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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. Holy shit, apparently Khloe & Tristan are having kid #2, or as Community Peen calls it “meal ticket #2”. If this is true, no pun intended, poor, poor kid. https://www.tmz.com/2022/07/13/khloe-kardashian-having-baby-tristan-thompson-surrogate/?adid=social-fb&fbclid=IwAR2Yd4sHmTQ9bW58yAkP4tcYLAFdOQRPGTA2rWfTmVZbWgqS1rQrOQ86aQY
  2. I honestly could see Taylor & Deacon. Of course, she’d only be doing it to get Ridge to run back to her, & it’d definitely work. I’d like to see Deacon in a legit love story. He’s a good actor, smoking hot, & he’s been alone long enough, show him some love.
  3. Where the heck is Quarter?? They finally got a happy ending, & we haven’t even seen them since Monday? Tuesday? Ridiculous that this show refuses to pace itself. That’s the story I tune in every day hoping to see. Seriously, Thomas & Taylor are ridiculously inappropriate, & it’s creeping me out. His hands today (I watched yesterday’s show on the treadmill this morning) when he hugged her from behind, I shudder. Ridge was with Caroline when Lindsey Godfrey had that freak accident where she was hit, & broke at least a leg, if not both. Now, Brooke’s ankle. Save the women, & our sanity, leave Ridge single!
  4. If he does, there’ll be another “accident”. This show…they show Steffy doing the exact same thing every single day, most recently, recovering, for weeks on end. However, they finally get Quarter together, & bench them the next day. Even Zende/Paris & Eric/Donna were benched, & those relationships are far more interesting than sad Steffy & nutter Taylor, reading Psychology Today. I’m interested in the ratings of this past week vs. any story involving TOD I &/or II.
  5. Eric didn’t adopt Wyatt, $Bill has been involved since he found out Wyatt was his. Or, since Quinn confirmed it, no DNA test required.
  6. Best part of the show ~ Quarter, of course. 1B ~ $Bill: “This is gonna be good.” I watch our show on my lunch hour, home alone. I had errands today, so I had to watch it immediately tonight, with no regard to the rest of my household (for Quarter). Hubs was in the room, & was absolutely slack-jawed that Taylor & Thomas are mother/son, & not partners of some kind. Seriously, throwing cherries at your son? I feel like she’s grooming the next Norman Bates.
  7. Thank GOD this is Thursday & not Friday! I am so excited for tomorrow’s show, I don’t think I could wait a whole weekend. ^^ Can’t remember the last time I thought, or typed, so much excitement about this show. ETA: Was the wedding filmed truly outdoors? Hope’s skin looked radiantly luminous, & Paris looked better than I’ve ever seen her. Natural sunlight is a friend to all.
  8. I’m feeling like that’s why Zende is there, fingers-crossed. I really, really miss my beloved $Bill, but not enough to want to see him date Paris. She seems too immature for Carter, & $Bill has a good 20 years (of perfection) on Carter. I also really, really miss Deacon. Why can’t we have some balance on this show? Li crashed like a week ago (I know that there was unforeseen interruptions), did she drown? Did she swim to safety & kidnap Finn? Did Sheila find her & lock her in a cage in Genoa City? Less Ridge & Steffy, more balance, please & thank you.
  9. Apparently, it’s pancreatitis. https://people.com/music/travis-barker-hospitalized-for-pancreatitis-after-complaining-of-cramps/
  10. I’m desperate for more “B”. The “atie” can visit sporadically. It’s still so WTF to see $Bill at the Paris/Carter wedding. That’s the oddest assortment of wedding guests I’ve ever seen… • the CEO of the company that employs both • a fellow employee • a large donor to the part of the company the bride oversees, but has little to no contact with, likely a smidge more than he’s had with the groom, (although, he’s the prettiest pretty there) • the verrrrry recent ex of the bride • the verrrrrrrrrry outspoken-against-this-wedding mother-of-the-bride • the dad from “Small Wonder” I thought the Queric breakup was great. Maybe the best breakup I’ve ever seen on this show. John McCook really is an Emmy-worthy actor. Now, can we see deacon again, please?
  11. During the show today, a website/app that I follow had a notification for a pickle ball set that was on sale. Never seen a set even for sale, let alone on sale. Felt like that was a Godwink. I’ll never, ever hear “pickle ball’ & not think of the naughty honey bears. I feel like Paris is going to land right on Zende & be just fine. Today was good soapy fun. I’m glad that wasn’t a Friday cliffhanger.
  12. My favorite is the WTFness of $Bill being there. I mean, hey, whatever it takes to get DD on-screen. I’ve read spoilers that $Bill rescues Li, & that’s his unexpected new romance. If they marry, he’ll be Steffy’s (step) father-in-law, with the 3rd man.
  13. While I do think Community Peen is partially into Khloé for the money, I mostly think it’s the status/notoriety. We’re baseball people, & I probably couldn’t name 3 current, non-Kardashian-adjacent, non-Lebron, non-Curry basketball players. But I know who Tristan Thompson is, & that’s all because of Khloé. I know far more about him than I’d like. I hope she is dating an investment banker, & I hope that she makes a real go if it. She & Lamar split almost 10 years ago, & she hasn’t really had much relationship happiness since then (her choice, just saying). I still wouldn’t be at all surprised if she & Lamar wind up back together at some point in the future. They legit loved each other, he clearly still does. He appears to be straightened-up, that’ll probably appeal to her at some point.
