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Everything posted by ChiCricket

  1. This made me curious, so I Googled it: "Plexus Slim, also known as "the pink drink," is a flavored powder that contains five main ingredients: xylooligosaccharides, green coffee bean extract, alpha lipoid acid, garcinia cambogia, and chromium polynicotinate. 2 While the individual ingredients are listed on the package, the amounts are not. The formula has changed over the years, but the three top ingredients are chromium, garcinia, and green coffee bean." I also found this on Amazon (had to download it, and I couldn't copy from it, so it's a screenshot.) Maybe someone else can Google what the chemicals are from. I have my other recorded Trash TV to watch instead. ๐Ÿ˜†
  2. We really need a puke emoji and an eye-rolly one for this forum. We should start a petition. ๐Ÿ˜†
  3. I'm 71, and I recently had my 19 yo grandson move in with my husband and me. Everything is OK...except he is screwing up my morning bathroom routine by taking so much time in there! So imagine a house of older women having to share a couple of bathrooms...couldn't be me...how do they all do it? ๐Ÿ˜† it used to drive me nuts when my mother got older and talked so much about constipation...I totally get it now. (TMI?๐Ÿคฃ) Anyway, to bring it back to the show, maybe that's why Joan left..she wanted her own bathroom again ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Thanks. I even tried searching the word purpling on Primetimer, and only got 2 hits,neither of which was in the Survivor Lexicon forum. Maybe I should have just typed purple. ๐Ÿ˜€
  5. What is purpling? I tried Urban Dictionary, and even that didn't help.
  6. By going polygamist? ๐Ÿ˜ (could you even imagine any of them going down that route?) ๐Ÿคฃ
  7. I just sent my niece a virtual hug, and got this in reply: Hi Aunt ____ ______'s fiancรฉ is having cold feet ๐Ÿฅบ Heโ€™s beyond devastated Iโ€™m sorry for the last minute cancellation. I just found all this out this morning. (Her son is only 21, so maybe just as well. But I'm sure that must really hurt) Ps the maybe just as well thought was kept in my head.
  8. I'll find out eventually, but don't want to pry. At least I hadn't bought a gift yet. I am always the person stopping at a drug store for a greeting card and gift-card on the way to the event. ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜
  9. I just checked to make sure of the address of a bridal shower I had to go tomorrow. It was just canceled at the very last minute. 1. I wonder what happened? (because I'm nosy) and 2. Yippee!! I'm so glad I don't have to go. Ahhhhh all my obligations are now done and dusted.
  10. Just got home from the wake for Juan. So nice to see everyone...some I haven't seen in years, but for what an awful reason. I was shocked that they couldn't even have an open casket. I'm selfishly kind of glad though because now I can remember him the way I last saw him. It was in Chicago proper and I am so much a suburb person. I don't know how those of you that live in the city can stand the traffic. Don't even get me started on the parking situation. I'm so glad my daughter drove us. She loves living in the city. I used to go into Chicago all the time to see my husband's family, but since the pandemic we unfortunately got out of that habit. (plus my husband especially seemed to have aged a lot in those 3 years.) Funeral Mass is tomorrow. I'll be glad it's done. It broke my heart to see Juan's 21 yo daughter there..I can't even imagine losing my dad that young.๐Ÿ˜ญ
  11. I had a bad experience with buying little squish toys from a Chinese website. I was supposed to get a squishy lemon, but when it came it was hard plastic! Not quite the same feel for my grandkid. That's why I'm trying to ask ahead of time. Also got burned buying something on Facebook. Never again.
  12. That's so cute! Ok let me go check out both sites. ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks!
  13. I enjoyed the game with the big ball and the wearable bubble suits...mainly because I already own two of those bubble suits. (They were about $130.00 each when I bought them in 2019... I must been out of my grandkid loving mind at the time)๐Ÿ™„ Now I have a new idea for my grandkids to use them with. A game would be much better than just running at the other person full speed. It got kind of violent. Now I just need an exercise ball. So watching Buddy Games wasn't an entire waste of my time, plus I'm just really enjoying watching it.
  14. Just plus size t-shirts. I don't care if they're cheaply made, because I swear whenever I put on an un-stained t-shirt , it never fails that I spill something on it. Always. I probably should look into adult bibs instead. ๐Ÿ˜† I guess my real questions are more like did you always get what you ordered, no matter how crappily made it was? I'm guessing you have to buy a certain amount of things to get free shipping? ( I already assume it will come on a slow boat from China.) I don't know what Shein is.
  15. Thank you all for your condolences. I really appreciate you all so much. @Jynnan tonnix your paintings are wonderful! @Scarlett45 and @jcbrown Happy Belated birthdays ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽŠ Question: have any of you ever bought anything off of Temu? Seems too cheap to be real. ๐Ÿ˜
  16. Life's too short...I just called and talked to my most favorite cousin. We haven't talked in a while, but after this I just needed to hear her voice. I am so sad ๐Ÿ˜ž
  17. Omg omg omg...I just got the worst phone call. My dil's youngest brother was just found dead in his apartment ๐Ÿ˜ญ OMG He was only 41 yo. They think it was just an accident. He was standing on a bucket to change a light bulb, and they think he fell off and hit his head. OMG (and he lived alone and was dead for a few days) I just saw him at a family party on Sunday and he gave me a hug. ๐Ÿ˜ญ R.I.P. Juan
  18. . No, the "faces" he was making is part of speaking in sign language. From Google: "Facial expressions are part of the grammar of signed languages. Thatโ€™s one part of it. The other part of it is the visual needs of Deaf people: Deaf people need to see tones, moods, and so forth. Hearing people have a pair of fully working ears, so they donโ€™t really need facial expressions. But Deaf people's ears donโ€™t work as well โ€ฆso what works for you, doesnโ€™t work for them. Soโ€ฆinstead of all this stuff that goes into a vocal inflection, they all go up on the face. All these inflections become visual, and become part of their signed languages. Remember,Deaf people are People Of The Eye. Auditory is always bad, and visual is always good." PS I'm not deaf but my niece's parents are, so I've seen this many times.
  19. Very interesting. Note to Meri, women can have/want sex just like men...
  20. I was just telling my daughter (her son is living with me) that parenting is hard, and I don't blame her for anything she did with her son (spoiling him, basically.) I also reminded her that I went through holy hell with some of MY kids (including her!๐Ÿ˜) and she knows that now I am great friends with all 5 of my adult children. Plus I am way older now than when my kids were growing up, and I'm a stubborn old cuss that is not going to let a 19yo defeat me. Hee.
  21. I would pick a smaller masseuse...maybe they'd be weaker? (I've never had a massage.) I really thought the smaller woman's body (Jocelyn?) was going to snap like a chicken bone.
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