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  1. Week 41:3/6, no * YTD: 88/206, twelve *
  2. Week 40: 5/5, no * YTD: 85/200, twelve * Goodness! Big surprise for me! Otherwise, not a good week. I fell last Sunday and broke my scapula, right side! Why yes, I am right-handed, why do you ask? No surgery needed. Just time to heal.
  3. June 3 Week 39: 3/5, no * YTD: 80/195, twelve * Best week in quite some time! I love garlic! I'll bring olive tapenade with toasted baguette siices!
  4. May 27 Week 38: 2/5, one * YTD: 77/190, twelve *
  5. May 20 Week 37: 1/5, no * YTD: 75/185, eleven *
  6. I didn't start watching this until this season, and the three-episode cruise ship disaster pulled me in and piqued my interest. Now I don't know what the heck I'm watching. I don't know enough about the various backstories to figure out plots and characters. I suppose I could go back and watch more of the earlier episodes. I've watched the first two from season 1 so far.
  7. I am satisfied with Hailey's departure and how it was handled. But of course she and Voight left the hospital at least a day too early. (eyeroll). Loved Al showing up in Voight's head. I am looking forward to seeing how the team shakes out in future episodes.
  8. May 13 Week 36: 2/5, one * YTD: 74/180, eleven *
  9. All you need is a strawberry pot; they don't take up much room.
  10. May 6 Week 35: 2/5, no * YTD: 72/175, ten *
  11. My adoptive parents were alive when I first started to look. I told them once some progress had been made, but before I'd made contact. It turned out I had two older brothers I hadn't known about. My bio mom didn't want to meet me; that stung a bit, though I mostly understood. I have met my brothers, though. But what a shock for her daughters to find out that way! I can't tell yet what their father knew. Did their mother live with another man who was not their father? Pete? Or someone else?
  12. April 29 Week 34: 2/5, one * YTD: 70/170, ten *
  13. When I was in the hospital for my daughter's birth, I'd had an infection that led to me losing my voice. The nurse there told me they were glad to have it quiet, as a women who had given birth the prior week was a screamer. Poor Joyce! I understand why she did what she did. Her husband was awful to her. I hope there is a way for her to continue as a midwife. @DonnaMaeA Swede is also known as a rutabaga.
  14. It boggles the mind that this happened. The CEO of the company was also a priest? And Martin, just heartbreaking. DD, who lives in England, told me that this is big news over there. My hope is that those who suffered are vindicated, and that reparations are made.
  15. April 22 Week 33: 0/5, no * YTD: 68/165, nine * I have no excuse for this week. I truly knew none of them.
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