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Everything posted by BooksRule

  1. I liked it too, the first time I tasted it years ago. I think it was the first time I had eaten that sweet/salty combo (that was before I discovered how good pretzels with caramel dip were). I had never heard of this, so I googled it. It looks pretty good, actually (but the sprinkles would have be those soft 'frosting-tasting' kind, not the hard, crunchy kind).
  2. This made me laugh. I came here to see if anyone else noticed this, but I don't see that anyone else mentioned it, but when the camera panned down to show the bottom of the car as the gang was driving away, it looked to me like there was someone (something?) clinging to the underside of the car. It looked like some type of lump. Just me? Okay.
  3. I know! Was there any type of seasoning added? I love sweet potatoes, but they are sweet enough on their own so that you only need to add a little added sugar (and I use brown for a little stronger flavor). I don't know how you could make this without adding spices--at least cinnamon and some fresh nutmeg. I always thought that the strawberry-pretzel dish was a southern thing. It's in most of the southern cookbooks I have, although most call it a 'strawberry pretzel salad'.
  4. Raise your hand if you were surprised when Mark Valley's character turned out to be the killer's new assistant. No one? I didn't think so. I had hoped that this storyline would have been wrapped up by the end of the episode, but I guess it's going to be stretched out to the end of the season. At least next week doesn't look like a 'Gig Harbor Killer' (or whatever the name is) plot.
  5. I was kind of listening to this episode while I did some chores, but paid attention to her sweet potato casserole recipe. She talked about that recipe like it was really something different. It seemed to be the basic sweet potato casserole to me (maybe not putting marshmallows on top made it different?). I did think that putting an entire cup of sugar in the mixture was a little much. That was a lot of sugar. I think I usually put some brown sugar in mine (it's been a while since I made it). I think I usually put some orange juice in mine as well and cinnamon (and maybe nutmeg). Her version just seemed like the only flavor would be sweet. I do top mine with sweet pecans, though, but just some chopped pecans mixed with some brown sugar. Not really a streusel like hers.
  6. 3pwood, I probably will just make two of the recipe instead of doubling it (just to be safe). I was just thinking that I only had one pan, but I know I made it last time in a deep dish pie plate and I'm pretty sure I have a tart dish stashed somewhere. All this talk about gravy makes me want to attempt gravy-from-scratch this year.
  7. From 'The Griffin Equivalency': (When Sheldon smiles that horrendously creepy smile) Howard: 'Oh, crap, that's terrifying.' Leonard: 'We're here to see Koothrappali, not kill Batman.'
  8. Thanksgiving week is always such a short 'work week' (and, frankly, no one really gets much work done that week), so I was thinking of bringing in some food for everyone to snack on in the staff lounge. I might try a couple of new recipes for 'snack mix', flavored crackers, and the like. But, I have been wanting to bring Ina's Easy Apple and Cranberry Cake for everyone to try. But since we have a reasonably large staff I thought about doubling the recipe and making it in a large pan instead of the tart pan that the original recipe calls for. I'm wondering if it will still cook okay, as long as I check it periodically to make sure that it cooks through without overbrowning. Have any of you every made a larger version of that recipe?
  9. Ha, I knew the holidays were on the way when I saw my first Seymour Butts jewelry commercial. My favorite holiday commercials have always been the ones with food in them. I don't care if they are for products that I would not normally buy or recipes I would never make (such as marshmallow-topped casseroles), they all look good in the commercials. Butterball turkeys, McCormick spices, Pillsbury crescent rolls, etc. If the people or the music in them are annoying, I just concentrate on how good the food looks. Bring 'em on!
  10. I didn't think of the Tara reference, but I did notice that (according to Garcia's research) some of the teens went to Sunnydale High School. I thought about that, too (kind of). I didn't think about someone breaking the glass to unlock the door, but I did wonder why the glass wasn't frosted so that no one could see in.
  11. I liked the fact that we didn't get to see who the unsub was until right near the end, but it kind of lost its effect when we didn't know who the kid was. I mean, there were early episodes where we didn't know who the unsub was, but when we finally found out, he was someone we had already met during the episode. It was just kind of a random person. When Tara was murdered and the kid took a photo of her using her phone, it didn't look like he was wearing gloves. I noticed it, because he had small hands with thin fingers and I thought that the unsub was going to turn out to be a woman (I had even figured on a teen). But it was stated later that he had worn gloves, since no prints were found. Did he take them off to take the photo? If so, wouldn't they have found prints?
  12. I just heard about Ms. Susi. That's a shame. I also wonder if they'll get someone else to do the voice or have Mrs. W. pass away. I had just been thinking about a possible plotline where Howard's mom passes away and leaves the house jointly to Stuart and Howard. Then Howard, Bernie and Stuart all insist on living there. According to imdb, she had been in 39 episodes of 'TBBT' and the most recent episode (the one with the prom) was the last one listed for her.