  14. Li’s stupidity hurts my brain. Get in the car, woman, before you make a call! I don’t understand Carter’s huge rush to be with Paris right now! This is BelLA, her options are limited, you can take a breather, date her, see if it’s right. Sadly, this is progress. With Maya, he didn’t even go on a date with her, before he gave her a ring, & I honestly don’t remember that much about him getting with Zoe, except that it wasn’t time-appropriate, either. He’s rich, gorgeous, & has a great job, how Ridge has 2 accomplished women fighting over him, & Carter is settling for Paris, when he clearly doesn’t love her, is beyond me. I love Quarter, but if he wants kids, that ship sailed long ago. At least this 5-angle (whatever that word is) is moving along. Donna has Eric at least fantasizing about a real life with her, Quinn has rededicated herself to Eric, but can’t help wondering about Carter, who’s given Paris a ring. Ridge/Brooke/Taylor haven’t had anything close to movement for months.
  15. …& their teenage daughters!
  16. Omg, if Khloe & Scott were dating, that’d be extra crazy, even for this crew. What if they had a baby? Kid would be cousins with his/her siblings. This is some Y&R stuff. Having said that, I do see how they could fall for each other. They’ve always had a great bond (after the hatred ceased), & he flirts with her far more than he ever did Kourt. Still, though, kinda icky. However, still preferable to seeing her take more drama from Community Peen.
  17. Sheila should take Detective Hot Dog’s job. When he was interviewing her, post-shooting, she kept saying about Finn “he wasn’t supposed to be there,” which she wouldn’t have known if she wasn’t there. He didn’t pick up on it at all. Today, Li says once, “Finn IS a good man”, & Sheila immediately picks up on it. She’s a much better detective.
  18. Just chiming in to say that to the best of my knowledge, we haven’t really seen the layout of the cabin, or the Hope/Liam bedroom. Presumably, Beth & Douglas would each have their own rooms, a 3-bedroom cabin is not unheard of, but not necessarily common. All of that to say that maybe Hope/Liam sleep in a hide-a-bed/couch. It’s not like his father is a billionaire, & she has her own line at a prestigious fashion empire. I’ve seen dumber things on this show.
  19. $Bill & Deacon on the same day?? #WildWednesday Deacon made a lot of sense. She’s a chemist, he’s a schmuck, he should be groveling for her. $Bill also made sense, Brooke has a few options, she doesn’t have to wait on that Neanderthal. $Bill & Ridge have far better chemistry than Ridge has with any woman. DD is a game changer, he generates it with everyone. Dang, Hope & Liam…who needs honey??
  20. Maybe Khloe purposely chose to live in Kris’ backyard, with a literal view into each other’s homes, so that she’d have an extra set of eyes on Tristan & his community peen. I can’t wait to watch the fallout from baby #3 in this week’s episode. Although, in 2 years, it’ll be the same story, with the same community peen, but, a different woman. He’ll never change, because he can’t, & she accepts that. Hope that house has enough spare rooms, in case True ever wants to have a sleepover with all of her siblings. Let’s be real, he has at least 3 more in the tank.
  21. I can’t believe Eric! He doesn’t want Quinn to catch him, but he somehow flew Donna all the way back to the 80s, & straight into Blanche Devereaux’s bedroom! Make smart choices, Honey Bear. 🤪
  22. But, seriously? Is THIS the shocking! story! that’s! NEVER! been! done!?? Because, I haven’t watched every single episode of every single show, ever, but I can’t imagine that someone hasn’t hidden away a loved one, after an injury, so that s/he could recover. It sounds exactly like something Stefano DiMera would do, I’ll Wiki his history. All hype, no delivery. Seriously, the last big shocker was Maya, like 6 years ago, maybe more.
  23. Just a reminder, according to Jonathan, Kim has no cellulite. There was an episode of the original series, where (my memory may be foggy, but you’ll get the drift) a pap had “edited” a pic of Kim to show cellulite. Kim announced that she has no cellulite, & then trotted put Jonathan to also reiterate that she has no cellulite on her body.
  24. Likely not. She wouldn’t even let Hump move his things into “her” house, & they were married.
  25. Now that I can get behind. Although, I’d prefer Quarter, & Ridge being single, a Quinn/Ridge public hookup would temporarily halt the TOD, so I’m all in. Brooke has far better options: Deacon & $Bill. Why would she grovel for Ridge?? Also, when will there be a discussion with Thomas about knowing Sheila switched the champagne labels? I’m not a police officer or lawyer, but is there a law they can nab Sheila for, in regards to messing with private property, as well as Brooke’s sobriety? With the #MeToo movement, consent is a big thing, it’s a good thing for Sheila nothing sexual happened with Brooke & Deacon, or she really could face charges (in the real world, in BelLA, she’ll be free to kidnap Hayes by Labor Day). For the love of God, when is JMW’s maternity leave? We haven’t missed a single day of her in well over a month.
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