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Everything posted by jackjill89

  1. I looked up Octavio's website. His streetwear is so unattractive IMO. I know I'm not his "girl" and am not cool enough to wear anything he makes, but I think he's a one-way monkey and his garments are ridiculous. I didn't see the coat from last night, but I did see a dress with those looooong sleeves. Interesting that his look book stops at 2018. Maybe that's why he went on PR -- he needed the exposure. I don't think his performance or attitude will bring him legions of new fans.
  2. I'm all in for Tayisha and Olu. He seems like a really good guy. The beginning was like a Jerry Springer show. Very trashy. I was waiting for a few chairs to be tossed. I really like Michelle. She has been a great bachelorette. Rodney would have been a fantastic bachelor. What a sweet guy! Kaitlyn is going on tour with DWTS starting in January I think, so I doubt it.
  3. I think it's the Mill City Museum. I was there not that long ago.
  4. I'll join you in your old lady rant. The lighting has become ridiculous. It is so distracting and often the same color as the dancer's costumes so it is very difficult to see the dancing...or it's too dark to see anything. I found it really bad this year. Between the lighting, Tyra's parade of over the top fashions, her horrible hosting snd the judges vying for who can be the most loquacious, it has become really tacky.
  5. Do you mean where Brandon and Michelle had dinner? It's an old flour mill that is by the Mississippi River and Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis. It is very cool looking.
  6. I expected to love Cody, but his personality was so flat until last night and he wasn't a very good dancer. They really should have been eliminated when they got Covid and he could have gotten an invite for the next season. His freestyle did make me laugh. It was sooooo out and proud! What a change from what we saw all season. I am thrilled Iman won. As others have said it's really what the show is about. He and Daniella were terrific together. I expected to hate JoJo, but grew to really like her. She and Jenna were a wonderful pair and their dances throughout the season were great. I am glad that I got to see that there is more to JoJo to being the walking embodiment of Rainbow Brite. She is a very hard worker and I like how she pushed herself. I think JoJo and Jenna were a great pair to introduce same-sex partners. They were very non-threatening (to those that may feel threatened by that sort of thing). I do hope this opens the door to more same-sex partnerships.
  7. Is it just me or did Julianne seem drunk or high or something? She made no sense and at one point she was spinning in her chair.
  8. So I googled Katie and looked on her website. https://shop.katiekortman.com She's selling the dress that got her kicked off the show! $350 for that ugly thing. She'll custom paint you a blazer for $500. Looking at the site, she reminds me a bit of artist Sally Huss who creates "Happy Art." But Sally's creations do make me happy. Katie's give me a headache. Again, nice woman, but she really couldn't get past her narrow POV and couldn't make it work with in the PR universe.
  9. Not only the camera work, but the set and lighting were soooo much better. There is so much going on now the dancers aren't the focal point. I can't stand it.
  10. I thought that the mirrored fabric was on an illusion fabric and very expensive. Whatever they did with it looked tacky. It can't have looked that way when they bought it.
  11. It was fun to watch the "where are they now" episodes, but seems like most of them are still fairly bratty. I tried googling, but couldn't find criteria for showing at New York Fashion Week. I am finding it hard to believe both Isabella and Alysesaundra showed there multiple times, unless there is some junior designer tent somewhere.
  12. ITA with everything you said. I didn't care for him before, but after his treatment of Katie this week, and yet another ugly hat, I'm done with him and can't wait for him to go. Katie might not be right for this show, but he was an absolute ass to her. When they show Katie's Insta pix, I actually find what she does interesting -- not my taste, but she is creative.
  13. ITA -- Iman has been terrific. Didn't know a thing about him pre-show and I really like him now. Hard worker, great personality, always upbeat (that we see) and he's grown leaps and bounds as a dancer. Daniella is a fantastic dancer and coach. She is really playing to his strengths. She's on my radar now too.
  14. Exactly. Everything changed on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. NBA cancelled the rest of the season and Tom Hanks he announced he had Covid. By Friday, my school shut down a week early for spring break. By the end of March the state shut down and we never went back to school. I remember how before that people were still thinking it would stay away. There were some people wearing masks and gloves at stores, on transportation, but for much of the US, it wasn't reality yet. And again, I can totally see Alex not thinking about it -- she's so singular minded and it was all on her and Maggie's book.
  15. Regarding Alex and the hugging... we were still in such early Covid stages here. Only 6 people had it. It was "just a flu". We didn't have the contact tracing awareness that we do now. At that point we were still hugging. The dominoes fell a few weeks later and then we're shut down a few weeks after that. Given how crazed Chip was to find Alex, and how messed up Alex is, I can see how neither of them thought about the dangers of hugging.
  16. Just like Grease was everyone's favorite movie!
  17. I don't know if it's just me, but I thought a some of Christian's spring 2022 looks resembled what we saw last night on PR.
  18. I have always liked Melora Hardin in movies/shows I've seen her in, but for some reason I don't care for her on this show at all. I also don't think she's that good a dancer as the judges seem to think. Thinking back on pervious seasons, I think a lot of the contestants that have been the "Meloras" of their season have irritated me.
  19. I found that ending completely confusing... so it's 2-1, but Len's vote chooses Kenya. Huh? Not explained well at all. I was actually a little bummed, because while Matt wasn't the greatest dancer, I loved his personality on the show. As someone said upthread, the Bachelor didn't capture his personality at all. He was so boring. On this show, he's been really charming and he's been growing as a dancer.
  20. By far my fave couple is James and Aaron. I was dying when Aaron ran up to quickly break up with Tia so he could ride off into the sunset with James. I have heard someone IRL use "my person." I cannot tell you how cringey that phrase is -- on screen or IRL. Damn Grey's Anatomy.
  21. I didn't care for Sophia at all and agree she seemed bitter about her family situation. I also got some bitterness toward her sisters. She said she loved them, but some of those comments and how she felt about them -- she's a bitter Betty. I'm OK with the winner, but don't feel he did anything to win this except be middle of the road. I wish they would have voted with their hearts and not strategically -- who played the best? Who really deserves to win? I think Kai or Nick would have won because they both played great games. When Nick was rated 5, I thought Ashley was going to sneak into first, which I would have preferred to the winner. James did seem genuine, but he wasn't much of a player IMO.
  22. ...and they acted like if they leave the beach of paradise they will never see each other again. So. Much. Drama. They were all going to the same place, just in different vans. Then we blinked, and they were back on the beach.
  23. I think the whole situation with Chris and Alana (?) was hilarious. I don't remotely remember either one of them from their seasons. Chris dumping Jessenia immediately, his pathetic "I"m so in my head" comment (WTF does that even mean???), the new couple thinking they had it made and then their spectacular uncoupling was awesome. Obviously, if you aren't one of the cool kids, you get chased off the beach. Chris thinking Alana would be overjoyed to leave with him. I know I shouldn't love this situation, but it completely entertained me. Now they can kick Brendan and Pieper off -- they are vile. They need to do something to fix this show -- it's one thing to have met someone and hope they'll be there, but another to have a relationship and just want a free trip and hurt people while waiting for your boo to arrive. Don't love people coming to paradise to work out their relationship (like Colton and Tia) or a messy triangle (Stagecoach Blake and his harem). The earlier seasons were trashy fun and didn't feel as manipulated (just like the Bachelor and Bachelorette).
  24. When my daughter was little she said "fachina" for vagina. Sounded like fine china, so as a joke, that's what we say. It's your "fine china." I had no idea it was a thing.
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