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  1. I understand being disappointed that Emma seems to be the bad girl in the current young adult set. But at least it gives the character somewhere to go. Look at Gio, a perfectly nice guy but I'd rather watch paint dry (that's not going to change even if he suddenly becomes the child of Brook Lynn and Dante in an effort to give some life to the most boring couple on the show). Or look at Young Liz, the bad girl to her sister's (Sarah?) goody twoshoes. Or Sarah Brown's Carly, causing trouble but still compelling. Both of those characters remain a significant part of GH launched by their bad girl days. I can also see a scenario of Emma reacting to her perfect parents' expectations of her as a way to try to chart her own path in life. Or what @Cheyanne11 said.
  2. Can someone explain to me who is running the Cassadine estate (not Alexis, not Valentine) and how they can take it away from Nik after a couple of decades and give it to an illegitimate infant? And how they can take away Wyndermere from Ava after she was given it in her divorce settlement without going to court? The whole plot is sketchy AF. Speaking of sketchy, maybe Lulu's passport was still effective. But her credit cards would have expired and I know from experience that it takes a couple of weeks for new ones to be sent to you in the mail. And how entitled to travel first class! If this is the new Emma, I like it. Something more than the perfect child that she was. This is the most I've liked Anna in years as she was calling Emma out. It's Berkley, home of hippies and drugs. What could possibly be wild enough to get Emma kicked out? (I could buy bad grades from slacking off more than partying.) Good point. The writing really screwed that up.
  3. I saw it but I have to be convinced to believe it, there are so many people lying on this show and I'd never met the character before (not knowing that it was Emma) so I assumed that she was lying. Giving me a quick shot of her slipping the money into the old lady's booth would have helped. As I said, Holly would have told Gio the same story and kept the money for herself. So would Cody when he first came on the show.
  4. Avery and Donna want snowmen that they can see from their playroom window, so the adults plus Danny go outside to build them. Aren't kids supposed to be the ones building snowmen? Since we didn't see the building, they could have just said that the girls joined them and are now having hot chocolate with the nanny. LOL at Carly telling Jason "you're not the boss of me." The writer got the age group right. What was the point of Gio and the wallet theft? That nuEmma is like Holly except Holly would have kept the money herself? I got the feeling that NLG and RH were having fun with the hating exes scenes. Who is this "very good man" that Ned and Jason were talking about? Not the Edward that I know. They really are working very hard to make Jordan/Isaiah happen. And how could Isaiah take TJ's shifts when he himself was called in to cover that night? I'm really glad that they are not forgetting Sam, with Dante and Danny. Or evidence of just how badly Willow needs therapy. Which is to say, very badly. Ned told Jason that Olivia took him somewhere. Not sure where, I wasn't paying enough attention.
  5. If I'm supposed to believe that Drew has feeling for Willow rather than just using her to prop his ego, he needs to start thinking about her a bit too. The absolute worst thing for her right now is for him to be sniffing around her as she's trying to deal with the issues with Michael, and all Drew wants is for her to put him first over everyone else including her children. "No love, quoth he, but vanity sets love a task like that." Portia gave her the choice of working administratively in the hospital or being at home. No paid leave was mentioned, showing once again what a terrible administrator Portia is. I have little doubt that they will pick it up later but it once again demonstrates how terrible the pacing of this show is. It's only a good thing if Carly is the one receiving all the attention. She was even angry with Jason for keeping Michael's confidence and not telling her immediately about Willow and Drew. Narrator: when there are kids, they need to be put first. Points to Sonny for finally getting that.
  6. In a show where many people are proving that half the world is below 100 IQ, Willow is being incredibly dense. Inviting Drew will tank any chance she has of reconciliation with Michael. Drew, on the other hand, is being smarmy. He knows what handing around Willow will do to her and he still pushes it. I agree that Drew was much better with Nina who called him on his crap. I wish that Alexis had not called Ric.(Shut up Diane.) He's more likable at Nina's than pulling dirty tricks on Alexis. I hope that Anna's surprise is Robin. But it's more likely to be Emma. I thought that I saw a spark of connection today. I could go with Jason getting together with Sasha to protect Michael's reconciliation with Willow, and then they fall for each other. (There's no other possiblles on the canvas for either Sasha or Jason at the moment.) That's a good point. Drew essentially gave Curtis the opportunity to build something big, and while Curtis took it and did well, Drew doesn't really owe Curtis the CEO position at Aurora especially given that Curtis has very little CEO experience. Who does he think he is, a Quartermaine? Curtis was willing to not only blow up their friendship because he was butt hurt, he was will to (illegally) tank Aurora so that Michael could take it over*. Hell hath no fury like an Ashford scorned. * Didn't all the Quartermaines call war on Valentin for doing much less?
  7. The highlight of the show for me was to have Cameron back. Great scenes with BH, Lucky and too-old Aiden. I like his cellist girlfriend too. LOL Carly and Jason fighting over whether Michael is old enough to make his own decisions or if Calry has to micromanage him. This same scene has been going on for decades. I can see Carly like Edward deciding what is best for her children even when they are in their sixties. Not that he doesn't deserve it but so much for Drew going to prison for Carly. If he expected Carly's gratitude, he doesn't know her at all. Come to think of it, if Carly had gone to prison herself, at least it would give her adult kids a chance to make their own decisions and live their own lives. Michael and Curtis are too stupid to run a company, especially after the insider trading shenanigans of a couple of years ago. As @TVbitch said, none of them care about the shareholders. He truly is Carly's son.
