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Everything posted by MsPH

  1. Yes, yes she was. I really have no idea why so many people liked her. There's a fine line between being "real" and being a bitch and I've seen her step over to the bitchy side too many times now. She tries to hide it by calling it sarcasm, but I don't buy it. She's stuck in Mean Girl mode 10 years after high school and it's not pretty.
  2. Jenna was clearly on drugs the entire time. Why is that seemingly sober guy with her and how did they let her come on this show? Don't they have any morals whatsoever? But it's hilarious how even on drugs she had Juan Pablo's number after 5 minutes. She's obviously not stupid. (Unlike Nikki.)
  3. Jason and Cortney are adorable and Cortney getting teary-eyed over Jason's mom was so sweet. She really loves him a lot. It bugs me too how everyone keeps making comments about their age, when they aren't even that young and act the most mature out of this lot. I guess they just look young with their big puppy dog eyes. I hope Cortney will continue her hobbies once Jason's schedule isn't as crazy anymore. I think Vaughn and Monet were both presenting some idealized version of themselves to the judges and when talking to the camera, and that's ultimately why they failed so hard. If you have dealbreakers or some specific requests then there's no time to mention them like while ordering a spouse. It seemed like they told the experts what they thought the viewers wanted hear instead of what they really wanted or needed. I totally agree with Vaughn that Monet should have specified that she wants a well-established man who wants kids right away. Then again I get how she might've expected the experts to figure that out themselves. Pairing such an independent successful woman with a younger guy seems a bit risky to begin with. I read on that other forum that Monet was really disappointed that Vaughn had quit the military just 6 years before getting a military pension and I can't blame her. That would have been a great base income to have. But if she was judging Vaughn for that right off the bat then there's not much he could've done to make things work. I don't know if he was or wasn't attracted to her, but I totally understand being turned off by her coldness. I really think they both are to blame and it's hard to figure out who started the decline since we didn't get to see everything. I know Vaughn snapped first on camera, but I find it really rude too if I'm talking to someone and they don't acknowledge it in any way. It sounded like it had happened more than once and it really bothered him. Maybe Monet is just lacking in basic manners. I don't know if she's considerate and loving while actually in love, but she did seem a bit cold to me too. Perhaps she's just been single too long. I know I had trouble taking my boyfriend into consideration when I was so used to just worrying about myself and my own happiness. Vaughn isn't the calm and doe-eyed earnest guy he likes to present for the cameras either, but then again if someone was being a bitch to me then I would be a bitch back. He does seem kind of childish and selfish though. In the end, I guess it doesn't really matter what either of them did, since they just weren't a good match. I really hated how Dr. C was still hanging on to his extensive tests as proof that they really are compatible. Give it up, dude! They so aren't. How did none of those tests pick up on the disconnect between Monet's wants and needs? I thought the tests were done so they wouldn't just rely on what they say they want, yet whenever their problems were brought up the experts made sure to mention that they wanted this and that in their spouse. If I didn't already think psychology was a pseudoscience then this show would have served as nice proof of that. I think they just got lucky with the other two couples. It was really weird how the experts looked positively disgusted with Monet ever since she came out. I wonder if she did something behind the scenes to piss them off, because I can't see what reason they would have to be biased, especially since Vaughn was painted as the guilty party for most of the season. It was very strange. I think both Monet and Jamie were trying way too hard with those dresses. Made them look a bit tacky. I liked what Jason was wearing a lot. Having no audience gave the whole show a bit of a strange vibe. I'm used to applause whenever someone comes on stage and this time they were met with silence and 4 people on the side looking awkward. I loved the furniture on set though, I want a sofa like that.
