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Everything posted by beetlesoda

  1. You know damn well they pulled this crap out of their ass last minute when they decide to make Sara freaking Harvey red coat and black veil. Are you freaking kidding, this no body of a terrible actress character is two people I've been spending years wondering about. We just met the girl a few episodes ago and I'm suppose to be satisfied with her being black vial? no way they thought of this all along. These writers are the most terrible uncreative writers I have ever seen, their idea of creating tension in a relationship is having the girls kiss random strangers all the time every time, then they introduce these no one cares about characters and actually waste screen time on them to have it lead to no where, and they can't even shock an audience with a good mystery the fans have been waiting years for and too scared to actually make well liked boyfriends evil or even punish them for being pedophiles. And don't get me started on the constant older male teenage girl relationships they seem so fond of and worst of all, they have ruined one of the most complex interesting characters ever in televison (imo) in the form of Alison Dilaurentis and decided to make her a good girl who needs a man to save her and redeem her. God I hate this show, I have seen fanfiction written by tweens that was more believable and smart than this this crap The plus side though is Vanessa was a great A, acting was great. Wish I can say the same for shower
  2. Thanks for the info but ugh at Maya and Lucas happening. I'm happy for the fans who want them but I just don't think in a million years Maya would do that to Riley. I mean why even go there? Sean never developed feelings for Topanga, I'm just so tired of the triangle especially the bestfriends falling for the same guy because Lucas is so great and perfect everyone just has to be attracted to him. I mean since the fans dictate this show what happends when somewhere down the line if Riley and Lucas become more popular because people grow tired of Maya and Lucas? Are the writers gonna change it up again? Anyway I hear this is a great episode for farkle, looking forward to that
  3. At first i thought it was overblown as well and was rolling my eyes at emison fans as usual (yes I ship them but my goodness the tweens on twitter are the worst) but I'm sorry the guy seems like an attention whore and extreamly immature, his comments to fans is egging them on and he knows how crazy they are. Looking at the way he handled this whole thing he seems like a child, in any situation if "celebraties" "offend" just apologize and move on, instead he just keeps going with his post about not caring what the fans think, yeah that's not going to do him any favors and it's just going to give more attention to this whole thing cuz now the have what's her name (the chick who does spoilers on E!) involved and apprently someone who works for the show favored Sasha's boyfriend tweets It was highly entertaining though lol
  4. So with the show returning, and promos airing I'll try and guess the season. I gotta admit I was really surprised (and actually kinda glad) that it doesn't look like it's Karma that gonna break up Amy and Reagan. Although I'm hoping there's a bit more to it than Reagan thinking Amy's not lesbian enough and is still figuring it out regarding her attraction to boys because I would think that Amy being in love with Karma would be a bigger issue for Reagan than Amy's attraction. I never really got caught up in Amy's sexuality, the moment she slept with Liam I stopped taking this show so seriously regarding their treatment of sexuality. I always thought the sho was hinting towards being bisexual, and Reagan's fear was foreshadowing something (but again i thought that fear would be Karma) Can't wait to see my queen Lauren back but how old is Theo? Pretty little liars seem to have made the older man in authorirty dating a younger girl quite alright I see...... And I don't care I'm so here for slutty Karma.
  5. I don't mean to defend the idiot but did carter say Amy was a lesbian? Or did Rita say that? And since the season 1 finale and Amy being attracted to brizlian guy didn't both go back on their season 1 word about lesbian Amy and started saying that Amy is exploring her sexuality meaning bisexual Amy? Promo sucked but I'll be watching as usual I've been waiting this long for karmy to happen damnit let it be this season, I feel there's a good chance
  6. I loved seeing Feeny and the old set again, man i wished they would've shown inside Cory's old home, I kinda wish they stayed in Philadelphia. I'm sorry Maya love ya but Shawn can be a role model without being your daddy, this whole thing is coming on too soon and honestly after all this talk about about Angela i kinda want him with her since he doesn't seem to be over her. She's slow but for some reason Riley was all kinds of adorable this episode with the flower crown and pluto
  7. Didn't really like the episode, hoping next one will be better. the Feeny sighting at the end was the absolutely best thing, almost teared up
  8. I thought it was a cute episode, but then again I'm not hard to please because I'm not really expecting much on a show on Disney channel. I'm not bothered or majorly impressed by anyone I think everyone is doing a great job with the material they are given. I will admit that Maya is my fav charcter not sure if it's because of her acting or just the fact that she's honestly a interesting character, I mean being stabbed by ballerinas? she's awesome but I have no qualms about anyone else except Lucas who's too perfect. And now that it's been confirmed he likes Riley and they kissed I hope it sticks that way. I don't want him anywhere near Maya because her friendship with Riley is what I think is one of the best parts of the show so please no, stick him with Riley I think they were pretty good tonight. I mean I honestly had no problem with them at all I thought it was kinda cute and not taken as seriously as some fans tend to take these ships, I hope they continue to develop it. Josh is way too old and I'm still against it because no one who's about to be a senior should be dating a 7th grader, but I'm ok with them building it up little by little and then finally going there when Maya is in high school or something because I think he's more her speed, he's the kind of guy I can see her with but just not now. And for those shipping Riley and Maya I was skeptical before but I do raise an eye brow every time they have scenes that mirror Topanga and Cory, like the ending of this episode, I think this is like the second or third time the show mirrored their scenes together...interesting, but it's Disney channel so lol no
