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Everything posted by Amarsir

  1. Sounds like they're leading off with social satire again. Which I love, but I didn't think they were going in that direction so much this season.
  2. That would explain why Southern Frenchies moved the car and truck together when they were questioning their spot. That was a clear case for sending the car to scout.
  3. Was the girl at the end actually someone? Because if I was supposed to recognize her, I missed on that.
  4. Ohhhh, "macerate" sounds like a cross between "massacre" and "eviscerate". No wonder they were making jokes! Good one, show. Someone remind me: haven't we heard in the past that Rachel isn't really in this for the teaching like Anne is? I was reminded of that when she didn't notice until the end that Sean had left his spine in (among other cutting issues). It contrasted heavily with Anne correcting Carson's mis-butchered chicken and made me think Rachel wasn't even in the room for most of the cooking hour. Also, and I apologize for just getting this now - "spatchcock" sounds like director Alfred Hitchcock. Hilarious! With jokes that good, who even notices if the contestants are learning useful skills?
  5. This show definitely pushes that up. I would say they tend to average comparable to getting the same food at an independent casual restaurant.
  6. She had recipe advice, am I correct? Oddly enough, the recipes themselves are one of the least important things about this competition. (With the possible exception of a tasting bonus challenge.) What they want is something that can be made quickly and cheaply, and tastes good enough that people won't demand their money back. That's not really what a pecan baking expert is likely to suggest. (Re: Mikey) I actually like his sense of humor, and the way his teammates deadpan to it really sells the joke. Last week his "in the industry" comment was the only time I've actually laughed this series. (There are other things about his personality I don't love as much, but that's good delivery.) I think it was a goofy challenge but a totally legit play. Under-promoting a product is no less fair than running out and therefore not selling it at all.
  7. I'd have liked them to keep Erik Estrada, who seemed like he really cared about learning, over Carmen Electra who didn't give much impression of caring. I guess the rigging isn't there when you need it. That or they coulsn't resist the allure of strawberry jam and pepperoni.
  8. All of Adam Scott's demon lines were brilliant. My favorite just for the audacity of it was http://imgur.com/6rIXyx8
  9. And the special effects, and the forced hashtag puns... Sigh. I'm trying to psych myself up into a silly mood which is what they clearly want, but it's not easy.
  10. TBD, apparently. Could it mean a child between them?
  11. Here's why I think that's a problem. A lot of people do a riffle shuffle by holding the deck vertically, cutting it in half, and turning the bottoms into each other because that's where their thumbs are. That turns half the deck upside-down. If he lets someone do that while counting on one card being that way as the indicator, he's screwed. Admittedly Penn probably wouldn't be one of those unless he was deliberately being difficult. But it still feels risky to me.
  12. I went through the exact same thought process. Noticed the flips and thought how easily it could go wrong in Penn's hands. He DID ask Teller to specify what he thought was done with the backs, so it's very possible they were close but technically off.
  13. It doesn't depend on colorblindness. Someone put up an "exposed" explanation for the AGT performance claiming that's what it was because Howie Mandell is colorblind. But I'm pretty sure they're using the method invented by Chris Philpott which works on anyone. And I believe the trick is actually called "Speechless" but he sells it in a package of 3 titled after the first trick, 100th Monkey. Basically as I understand it, the printing relies on the focal distance of your eyes. Too close and one letter appears. Further back and that letter fades into the background as another appears. Then as Taeolas said, use different cards at the end so she can read clearly.
  14. Some background from Penn's podcast: Sperry isn't usually in that character, but decided to commit to it 100% for Fool Us. This caught everyone with the show by surprise since he wasn't like that in rehearsal and Alyson was expecting a more normal conversation. Penn naturally thought this made it extra funny. I'm still wondering how Alyson actually felt about it, because she wasn't prepped to know she'd be pushing the coin into his eye. What she did know (and practice) was Parent's shrinking cabinet. Normally it's done with an assistant. For whatever reason the producers didn't care for that version, so they put Alyson in and rewrote a lot of his monologue. The monitor that fooled Penn was there for her benefit.