  8. How else would we know that she's strong&brave&loveswithherwholeheart? All of which happened because Victor brainwashed Charlotte into believing that Anna was the enemy. The Cassadine connection. And now Charlotte is with Valentin Cassadine. Lulu would go even more ballistic.
  9. I don't care about Dex and I have no time for Eden but I have to say that she did a good job in the scene talking to Corpse Dex. Portia should be calling in the hospital's lawyer right now, not trying to do damage control herself. Tracy and Ned giving it to Drew was highly satisfying. Drew trying to convince Michael that Willow really cares for him and should be with him was revolting. The show has really ruined the character since Billy Miller played him. Didn't that happen with Gilmour Girls when Alexis Bledel stopped dating Jared Padeleski and moved on to Milo V? Coming from Carly's son, I was impressed. I wondered if maybe he really does love Willow. Didn't Anna shoot Charlotte because Charlotte had been brain-washed by Victor? Lulu will go ballistic when she hears that. i wouldn't tell her either.
  10. He overspent on his credit card having banked Ava's cheque. When the cheque bounced, he was overextended on his credit cards. Or the Rose Bowl Parade, televised all over. Trina is supposed to be very smart and aware of the world. Even I, in Canada and caring only about football because we got shortened classes on game days (Go Malvern!), knew that a bowl game was something important. The Trina who we've been shown the past few years would have asked Kai intelligent questions about what he does as a quarterback, the roles of the ends (not 'ender's), how he feels about his leadership responsibilities as QB. The dim lines they gave her were not worthy. Dex became less like a block of wood and more like a real boy when the show moved him into the police. I guess the show only wanted him as set dressing because now he's gone.
  11. Today's episode made up for the boring Ava/Ric and Q party yesterday. Good payoffs. Tracy was really having a ball, between plotting with Ned (I think she showed that tape deliberately to get Drew out), taunting Nina and being smug with Drew. Well done, JE. Ditto WK. Carly hasn't realized that Michael is no longer 5 years old. She really needs to butt out but being Carly, she won't. "Michael gave you a family, how could you do this to him?" Odds are Michael sleeping with Sasha will be totally okay in her eyesj (How I hate that Sasha is pregnant.) They're written so badly, as well as Kai being just the most perfect person that ever personed. I'm not impressed with Trina knowing nothing about football ('tell me what a defensive ender is'), I had hoped that the days of woman having to play stupid for a man were done. Did Taggart never watch football with her when she was younger? My computer keeps trying to correct that spelling.😠 Mostly I use etransfers these days. And the waiter taking a credit card back to the machine seems so strange now that most are done at the table in Canada. (Fun fact: that's because there are only 5 major banks in Canada so it's easy to program. The US has many more banks so it's harder to connect everything.)
  12. Does Port Charles have the title of Rudest City in the State? Because all the people at Tracy's party certainly qualify. If you're that desperate to watch The Game (which no one has ever cared about before Kai arrived on screen), tape it or give your regrets to the hostess and don't show up at all. Double rudeness points to Carly for interrupting Nina's conversation with Olivia because she had to talk to her Right. Now. and then making a face like a 4 year old when Nina called her on it. Good try Alexis but I don't think that anything will get through to Kristina. Sonny/Natalia and Ric/Ava ... living wallpaper as my old boss used to say. I think that it was Ric's own bank info that he had, saying that Ava's cheque to him had bounced.
  13. "When you become a cop I thought that you'd be safe." Joss appears to have confused 'cop' with 'librarian'. Almost as bad as Sasha thinking that Michael won't notice that she's pregnant and will leave her alone if he does. Jordan and Isaiah are very pretty together but also a cure for insomnia. And why does Jordan want to interview Dex? She's not with the police any more. It was delightful to see Nina read Drew the riot act. More people need to line up to do it. Brennan -- another man falls at the altar of Carly.
  14. Lulu is her father's daughter but she really should be apologizing to Nina instead of being praised by Carly. This is the first time I've seen a spark in a Brennan/Carly scene, probably because he's finally calling her out rather than admiring and giving in to her. Carly isn't served any better than Joss or Michael constantly being praised by their romantic partners. Could Elite Athlete Kai be any more perfect? Chemistry (or lack thereof) aside, Trina/Spencer was more interesting precisely because he was a bad boy.
  15. Maybe. But why would someone above be micromanaging the show to that extent? It's not like Kelly suddenly became notorious and they had to dump her. I can understand that Brad would not want to just book a ticket at Lucas' hotel because Lucas had told him that he didn't want to have any kind of relationship with him. If Portia sends him, Lucas can't say anything. My question is what is a trauma surgeon (Lucas) doing at at a primary care physician (family doctor) conference? Is he going to teach them what to do when their patients get shot? I think they already know that. Portia would do better to end Kevin since it's estimated that half of family doctor appointments involve psych issues. That would make sense since she is in theory so far ahead of Kai in terms of art studies. Ditch the dead weight and produce an A++ assignment.
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