  4. Well they were talking about how hard it was for him to just spoon for a month and making it sound like he climbed Mount Everest, so I thought it was pretty relevant. It's not him who kept bringing up his blue balls, it was the host and everyone else. In addition to being funny, I think it was healthy advice to every sex obsessed person out there. If your partner isn't up for it or you don't have a partner then feel free to use your own hand. It's normal and healthy and a million times better than making lewd suggestions at other people (Vaughn, please take note!). I also think it was super respectful of him to do it while she was away. So good on Doug! I don't think Doug was playing cool, he's just really confident and knows himself and Jamie better than she knows herself. He didn't look nervous at all in before the decision either, because he knew Jamie was gonna stick around. I think that's very attractive. I guess Doug just reminds me of my SO in many ways and he's the kindest most loving person I know, so I can't help liking Doug. And why wouldn't he like Jamie? She's not just hot, she's also funny, ambitious and seems to have a good heart. Yeah, she can get a bit mememe when she's insecure, but that doesn't make her a bad person. I think those two are genuine and I wish them all the best! BTW, did no one stick around for the announcement after the credits? "Follow Jason and Cortney and Doug and Jamie in the new series "Married at First Sight: The First Year". So seems they've already gotten their sequel. Wonder when it airs. After they've been married a year?
  5. I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable and weirded out by all these assumptions about Doug's job and financial situation. It seems like even in recession losing one's job is always one's own fault and automatically makes them a lazy slob, who's happy living in their parents' basement. Why on earth would anyone think Doug's planning to quit his job and leech off Jamie? He's said himself that he wants to be the best he can for her, and I highly doubt that involves quitting one's budding career. He also said he's always had a job or several, even while living with his parents, so it's not like he's been unemployed. Even now he seems to have a weekend job as a lifeguard in addition to his day job. I also didn't get the impression that he's still in debt, he just lost 14k when he had to sell his house and he's probably saved that much by now thanks to living back home. I'm sure Jamie's a lot more aware of his finances now than when this show was filmed and it doesn't seem like she's too worried, if she's thinking of babies. I take that as a sign that he's doing fine, but then again I don't think they're faking anything. She's gotten way too close to his family to just be using him for fame.
  6. I think his body is close to perfect. Just enough muscle in the right places, wide shoulders, tall... Jamie is a lucky girl.
  7. I can't believe I succumbed to watching this. Juan Pablo is such a condescending jackass. Nikki needs to wake up! He's in a win-win situation here. He's got a cute girlfriend, who is eager to please no matter what and gets along with his daughter, who he introduces to anyone he happens to date. He's got no reason to end things as long as he's enjoying himself and he doesn't even have to feel guilty about leading her on, since he's been totally honest and she claims to be fine with it. It's her who's letting herself be treated like a casual fling, even though her expectations are clearly something else entirely. She's even convinced herself that he does love her and just doesn't know it yet. It certainly doesn't show in his behaviour in any way. It's just sad and she's gonna be kicking herself in a few years (months) looking back. He is just a dumb arrogant ex-athlete, who only loves himself and his daughter and who is hated by half the nation. He is so NOT worth all the nastiness she's had to put up with and the culture clash and the travelling. I fear she's not gonna realise that until everyone stops giving a crap about them and there's no common enemy to fight against anymore. Then it's just her and this dumb lazy guy who she can't even properly communicate with. Awesome. I have little interest in the rest of the couples since I've never seen any of them before and they all seem super trashy.
  8. I don't think it was intentional for this show though, just a natural consequence of the couples living together since the start. I mean on TB they don't really get to talk in private until the FS, so everything they do talk about is on camera and the show can pick and choose what they show. On this show they only have a limited amount of filming time and at least during nights they are left alone. I think it's only natural that they're the most comfortable and themselves during all the pillow talk we're bound to miss out on. During filming they're pressured to talk about the issues each episode is centered on, so it ends up being about the relationship itself rather than about them and their interaction. Jason looked very conscious of the cameras during all their "intense" conversations and positively scared of saying anything. I think Jamie and Doug were the most comfortable with the cameras around for obvious reasons and we did get to see a lot of their witty banter in addition to some raw emotions. That's why they were the most entertaining and Jason and Cortney remained a bit distant despite having the most natural love story.