  15. I can't comment on Berdini's hotness, but I have mixed opinion on his trick. The effect also works in a "subject forgets how to read" version and I think I like it better making them forget the word. However, I feel like playing a song wasn't enough of a performance for me. Give me some plausibility that you actually made her forget. Yan Markson's use of a fake app to try two tricks together was fun, even if neither was all that new on its own. It let him turn himself from the expert into a neophyte instruction-follower, which gave him some amusing acting to do. Ondrej Psenicka impressed me if only because he had so little time with the cards. There was one thing I noticed, but Penn could easily have ruined that for him on the shuffle so I'm skeptical that he was reliant on it. I also enjoyed him running out to Pen''s chair and enjoying Alyson from the audience. In fact more than most he was clearly just enjoying himself being there. What I like about Glenn Morphew is that we all knew what was going to happen (to the extent that we knew which card was going to disappear) so we could watch for the exact palming and still not see it. It's a mechanical trick, but a good mechanic.
  16. How many of these teams even want a truck? The premise in the early seasons was trying to help legitimate startups. But now I feel like it's just a reality game show to many. Presumably the ones who take it seriously are more likely to win, but I am curious. So I tried to look up a few past winners. Grilled Cheese All-Stars (2016) hasn't been within 100ft of a truck since the show ended. They're trying to be blog celebrities so far as I can tell. Pho Nomenal Dumplings (2015) opened a brick&mortar called MOFU Shoppe and doesn't seem to run the truck anymore. (Although they might still use it to support catering once the store is established.) The Middle Feast (2014) is still working the truck. Aloha Plate (2013) seems to use the truck part-time or assist in catering, while focusing on a Hawaiian Style food and video series. Seoul Sausage (2012) has two brick&mortar and uses the truck for catering. The Lime Truck (2011) is still working the truck. Grill 'Em All (2010) after running two trucks for a while switched to brick&mortar. So I don't know if it's a trend or not. Maybe I'm just not taking it so seriously myself after last year's winners.
  17. I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that the self-labeled "Millennial Team" did not independently decide to name themselves after a movie from 1985. They were planning to go with "Brunch Squad" until a producer told them that the new name would be better. Of course I have no proof of this other than my deep skepticism that anything on reality shows is ever actually real.
  18. I think my enjoyment of that trick depends entirely on how much Alyson was acting. If she knew in advance there would be grossout humor and was playing it up for drama (as she did with Parent), it's fine. His character was really just a twist on the "weirdo" school of presentations, just a bit down the road from Criss Angel. On the other hand, if she was legit bothered by that and only went through with it because of the stage pressure, well then I'm annoyed on her behalf. I could see it either way. Not many of us want to push a coin into someone's eye socket. But someone who starred in American Pie probably isn't all that delicate either.
  19. Wrong thread label. @The Crazed Spruce can change it. Proper is: S04:E06 Something Fish This Way Comes. Featuring Dan Sperry; Naathan Phan; Jean-Pierre Parent; Richard Forget. With the closer featuring Piff along with P&T.
  20. "You're cavemen. Here's your cell phone." Film dub with Greg Proops! Two under-utilized treats.
  21. Because if they said "We're looking for the next easily-marketable cliche personality" it would be too obvious.
  22. Reddit adopts this approach so often they've turned it into a saying. ELI5: Explain Like I'm Five.
  23. Well shit. All season among spoiler-avoiding people I've been trolling discussions by saying "Gendry was great in this episode." Now what? On an unrelated note, Khal Drogo was great in this episode.
  24. The fear is a charge of "money laundering". Since a bank takes money and gives it back, they are at risk. Any contracted service is probably OK provided what the marijuana business is buying isn't considered a cash equivalent type of thing. There are some regulatory standards from the Treasury Department about how to handle the money without accusations, and some interest in Congress about clearing it up properly. But for the most part you're right - banks don't want to touch it.
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