  9. As a brittana fan ugh I couldn't even enjoy it that much because of freaking klaine being shoved down everyone throats. They're gonna be around till the finale episode, this was brittana's last, I mean really? Seriously? They just had to get married now. I don't understand who supports this joke of a relationship anymore. Never talks about their issues, aren't even together, but decides to get married. What are the writers smoking? Another thing that pissed me off, brittana is so cute and couply, where the hell was this during season 3? Why did I have to wait till the last season, and the last episode for them to actually see them behave as a couple with kisses and dialogue? I hate this show and good riddance.....but brittana were super cute...but I still hate RIB. I can't believe they get paid for this crap Oh another thing Blaine Anderson is the worst thing that ever happened to this show, i have never hated a character as much as I hate this guy
  10. Now this I didn't mind at all because Farkle is actually a really great guy. He loves his friends, he's smart, He's allowed to have flaws and he's also allowed to show what makes him special to the girls. Now if they were fighting over Lucas that wouldn't go over so well with me because I think he's a Gary stu. Take away his looks there's nothing to him that's memorable, I can't stand characters where the writer remind everyone how perfect and irresistible they are. I find Farkle to be far more interesting he doesn't get as much love
  11. Lol fantastic, just what I wanted. But I have a feeling they're gonna be fighting because of their pride not actually because they like him and want to date him.....but I could be wrong and farkle needs more love
  12. I just don't want couples or potential couples or shipping to ruin yet another show. I don't care for the couples and I'm glad the shows not taking it seriously as the fans, I hope they stick to their guns and tell their story they want especially during the early stages of the show. As of now I just want the show to focus on the friendships and family and the last thing I ever want is for Maya and Riley to ever fight over a guy. That being said I liked the episode. Love it whenever Shawne is back although my Shawne and Angela heart is gonna have a tough time with him and Maya's mom even though as much of an absent mom she is I kinda like her and sort of understand her.
  13. It's interesting how people take the show more seriously than the show takes itself, I thought the rant was hilarious and served it purpose in making me laugh especially when she did the 3 dance moves because it's sooo true. Had it been any other show show but glee in it's finale season sure I'll get into the why Santana is mean, poor Kurt he didn't deserve it, poor Chris the writers hate him, stuff going on here but it's glee in it's finale season barley making it in the ratings, it's glee as it is and I'm not even gonna waste my time questioning it. Props to Naya though, that was a long line to remember. Lol at Rachel's face during the scene, only thing that would've made it better is if Santana had a rant against Blaine. I wish they used these newbies last season because I don't roll my eyes every time they're on screen. Yay brittana, four for you brittana.
  14. Cookie continues to be a huge part of the reason I watch this show. She is just fantastic. Although I think I should add Porsha to the list now lol great addition I love cookie with Jamal but I wanna see her try with the other boys. Not so much Hakeem cause he's a spoiled little douche and I know Andre isn't genuine but during that elevator scene when he was obviously out of it I wanted Cookie's motherly instinct tobkicknin and ask if her son was alright. Rhonda showed a different side when she was at work, I was just expecting her to be a stay at home mom who wants her husband to be more rich and powerful now I know it has nothing to do with Andre she wants the power cause she basically controls him. As much as a douche he is I like how tolerant Hakeem is. He's cool and has a loving relationship with his brother and he's friends with Azmarie. If only he wasn't a spoiled brat but I do like in perfect characters which is why I'm hoping to see a flaw in Jamal soon. An unlikeable flaw like his brothers has.
  15. Unpopular opinion here I actually like Ali. I agree I wasn't a fan of the whole victim scared little girl thing they had going earlier on but I like what they're doing with her now. The whole shady, still manipulative, does things for reasons you never understand and really is her own worst enemy, I'm just fascinated by what is going on in her head. I would never want her to be 100% good but I also wouldn't mind if she wasn't 100% bad. I also think she's one of the few characters on the show that no one ever lets you forget her past and she's getting what she deserves one can argue which is is interesting on a show that has a pedaphile that's been stalking a group of girls to write a book but that's cool Oh and I don't like Celeb. Blame Ravenswood.
  16. I love Maya and Riley's relationship, loved that she was included as part of the family when Cory was asking her to pick her family or friends. This episode made me laugh so I consider it a success. Cory's little brother can stay, I like him. But how old is he suppose to be?
  17. beetlesoda

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Well I wasn't expecting much and I hate to admit it but I really liked it. i'm intrigued to see where this go, I'm also intrigued to see where Cookie's relationship with her three sons go. I also hate to admit it but I liked the music.