  13. This is from a while back, but I just read it and the first phrase that comes to mind is from a holiday episode where Bobby says 'moist this turkey is'. It makes me laugh every time. I'm watching the one where Peggy finds out about Nancy and John Redcorn and I loved the scene where Peggy sees John going into Nancy's house and says (twice, very scornfully), 'Well, Jah-hon Redcorn. Jah-hon Redcorn'. And then Redcorn sticks his head out the front door and says to her 'Pah-heggy Hill' and goes into the house. Funny!
  14. I tried that for two weeks in a row, but when my local station went right into the local news both times, I got irritated and quit doing that (and took CSI off of my series recordings). Now, I just check when '60 minutes' is supposed to be on and get an idea if 'CSI' might be starting no later than an hour after it should be starting (the onscreen stopwatch on '60 minutes' helps me to calculate!). Then, I either set the DVR or just forget about it. (The same thing I used to do for 'The Mentalist' when it was on Sundays.) This episode wasn't too bad, but I wonder what the odds would be for two totally unrelated gunmen deciding to shoot up a convention at the same place, same time. I'm sure that there are forensics conventions all over the country at various times (this was the western regional conference, IIRC). I guess maybe because both bad guys were in the area it was convenient for them? It just seemed to be an awfully big coincidence.
  15. As much as I don't care for Katrina, I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. When Abraham told Henry that Katrina had come back and Henry said to bring her to him, he asked if she was still wearing the necklace. Henry looked extremely pleased when Abraham said yes. When Katrina looked at the baby, her necklace began to glow. That's when she got that 'it's my baby!' look on her face. I think she's under a spell. That could lead to some good scenes, since I'm assuming she'll fiercely try to protect it when Crane and Abbie try to destroy it.
  16. I liked the episode okay. I was happy to finally have an explanation about how Wo Fat is connected to McGarett's family, but for some reason, I found the dialogue to be clunky. I'm not sure why--it just seemed kind of awkward. I thought Kamekona's prison requests for fresh shrimp twice a week and Spam (I didn't catch how much) was funny. I agree that Kono's alt-reality story was kind of lame--it was like they weren't sure what to do with it. Wasn't Wo Fat's face much more horribly scarred the last time we saw him? I remember being disappointed that his face was now all messed up, but when I saw him last night it was like his scars were very artfully applied so that he was still pretty darn attractive. (What little we saw of his chest was pretty bad, though.)
  17. I'm beginning to think that all of the kids are just left in the hospital's day care center 24/7. It seems like when we do see any of the young'uns, it's somewhere in the hospital, no matter what time of day it is.
  18. Emily's kind of growing on me. I like her with Raj. The only thing missing from this episode was Amy's tiara. I expected to see her wearing it.
  19. I laughed at Derek's 'Zola needs more black people in the family. I've run out of ways to braid her hair, and Bailey won't show me any more'. I mainly laughed because I just saw the episode (yesterday morning, I think) where Bailey scolded Derek for not fixing Zola's hair properly. It would have been better if we had actually gotten to see Zola, though.
  20. Thank you! That kept bugging me. I couldn't figure out who she reminded me of. She even sounded like her and had the same mannerisms.
  21. Okay, so it's not just me. I re-watched the episode up to that point three times and couldn't figure out where they had photos of 'stolen dresses that still had the price tags on them'. It jumped to that scene directly from the scene where the killer picked out the purple dress at the cleaners. I guess they cut a scene, but that was kind of an important one to the plot. Was she shoplifting as well as taking 'used' clothes from the cleaners? The owner said that she had stolen at least three dresses, but in the 'stolen dress' scene, they said that the price tags were still there. Then, later whats-her-name figured out that a dry cleaners would also be a place that 'tagged' clothes. Weird--it seems they left out a really important scene. Oh, and I think that JJ is letting her hair get too long. It's beginning to look straggly (IMO).
  22. The next time I'm sitting around with my co-workers, I'm going to stand up and announce very dramatically-- 'I must Internet---immediately' and then leave the room. Great line! I also think that it would be better for the whole plot if Katrina hadn't pulled through. Then, Crane could go on the whole revenge kick and maybe Henry would end up feeling some guilt and be redeemed (right before he got killed or something, of course).
  23. When he talked about his blog, the first thing that I thought of was Peggy Hill from 'King of the Hill'. She would write a column that was sometimes published in the local paper called 'musings' or 'Musings of Peggy Hill' (something like that). The few that were read out loud were really, really lame. I figure that Ryan's 'musings' would be kind of boring like that. I like the tech person okay (Tory?), but I don't want to see her scenes increase at the cost of scenes with Lanie.
  24. I think that most of you have already said what I would have said, but one more thing to add: Whoever cast the actor to play Corbin's son did a really good job. I could actually believe that he was related. He looked like him to me.
  25. I haven't seen this one yet (I didn't even get a repeat, my local CBS channel went right into the local news), but when I saw the promo for the episode after last week's and the 'tag' said something about 'losing one of their own' am I terrible for hoping that it would be Finn? (I like the actress in other stuff she's done, I just don't like her character on 'CSI'.) Of course, I'm sure that the 'one of their own' will turn out to be an anonymous forensics person attending the conference that we've never met. I'm strictly guessing about this--like I said, I haven't seen it yet.
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