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Everything posted by maraleia

  1. To discuss what Rachel reports on her show including Best New Thing in the World, The Interview, Debunktion Junction, Moment of Geek, Cocktail Moment et. al. As others have posted before, I wish Rachel didn't give viewers so much of a Wikipedia description of whatever story she is reporting as well as the constant repeating of words and phrases when she reads her script.
  2. Should we keep this thread for general discussion and create a new one for what happens on the show?
  3. With a few exceptions storytelling wise I was impressed with the first season of this show. They took time to flesh out the characters and give the town some depth while also keeping the anticipation alive for Elizabeth and Jack. What are everyone else's thoughts on the first season? Why in heaven's name hasn't the Hallmark Channel renewed this show yet?
  4. Hi everyone- longtime lurker and sometime poster over at TWOP. I actually can't stomach watching the show but I do keep up on the news because their whole belief system drives me nuts. I really want to see all the kids in these Gothardite families break free. Looking forward to our future conversations.
  5. Lip's situation is really interesting and the show is doing a great job showing his growth this past season. As iMonrey said above Amanda is better for Lip than Mandy because Amanda isn't judgmental about Lip's situation and is encouraging him in all the right places while Mandy (who pushed Lip to go to college) has turned on him and now is jealous of his situation. I feel bad for Mandy because Terry is worse than Frank as we saw in the episode last night when Terry tried to kill Mickey when Mickey came out. As for the age issue with Liam. It still makes me mad that they are portraying him as almost four years old when he should be at least 6.
  6. Thanks, threads merged by moderator. Please feel free to use the report button at the bottom of the post in future instances of duplicate threads.
  7. I'm interested to see what happens with Laure and Julie's relationship, why the dead have really returned, how the water level in the lake relates to it all and the reason why all of these people are connected. Also, the child actors were mesmerizing and from what I read were local children from the area where they shoot the show and most if not all of them had no acting experience before. This is the first French show I've ever seen and I was riveted to the screen the entire season. I'm just glad that Sundance did a marathon because I didn't catch it the first time it aired here in the US.
  8. Bumping this up with a liveblog link to Sonny and Will's wedding on Days of our Lives. Enjoy!! http://www.thebacklot.com/liveblogging-days-of-our-lives-the-wedding-of-will-and-sonny/04/2014/
  9. At the Paley Fest tonight Ryan announced that Michael Chiklis will be playing Evan's dad and Kathy's ex-husband. He was also in attendance and was marveling at the enthusiasm of the fans at the event. Some more links to Freak Show story and casting information. http://www.mstarz.com/articles/28606/20140403/american-horror-season-4-freak-show-spoilers-angela-bassett.htm http://whatculture.com/tv/american-horror-story-freak-show-5-things-know.php
  10. A place to discuss the various cold cases that Kelly Siegler and Yolanda McClary attempt to solve across the country including story arcs and moments from the show's run. Please remember this isn't a complete catch-all topic -- check out the forum for character topics and other places for show-related talk.
  11. I had to traverse through miles and miles of snow ala The Long Winter to get here. Can't wait for the snark fest and to get it going. I always hated Mary because she was a Mary Sue.
  12. I have a lot of faith in the Wachowskis to get this concept done correctly and I'm looking forward to another show with a diverse cast. I had no idea that JMS who created and wrote B5 is behind this as well. Now I have even more of a reason to tune in.
  13. I am so glad that they stopped the whole baby making storyline, however, I wish Shay had more of a storyline outside of propping up Severide and Dawson.
  14. In honor of Maddie exposing her bio dad online this is a perfect time to start a thread just for the Stella sisters Lennon and Maisy. My favorite line was Daphne's from last night's episode when she said "I'm not grounded, why do I have to leave?" Preach it sister.
  15. The Samantha Bee Daily Show segment about this show was a thing of beauty. I keep trying to explain to my parents how ridiculous this show is but they still love it. I wonder if they hate watch it and won't admit it because they are very intelligent people. I feel like we will be racing to grab as many things about each show from TWOP like the Russell Brand segment from this show for the next two months so they won't disappear forever.
  16. Wow I'm so glad scarlette over at TWOP directed me here. With that site going down I needed a place to vent about shows. I also was getting sick of the corporatization of the site in recent years and was looking for a new place to go. Thanks Tara and the rest of you for setting this site up. As for the show, I really like it a lot although they need to slow down and have more moments like the one between Lena and Judicorn that happened in the finale. There doesn't need to be so much drama for viewers to like the show. Also, I really think that they had to write Sherri's pregnancy into the show because she has gotten so big.
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