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Everything posted by Jennifersdc

  1. Sorry about that. I was the only woman in the room with a bunch of white heterosexual men for 20+years. They suck (apologies to any on the Board). Mainly the reason I pivoted from a very lucrative career in institutional commercial real estate acquisitions to much more modest affordable housing. I decided I had enough high-end handbags and shoes in my collection (that’s not actually true - I have issues, especially with the handbags). Though my Fund hired a new COO (see another white heterosexual male) and I thought he was trying to gaslight me, but turns out he just didn’t know what he was talking about. He’s no longer with us either. Working with all these assholes for years has made me a bit of a terrorist (according to Mr. DC). Everyone in my company actually thinks I’m funny. They call me Beth (from Yellowstone apparently - though I’ve yet to see the show). Interesting article re Ariana. I finally figured out Reddit a bit more. Don’t watch but looks like ratings for Love Island have doubled since she became host. Good for her. https://www.papermag.com/ariana-madix-love-island
  2. Of course Rachel’s lawyers are saying that the video was “distributed” to others. That’s what lawyers do. Probably wouldn’t be much of a case otherwise. I’m guessing they’re looking for a settlement. This is a pure cash grab for an adult woman with no skills or prospects and a known sleazy lawyer. Can she even prove Tom recorded her without her permission? BTW - I think he did. He’s that kind of guy. Rachel can also STFU about the grooming, manipulation and naivety shit. She was no babe in the woods. She was 28 years old and on the show for at least five seasons(?). She knows plenty about how reality shows work. If she was so traumatized by the James breakup - why did she even do the last season? Nobody is ever going to convince me that she didn’t purposefully pursue James as an opportunity to get on the show. He was no prize otherwise with all the alcohol and anger issues.
  3. Sorry. Once again. What cast member claimed to have seen the video? Rachel and her lawyers have now changed their story since Ariana submitted proof via the text to Logan that Sandoval deleted the video. Now it’s Ariana had no right to go into Sandoval’s phone and copy the video to herself. “Boundaries” were crossed when she sent it to Rachel. Ariana pretty much had his tacit permission to go into his phone since he gave her his password. I wonder if Sandoval can prove Rachel recorded herself and sent it to him. That’s a new twist. He’s also a habitual liar - but so is she. The Kenya thing confuses me. Did she really put up “posters” at the opening of her hair salon of the new HW giving some guy a BJ? That’s just beyond. If so she’ll be twirling away now.
  4. Me too. I’m just as nuts as the rest of you about this BS and I cannot recall a single person outside Tom, Ariana and Rachel who have claimed to see it. I think Ariana is fucking lucky that Tom deleted it and she has some sort of proof to back that up.
  5. I noticed that too. It’s very distracting. Sometimes it seems like she can’t open her mouth correctly to speak.
  6. A random podcast popped up right after I finished final reunion episode with Ronnie and Ben (they nailed BlahBlah and her BS perfectly). It was an interview with Jo and some VP Rules recappers I’m not familiar with. I could only get through less than 30 minutes. They were kissing each other’s ass. I guess she’s the only “cast member” they can get. Whatever Jo may say now she was obviously a fan girl. Went on and on how she’d been listening to their podcast since the beginning (they’ve been doing it since Season 5) and how Erika Jayne is her favorite housewife. Who admits that (Erika)? Bye girl… Like Rachel (who Jo also declared was her “best friend”) there is something just off with this girl. I really think she had this fantasy of joining the show as Schwartz’ girlfriend, being welcomed with open arms and a future Season revolving around their wedding. Kind of sad actually. Except that she seems quite determined to haunt Schwartz for the foreseeable future. That’s pretty well-deserved. You go girl…
  7. It’s Peacock. Peacock is surprising good even if not big Bravo fan. I ended up choosing it over the other two main network apps after free trials. Who doesn’t need Law & Order with no commercials whenever you feel the urge?
  8. You are correct. I won’t be able to pass up Bob the Drag Queen and Mariano. Except for Phaedra (who was fabulous) I wasn’t terribly impressed by the HW’s though last season. I have high hopes for Dorinda.
  9. I’m seriously pissed. I love that show. He’s going to ruin this season for me. I may have to bow out this season. Luckily they have other versions. UK is really good. Haven’t watched Australia yet.
