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Everything posted by jackjill89

  1. I really hate the group therapy dates... but I did get a chuckle with Clayton baring his soul... he didn't like the way his body looked... and he'd look in the mirror and pinch his stomach... but then... "he got abs and got friends." Way to be strong Clayton.
  2. I wish that the women had all spilled on Clayton when he came back to the group on that date. They could have just all said that Shanae is freaking nuts, there's no bullying, we just don't like her and finished this whole thing. This is so tiresome. The underwear part of the scavenger hunt was so stupid. Why do they need to run around in their underwear? They absolutely got matching skivvies for them and a OK for public bra for Sarah. The tiny straps on her dress didn't allow for much of a bra.
  3. So much to unpack here! Ximena can live with hitmen and purposely father children with a criminal in prison, but Mike has to stop passing gas and clean up his clothes (which I totally get, but...) Run Mike. Kimberly wants payment. Usman's bed wall was killing me. Usman needs to pay his bill or return the merchandise, including that awful hat. I have to admit, I'm enjoying him toy with her. It is hysterical. Still not sure what a yammy is... Gino can't tip a waitress but Jasmine can have a stripper grind in her face? Memphis, you don't trust him and since finding out he's younger than you thought, he's now immature. Just stop, go home and hire a nanny. It will be cheaper in the long run. Ben is an idiot. Also, who wears a suit on a plane anymore? Especially for a long flight? Caleb has slept with 100 women? Must be that glorious hair. Elijah walked in and watched? Alina and he are weird. Also -- her secret was not a big deal, but you just gave Caleb the excuse he needs to bolt without commitment. Now he can cross "sex with a little person" off his bucket list. Johnny for the win. When someone from China, ground zero for the virus outbreak, would rather stay there than come to the US, it tells you a lot about how well we've handled Covid and our healthcare system. . Ella, he's actually being rational. Oh 90 dayers... never change.
  4. Christian was totally on point about Bones... he has a lot of great ideas. It's his execution that is flawed. He wanted this tornado, but had no idea how to make it happen. He stepped on toes and over directed at the shoot because he had this vision in his mind of what he wanted, but no one was getting it. Perhaps it is because the garment he made didn't work the way he wanted it to. The flag things looked horrible with the dress. The headpiece was too much and the dress wasn't fully realized. His stubbornness and ego have gotten in the way of him being really successful on this show. A little humility and the ability to take advice would serve him well. He's got a lot of creativity. Chasity is so wildly inconsistent. I'm not impressed. As Nina would say, I question her taste level. At this point, Chantall for the win.
  5. Better hair and wardrobe would do wonders for her. That hair is all sorts of awful.
  6. I am reminded of something I was told once -- What do you call the person who is number 1 in their medical school class? -- doctor... What do you call the person who was last in their medical school class? -- doctor.
  7. The hair on the model for Bones had a messy bun. That's it. A bun. There was nothing interesting or clever about that hair. I haven't loved this season as much as others. I think I like Chantal the best of the remaining designers. I didn't find anyone I really liked this year. Zayden seemed like a lovely person, but his designs were so-so. I feel like for a lot of these designers when they are on, their designs are fantastic, but when they are off they are horrible. Lots of one-way monkeys. They are so married to their aesthetic they aren't adaptable and that's what is needed in this competition. I'm not going to say PR has completely lost it and is horrible, I feel like this season is a dud. I don't dislike Elaine as much as many posters and I really like Christian as a mentor. Not ready to jump ship yet. I wonder if the pandemic had any impact on the competitors we're seeing this season.
  8. Neoprene and vinyl -- all I kept thinking was how incredibly hot and uncomfortable it sounded. While the blue jumpsuit didn't work, at least we weren't subjected to the banana pants he wanted to make in the first place. Yikes. Those were comical!
