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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. Back it up, beep beep. Someone had a BOTTLE stuck in their bottom?? A glass bottle?? In their BOTTOM?!?!?!!?
  2. Kelley: the guy that wants the one he can't have. Once he has her, he doesn't want her.
  3. "How was your silkwood shower?" "Ok, yeah. Good. Good, good water pressure. Did the nurse...?" "The nurse was very thorough." "Ok, yeah, good, good." The expessions!!!
  4. I can not with that last scene. Oh, cannibalism isn't bad enough, they have to eat someone alive?!? And then y'alls jokes? Barf!! I am a wus.
  5. I can't remember the dog's name, but the story was gut-wrenching
  6. I just startec watching this. The Jesse in Montana episode has me in tears!
  7. I am always tardy to the party! What I thought, and anyone watching Masters of Sex or with any other knowledge, feel free to correct, is: wasn't there a LOT of this sort of thing going on in the 50s? Well, maybe not a lot, but weren't women seeing psychiatrists for 'hysteria' & given manual orgasms? Also, "E" was over the counter, or maybe by prescription?
  8. I'm not 100% sure what's going on. But for sure she had been crying non-stop for a day. And was probably on something to keep her even-keeled. She looked horrible, but I think it was the shock of having to PAY for her crimes + crying.
  9. Yeah, I've tried to sell this show to friends & they're like "now you're watching a show that's OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING tv???!" They don't get it :(
  10. I love this show MORE than my luggage!!! Bravo needs to film them watching the Goodices sentencing. I'd pay $$$. Or have a contest where the prize is to watch TV with the group of your choice (me: Zeno's or the Julie & Brandy). ETA: names
  11. I really don't even watch this any more, I just listen. The torture is too much & the storylines are stupid IMO.
  12. Sooo, the table flip. Did Juicy fuck Daniel, or was it simply being called stupid?
  13. Well, they were getting away from that bad winter y'all had :) I'm originally from NE FL & moved to SoFL in my early 20s, stayed there 10 years (so, this was the 80s). This was my first exposure to "Yankees" (I told you NE FL!!). My first Publix trip, some old lady ran over my heels while I was in the check out line & I turned around to graciously accept her apology & she just stared dead at me. I went home & cried & called my mama!!! Hee. It would have helped me so much to see 'reality' shows like this to prepare for that move!! Some of my best friends became (& still are) Jersey girls but man were they a separate species at first. In other news, none of these women (OR men) are as cute, or young, as they think they are IMO.
  14. You are SO right. I can't believe she isn't pregnant AGAIN already :(
  15. YES. I am unsure how to bold text within a quote, so I'm pasting it here: she has neither the compassion or intelligence to process just how serious Nicholas's condition is.
  16. Good grief! Somehow I missed Season 6, so I just sped-watched it last week. Nothing was making me laugh harder than reading the PTV column on Charlie's accent. It is horrible & getting worse!! I lol'd sometimes during his expositions. Anyway, Jimmy Smits continues to light up my life as does Charlie, but Charlie is such a marginal actor IMO. Tara, stupid. Gemma, psychopath.
  17. Yes! And I love how Brandon, in the THs, seems to struggle to keep up with Morgan!
  18. I can't figure out why her skin tone is so dark. IRL, Walton isn't that tan, so the heavy color confuses me on this show.
  19. This is incredible!! Someone stole a pinto?! From CHURCH?! Thank you for this story!! #sweetjesus
  20. Yes! I love this show. These kids went to good schools AND paid attention. Sometimes they grate (see: most of trip to China) but I love Morgan and Brandon & I think this is the level of wealth the real housewives shows were going for and missed by a long long long shot!!ETA: and they move on past their fights and are more mature than the real housewives, although I realize that isn't saying much. I wish the show was an hour long. Another thing that I find interesting is the lack of discussion who EJ's dad is. And also I would love it if they were to talk about how his family feels about him being so flamboyant! I mean, they show the sister but that's about it. The whole matching your date faux pas had me rolling on the floor!
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