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Everything posted by MsPH

  1. It might also be because of the fact that, as we've seen on Bachelor in Paradise, he doesn't seem all that into the ladies. He made no move on Andi and only kissed one girl out of the three he dated in Paradise, and didn't seem to do anything post-date to keep the thing going. I mean I loved what I saw of him on Andi's season, but now I think he's kind of picky and judgemental. Not good traits for a lead of this show. Frankly I think if he had been chosen, it would've been because he's black, since Chris is a much safer and more logical choice all things considered.
  2. Those pics were taken after the show was filmed and they were used in some article or on the site before the season started and they hadn't revealed the couples yet. They were still teasing us with possible pairings, as if there was any suspense in that. But they were definitely taken after they were already married, so I have no doubt that the selfie was for Doug.
  3. I don't really mind Jamie that much. She's clearly got some issues, but so do most people, even the ones who aren't "damaged". And I definitely don't think everyone with issues should stay single until they've been to therapy for years. Actually I think a loving and understanding partner can help a lot more than any so called professional. I agree with Dr. C about Doug having a sort of sixth sense when it comes to Jamie's needs and that's already a huge step in the right direction. Compare that to Vaughn and Monet, for example, who don't seem to be at all in tune with what the other one needs, even after being told. Some people just understand each other and some don't. I think Doug and Jamie do, and that's the best foundation for a successful relationship. They also have a similar sense of humour and a lot in common according to Jamie. I definitely think they can make it work, if Jamie just stops overthinking everything. I really don't think Doug is her lapdog either. On The View she called him the most amazing man she's ever met or something along those lines and seemed very genuine about it, so I don't think she's blind to his great qualities by any means. I really hope they can make it work.
  4. I don't think they were talking shit, yet anyway, when Nikki stormed off. IIRC, Andi got to stay on the group date while the other women were sent back to the hotel. Nikki wasn't on the date because she'd had a one-on-one, so when they came back Nikki seemed happy that her friend go to stay. She then made some comment about Clare looking checked-out and not sure what else, but Clare said something like "I guess Andi needed the reassurance", which was actually true, but Nikki took it as trashing Andi, so she stormed off saying "This is stupid". I feel kind of appalled that I remember the incident so well, but it definitely didn't compare to AshLee's backbiting IMO, which was obviously an attempt to put Zack off Clare. Her freaking out about the camera being there just proved what her intentions were. Definitely no passing statement. But I totally agree that Clare is passive-aggressive. I just don't think she's malicious like AshLee.
  5. I definitely think he was angling for the job from very early on with all those grand romantic gestures, and I highly doubt he's as sweet IRL as he wanted to come across. He came across really poorly to me during that attack on Nick with his incoherent accusations and smug smirking. Seems alcohol may bring out his true colours. I actually wonder if Nick was hitting a bit too close to home with his speculations about the next Bachelor and that's why Chris got so annoyed with him.
  6. I too have a hard time taking Dr. C's expertise seriously. I know he claimed to have spent hours with each couple in addition to the few mins that was shown, but that just makes his advice seem all the more inane. And I couldn't really trust a therapist whose eyes are wandering around the place everytime he speaks. Maybe that's just his thinking face, but it seems like he's insecure about the words coming out of his mouth. And frankly he should be considering we as viewers seem to be more up to speed with what's really going on with those people.
