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Everything posted by shirazplease

  1. I completely agree. He was doing his best to keep it together, you could see it in his (red, wet) eyes. I understand this - I do the same thing when I'm in front of people. He was in front of more people than I can imagine. Not just the future viewers, but the crew, etc... In private, I bawl like a little bitch. I have a crush on Mike Rindah.
  2. Netflix has it on DVD and I think they have it streaming too.
  3. http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/exclusive-bethenny-frankel-is-single-again-calls-it-dating-purgatory-no-man-is-going-to-complete-me/ar-AAlelTk?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=mailsignout
  4. She absolutely did. I really liked her. I fast forwarded thru most of the show, but after seeing her on TTD, I think I will re-watch.
  5. Is Tara considered "obese?"
  6. VRC is lucky to have the money for the facility they have. Most rescues are foster based, meaning the dogs live in a home of a volunteer until they are adopted out. Here, many rescues are partnered with Petco or Petsmart and several dogs will be at adoption events so potential adopters have the opportunity to meet several dogs. However that can be misleading as to behavior because the dogs are in a strange place, strange smells, people poking at them through the crate, etc...You really never know until you get a dog home and live with them for a few weeks. As to why Lizzie was so pissed off at the guy giving the dog away, it is because when you work in rescue, you see SO many lazy people whose dog does something that could be worked on and corrected - very easily in most cases - just give up on their dog and throw it in someone's yard, abandon it at the county/city shelter, shoot it, dump it in the country, etc...The anger is born out of frustration with people who have such cavalier attitudes about acquiring a dog then expecting it to be some kind of china figurine that never makes a mess or needs training etc...Plus, he just threw that poor dog over someone's fence, just passing the problem on to someone else who has to take responsibility for cleaning up that owner's mess by training the dog, spending money on vetting the dog, finding a foster home or space in the rescue for the dog while trying to find it a home, etc...HOwever, that guy was a huge dick and I'm glad VRC was able to get the dog. He reminded me a little girl pittie I lived next door to, and I loved her so much. The anger comes from the fact that adoptions only make a dent in the never ending supply of strays and abandoned dogs. They just NEVER stop coming, even with outreach programs and public education and everything else. It's lovely to see these dogs gets homes, but the majority of rescue work is sad and disheartening and really makes you hate people in general for the unimaginable things you see them do to innocent animals.
  7. I find it amusing that Americans are as unaware of SA culture as they are of their own with regards to the "fly over" states. I live in Oklahoma and the people in the "big city" think we are still driving covered wagons here. One of my best friends lives in SA, she's in her 60's, and there is not much that I mention re pop culture that she isn't already aware of. I have learned much more from her than she has from me.
  8. I'm late to this party but I just binged Season 1. The cliffs and sea and all the scenery were as vivid as any human character in the story, just took my breath away. I'm going for Season 2 this weekend. I'm so thankful Nigel didn't kill the dog.
  9. Trevor's "Papa???" slayed me. That's how i felt when I saw Jon. Sniff. I do love Trevor tho.
  10. Is Michael gay? If he is, that would explain why he hides from Vicki to this extent. I would think she'd ship him off to a "pray the gay away" camp, her being so tight with Jesus and all.
  11. I hate to say it cause I worship Stephen but yes, that's what I noticed too....Elon Musk doesn't seem like an easy interview though, for anyone. I was disappointed that he didn't ask Scarlett more substantive questions but maybe he's being cautious (or cautioned) to be way more vanilla than he was on TCR. Overall though I really think he's doing a good job - you can tell he's enjoying the hell out of it and that makes him a pleasure to watch.
  12. Tell me about it....ALL the new construction here looks like that and it's disgraceful.
  13. You obviously didn't meet me, lol. I would probably spontaneously combust if I entered a church after all these years. But the good thing about Oklahoma is, there is a liquor store across the street from every church, and that combination occurs on nearly every block in the city and the state.
