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Everything posted by Amarsir

  1. That's the problem with one-size-fits-all meals. Try to get into the habit of logging food using a site like fitbit.com or myfitnesspal.com. Using the targets they give you, you'll have the flexibility of choosing your own meals so long as they fit within calorie limits. That way you can pick foods you like and set portions to your needs by adding low-calorie volume like vegetables.
  2. You can frequently tell from Yelp or social media when episodes took place. In Windward's case, they had their clearance sale in January. Which I'm sure is after The Partner was filmed but before it was aired, so you may be right. The show doesn't seem to be doing recaps any more though, only mentioning stuff when it has synergy. Which is a shame IMHO, but otherwise I agree with you. (Apparently her role is specific to ML's clothing brands, so maybe we'll see her more the next time that comes up.)
  3. Haircuts? And they ended up being 45 minutes late? No wonder Marcus was pissed. At least they got the sale. That's 4-for-4 this season on trade shows. Someone has clearly changed priorities about them. Either Marcus realized it's a good way to test out new companies, or CNBC figured it's a good thing to film for potential drama.
  4. That sounds like a good idea. I have some of that Yuzu and I haven't quite found the right home yet, so that's worth trying. Thanks to you and your cashier!
  5. Oh yeah he's clearly the villain. And he makes a really good one, because he's generally a decent cook and has learned how to make a competent presentation. On skills alone he has the potential to win. Everyone hates him for his personality. And that's why they no doubt want to have him around, but not win. I considered that. That problem is that Matthew should know by now how to aid someone in a presentation and that isn't it. You ask short questions that you know they want to answer so they're steered on topic and look smart in the process. That's not what he did. Reaching in front, having her change positions - these aren't helpful in any context. So even if she needed help (it wasn't *that* bad) and even if he genuinely wanted to (hard to believe), he still did it in a seize-the-spotlight way not a helpful way.
  6. They did start off by chastising Matt, although I could have gone for a "shut the hell up". She might have been flat anyway, or maybe it was 100% his fault. But mostly I think the judges didn't care. The third team was way worse and there's a definite air of "this is going to take forever if we're only getting rid of one idiot per week."
  7. Did Trace simply not realize that canned soup is concentrate? We all saw how badly Rusty did, on top of poor performances in prior weeks. The soup was enough to send Trace home anyway. That's pretty bad.
  8. It did. There were 5 episodes and it may be available On Demand from your provider if you want to check. The whole experience felt low-budget and the candidates a bit lackluster, but if you can get past that I found it interesting enough. No hint of the partner since then though. I'm genuinely curious what Marcus is using her for.
  9. Apparently there are still about a dozen episodes plus a Christmas one that aired in Australia but not here. So they could be setting us up with 1 per week for the rest of the summer, plus another one at the holidays. Not as good as last year's 2 per week including Camp Cutthroat, but I'm not going to complain after the dry spell we had. I just wish they'd tell us something about future plans.
  10. That would be Artistic Stitch, which Marcus rebranded to Queens Vibe. I hadn't thought about it but you're right - that's a good comparison.
  11. Someone on Twitter was in agreement with you, and Marcus replied "no way". He sad he was genuinely surprised and that the scene took a lot longer than what was shown. (Which makes sense - a tenant being annoying for 20 minutes before the landlord agrees to throw someone at the problem is very plausible. Trimming it down made it seem too tidy.) Also found a story that explains the tv station in the building and gives some (imho negative) perspective on Michael. http://www.greensboro.com/news/local_news/tv-station-sues-greensboro-for-m-over-withdrawn-loan/article_3ee0947e-f6f6-11e3-bef3-0017a43b2370.html
  12. Marcus recently (almost certainly after this episode was shot) bought Gander Mountain to avert a complete shutdown and is in the process of rebranding it Gander Outdoors. That means he now owns Camping World, Gander Outdoors, and W82 as retail stores selling outdoor sporting goods. They aren't the same, but there's definitely some overlap. I wonder what that will mean for W82 if he refitted them to sell drones and now there's a nearby Gander selling the same. It would be ironic if diversifying from a surf shop brought them directly into competition with a larger concern of his. Or maybe it's not an issue. Just a thought.
  13. That's a good point, but it was plenty obvious to me in other scenes too. I get that there's a lot of unnecessary languange when people speak, but if they have to slice up half a sentence at a time to get a conversation then maybe they're overcutting. I'm a little on the fence about how much I liked this episode. My instinct was that I really enjoyed it because the people were so likable and Marcus didn't simply erase the business to replace it with his own idea. However, I didn't see a ton of Marcus-added value either. Admittedly that's in conflict with using what's there, but I would have liked to see more business principles and math than simply "get your copacker to do the final packaging". We're 3 for 3 on trade shows this season, although 1 of the 3 (W82) he pulled the plug. The 3d software used to design the new booth looked the same this week as with the swimsuit company. Anyone know what it is? Offspring Test Task 8.0?
  14. It was pointed out in the kitchen that the top sheet was just flaking off. That's a decent sign that the problem was real. I think Giada just did the technique of positives before negatives.
  15. One is always plenty for me. That's not even a reflection on the guests so much as that their presence always limits the subset of games. Mix in Moving People and Sound Effects more often and I'd be much more open to it.