  7. I think Jamie had a reason to be upset about the lie, because it was really immature and wrong, BUT I can also understand how it happened and don't think less of Doug for it. He is clearly terrified of doing something to put her off, so his gut reaction was to deny any wrongdoing. And it's not like he doesn't have a reason to be terrified. He's totally smitten while she's been picking him apart the entire time trying to find faults. Being in a relationship with somehow who quit smoking for my sake, I know just how difficult it is to quit. It's actually mind-blowing how patient and easygoing Doug has been considering he just quit and is in this incredibly stressful scenario (not to mention sexually frustrated). Most people would be climbing the walls, so I have to give him some credit for that. Then he had a slip-up after a weekend of intense negative feelings and wanted nothing less than to add to those, but he got caught. I'm sure he knows what he should've done in hindsight, but there's nothing he can do about it now except apologize and take it as a lesson for the future. I don't think it negates all his positive characteristics and that's really what matters. Small lies turn into big lies if deceitfulness is a core characteristic, but I don't believe that's the case with Doug. It was a stupid mistake made with good intentions, even though that doesn't make it OK, but everyone makes mistakes. And I mean everyone. I'm also wondering why Jason signed up for this, since he's got so much other stuff going on. I suppose he didn't know this would be a forever type of deal when he first signed up, but he must've known the goal was a relationship, so he should stop using his busy schedule and sick mom as excuses at this point. If they plan to spend the rest of their lives together then a few months here or there shouldn't scare anyone off. I really hope they were trying to mislead us with the previews, because I'll be super disappointed if he runs. Cortney seems so genuine and all in it. Vaughn's mom is supercool. I like her. But I also get why Monet doesn't wanna fake it just to make Vaughn happy. That won't make her love for him grow, more like resentment. I hate how Vaughn does supposedly nice things hoping she'll reciprocate right away. That's just not how it works! If he keeps being giving then she'll grow to love him and she'll want to give in return. That's the ideal scenario that'll make them both happy. Not doing this so she'll do that the following day. That's not natural or constructive. He just comes off really needy. I get that Monet isn't what he expected, but she shouldn't have to change or pretend for her husband.
  8. This episode was pretty boring. I don't care about any of these new skanks. Just wondering if they had an actual threesome or two separate hookups. It's pretty disgusting to think that TPTB have it all on tape. How many times do you think the editors watched it? Ewww. I'm gonna miss Clare, but she only has herself to blame for that relationship going sour. No one wants to constantly feel like shit for simply being honest. She already made Zack feel bad twice for no reason, and then after he declines a date with another girl he was interested in, unlike Clare who actually considered going on a date with Cody, she totally freaks out because he says he wants to figure out their relationship? He wasn't breaking up with her, just telling her where he stands. No need to have a panic attack over it and leave. Sheesh. It seems like she really expects to have a perfect love where both are totally into it from day one and nothing can come between them, though she makes sure to test that every now and then. Well good luck with that, Clare. Even someone like Marcus would be turned off by all that drama. Speaking of Marcus, what a show-off! I loved everyone's reactions to that speech and the looooooong kiss. I was yawning too. He creeps me out. It almost felt like he wanted something more to be wrong with Lacy, just so he could be her knight in shining armour. So Graham's turning a blind eye for now? Something must've happened off camera with those two, since he seems more into her now, even after Michelle told him what a fake bitch she is. Weird. Cody is still overexcited. I could not deal with that either. I thought Christy was really pretty when she first walked in, but all that booze and humidity sure got to her fast. She looked like a zombie by the rose ceremony. Edit: Heh, my thoughts exactly! When they were shown in the hospital, all I could think about was "Marcus, there's a chair right there. Use it!".
  9. That's a good point. No one's shown any interest in AshLee besides Graham, and even he isn't that charmed, whereas Clare seems to be the hottest commodity in the house. That clearly bothers her, maybe because they're the same age AKA old in Bachelorland. It's like she's looking for confirmation from people that Clare isn't all that with the way she was asking Zack if he's really attracted to her or if he's just willing to bang her, which was super weird. Seemed like he couldn't believe what he was hearing either. I for one think Clare is ten times more attractive than AshLee, both looks and personality wise. She has a very feminine body, while the only thing feminine about AshLee's is bought.
  10. Yeah and then she was like "I'm not upset with you. Don't feel like you did anything wrong" and Clare was just like "I DIDN'T do anything wrong!". AshLee is so delusional it's not even funny. And then she's crying about her feelings being hurt. Bitch, please!
