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Everything posted by MsPH

  1. Is it just me, or does it look like Chris has a bit of a beer gut going on? I think they were trying to hide it by not showing his torso below the moobs much, but it's visible in that hoodie pic in the recap. Maybe working out doesn't suit his body type, because I don't remember paying attention it during Andi's season.
  2. I'm with you. This might be TMI, but I was well into my twenties when I lost my virginity to my SO who was already a bit into his thirties at the time. It was never an issue to him one way or the other. When I expressed some nervousness about my lack of experience, he'd just say the point of sex is the person you have it with, not the sex itself, so it doesn't matter. At the time I actually wished he was more excited about the fact he was my first, because it was a big-ish deal to me, but now looking back I really admire him for being so neutral about the whole thing. Men who specifically want a virgin are usually creeps and/or hypocrites, so I certainly wouldn't want to be with one. But I don't have any more respect for men who would pass up on a virgin, because if you're looking for a serious relationship, then you have the rest of your lives to practice. Being a virgin doesn't automatically make one frigid and sex isn't rocket science despite what some people like to think. Ashley I. however, seems rather dim, so I wouldn't blame anyone for passing up on her.
  3. Wow, I don't know if I can make it through this season and I'm usually pretty resilient. I mostly watch this show for the snark, but stupid, stupidly drunk/on drugs does not funny make to me. I could feel my brain cells dying watching this episode. I swear there aren't more than 5 girls there with even an average IQ, let alone above average. I only like Becca so far and that could just be because we haven't heard her speak much. Mackenzie sounds like a drunk teenager at all times. I can just about understand giving her the rose after all the kid talk, but making out with her? Just ewww. And yeah, she's a bad mom for leaving a 1-year-old to go on this horrid show. Megan is dumb. Like dumber than Elise dumb. I wonder if they had any conversation on their date apart from the daddy story and "Oh wow, I can't believe I'm here". And cue making out session! I actually like Kaitlyn a bit since at least she has something else to say other than "amazing". I'd rather have awkward and inappropriate than braindead. Ashley S is on some kinds of drugs and I'm so over it. Virgin Ashley is also dumb and embarrassing. Jillian looks ROUGH without makeup. Good luck to any man waking up to that. Britt didn't annoy me as much this ep, but I feel like she's just trying to hypnotise Chris with her looks. She looks pretty while crying though. Whitney looks so old, but at least she seems somewhat sane. Tara needs to get a grip. "Bohoo, I'm heartbroken over a guy I've known for 5 minutes and only 1 of those sober. Why am I never good enoughhh?" Because you're pathetic, that's why. Chris is certainly proving himself to the horndog I suspected he was. Any warm body will do! Barf. I like my men with some standards, but maybe that's just me. And if someone made me walk around town in a bikini and then drive a tractor in said bikini, I'd be out of there faster than you can say Prince Farming. Could this show be more sleazy?
  4. Yeah, that bit about his previous engagement surely didn't endear him to me. I guess the ex might've cheated or something, but that's hard to imagine in a town of 400 people and after 7 years of waiting to finally walk down the aisle. Now if it was a relationship that started in high school then OK, I can give him a pass. Young people rarely know what they want. But if it was an adult relationship, then you'd think he would've realised it wasn't good enough at some point during those 7 years, preferably before proposing and planning a wedding. Perhaps at the beginning of the relationship she looked like one of the bachelorettes, but by the end like one of the women from Arlington who attended the premiere. Just a thought.
  5. Nick definitely knows he dodged a bullet: http://uk.eonline.com/news/612788/bachelorette-runner-up-nick-viall-surprised-by-andi-dorfman-s-breakup-with-josh-murray-heartbreak-is-tough
  6. I think Josh really thought he'd found his wife. He wouldn't have stuck by her and defended her so much after the ATFR fiasco, if he wasn't in it forever. He probably just learned over time that his feelings weren't really reciprocated. She was in it for the fame and opportunities and thought Josh would be the more attractive accessory. She wasn't ready or willing to pop out his own baseball team anytime soon, even though she made sure to let him think that for months. I can see how he would have no desire to continue with a fake relationship since he's already got two jobs and he wants to stay in Atlanta.
  7. Yeah, but this couple tried so hard to present their relationship as this perfect fairytale that was meant to be. Kept telling everyone how they're best friends and torturing us with unnecessary amounts of PDA. It's just a bit embarrassing when they call it quits as soon as they get permission. This franchise certainly did Andi no favours. She's known for sleeping with all 3 men she spent private time with, 2 of which she's soon after ranked below her and made sure to bash at every opportunity. She's quit her job to chase fame, which hasn't amounted to much either. Now she's got a broken engagement in her hands on top of all that. She should've just stuck to being a lawyer.