  14. I live in an older more historic part of Oklahoma City just northwest of downtown and it's common for homes of this type to have basements. Not all of them do, and not all of them are watertight. We're lucky, ours is finished with a built in bar, etc...it's like some retro tiki lounge. Or could be....right now it's a glorified man cave/laundry room. Anyway, there are basements in many homes in the downtown and immediate surrounding area. In the 'burbs, they never have basements. No new construction has basements. People who can afford to custom build will have safe rooms installed if they are smart. The garage in ground shelters are very common, but there have been problems with the last few storms having so much rain, that they have been filling up and people are in danger of drowning, or if they are built where the ground gets too saturated, they have been popping up like those coffins in the pool in Poltergeist. I understand wanting to go downtown during a tornado warning, it would probably be safer in that area than anywhere else in the city just according to historical storm patterns, but it's the height of stupid to get in your car when you're under a watch. What you do is, you get some wine (or whatever) and watch the weather porn on TV and play drinking games with the weathermen and whatever new words they've learned since last storm season. It's a blast until someone gets hurt. Then its the suckiest suck that ever sucked. I could go into the politics of why everyone, especially Moore, doesn't have funding for shelters which are sorely needed, but I won't do that here. But, what Brianna doesn't consider is that, if a tornado comes while you're feeding at Mickey Mantle and there is a shit ton of damage between you and your house, you are going to have to shack up somewhere else for awhile and you won't like it. If it's spring, and the conditions are ripe for storms, you get where you need to be, preferably home, and you stay there. Anything else is just careless, especially when you involve little kids.
  15. I have looked in this forum and recaps on other sites to find the answer to my question and have been unsuccessful. Who owns the house on the cliffs? One recap I read stated it was Hannibal's but I don't remember seeing it before. I thought it was Bedelia's house but I wasn't sure. He did go to her house after the Season 2 bloodbath after all....I don't remember those cliffs or that location from any prior episode. But my memory is not what it used to be...Help?
  16. Kim seems extremely uncomfortable in any environment other than her home and with any other humans than her family/people she pays. I can't figure it out.
  17. I was offended on so many levels and I loved every second of it. I miss Quaaludes so f'ng much.
  18. Everytime I see the name "Gage" my brain reads it as "Gaga."
  19. Has this been established for certain? I must have missed it.
  20. Gang bangers kill because someone looks at them wrong, someone walks or drives on their street that shouldn't, etc....I didn't find the gun fight hard to believe. It makes more sense to me that a person immersed in that violent culture (especially if it's imported from El Salvadore or somewhere, where the gangs really do rule the neighborhoods to the exclusion of authority of any kind) would love to go out in that kind of blaze of glory rather than go to jail, be deported, etc....It boggles my mind a lot more that a suburban kid would commit mass murder.
  21. What a beautiful and terrifying phrase. That is certainly the very apt way to describe the loss of everything inside me the night my mom died a little over a year ago. My husband and I took care of my mother in our home for the last two years of her life. My mom was everything to me. I'm 51 years old. I have a huge portrait tattoo of my mom on my back that I got years and years ago because I wanted her to see it, I didn't want it to be a memorial tattoo. I never panic about anything, I never lose control. At least not where anyone can see me. But the night my mom died, I was in her room with her and I was trying to get her to relax and go to sleep because she said her stomach and back hurt. She was quiet for five minutes and I turned on the light to check on her and she was gone. I went and woke up my husband and when he was awake and in action, I stopped knowing how to do things, including finding my pants and putting the dogs in the extra room so the paramedics could come in. I just couldn't function. I just kept saying "what am i going to do NOW?????" I stuttered for several days, which was very weird. Anyways, this epi I did not like. I didn't think Vicky's reaction was fake, because.....well, its Vicky, for one. I do think their was something off about the editing but whatever. I do not like you Vicky, I never have, I think you are a soul sucking narcissist. But my heart broke with you and for you tonight. I want my mommy back too.
  22. While watching Bedelia and Hannibal together I found myself wondering if they ever have mundane conversations like the rest of us mere mortals..."Hannibal, where did you put the toilet paper????" "Bedelia, what the hell did you do with the remote????" And such as... I am annoyed by Mason's affected speech patterns. Too much like A.Hop's in Silence when picking at Clarice. Thank doG this show is back, I was terribly frustrated last week.
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