  18. I don't know, I just don't think Karma would purposely go out of her way to hurt Amy I don't know why people think she would. I mean before we knew what the inception dream was about I heard a lot about Karma sleeping with Reagan just to hurt Amy. I don't see Karma doing that, do I think she thinks of hurting people the way she's been hurt? absolutely, but to actually do it is something different.
  19. Interesting. I don't think he'll have enough time to explore what he wants though. Unless ratings hold up we'll never actually see them in a full fledge relationship but we will see them admit feelings As for karma feelings for Amy. Not surprising that had to be the next step otherwise what else would they do? I like how Carters telling the story though, slowly. He's not rushing them at all, he's brought other people in their lives, but he's still making their relationship the most important and now with karma feelings it's something new to explore. I think he always intended for karma and Amy to end up together though who knows if he's gonna change his mind or not but I think he likes that he gets to tell it his way
  20. Perhaps not properly investing in Amy and Karma's other relationships is intentional. I think the most effort, writing wise, in a relationship on this show is Karma and Amy. I always kinda thought this story line was leading towards these two being together. This is a classic best friends fall in love scenario, they call each other soulmates, just with two girls. But yeah I totally get what you mean. I wished they made it absolutely clear that yes Karma has feelings for Amy instead of the crappy inception thing that confused everyone so we can move on from there. This show must think it has more seasons coming up so they can afford to be slow, but they need to hurry it up people will start to be annoyed with it all eventually.
  21. I hate when things aren't clear and we as the audience have to guess what the writers were trying to show. Why couldn't it be simple? They rolled up everything into one and now no one knows what's going on, even with carter's interview he doesn't give a straight answer. But I agree with most. Karma is jealous of Reagan, might have secret feelings for Amy, but still doesn't trust Liam or Amy.
  22. But isn't this karmy thing what the show's about? Platonic or romantic isn't the whole show about their relationship and how others factor into it and how it effects their relationship? I personally wouldn't be satisfied watching Karma interacting more with Liam or Amy interacting more with Reagan than with each other, it'll seem so foreign to me.
  23. Eh, wasn't that great of a finale but it was just a mid season finale I guess. That dream scene was just too damn confusing Maybe it's just me but I think Karma going to Liam was her built up sexual frustration over Amy. She was panicking over something because that was weird and un Karma like. Does this mean we're finally gonna go there with Karma possibly having feelings for Amy? I can't believe how happy I am at the possibility because I guess that Karma and Amy shipper in me from season 1 is still there. And also I would prefer that relationship, because of the history, to Reagan and Amy. I know, I know, she's hot and Amy's happy but makeout scene after makeout scene doesn't keep me interested in a couple no matter how hot. There's no substance there, I don't even feel like Reagan's a character, but she's popular so I should probably get used to her. Poor Lauren but I totally called Theo being a cop. And just for the record, I know people love Amy but she messed up, I can't believe people were actually angry at Karma for lashing out saying she was a bad friend. I think she had the right to. I would've loved for them to not patch things up so quickly though. The cliffhanger should've been Karma walking out on Amy
  24. I personally hope Karma doesn't forgive Amy. I think this is too much of a betrayal to just forgive her that quickly. It's not even so much about Amy sleeping with Liam, I mean yeah it was terrible, but the fact that she kept it a secret for for so long and didn't plan on telling her is even worse. I want them to "breakup". I want Karma on her own. Amy has Reagan, Shane, Lauren, the fans, Amy can do no wrong in some people eyes but Karma is the worst to them. Let's give Karma her own chance to grow outside of Amy. Let's see how these two do apart for a while. I mean what makes these two being friends so important? I saw it in season 1 but it's lacking in season 2. Amy has a girlfriend now why does she need Karma? Amy has a sister and a new bestfriend why does she need Karma? Hope they touch on that next season
  25. Hmm, it's always interesting to me how people don't or won't buy the possibility, even if it's little, that Karma might have feelings for Amy. I mean if one of the two girls were a guy wouldn't that be the direction most people would be expecting? Had this show never went there with the whole lets pretend to together and kiss and stuff I would've bought it as just a show about two best friends, but with the original concept I don't think this show is gonna end without exploring Karma's feelings for Amy. And if the show's as predictable as it's been to me so far, Amy and Reagan are moving fast in their relationship for a reason ( besides to make Karma jealous but meaning things are perfect now and there was no drama really before they got together) and until that happends totally gonna enjoy the makeout scenes. But I'm with the camp that's ehh about Reagan. I mean yeah I get it she's hot, but I'm not feeling the acting. Honestly it could've been any chick and I would've been ok with it because I was tired of seeing Amy being sad over Karma and not moving on. As for the episode, it was great. Totally laughed out about Karma lingering in the background, she's so.....I'm trying to be nice but she didn't need to be there let Amy go after her girl and you stay out of it. You have a boyfriend that you wanted to spend time with, even at Amy's expense. But at the same time I have no hate for her unlike most of the fandom, Amy and Liam kinda started this whole let's not let anyone know where Amy and Reagan met mess. I personally want that stupid secret between them to be over and out already. I hate to admit it, but I liked Liam as well this episode *hangs head in shame*
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