  8. I think it was said in some press release that Chris and the woman had dated for years and years, but he called off the wedding not long before it was supposed to occur. Or that's what they made it sound like while referring to him as heartbroken about it. I remember it because I thought the woman must've felt way worse and thought he was a bit of a jerk for stringing her along for so long.
  9. I must admit I'm absolutely tickled by this news. Can't stand Andi. How ironic that Juan Pablo's relationship lasted longer than hers. *snort*
  10. Britt has a nice smile, but she kind of reminds me of a Bratz doll. Big round head and a narrow body. Definitely not the most beautiful girl on this show ever or even this season.
  11. I agree. I don't think most of the viewers of this show would call themselves fans of the lead or the couple. They watch the show while it's on for the competition aspect and the lavish dates, but lose interest in the players soon after they leave the screen. By the time their wedding rolls along the viewers are like "who were these people again? Oh yeah, didn't like him/her" and skip the broadcast. As dedicated as the "Bachelor Nation" is according to the producers, I think they only make up a fraction of the audience. Most are casual viewers who don't get too invested. The novelty of couples from this franchise staying together has worn off too by now.
  12. Andi and Josh looked terrible and I just can't stand how she speaks. I can't wait for them to break up either! And I'm sad Nikki ruined her body with implants. The fact that she never seemed ashamed of her small breasts is one of the few things I liked about her. I really hope she didn't do it for Juan Pablo's sake, because that would be beyond sad. Good for her for not letting CH put words in her mouth though, no matter how hard he tried. Marcus does look depressed, and he did during the Bachelorette and BIP too. Maybe it's just his resting face. I can see Lacey being willing to nurse him though, considering her profession and backstory. Good luck to her! I'm still on the fence about Chris. I never thought he was as perfect as they tried to make him out to be and the previews didn't look very promising. There's just something off about him. I also thought it was rude to interrupt Kaitlyn even though her joke turned out inappropriate. Britt seems terribly fake to me, or at least she's trying way too hard, but apparently Chris is lapping it up. Making out right away was a bit strange, but I suppose they'd known each other longer than most one-night-stands by then. Whitney's voice is very strange. At times it sounds pretty normal, but then when she's giddy it suddenly changes into that really high Minnie Mouse voice, so I'm not sure if she's doing it on purpose or not. If she is then she needs to stop. It's not cute even for a teenager let alone an adult. Most of these women blend in together for me at this point, and there's not much I can say about the crazies that hasn't been said already. Oh, nice to see the Waddell family being just a as quirky as I remembered. I'm happy Zak's engaged already!
  13. Finally a reason to watch this season! Seeing Chris the conservative "gentleman" with a criminal record date a porn star criminal should be rather epic. I knew the producers wouldn't hold back from messing with him no matter how sweet and genuine he's been portrayed as. Go show!
  14. My thoughts exactly. He couldn't have been that in love with her, since he's the one who broke it off. What made him the victim?
  15. Well I guess that would explain why she still acts like a teenager at 27 or whatever.
  16. I think this was filmed 6 or 7 months in, but still, it's not looking good on that department. You summed it up quite perfectly. They are just a poor poor match. I hope Nikki's not buying into the "opposites attract" nonsense, because while that may be true, rarely does that attraction lead to a happy relationship long term. They just don't get each other and I doubt she can take it much longer. I don't know what to think about Dick. If he dragged a fake girlfriend on the show just so he could announce his big secret on TV, then that's royally messed up.
  17. I think all the relationships were/are real.
  18. I was bored enough to watch all 3 eps during the weekend. During the first episode I thought this show had promise, because there seemed to be lots of beautiful women and he seemed like a sweet enough guy. Now it's just getting boring. He has a few real moments here and there but mostly it seems like he's reading from a script and not even trying to hide it. He's also looking tired and straight up bored half the time. I think there are only two viable options left and those are Sachelle and April the realtor. They seem nice and normal. Kaylynn is a wreck and needs some therapy, Lisa is bitchy and Natalie is trying wayyyy too hard. I have a feeling she's a control freak. Don't even remember who else is left. Can't be many by this rate.