  9. I think those false lashes are permanently stuck on. Permanently meaning for a month or so. They're like hair extensions. I think they look ridiculous, but so many people have them these days. I also doubt they actually slept in their makeup at least after the honeymoon, they just didn't want to be on camera without it. I read some interview with Cortney where she said that they would stay up talking for hours most nights and only slept a couple of hours. That's how they really connected. I think we missed most of their normal conversations, and by normal I mean the ones that don't revolve around their relationship like most dating show conversations seem to do. They talked the most when the cameras weren't filming and I don't think Jason ever really got used to the cameras, so I feel like we didn't get to see the Jason Cortney fell in love with. It's unfortunate, but I think they have a lot in common and they seem really happy, so I hope the best for them.
  10. Yeah, Michelle really seems to be all about the sex, or at least that's how she presented herself. One minute she can barely stomach Cody yet goes into the fantasy suite all "Time for some real life! Let's see if his pecker is as small as I suspect". Then they have sex and she's head over heels in love. Um... he's still the same guy, Michelle. You just bumped uglies. Didn't she have an affair with some athlete too? What a role model. I bet Andi wishes she'd taken Cody to the F3 now though.
  11. A really nice interview with Cortney: http://www.ibtimes.com/married-first-sight-star-cortney-hendrix-talks-marriage-meeting-jasons-mom-what-scenes-fyi-1684792 This bit is so sweet:
  12. I for one am really happy for both Jamie & Doug and Cortney & Jason. I think Jamie and Doug are perfect for each other. Even Doug's family agreed that he needs someone to keep him in check and she clearly needs someone who makes her feel comfortable and lets her drama slide. I actually think the whole conflict with THE LIE happened at just the right time, because she was forced to deal with the issue, since the experiment was still going on. I can totally see her dating life consisting of her running at the first sign of trouble, or the guy running, because she freaks out and he doesn't want drama. If the conflict had happened soon after the experiment ended, I think she would've been even more upset and probably left him. Now she was stuck with him for another week or two and had to get over it. I think it helped her realise that conflict happens and it's not the end of the world. That you can get over it and be happy again. I would also think that viewers telling her week after week how awesome Doug is and how lucky she is to have him, has made her even more sure about her decision. I also think Cortney is just what Jason needs, because she's so good at communication and he really isn't, at all. I think she'll bring him out of his shell. I hope part of his nervousness was due to the cameras and he's more relaxed now that they can live their lives in private. It's sad to hear that his mom passed away, but how great is it that he now has a new family and someone to lean on? She can finally give and focus on someone other than herself and he isn't alone during the worst time of his life. I think it's really sweet. I can't snark on them even if I wanted to. Monet and Vaughn never had a chance. It was ridiculous how hard the show tried to make us think they're getting along now, when it was obvious both were just acting for the cameras. I didn't buy anything Vaughn was saying to his friend. I just don't like either of them. He seems immature and rude and she seems selfish and way too set in her single girl ways. If he isn't ready to be a husband then she certainly is no more ready to be a wife or a mother. I hope it's just a case of them bringing out the worst in each other, for their sake. The experts were annoying me too. Dr. Pepper has seemed so pessimistic about Jamie and Doug throughout and even when they came in to tell them their decision, she looked like she was in a funeral. Then when Jamie said she wants to stay married she looked like she can't even wrap her mind around it, like "omg, she really likes him, omg". On the other hand, she was smiling from ear to ear when Vaughn and Monet came in and it just seemed bizarre. I hope it's because she knew they royally effed up putting those two together and she wasn't axctually expecting them to stay married. Even a blind toddler could see those two had no chance and she's supposed to be an expert!
