bit more last season even though I couldn't stand Cody..this season though I can't get over how much I adore her. Probably a combination of growing up a whole lot and having a fantastic partner. Its amazing what can happen when the show gets a pairing exactly right. She keeps saying every week on Twitter what a pleasure it is to dance along side Alfonso and she has said he's like her big brother. It seems she along with his son and his wife have really formed a close bond and a real mutual respect. Here's a picture from Jennifer Lopez' Halloween bash last night. Witney's makeup looks amazing!
  22. There seemed to be some type of theme. If you look at the pics Kourtney posted Penelope is also dressed as a skunk and others are dressed as skeletons, too.
  23. I guess they changed their costumes later? And is North "Andre"? Between this and Blue Ivy being dressed as Michael Jackson I hope these girls want to be princess' when theyre 5. http://instagram.com/p/u1lqhGOS8B/?modal=true
  24. I havent looked in a few days but the last time I looked at the official DWTS YouTube channel I thought it was interesting that Sadie seems to be garnering a lot more views on there than Bethany who is pretty much known for being a YouTube star with a ton of followers from there. In fact Sadie and Mark's Samba is the second highest viewed dance of the season so far with well over a million views (no one is touching Alfonso/Witney's Jazz/Carlton which is already looking to be THE most viewed dance of all seasons). I would have thought Bethany would have easily had the most viewed dances considering her claim to fame. It does make me wonder about the kind of votes she's pulling in.
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