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I didn't like the first two episodes much. The third one was better. This episode was okay. This was Michael's episode. What I came away with is that he really, really needs to deal with his feelings around Danny and Amy, preferably with a professional. As Amy put her feelings on to him in the flashbacks, he is putting all sorts of feelings on the her now. I really liked the woman academic who insisted on talking to Amy and treated by her peer instead of the "simpering" Richard. The astronaut story left me cold. I'm intellectually intrigued at how hard she was trying to live her father's dream but that's it. I hate how Richard and Sonya keep correcting "Doctor" to "Ms Larsen". Doctor is a title Amy earned when she passed her medical boards and even if she can't practice at the moment, she still should be addressed as "doctor". And she still knows a lot so they should be taking advantage of her, not shutting her out as if she's a bad child. Special guest appearance by the Royal Ontario Museum and the ugly new gallery. I'm getting fed up with Sonya. At first she was only targeting Amy but in this episode she told TJ that "I'm a third year resident and you're an intern rounding with me so ...follow my lead" and cuts him off when he's talking to the patient. Sonya strikes me as someone who thinks that she's marvellous and resents anyone who challenges that. She's angry at Amy because Amy showed her up in the first episode, probably not for the first time, and so she lodged a complaint against her for creating a toxic environment. She wants Jake, who is far above her in both learning and maturity and was in a relationship with Amy, and resents Amy even more for that. This is what we were taught after the murder of Kitty Genovese in 1964 in Queens (4 years before the 911 number was created). The original story was that there were 38 bystanders when she was stabbed but no one called the police. (It was later found that some people did call but the police did not come.) There was quite a lot of psychology research around it and what came out is that if someone is in trouble, tell a specific bystander to call 911 because you can't be sure that someone will.
At the risk of repeating myself, I hate how Jason and Carly treat Michael as if he is 3 years old instead of his mid thirties and able to make up his own mind. It's not impressive. Colette took the shot on her own initiative (was she carrying around that rifle for fun?) but Valentin specifically told Brennan that he was choking him because someone from the WSB had tried to kill him. Brennan didn't tell Carly that part, leaving her the impression that Valentin's attempt came out of nowhere and Brennan himself is blameless.
He didn't need to get drunk -- he told Maxie and Lulu in ordinary conversation when he saw Jason leaving after having talked to Diane.
Diane working hard to make sure that Willow's children are taken away from her as Michael remains in his medically-induced coma ... don't you have any other clients you can bother? And even if you get the children taken away, where are they going to live? With Sonny, currently in a hotel because his apartment was bombed? With Carly, currently in Germany banging Brennan? With Uncle Jason who seems to have forgotten that he even has a child of his own who lost his mother? Surely you have other clients you can bother. It took me a while to figure out why Diane would care if Robert was going to have another grandchild. Give up, Diane, he's already lost to you Jason: "I'm just trying to help, Sasha." Really, badgering pregnant Sasha on behalf of Michael when you have no idea of his wishes in not helping. Also Jason to Diane: "So what I have to tell you needs attorney/client privilege." [So let me tell you in the middle of a busy and popular restaurant.] Jason is acting like Michael is 5 years old and needs to be protected. He and Carly both infantalize thirtysomething Michael while telling everyone what a brilliant and strong businessman he is. Lulu tell Maxie that Rocco is mourning losing Sam. Hey Lulu, maybe if you, his actual mother, spent any time with him at all, he wouldn't be feeling so bad. I am no fan of Olivia but I think that she should have been given the opportunity to raise Dante's child with him if he wanted to. Great best friend that Lois is. Brennan is already lying to Carly and hiding things from her (e.g. that he tried to kill Valentin first). Way to pick 'em, Carly. Based on today, you can add Cody/Molly to that list.
Oh, look Dante is suddenly telling Gio to be more polite and nicer to Emma. Why, he's acting like Gio's father! If only she had taken some courses at GH ... oh, wait.
I must have a heart of stone because I felt nothing for Brooke Lynn, crying that she can't carry Chase's baby and phoning her mother to come home and make her feel better. There are people in worse situations, much worse. Portia, it took you this long to tell PCPD that you suspect foul play in the deaths? And Dante still didn't know. Am I supposed to see Martin and Tracy squabbling as sexy and flirtatious? Because all I think is how painful it is and why doesn't Martin leave the salon? Emma's animal cruelty storyline is a step up from her previous ones. But that sweater -- long sleeves and turtleneck is right for New York weather in winter. The half missing back, not so much. Brennan and Carly ... blech 🤢
1909, if I recall correctly. Yes, Oskar and his wife lost a daughter before the series opened. I think that led her his wife leaving him,
JPS is in the credits so I figured that Valentin is headed back. They really need to give Brennan something else to do because I had to fast forward his scenes today, he's so hungry for Carly. As @CeChase said, it's pure fantasy for Carly fans. I think I'm rooting for Valentin now although I'm sure this attempt will fail. According to my research, bourbon is served with either lemon or orange so cool your jets, Tracy. Sasha is what, one month pregnant? You can still climb on a ladder with no problem, girl. I wonder if Chase had measles as a child and that's why he's infertile. An ordinary storyline in 2015 but a risky one in 2025. I use MyChart too. The difference between the US and Canada seems to be the amount of information a patient can access on their own without a professional there. An ethical discussion.
