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Everything posted by howmanywords

  1. Yeah Corbin Bleu, Nicole Scherzinger and even Lea Thompson I consider bigger ringers. While being trained in tap is impressive as is tap dancing on Broadway, Alfonso was what like 12 then? And he didn't have any Latin or Ballroom training as far as a I know. BTW the Jazz/Carlton on the official DWTS YT channel is well over 5.2 million views..crazy!
  2. The Carlton just wont die haha! Even Starbucks is getting in on it..
  3. She could always do what my cousin who dropped out of high school did when he was 16, he got off his ass when he was 24, worked hard to get his GED and now 6 years later has a very good job with a security company. Even with a lack of education there are options.
  4. Scalpers will always buy some tix to shows but with the way the TM site is set up now they cant really buy in bulk quantities like they use to do at one time. And if scalpers did somehow buy some large amount for DWTS they would mainly doing that knowing that its a hot item..they dont buy for shows that they know will be hard to sell. I just checked one of the major broker sites and the Beacon Theatre show I mentioned they have 22 tickets listed.
  5. Well theres the new Beats By Dre commercial that shes in, oh wait she's in it with Kendall. But WAIT! There's shilling that ugly colored hair extension line..erm, yeah now that you think about it she really isnt doing much
  6. Wow apparently ticket sales are going really well. I got 2 tickets the other day for the NY Beacon Theater and decided to check today to see if I can get 2 more for my parents. Sold out. So I checked Mohegan Sun in CT and since it said tickets not available online called and they said they said they just sold out tonight. When you look at the Ticketmaster site at all the show listings you see a lot of going right down the line either "not many left" or "no tickets right now", even the ones that say not many are sold out once you click the link to look for tickets. Did the last tour do this well? The producers have to be ecstatic.
  7. Ok I'm curious, for those who think Khloe lied about all the cooking she did, do you think she's been lying for as long as she has talked about how much she loves to cook? All the pictures on her blog of meals she cooked for Lamar, when she was seen cooking on TV when she was married..was that all a lie? I'm genuinely curiouhow far you think she would lie about something something so silly. The pictures she posted the other day didnt even look all that professionally made. There were even basic looking, simple things like muffins and brownies - and the pumpkin pie, right down to the design in the middle looked like something my grandmother use to do (she taught me ages ago to take leftover crust and cut a design out with a cookie cutter and decorate the pie). Did she make up stuff when she talks about cooking methods here? and particular recipes? There are many, many things I can fault this family for and roll my eyes at but this isnt something I think is some big lie YMMV of course. Some people actually like to cook. And the tablescape she admitted was not done by herself, she credited the person and gave his name for helping with the flowers and decor.
  8. Alfonso tweeted today a picture from the set of the new show he'll be hosting that starts airing in February
  9. I went from feeling sorry for Anna to being extremely annoyed and pissed. I have no problem with GoFund me pages for people who truly are helpless, but for someone who is old enough to be a mother and has a husband..there is NO reason why she cant go out and get a damn job. Then again after seeing this mess of the English language: WTF? Education is such an important thing in life.
  10. I just looked up a bunch of pictures of that adorable little girl and nope, she is ONLY photographed in black. Its really bizarre. Yes she looks stylish and her clothes no doubt top quality but geesh at least Kim will occasionally put Nori in a little denim skirt or something. This child wears nothing but black! I hope when this child is older and can dress herself she goes through as pink phase.
  11. Those shoes are adorable. IIRC the designer is called Charlotte Olympia. I remember when Kim posted a pic of the shoes with the note the designer sent. I agree for once she actually looks comfortable and I like her hair pulled back too. The cape is ugly but for a little girl I bet it was pretty cozy because it looks really soft.
  12. Yeah I don't know why its so hard to believe Khloe cooked herself. When she was married to Lamar she was always tweeting pics of meals she cooked for him. And yes to the disposable pan. I have tons of cookware and bakeware yet for holidays some things I just rather use stuff you can throw away especially if you don't happen to have a size you need they come in handy.