  10. He could still be gaslighting her (although in this case I believe him). These men are awful. I’m glad Ariana said on camera on the finale what I’ve been thinking for years watching this show about “male rage”. These men love to yell at girls. Been doing it for years. Particularly Tom Sandoval (see Katie’s Mom for recent misogyny). God fucking forbid it goes the other way (see historically Katie). Brock in particular with his “horror” at Ariana’s “behavior”. Sit down and STFU Brock. You’re talking way too much. Like Lala. I was never a big fan of Ariana. Until last season (when we all knew what she did not). I think it was a pool party at her house and Sandoval once again inserted himself into a girl fight. She got up said something along the lines of “Tom’s yelling at girls again - I’m leaving”.
  11. I hardly ever go to the Reddit thread (I find it confusing), but somebody over there said Jo is Schwartz’ karma and she ain’t going away anytime soon. And yes I agree - the girl is a little odd (sometimes in a try hard way). Also - what she did was completely shady. Was she expecting a parade?
  12. Instead of Lala, I’m going to start calling her BlahBlah…
  13. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/something-about-her-opens-vanderpump-rules-fans-wait-long-lines-1236013835/amp/
  14. But that’s what she’s suing for. That they shared the video with others. Outside the three of them I haven’t heard anybody else claim they actually saw it. I’m pretty sure Rachel and her lawyers had no clue re text to Logan saying Tom deleted it from Ariana’s phone almost immediately. I guess she’s suing Sandoval recording her without per permission. She may have a civil case against him. I guess we’ll see how it plays out.
  15. I did not see a claim that Ariana sent it to others from Tom’s phone. She did send it to herself to send to Raquel (not sure if that meets the “distribution” threshold). She wasn’t able to send it to anybody else because Sandoval grabbed her phone and deleted it immediately from her phone. That’s what her text to Logan literally says while this is all happening confirms. I think this gives Rachel a pretty high bar to meet. This video has never seen the light of day so I’m not even sure what kind of damages she is claiming. She did it. Doesn’t mean nobody is allowed to talk about it. Not a lawyer - but I’m pretty sure Rachel is going to have to get somebody to testify they were actually sent the video. Do they all know what’s on it? Absolutely. I’m sure Ariana described it in excruciating detail. No clue about Sandoval recording her. I don’t do FaceTime. Does it let the other party know they are being recorded? BTW - if you didn’t guess. I think Rachel is completely full of shit. Her and Sandoval deserve each other. Too bad it didn’t work out.😈 ETA - I don’t think Ariana is as smart as she thinks she is - but I do think she was smart enough to know not to send that video to any outsiders. Even if was dumb enough to do that in blind rage - I think it would have surfaced by now.
  16. Mr. DC and I watched one season years ago for kicks. It was hysterical. Just the one was all we needed though.
  17. https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/madixdeclaration.pdf Apparently Ariana couldn’t have shared the video if she even wanted to. Sandoval deleted it from her phone right after she confronted him. She has a text she sent to Logan right after that confirms it (Exhibit). She also has an Exhibit that screen shots her last text chain with Rachel. They look like they were good friends to me. Well - until she found out she was fucking her boyfriend.
  18. He’s doing a really bad acting job this season. Here’s a tip. If you’re going to try to pretend to cry - maybe take a quick sniff of an onion before the cameras start rolling. I’m disgusted and fascinated at the same time.
  19. I’d totally hang with Kristen. Especially after a few drinks (or more). I bet she’s a good time. ETA - old SUR Kristen. Not new “therapy” Kristen.
  20. Is Cornpone a new one? I like. And yes, just NO.
  21. I just saw this. Assume late to the party. Back in the news for being unredeemable POS! Her source has to be Barbara or somebody close to her. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2023/10/12/exclusive-david-eason-removed-from-courtroom-during-jenelle-evans-custody-hearing-investigation-into-davids-alleged-abuse-of-jace-siblings-ramping-up/
  22. I may have to be a fan… BTW - WTF was that blue feather getup Meredith was wearing to “walk in the park”. Was that last episode? It was fucking hysterical.
  23. This looks like fun. Let me think.
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