  11. AshLee is such a two-faced bitch. Clare's been nothing but nice to her, yet she has to talk trash as soon as she thinks she's not being recorded. Just how insecure is she? Newsflash, AshLee: Being yourself isn't supposed to be hard work! So if you have to work hard on being a nice person (on camera), then you simply aren't. This is why she's still single. No amount of hotness is gonna make up for the craziness and nasty character. And I don't even think she's that hot. A stick insect with obvious fake boobs. After the first episode on Twitter, she was blaming editing for the "She's not even pretty!" comment. Yeah, like anyone believes that, AshLee. Run, Graham, run! I kind of feel bad for Zack. I think he really does like Clare, but they've only been romantically involved for a few days. He's not quite ready to get engaged to her yet and he was just being honest about it. It's a dating show and she's been on dates with how many guys now? 3 or 4? He's barely had a chance to look around. Doesn't mean he's not serious about a relationship, just most relationships don't begin as love at first sight. They're still in the getting to know each other stage. I do hate it when guys are so scared of confrontation that they won't even stick up for you, but I wouldn't wanna tattle on AshLee either. I'd be too scared for my life. Marcus is still creepy. The way he looks at women he's into, it's like he's on drugs or something. I would be scared too if I was Lacy. I can barely listen to the conversations between those two, because they're soooo inane. Michelle keeps getting more pathetic. I think Robert made his choice loud and clear with the rose already, not sure why she had another breakdown about the date. Get a grip, woman! I hope things work out with Cody though. He seems like a nice guy, but pretty dim and his excitement is just too much. Like an excited puppy. I just can't take him seriously. Jackie really isn't brightest if she was buying anything Jesse was selling. He was so transparent! Kalon is disgusting, so I took immense pleasure in seeing him get turned down by three women. The solo date was funny though and definitely the best choice for him.
  12. Thanks for the links, crazychicken! Dr. Cilona seems to be quite the character and not very modest when it comes to his "expertise". No wonder we scared him off so fast. I must say I'm a bit shocked by his mocking tone in response to some questions. I'm all for snarking and sarcasm, but I wouldn't have thought that some random people on the internet could get him so riled up. His comments about Vaughn and Monet are pretty interesting though. Seems he's surprised about his behaviour as well and acknowledges his lack of experience and maturity when it comes to serious relationships. That leads me to wonder why they thought he was a good fit for this show to begin with. You'd think they would only pick people who've been in long-term relationships before, because there's a lot to be learned about love before marriage even comes into question.
  13. I know how you feel. She came off a bit deluded in the Bachelor, but seems it was just the usual story of the Bach being put on a pedestal because he's the only guy and all the girls want him. Now that there are several guys around to date, she seems to be much more relaxed and just having fun and seeing where things go. That's why I think she could thrive as the Bachelorette. She seems to really want to fall in love, but she's also a proper flirt and has a fair bit of confidence. I think she'd be like a kid in a candy store with 25 guys looking to woo her. Too bad they went with grumpy Andi.
  14. I agree. It may not be a colour scheme I'd go for and I'd put a rug on the floor (though maybe the dog isn't well house trained?), but I like the somewhat minimalistic decor. And it seemed like Vaughn appreciated the lack of girliness as well, when he first saw it. Not everyone likes decorative clutter and lots of colour everywhere. It's the opposite of a dump IMO. I do think Monet can take some of the blame for being paired up with Vaughn, because she was telling the experts how she wants a traditional marriage where the man is the head of the household and so on, yet she is the total opposite of a traditional housewife herself. Well she does seem to clean a lot in the shots we see of them in the kitchen, but she doesn't cook and she's very independent and headstrong. So I'm not exactly sure what she wanted from her traditional husband, just someone to pay the bills? I think Jamie said herself on Twitter that she wasn't upset about the trailer park per se, it was all the bad memories she had of that place. And I can definitely understand that, if she grew up with addicts. Being poor is on thing, being surrounded by addicts is another. They can't even take care of themselves, let alone kids. She probably suffered real hunger and neglect at times.
  15. I actually think his legs, and especially arms, are kind of short compared to his torso. That's why he looks so awkward when running. But if you're into long muscular torsos, then he's definitely got that covered.
  16. I don't mind Jamie that much tbh. I know I would be a total wreck if I came from where she came from and didn't even know who my father was. But Doug is such an understanding and easygoing guy, she really needs to hang on to him! No, he won't fully understand her past, but neither will anyone else, who hasn't grown up in a trailer with drug addicts. And she wants the opposite of that, so she's just gonna have to deal with it. She has her family who has been through the same supporting her. I'm sure most handsome and rich successful men would understand her even less or actively judge her. Or at least their families would. Doug and his family are great and not snobby at all. She needs to realize how lucky she is. Doug may not be a career focused person, but he said he's always had a job or several, so it's not like he's a lazy bum just because he's not making loads of money right now. She's definitely the one doing all the judging in that relationship. I also agree that she's gonna have a tough time finding something better with all her quirks and baggage. But I don't think she's a bad person, so I really do want them to work out. Jason seems to be holding back so much. I'm wondering if he expected it to not work out, and now that he actually likes Cortney he's realising that he may be stuck with her forever and it's freaking him out. I don't think he knew what he was signing up for. I felt so bad for Cortney saying she cries all the time now. It would be pretty awful if she never got to meet Jason's mom. If they stay married that is. It's nice to see Monet and Vaughn getting along a bit better simply because I'm sick of listening to them argue. I still don't see a future for them though. They're still brushing their problems under the carpet. I never feel like Vaughn is being sincere when he's talking to the camera.
