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Everything posted by maraleia

  1. I thought the webisodes were a good route to take to fill in Nolan and Irisa's back story and Nolan's quest to find Irisa in the present time. Katie Douglas knocked it out of the park playing Irisa especially with the way she mirrored the mannerisms that Stephanie Leonidas has infused in Irisa. Grant Bowler did a great job conveying his love and devotion to Irisa. It was great that we didn't get a resolution to the search because that means we will see more of the world that the Defiance creators envisioned outside of the town of Defiance.
  2. Article talking about the accuracy of the show from people who lived it here http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/the-americans-real
  3. You guys are the best. Usually I am really good at this but I was hitting a brick wall today.
  4. Thanks @shapeshifter for the references. I couldn't find them with the search words I was using.
  5. Thanks @Ceeg did they say that they wanted to make the clones women because of the inherent nature of men controlling women's bodies?
  6. Does anyone here remember where they read why the creators of the show made the clones women? I am writing a blog post and I need to link to the reference so people don't argue with me. Thanks!
  7. @Maverick you are correct the Hoff is American as well. Looking forward to the antics of the judges this summer.
  8. @Micks Picks you are also discounting gay men who want to have a child and use a surrogate and many other couples or single people who choose to have a baby outside of vaginal intercourse. I'm not saying that Michelle should go down this route because she already has way too many kids she doesn't even raise herself but all of these options are available for people and as a 43 year old woman myself (also a lesbian) who hasn't had kids I would like the option to raise a baby.
  9. Watch Howard and Howie dance here http://www.eonline.com/news/544731/america-s-got-talent-first-look-you-haven-t-lived-until-you-see-howard-stern-and-howie-mandel-dance-together
  10. Hi @jnymph it's available on amazon instant video but you have to buy a prime membership to view them.
  11. @mattie0808 If you read any one of the interviews that the show creators did that were posted last night they said that Jared as the killer was planned from the start of the season. They told every director who worked on the show from the beginning that Jared killed his family and told the actor about 2/3 of the way into shooting the season's episodes so he could switch how he played the scenes. I loved the finale and the way that everything built up to the moments we saw in last night's episode. BTW, Holly Taylor and Annet Mahendru are prolific tweeters during the show and have interesting things to say so I would recommend following them if you are on twitter.
  12. @Cranberry @bravelittletoaster @Crim we must be the die hard fans because we are the only ones to post content here. I was just about the post the afterellen recap but you beat me to the punch @Cranberry
  13. The governor of IL has two offices http://www2.illinois.gov/gov/pages/contactthegovernor.aspx and the IL House and Senate don't meet year round. Also, we don't see Peter Florrick in every episode so I imagine that he is in Springfield during those times. Anyway, that's the least of the show's problems with getting Chicago and how it operates correct. They've messed up street names, the plausibility of Zach and Grace going to a private school in the suburbs when it would take them at least an hour to get there in good traffic, where Kalinda moved (that neighborhood is not sleek and sophisticated enough for Kalinda) and of course the outdoor scenes are laughable like the ones in last night's episode because the Chicago skyline is very distinct.
  14. Hey @Inquisitionist that isn't far fetched since the governor of IL usually spends most of his time in Chicago IRL so Peter being in Chicago is actually realistic. Oh and the question people raised about Alicia being SA keep in mind that the IL Speaker of the House is Mike Madigan and his daughter is the IL Attorney General. Alderman Dick Mell gave his seat to his daughter former State Rep. Deb Mell who inherited her state rep seat from her dad years earlier and Deb Mell's sister is Patti Blagojevich the former governor's wife. Check out this article for more information about IL political family dynasties from 2012 http://www.examiner.com/article/chicago-s-political-family-dynasties. I live in Chicago and was raised in the western suburbs so we are used to this.
  15. @MMLEsq the reason why you are getting George Takei posts on Facebook is because he is the king of the internet. I don't hate the Duggar's per se I just hate that they spew rhetoric that goes against any positive social justice progress and the way they dismiss any aspirations for higher education or a woman's right to their own life and thoughts. Interesting article BTW.
  16. Yeah sorry I meant to edit my post about the episode. Thanks for the reminder.
  17. Has anyone checked out Jill's twitter feed. She has no knowledge of grammar rules but what should we expect from a young woman who was "educated" at the SOTDRT.
  18. I know @Ceeg after seeing the scene between Sarah and Helena I want all the clones (except for Rachel), Felix and Delphine to have a summit at Felix's loft. I have no idea how they would pull that off logistically but I still want to see it happen. Glad to see that Art is on the Clone team and is being very helpful. I hate Paul with the passion of a thousand burning suns. One thing that is missing this season is sexytimes between Cosima and Delphine and my Clonesbian self is aching to have that back in my life.
  19. @picklesprite FYI and for everyone else here if you put the @ symbol before the posters name and type the name in exactly as its shown after the @ symbol then it turns bold and posters know they've been mentioned by someone else. I will miss Sandra Oh so much and hope that the show can survive her absence next year. Glad she got to have a dignified exit.
  20. Keri Russell was on The Colbert Report on Wednesday night. Here is the link to the interview.http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/videos/hffa7o/keri-russell
  21. Help me out here. Isn't Zach already supposed to be in college and Grace finishing her junior year in HS according to the timeline? This is the fifth season and when the show started Zach started 9th grade and Grace started 7th grade. As for the episode, I continue to love Eli and wish that they would do something better with Kalinda.
  22. Wow no discussion about this weeks shows yet? The one thing I noticed is Stephen is having a hard time staying in character of late.
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