  13. Indeed. And Jason looks like such a troll. I never watched his season and I'm glad, because I can't for the life of me understand why any women would compete for someone so utterly sleazy looking. He made Sean and Chris look hot and I've never been attracted to either of them. I also think Des and Chris deserve a TV wedding. All the other couples got theirs televised, so it just seems like a slap in the face, especially if they televise Andi's. Des looked really cute and happy.
  14. I guess there sort of was a prize, since I doubt Marcus paid for that gigantic diamond. But obviously not everyone would appreciate the human that comes with it, so the show was indeed about love. I saw some interview with CH where he said that they quit doing Bachelor Pad because they didn't like money being the incentive, since that's not what this franchise is about, so I can see why they'd view BiP a success.
  15. Sheesh, is it just me or was 60% of this episode Michelle talking to the camera? She's not that interesting. The sex with Cody must've been really good, since she went from lukewarm to totally in love overnight. And couldn't stop talking about it. I think even Lacy's ears were burning. I guess Marcus didn't totally disappoint either. Whatever happened to "it's something that is private and should be kept private" BTW, or does that only apply to the main show? Or would they have edited out the sex talk, if Nick hadn't broken the sacred code already? Oh Sarah. I think she had every reason to be upset if things played out as she said. I totally get that not everyone wants to have sex on a TV show and take the risk of it being discussed on camera the next morning, but you'd think he'd at least explain that to her, if he cared about her. I too would expect him to at least want to talk, if no hanky panky is involved. It really seemed like he only had a mild interest in her and mostly while the cameras were rolling. After what he said to Brooks last week, I have trouble being sympathetic towards him. She does need to stop comparing her relationships to other peoples' though. It's very immature. She wasn't all that into him either just a couple of days ago, but now she is and he should be too, because that's how it should be at this point in the game? Every relationship is different, Sarah. Well I'm happy for the two couples, even though Marcus still bores me to tears and sounds more depressed than earnest while talking about his feelings. I hope Lacy can handle a lifetime of serious romance. She really needs some makeup tips, because gravity will not be kind to her in the long run. There's only so long she can distract people from her face. I also found it weird that the couples who broke up got like a minute of screentime and no exit interview. Aside from AshLee and Graham and that was disappointing too. I wanted to see a proper meltdown. I actually felt a bit bad for AshLee in the end, even though I find her fakeness totally vile. The credits were the best part for sure.
  16. I think he's just comfortable with his sexuality and I for one find that attractive. Confident men don't worry about appearing gay and can even joke about it in a provocative way, which I think he was doing in those photos. Though my memory of them is a bit fuzzy. But I've only seen him date two women on this franchise and Des clearly wasn't right for him. I totally understood him leaving and thought it just showed his honest character. I think he actually liked Jackie and even tried to get a kiss, but she pulled the "I don't kiss on the first date" card, which I now think is her way of showing she's not interested.
  17. Well I was only talking about the people on this board, not the whole entire world obviously. I just didn't get the sense that anyone dislikes Brooks for being gay (which he isn't), just maybe wondered what he was doing there.
  18. I think people only view it as a "negative trait" in the context of this show, since this show is about dating and finding love with the opposite sex. It goes against the premise, like a gay person would be there for "the wrong reasons". Just to be clear, I don't think Brooks is gay or sexless, but he has this certain androgyny about him and it's not every woman's cup of tea. And painting each other's nails is just such a girl thing to do. It might be a bit confusing for a woman who's used to guys like Zack. I wouldn't mind, but my boyfriend isn't the most masculine man either. Anyway, if anyone wants to see Brooks doing "men's stuff", then watch the recent Youtube series of him motorcycling through Mexico with a bunch of other guys.
  19. I saw that clip and it looked to me like Nikki was acting for the cameras. That show looks like pure trash BTW. Doesn't make me like those two any better.