  17. How can people not know Zack? He is a publisher and the sole reason Chris Siegfried got to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a "poet". He is an enabler.
  18. I agree that Marquel has every right to go on as many dates with as many women as he wishes. There's really no point settling down after one date with someone you barely know. Clearly it was a good decision to go on a date with Jackie, since he ended up liking her more than Danielle.
  19. How on earth did they manage to sign up this many crazies for this show? Kudos, producers, kudos! Clare, I don't think that turtle is your dad. Lay off the booze. I didn't realize her dad died 10 years ago. I thought it was like 2 with the way she kept going on about it during JP's season. But I can't help but like her for some reason. Too bad Zack doesn't seem nearly as enthusiastic about their relationship. Oh AshLee... You need a date to get a kiss after spending all that time together and he runs off to his single room after? He's just not that into you. His face, when she brought up Instagram? Priceless! Can't wait to see what she gets up to next week. Elise is insane. Chris is no rainbow. I hope they're filming that reunion show, because I really wanna hear how that story ended. If it's still continuing, I might just have to eat my hat. Chris really needs to stop moving altogether, he's clearly a hazard to himself. Michelle is just pathetic. As if Robert wants anything to do with someone that desperate. She makes Sarah seem like a ray of sunshine. Was she really drunk again or why was she so emotional about getting that pity rose? Sheesh. Marquel is suddenly in hot demand? Well that's a change of pace. I was also cringing at the "I usually don't kiss on the first date" "Omg, I don't either!" exchange. Just go with it, you awkward nerds. Jackie is really cute, but there's some underlying bitchiness there. She's so matter of fact. Glad we didn't have to suffer through Lacy's annoying voice too much. She looks really rough in the morning. I wish they'd all stick to the same timeline for this show. From what I hear the filming lasted like 3 weeks in total, yet they keep saying it's been 3 weeks now, then another person says 2 weeks, then a third person says Chris and Elise have known each other for 2 days... Just make up a timeline and stick to it!
  20. If a person you're into told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? Elise has a brain of her own, and her inability to use it, aside from trying to make Dylan jealous, is reason enough to steer clear of her. I think he sensed her delusion and just wanted some distance and time to hang out with other people. Her reaction was to go hook up with the nearest unattached man to make him jealous. He saw right through her immature antics when she reported back to him about her "swim with the sharks", during which she was "thinking about [him] the whole time!". Yeah, I can't blame him for being turned off. She is just too stupid to date.
  21. To be fair to Jamie, I don't think they actually had sex. She only talked about them kissing and cuddling all night, which is what was shown, and according to Chris he was only kissing her to shut her up. Even though Chris is a player, I don't think he would've gone that far knowing how into him Jamie was, since he had no interest in her apart from thinking she's hot. That would just be stupid. She was definitely hurt when he switched to Sarah straight after, but she didn't make a huge deal out of it, which I think she would've had they done the deed. Perhaps Chris realised she wasn't gonna give it up during the show and that's why he moved on so fast. With that said, I do find it a bit funny how on Twitter she's happily taking credit for setting a great standard for young women and whatnot by waiting until she's in love. She was throwing herself at two men she barely knew on TV just a couple of years ago. It's not like she's some shining beacon of chastity and ladylike behaviour. Though good for her if she's learned something from her mistakes. I do appreciate how real she's being.
  22. I somehow prefer this to Bachelor Pad, though I only watched the last season of that show. I just found the challenges sort of pointless, and they always spent the last half an hour at least on the boring-as-hell cocktail party, where a couple of people were trying their hardest to not get voted off while the rest were playing Survivor style mind games and talking about alliances and "trust". Yawn. It wasn't very "romantic" that people were kicked off in the middle of their budding romances. Not that this show is very romantic either, but at least you only have to impress one person of the opposite sex to stay in it. The dates, however, are a joke. As Sharleen put it, they're BUDGET Bachelor-style dates. Massage and swim in the ocean. Walk around some ruins and swim in the ocean. Dinner on the beach and staring at some candles. Wow. Like nothing they've ever experienced befor... oh wait. At least Marquel and Michelle got to ride some horses. I suppose all the money went into paying them to even take part in this silliness, since there's no other incentive apart from screentime.