  13. One of the funniest things I heard yet was one of my friends on Facebook, her daughter is a "Motavator" and was really upset about Bethany and Derek losing and she said she couldnt understand how she could have lost. She was like "but mom Beth has millions who love her and we support her with everything!" So my friend said "yeah but she was up against Carlton, she didnt really have a chance". Cracked me up because its pretty much the truth. I thought it spoke volumes that Bethany's claim to fame is being a You Tube sensation and yet her dances on there really didnt garner a ton of views compared to what some of Alfonso and Sadie's dances got.
  14. In one of the many articles thats out there about Alfonso's win there was one with a comment from Val and I was shocked at how gracious he was. He said he admitted he was disappointed but that if he had to lose he was glad it was to someone who is such a talent and great guy. No comment from Mark, who IMO looked rather annoyed the whole evening. And the fact that he didnt even do the whole press line and went to go take a shower makes me wonder if indeed was pretty angry. Which surprises me because a) Mark has won twice and b) you would think he would feel pretty proud that Witney was one of his students.
  15. Hm how about World Series champ David Justice? David was at the finale to support Alfonso and this Twitter exchange happened yesterday: I'm on board with the idea! Hes'a adorable and extremely charming!
  16. The kind of life Kylie has most kids her age would dream of. She's rich and basically can do whatever the hell she wants without hardly any supervision, but IMO the day will come when shes older, the fame and attention dies down and possibly when she gets in a real mess she'll wish she had guidance growing up.
  17. I really liked Julie and she apparently teaches dance and business now but she is REALLY removed from anything resembling the showbiz scene. Even when you see the countless "where are they now" articles about Real World people over the years she never even lets a current picture be shown. There was one article a couple of years ago where she gave a rare, brief interview and when asked if shes shown her kids old Real World episodes she said she doesnt own a TV.
  18. Does Alfonso have that much dance experience though? I realize he was on Broadway tap dancing as a child, and he obviously never forgot how to tap but its not like he spent years learning ballroom or going to school to learn various dances. I could see why he would be considered a ringer for the stuff he did on Broadway and the Michael Jackson commercial, but yeah a dancer? I wouldnt call him a professional dancer at all. IIRC Corbin was considered dancer since he spent years studying various forms. Hell even Lea this season is more of what you would call a "dancer" considering she was studying professionally by the time she was a teen and went to several ballet schools.
  19. Oh yes to all that! I said weeks ago never underestimate how huge and strong that Fresh Prince fanbase is. People of ALL ages love that show and watch the reruns that are on multiple channels now. I think doing The Carlton put Alfonso WAY ahead of the pack and he was probably the highest vote getter by that point, then that freestyle nailed the win down. Out of all the pics that have been all over this morning, this that Alfonso Instagram'ed has to win for the best. Adorable!
  20. I too didnt like the audience hooting and hollering during the tap solo (that spotlight on him with just the tapping would have been perfection), but I'll be honest, I think if I was sitting there in that ballroom with all that adrenaline and between the apache dance and then the tap dancing I think I might have found myself spazzing a little hee. That was like with The Carlton, Carrie-Ann said in her blog that week that in all her years there she never heard the audience react like that. Someone that attended that show wrote in a review the next day it was even louder in the ballroom and they just wouldnt shut up even when the judges were trying to start talking.
  21. Alfonso announced he would be going on tour and they said Janel would be making some appearances.
  22. Of course Maks had to backtrack because even some of his fans had to tell him to show some class. The CBros have to be pissed that it took Witney only 2 seasons to win and Val is still losing after multiple seasons and ringers
  23. THANK GOD! All that working through pain paid off in the end! Earlier on Instagram Alfonso and Sadie said the sweetest things to each other and you could tell how close they really are. After seeing what they said to each other I was hoping they would be the last two standing.
  24. When my mother, who has been a huge Maks and Val fan for the last few years couldnt be bothered to vote last night because she was bored then I know its not just me who's utterly sick of Val and his showmance crap. I have no problem doing a freestyle that focuses on a dance that you know your partner excels at but how many times did we have to look at Val with his shirt off, Janel in what looks like a Victoria Secrets nighty, the two of them kissing and/or looking at each other with a longing look? So damn boring. I'm at the point I dont even find Val attractive anymore with or without his shirt off.
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