  19. There's definitely something fishy about those two. I guess it could be possible that he was on and off with two women at the time, but it's a bit weird if he hasn't shared any pics of Stephanie on social media. She might just be an actor and that's why she didn't want Dick spilling the beans. It's obvious people would get curious about past events because of it. Or maybe she didn't even know and the secret they were talking about was the fact that she's not his real girlfriend?
  20. I think she just doesn't want to be the woman who left her partner because of their illness. I guess she thinks it makes her seem superficial and heartless. I wouldn't judge, since she's still young and they weren't married or anything. I can understand her wanting a sex life that doesn't involve a constant fear of getting HIV, especially if they were having other issues as well. Sucks for Dick though. It's gonna be hard to find someone who's OK with it. I also thought it was very unprofessional of Dr. Jenn to ask where he caught it from. I guess she wanted to know if he was cheating on Stephanie, but it was just rude. Nikki thinks she should be able to just enjoy the perks of fame without doing anything at all in return. How spoiled can you get? She can think those things all she likes, but broadcasting them to the world is seriously stupid. Juan Pablo is a such a jerk. I wanted to slap him during that heated discussion about moving. So he's willing to leave his daughter for Nikki, who he doesn't even love? Give me a break! He has no intention of doing that. He might move to LA to make a career out of his celebrity status, but Nikki will just be a prop. What a great dad! NOT.
  21. I loved this episode. No expert nonsense, no useless factoids, no repeats and previews, just the couples doing their thing. I wish the whole season would've been like this. I feel like I saw more of the couples in one ep than the rest of the season combined. It was nice to see Jason's personality a bit more, though their haunted apartment freaked me out. I hope he doesn't start working out after every sugary bite though. Would get old quite fast. It seems like Vaughn was indeed attracted to Monet. His sexist views would've rubbed me wrong way too though. Maybe she kept having sex with him to prove him wrong about women being more emotional about sex or whatever. His mom already told Monet what to expect at their wedding. I like how Monet was all "wtf, she's crazy!" about Vaughn's ex, while he seemed to think it was amazing that she got him 10 birthday presents and tattooed his name on herself. I suppose that's what Vaughn expects in a mate, someone who wants to please him to the point of obsession. Makes him feel like a god of some sort. Jamie and Doug are perfect for each other. Erica noticed his great body straight away, huh? Good on her. On twitter Jamie claimed Lady was stressed (about the new apartment and cameras?), but sounded like she's just badly trained. Doug is a saint to clean up all that poop. Can you imagine Vaughn in that situation? Throwing toys for PJ was already too much for him. Doug loves Lady regardless and isn't holding her responsible. Gotta love a man who understands animals.
  22. I think both Vaughn and Monet would have to be totally bonkers to have another go at this. It's bad enough having to explain one blind marriage and divorce to future dates, I can't even imagine having to explain two. You'd come across as a total glutton for punishment (and fame). I think it's best they stick to normal dating.
  23. I'm not sure what Jamie was supposed to do either. Amputate his foot just in case? The only thing I can think of that would help would be some meds and she didn't have those at hand, so what could she do? Being a registered nurse doesn't give you the power to heal people with your touch alone. She did agree to pee on his foot if need be.
  24. Maybe Doug is secretly rich and wanted to see if his new wife would love him for him and not his money. Hehe, JK! I wouldn't read too much into his body language. I think it's only natural to not be all over each other at all times after living together for 5 months, but maybe I'm just weird. Jamie posted this the day after the decision episode aired: https://twitter.com/jamienotis/status/509674918989279232 If that's not the look of love then I don't know what is. I wouldn't blame him for freaking out about all her baby talk though. I'm sure he would like to enjoy the honeymoon phase for a while before playing second fiddle to a baby. I don't think Jamie's baby fever is just attention seeking either. I mean she is a labor and delivery nurse, so she's around babies all the time.
  25. I agree that the so called therapist is very unprofessional, but the whole setup has very little to do with actual therapy, so I can't really complain. They're trying to make a TV show, not cure people. And while she can be very condescending, if Nikki keeps acting like a child then maybe she should be addressed as one. I don't know how someone as old as her can possibly think it's okay to act like that. Maybe she's so afraid of having real conversations with Juan Pablo that she'd rather keep him occupied with trying to calm her down. Or it's her way of getting attention, since JP seems to lose interest when things are good. Sad. Well I guess she's succeeded in making JP look better by making herself look horrible. He's starting to look like a saint for putting up with her nonsense this long. I find myself liking Jenna for the most part, but what she said to Nikki was just stupid. Why should anyone be a bitch to the crew? They all signed up for this, just deal with it! I'm glad most of them are saying the same thing.
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