A quick rebuttal: I have access to my test results but I have to go to the hospital website to read them, they are not texted to me without an explanation of the numbers. In my case, what I have access to is limited though and doesn't include consultant reports. For those, the medical association requires that a doctor go through them with me. Giving bad news requires skill and empathy (Dr Rob Buckman developed a course for medical students). I remember how I felt when my oncologist told me that the biopsy came back positive for cancer and how important it was that he was empathic and caring. This has been another fail on the part of Portia's and Terry's hospital.
That's exactly what I was wondering. They could have shot all of Lieberman's scenes in this episode in a few days. Overall a disappointing episode redeemed somewhat at the end by the twist that Reiger was Mephisto. What would we do without supervillains unable to resist explaining all their brilliance to Our Hero? How could Rieger know that Oskar would kill Kiss rather than Kiss killing Oskar and then disappearing? I disagree that what those jaded people want is information; what they want is thrills. Oskar deserves better than Therese. I like the show and especially the time and setting but I'm disappointed enough in this ending that I'm okay if there is no season 5.
Doesn`t Drew have to put his holdings into a blind trust? He should know nothing of what's going on with Aurora and recuse himself if Curtis comes before his committee. We're barely out of an {endless and painful} infertility story with Molly and TJ. Do we have to start another now with Brooke Lynn and TJ? Doctors don't usually deliver bad news over a phone call much less over a text. It takes empathy and care. (In Ontario, the College of Psychologists authorizes an MA to make the diagnosis but it requires a registered PhD to tell the client what it is.) Someone has to be. Carly's run through all the men on the show, some several times, and heaven forfend that Carly, brave&strong, be without a man. That was the strangest conversation. Parts of it were like Lulu was a stranger and Laura needed to give the "previously on GH" playback.
That makes the waste worse, that he would be able to carry the story but the writers aren't good enough to recognize what they have either in actor or storyline. I know that no one other than Michael and Sasha know about their ONS and the fetus. I blame the cheap writing for protecting Michael and the latest Carly clone from the kind of repercussions that Willow is facing for her infidelity. (Drew, on the other hand, deserves everything he's getting.) Do we really need yet another justification for the gummy bear mobster, yet another story where people formerly with brains now worship at the Corinthos alter and praise Carly?
I missed this episode when it aired. I'm watching it now on CBC and I'm shocked and saddened at how much the racism and anger, the blaming ills on immigrants, on the show echoes today 57 years later.
I wish I were as certain of anything else as I was that it would be Brennan at Carly's door. For the "heroine" of the show, she really is helpless without a man to support her. Also, of course Carly gets a suite all for herself in Germany. Because she deserves it. <eyeroll> And Brennan has a car that he drive around a strange city where he probably doesn't know the language, instead of taking taxis, so that he can be Carly's chauffeur. Drew, you didn't build up Aurora from the ground up, you bought it from Julian and renamed it. "This Drew that's standing in front of me in my office, I don't recognize you. What the hell happened to you?" Curtis, it's called a recast. I really hate that everyone is attacking Willow for Drew while Saint Michael, who impregnated Sasha, gets a free ride. Along with Sasha herself who at least could stop castigating Willow for her infidelity. Why is Kai still in the hospital? Oh, shocker, he can't play football ever again, he injured his shoulder! I guess he'll just have to keep hanging around Trina. Does Lulu even remember that she has another child? Accepting Tracy's offer of double pay when Maxie and Brooke Lynne has just explained to her why she shouldn't work at Deception won no points with me. I remember that Molly had a scene with a man at the Brown Dog telling her woes as she was breaking up with TJ. I thought that was Cody. On this show, when someone is working professionally, it's always formal job titles as if they've never met the other person before.
Joss: "I don't think anything, I know." Could anything describe Joss' arrogance more perfectly? I'm very disappointed in Laura. Way to cop out on what's best for Avery. So what if you're both Rocco's grandparents, as someone who just got her daughter back, she should be helping Ava to do the same. Isn't it convenient that both Isaiah and Lucky left Charlie's before Sidwell came in? (not) And why does Charlie's stock expensive champagne? Ava: "Why did you bring me to the place claustrophobia was born?" LOL Now that's how they should remind us of Ava's money problems. Why is Mac calling Molly ADA Lansing-Davis? I cannot with this show having people who have known each other forever using formal titles. I wouldn't mind a Molly/Cody story. It might get her to loosen up and give him a storyline other than drinking and screwing up. The mystery is why the show is trying to sell him as a George Clooney type attractive. Unfortunately with Carly off the canvas and Girl Detective hotfoot after Dex's killer, Sasha needs to be the Saint Michael propper now.