  16. I think the group was correct to stop her from listing "sugar, brown sugar...". Was it Trace(?) who told her to focus on 3 things: nuts, honey, and phyllo? It sounds like the right advice to me: describe in appealing detail the most important features. Which might be inevitable. Imagine you know you're going to be served at Food Network. You deliberately don't overeat at the meal before. Then you get to the studio and wait around 6 hours, before being served portions that are more like samplers. I figure I would literally order whatever looked biggest. There's a restaurant near me called Pho-tastic. They're pretty good, but I don't think the wordplay works with either the correct pronunciation or the commonly incorrect one. Bothers me every time. Jason I'm convinced can pull back any time the judges tell him to. Which they won't. I noticed btw that they talked about his dish as being a good recipe for the website. While that's no doubt the smartest way to give recipes these days anyway, I wonder if it's another sign that this whole season is purely about finding an online presenter. No more glory days of being a GGG judge. Next time you apply you should write in that you're capable of audibly saying "Wow" to something as mundane as a screen changing from jungle to beach. When I saw that I was tangibly embarrassed for that woman, but it definitely got her a spot.
  17. Not to be insensitive, but being an owner means you don't get to pass the buck. If she was a solo owner who unexpectedly got pregnant and couldn't afford to hire a replacement, what happens? If she can't work the whole business folds. You don't get to say "hey sex happens, someone owes me a check." Furthermore, she didn't put any money in to the business. The only reason she had equity was in return for work. I don't know if losing 10% is fair, but I don't think fair would be signing a partnership agreement and then not holding up your end without any giveback. This isn't a unique situation. If you need cash out of a business you sell your equity. That's what she did. That said, it did bother me that Jess was excluded from the location decision, especially since she ended up being the one who would manage it. It made me think Chris didn't view her as a partner so much as labor-for-equity. I think making her buyer was a great idea not only because she might be good at it, but because it means her inputs will definitely have a role in shaping the business.
  18. That was written in April last year. In December: https://pittmoss.com/blogs/monts-corner/catching-up-with-mont-q-a-with-the-founder-of-pittmoss Hi Randy- I wanted to respond to your comment, and appreciate your concern. However, I’m back home again in Indiana, caring for an elderly parent. I am working on a new project while at Purdue University Northwest helping other innovators launch their products. I am still very l active with PittMoss as a board member and shareholder. You can feel confident in your purchase of PittMoss and your support is greatly appreciated! So it sounds like he's no longer in charge (understandable) and his share may have been reduced due to more fundraising and partnerships. But if he's still a "boardmember and shareholder" then I don't see how Medium calls it "little more than a three-figure check".
  19. It didn't occur to me at first, but there was poetic justice to Matthew in this episode. In his first season he very memorably told the other competitors "I don't need to take advice from you, only from them." Now they invite him back, ask him to give a tip to the others, and we get talking heads from the others saying they don't need to listen to him. It's great.
  20. I'm a big fan of British panel shows. QI, Would I Lie to You, 8 Out of 10 Cats, etc. These are all game shows where the game isn't the point - it's just an activity to give comics a chance to make jokes. A couple times people have attempted to recreate those shows in the US, but what they say is "American networks don't understand having a game without a prize." This was evidenced when the Great British Bake Off became the American Baking Competition and the focus shifted from amateur bakers showing off their skills to "Who will win the $250,000 grand prize!?" (And flopped.) My point in all this is that Last Comic Standing shouldn't be about winning. It's rising comedians doing their best material. That should be entertaining. The early seasons had funny people living in a house. That should be fun. If they can't make television out of that it must be the approach, and I think the problem was too much focus on one single winner. The one-by-one elimination invited strategy about who performs and who doesn't, stretched comics well past the amount of material they could support, and divided audiences by making them choose between equally funny people with very different styles. I would like to see the show as an ongoing thing, half-hour at most. Treat it like the old Star Search show - or for a different analogy, Jeopardy. 2-3 comics perform, the audience votes, and the winner returns next week to take on more challengers. Include a small prize, but know that the real appeal is for these performers to appear on a network. There isn't just one winner, and the best comics may last 3, 4, 5 weeks or more.
  21. Lol! He did mention in the beginning that they had a huge storeroom, just badly organized. What I don't recall from the beginning is the mention of an upstairs, so that came as a surprise to me. I agree though that all the expanded product lines will require more inventory with less space now. And even though I think that Jess is probably a better buyer, it's inevitable that they'll have extra inventory which either takes up space or has to be liquidated really cheap. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they end up scrapping the whole shoe department, because I just don't see people going into this kind of shop and then upstairs to buy shoes. Even if you knew it existed because you bought your board there. I do like that Marcus took his share down to 40%. Seeing the one partner at 5% was tough, but I can also appreciate the other guys. 3 months paid leave while the other partners are working for free, that's awkward. And despite the show focusing on conflict, I think they must be pretty good friends to have weathered that. Lord knows we've seen Marcus in far more toxic locations. And ITA on the name. "Windward" is much better than W82 in so many ways.
  22. I can't believe it hasn't been revived yet. Seems like too big of a property not to. It doesn't surprise me that there are a few episodes around. The end was very abrupt and I know they snuck out 1-2 holiday-themed episodes earlier this year. There could have been any number filmed ahead of time that simply didn't go out as a season.
  23. I would settle for just once, hearing anyone on the Food Network use one of those words without the other.
  24. Marcus indicated on Twitter that there will be a follow-up about Farrell's. He also said
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