  20. I'm really disappointed by Jamie still constantly bringing up "the thing we don't talk about" and taking jabs at Doug. That isn't any more healthy than lying. Well at least Doug won't have any illusions of her being over it. If they do stay together, then I hope falling in love will alter Jamie's behaviour for the better. At least Lady loves Doug. He should steal her. Jason is a total moron if he divorces Cortney. Especially after giving her such a gift. It breaks my heart to see her be so sure about her decision and him still acting like it could go either way. It was so cute to see him take part in her "burlesque" performance. Vaughn and Monet aren't fooling anyone. I will be truly flabbergasted if those two decide to stay married. They're both so far away from falling in love that it would make absolutely no sense. Did Vaughn really say he wouldn't like to get divorced because it's so uncomfortable to explain it to people? Well that's a good reason to commit! Their gifts were like the least personal ever. It was funny how Monet was trying to find some reason behind his choice, when it was clear Vaughn just walked into a shop and got the least personal thing in there.
  21. So Brooks and Eric and a bunch of others did a motorcycle trip across Mexico and there's a 9-episode Youtube series about it. They were also making fun of the Bachelorette in one of the episodes. It's nice to see Brooks act less girly and Eric enjoy his life before it was taken away. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/bachelorettes-brooks-bonded-with-eric-hill-on-motorcycle-trip-video-201419
  22. This episode had so many great sound bites, I can't even remember half of them. Tryanosaurus Rex? "I would single-handedly kill him with my own two hands". I love this show sometimes. I really liked Brooks during Des's season, but I'd already forgotten why. Thanks for reminding me, BiP! He's just so entertaining simply being himself. I giggled when he was talking about Jackie's face being distractingly cute, because she does look like a Disney princess. And I love that he does and says the gayest things without caring about what others will think. I so would've picked him over Zack! Silly Jackie. What the hell was up with Sarah? Was she seriously considering dumping Robert without having any idea if Brooks even liked her? No wonder she's still single. Though Robert came across a bit douchey with his territorial nonsense. The whole ganging up on Jesse was so embarrassing. Christy wasn't making any sense and then Michelle was telling Jesse how Christy is deeply hurt and beside herself. I felt so bad for her! And not because of Jesse, but because Michelle was making her seem like a total fool. The last thing I would want after getting played is to show the guy I've been affected by him. Players like him don't have empathy, so they'll only take it as a compliment. Ugh. Let the girl keep some dignity! He's delusional though. Cody is one-dimensional for sure. I don't think he even knows what love is, he just wants a girlfriend really bad. I can barely look at him, the puffy muscles are just too gross.
  23. She didn't say she's moving out of NYC, just that she's moving because her lease is up. So probably to another apartment nearby. I think she just meant that it's a NYC problem that apartments in are in big demand/expensive.
  24. Oh picky is certainly good in real life, but on a show where you only have 25 options and you're supposed to make things happen with several of them? Not so much. I'm no Chris fan, but at least he made a move, even on the first date, and he was F3 so obvious choice.
  25. Well put! Though for me the biggest issue isn't even his looks, because I think Jamie is attracted to him now. She's said so several times and they're always kissing. Just because they haven't gone all the way yet, doesn't mean she's not attracted to him. I don't even find anything wrong with his looks. He may not be a model, but his body is way above average and he's got a lovely smile and eyes. And if I were to judge the couples' chemistry based on kisses, Jamie and Doug would win hands down. I think the biggest (and only) issue is Doug's lack of career. I totally get that Jamie is scared of him not having a stable income, since she wants kids soon, but I just hope she can give him a chance to prove himself. He only recently started at his current job, so there's no way of knowing where it'll lead. Of course she would feel safer, if he had a well-paying stable profession, but if I were her I wouldn't give up on someone so right in other ways because of it, not after 5 weeks anyway. Having someone whose personality compliments yours and who is there for you 100% is the most important thing in a relationship and it's not that easy to find. If I thought staying married to Doug would be settling, I wouldn't want her to do it either, but I see it as readjusting one's priorities for a happier outcome.
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