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Everything posted by rlc

  1. If he infected my crush, sexiest chef Tom Colicchio, I’m going to be pissed.
  2. Wow, did I get that wrong! In the first 5 minutes I called Aiden and Brita as the bottom two. I think Rock sadly spent too much time trying to get out of her outfit leading to a subpar start to her lip sync, so it was the correct decision, but I cannot stand Brita and can’t wait to see her sashay away. Aiden has potential, but is outclassed by this group. The same could be said for Heidi, but she has so much personality and energy, and will likely grow through this competition. Plus, Ru seems to adore her. Nicky Doll is very talented, and I suspect she is being set up for her break through moment where the judges finally ‘know who she is’ in the next couple of weeks. I’m glad the editors have essentially erased Sherry from the show, but she is definitely a very polished and talented performer. Shame she’s such a shitty person. Really surprised by how low key the Widow has been. Based on week one, I thought she’d be a trouble maker. Love the bits of shade we’re getting from her. I hope Crystal comes out of her shell more in the performances. I find her absolutely delightful. Jackie is very solid. I hope she sticks around.
  3. While I had visceral reactions to most of the contestants when I saw them, I found it difficult to remember what I really liked or disliked about most of them. I’m sure they’ll soon refresh my memory through their actions. That said, I remember really liking Stephanie and Gregory, so pleased to see them both back and doing well. Pasta Joe had no business being an all star to begin with, so glad he’s gone quickly. It took about 30 seconds to remind me what annoyed me about Malarkey. Kevin was bacon guy, right? Guess he’s ventured into other regions of pork-land with his ill advised usage of chorizo in his swordfish dish.
  4. This looks awesome! https://tomandlorenzo.com/2020/03/were-here-shangela-eureka-bob-the-drag-queen-hbo-tv-show/
  5. From my 9 year old: ’Mommy, it’s Ornacia. Love her! I think that Vivacious was really under appreciated.’
  6. I thought this was going to be another train wreck, but Tommy was a sweetheart. I hope we see an update- I want to see him succeed.
  7. Sherry Vine= Mimi Imfurst 2.0 Jan= Cheryl Hole 2.0
  8. Watched with my 9 year old this morning (don’t judge me- it’s our hobby) and afterwards she said ‘they were all nice. You know next week is going to be all the shady girls’.
  9. Duh, it’s the easiest food to eat on a brown recliner.
  10. That was one of the saddest, most pathetic episodes yet of this show. She was like the real life equivalent of Pete Davidson’s Chad character from SNL.
  11. Sorry, but this is ridiculous. If you are a faithful Christian and believe very strongly in saving yourself for marriage, perhaps The Bachelor isn’t the show for you to be on. Especially when the Bachelor that 20-some odd girls are vying for is best known for having sex four times in a windmill with a woman he wasn’t married to and didn’t marry after. If you value yourself and your intact hymen that much, don’t go on a tv show where the women spend half their time in bikinis soaking in a hot tub/vat of stds.
  12. I couldn’t see anything through Madison’s mascara.
  13. That really bothered me about this episode. Sure, the boyfriend was sketchy with not submitting a DNA sample and cheated on her, but they spent an unfair amount of time implying that he was a murderer considering that the editors knew that he did not commit the crime.
  14. Yikes- she’s 36 years old. Why would she do that to her face?
  15. I saw West Side Story last night on Broadway. Ricky Ubeda is usually one of the Sharks and understudies Bernardo, but we saw him play Bernardo and he was fantastic! Amar Ramasar Is supposed to play Bernardo, but has been the subject of protests so not certain if he was actually unavailable or if there will be a casting change. The play officially opens on February 20th.
  16. I’m so happy to be past the point in my life where I equate drama with passion, though in fairness I figured that out before I finished my teens. If a girl can’t make it through a single date on your magical journey without crying, she’s probably not the girl for you.
  17. I feel like Lexi is auditioning to take the roll of Sarah on BIP.
  18. Peter should just smooth everything over with a Juan Pablo ‘it’s okay’.
  19. Just rewatched this episode, and cried. A lot. Again. So glad this show will be back this week, but already miserable that it’s ending.
  20. Lonnie has the nicest set of teeth I’ve ever seen in this show.
  21. Finally found time to watch this. Not my favorite Christmas episode, but still better than nearly anything else on tv. Phyllis remains the absolute best.
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