  23. Yes, I totally agree that not everyone has to love or want pets. I've had none since I moved out of my childhood home either and I appreciate the tidiness. But if a potential love interest had pets or absolutely wanted them, then I certainly wouldn't hold that against them in any way, because pets are like family members to most people, and if you love someone you need to accept things that are important to them. If Vaughn is at all serious about making things work with Monet, then he's gonna have to adopt a more positive attitude towards the dog, because it's not going anywhere. Calling it annoying just shows his negativity once again. Have we even heard that dog bark? Doubt it sheds much hair either since it's tiny. I have to admit I do side eye people who actively dislike animals, not just in the pet sense, because how boring would this world be with just people in it? If a cute furry thing moves nothing in you, then it's hard for me not to judge at all. Even worse if you think humans are above all other species. But I'm not saying Vaughn is an animal hater or anything. After all it was just one comment, even if it did rub me the wrong way.
  24. I hope Cortney and Jason have at least been using a condom, if they haven't had any proper discussion about contraception. Would kind of suck if Jason just assumed she was on the pill and she assumed they're ready to have babies whenever. They certainly aren't anywhere near ready as long as she's in that much debt. Perhaps it's because they like each other so much that they're scared to bring up any topic that might turn out to be a dealbreaker. Then again, they were matched by so called experts, so you'd think their hopes for the future would line up by default. Still have to start discussing things. Monet and Vaugh are so frustrating! It's like half a step forward, two steps back. At this point I'm not even sure who to blame more. I definitely think she should've spent time with her friends while he was away, unless of course she didn't know when he'd be coming back, but that would be a bit strange. They just don't have much time together to begin with, so might as well take advantage of it for the few weeks they're stuck with each other. Then again Vaugh lost me by calling her dog annoying. I understand that not everyone loves dogs, but it's such a contrast to Doug, who seems to love Jamie's dog and was willing to pick up her poop off the floor without any hesitation. How a person treats animals just says a lot about them. I couldn't be with someone who dislikes animals. And Vaugh still doesn't seem to know what he wants or likes. Last week her bubbliness was annoying and now it's what he most likes about her? Yeah right. The easy sex is what he most likes about her and I'm not sure if there's anything else. I was hoping Jamie would be a bit more relaxed by now, but maybe all the sex talk is making her feel pressured, so her guard has gone up again. I definitely have a habit of retreating to my shell when I feel pressured about something. But I doubt she's still a virgin, so freaking out about the fish bowl questions was a bit strange. I hope she can get out of her head soon and let her feelings take over, because she definitely likes Doug. I don't think they should rush into sex, but spooning every night must be hell for poor Doug, since he's so attracted to her.
  25. He'll always be Crazy Baby Eagle Face (TM Ashley Spivey) to me. I have no idea why women are so drawn to him. Where is the handsome they keep mentioning? I'm glad Clare didn't go too overboard with the praise, though it's funny watching her rave about every man she gets to go on a date with. "Zack has good pheromones!" I died. I like her more every ep. And Zack is hot. I remember seeing pictures of Desiree's men before the season started and thinking he's the best looking, so I was bummed he barely got screentime. Enjoy, Clare! The crime docu reenactment was a classic! I like this franchise the most when it's admitting it's a comedy. Hope the poor P-U-T-Z got to keep his job. I think breaking both legs and being humiliated on TV is punishment enough. Elise is such a bimbo I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I doubt anyone's hiring her to teach kids after this. But props to her for being such an eternal optimist. "It's a good thing, it's a good thing. He told me he doesn't like me and asked another girl on a date, but it's a good thing, it means he cares!" Dylan surely dodged a bullet there, not that he's a much of a catch himself. I wouldn't want to date someone, who makes out with another person while claiming to be thinking about me the entire time, either. What on earth was that Michelle meltdown over Ben? She must have been really drunk. Maybe Marquel had a point, though it was definitely a weird time to bring it up. I'm pretty judgemental about drinking habits as well, but not out loud and not after a few days of knowing someone. Made him seem a bit full of himself. Hoping for some AshLee drama next week! Girl was practically invisible this week.
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