  9. Would have loved to see the oversized trash bag dress "Daddy" would designed for his housewife. Anna's look was horrible. She deserved the auf. I don't know Gina, but she was super kind. I think Kristina is a one-way monkey. Sheer overlay dress, coat, robe, etc. over pants. She couldn't make the dress, so she made that ill-conceived scarf. Her garment had a terrible fit.
  10. I think your analysis is spot on. As I've mentioned, I have only seen a few of the most recent episodes and then went back and watched a few of the first. Desperation is what I see. The tighter he is hanging on, the more things are getting out of his grasp. It seems to me that bringing in Robyn and then the families living apart is what created the divide that's been getting bigger year by year. Covid is magnifying the fact that he's lost his grip on most of the family and they care more about each other than him.
  11. I have not been a regular viewer of this show. I caught a few episodes this season, visited this board and then watched a little of the first season on Discovery+ (Gotta love winter break!) I've seen many previews of this show and I've never understood how Kody got one woman to marry him, let alone 4. There is such a stark difference between the first season and now. He was always arrogant, but now the crazy has come out. The women just adored him and now they are seeing how full of crap he is. This whole Covid situation is shining a light on how destroyed this family is. Christine and Janelle and their children do not care about seeing Kody. I feel bad for all these kids fathered by Kody. He only seems to care about the ones who are shiny and new (until he's distracted by something else).
  12. Reality shows like this always start out as one thing then end up as another. They start living for the show instead of having the show document their lives. Any authenticity that was there is lost. It's all for show.
  13. Exactly. I bet he didn't even bother to research what her syndrome is so he could be supportive. From what we've seen, she's super competent, has a positive attitude and embraces who she is. She needs to boot Caleb. He's a douche, and I don't expect he'll do anything to change my mind.
  14. Alina is so pretty and she doesn't have some of the facial features that one might associate with being a little person, so I bet Caleb thought she was a more typical little person from the neck down, but her condition is more complicated below the waist. I hope that makes sense. That being said... holy cow he's a rude jackass. She seems like a lovely person, and if they've known each other that long, he could at least be friendly to her. He was acting like an entitled, petulant brat. Run Alina. Run.
  15. Aren't BGL and Grangela either hospice or nursing home caretakers? Who would you want with you for your final days: Lisa Angela
  16. Nayte has a very long name -- he used it when he introduced himself to Michelle the first night. Did you see Michelle ask Kaitlin "is this for real?" regarding the check? I actually have more hope for Michelle and Nayte than I've had for others lately. They have concrete plans to be together, not the "we're going to take our time" attitude about next steps.
  17. I don't know, but the cadence of his speech and his general demeanor seem atypical to me. In what way, I don't know. If he turns out to be total jerk, like Ed, then I won't feel bad watching his painful journey. ITA about Mike. He seems like a sweet soul who needs to find a life outside of being a caretaker.
  18. I typically love seeing people make absolute fools of themselves on this show, but I can't with Gino and Mike. It's one thing when the Americans are delusional, but seem all there. I don't want to see these guys hurt. They aren't hateful like Ed, or horrid racist garbage like BGL. They are more in the Pol vein, and that was painful to watch.
  19. I loved this show. I wish the episodes had been longer and we could have seen more of them making their creations. I enjoyed how it was very positive and no one was eliminated. I feel like everyone learned something. The only negative for me was Melissa.
  20. The watch with moms were filmed before the end of the season. I liked it better with just the moms and sons watching. It was so much funnier.
  21. Geoffrey's shirt is from his line. He has all sorts of clothing with "slashes" on them -- pants, shirts, jackets. The collection is not bad overall. It is much more marketable than the puffy stuff he was doing on PR. Doesn't look like he and Octavio dress the same people anymore. I did have to laugh at the description -- the collection "has New York in its DNA."
  22. That stupid-ass crown is part of the Dope Tavio logo. Check out his Insta if you want to laugh at how self-important he is (guess that could apply to almost anyone's Instagram)
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