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  1. Drew was going to keep Curtis as CEO of Aurora until he needed a gift for Michael because he was going after Michael's wife so i really can't fault Curtis for blaming Drew about that at least. Turning down Ned was out of spite, not because of Aurora's best interests. I had completely forgotten that. I couldn't figure out why Kristina was so against Valentin.
  2. The world building that this show does, with all the political, religious and various sects as well as the main groups, has much to say about our world today. One thing that struck me this weekend is that the Federation and the Cardassians are the big players in this world and without the support of the Federation, Bajor as an entity would cease to exist no matter how hard or how long the Bajorans founds. It is because of the Federation that Bajor can be a free state to makes its own decisions.
  3. I'm beginning to feel sorry for Richard. He seems like a decent guy, a capable doctor, who made a mistake because he was upset because of things in his personal life and now it's snowballing. I don't know if Scott Wolfe wants to exit the show but I do hope that Richard is let off the hook and back next season. There is no justification for testing the sister of the patient. It's her choice whether she wants to know or not. And since there was no other reason for taking her blood, it could legally be considered assault. We now see more of Amy's relationship with Jake and I like it. He doesn't want anything but what is best for her. That's rare. Excellent advice. Michael is still trapped in the past, even more than Amy is with her lack of memories. Finding it hard to deal with the idea that Amy, who is now more like the Amy of old, has a new relationship that she will fight for. (Very good acting on Omar Metwally's part, you could see how conflicted he is.) He can no longer use his anger at Amy and how she behaved to Katie as a defense. He really needs to go back and mend bridges with his wife. She doesn't deserve this nor does his unborn child.
  4. Langdon was affected by the death of the little girl. The first thing he did when he had a chance was call home and speak to his young son. He caught that Mel was upset by the death even though she denied it. I wouldn't be surprised it the little girl's death contributed to Langdon blowing up, he'd just had enough of the crap.
  5. Very pretty. They could decorate a whole room with them. Growing the crystals at Deception would be the smart thing to do. But what would they do with Sidwell then? Is anyone else squicked out by the idea of putting rare minerals in face cream?
  6. I'd forgotten that Kristina was his boss. If she still is -- after that haranging, I'd want to quit Only Danny. Sonny talked Carly into not asking.
  7. The cops were talking to the mom of the incel teen. Could be McKay called them as she was the most concerned about the girls who could be attacked. McKay "It was a quick chair exam and there was minimal tenderness." I didn't think that she should wait for 8 hours for a pelvic exam." Another point that the hospital needs to hire more staff, and move patients upstairs faster. After all the stuff the doctors and nurses have to handle, it's hard to believe that they are that scared of rats. My initial thought was that Santos did it deliberately to get Langdon to yell at her so that she could use it against him when she takes him down later. But I don't know if she's that smart. Does Santos have something against Langdon beyond the mistakes she made in his presence? I really hope that it's not that he misdiagnosed someone she was fond of or related to. It was a stupid thing to say because experience is evidence-based medicine. I am not condoning what the angry man did, hitting Dada. But I do understand his frustration, worried that he may be having a heart attack and sitting for hours in the waiting room watching others go in to get treated and still sitting waiting himse.f
  8. What is up with the blue at the inner corner of Lucy's eyes? She reminded me a picture on an Egyptian tomb. How does Kristina know Lucky so well that she can visit him in the hospital when he's so sick? And shut up Kristina, we're all sick of your Ava vendetta. Also, Ava knows what it's like to have a daughter die too soon so shut up again. Also shut up Ric. Alexis didn't notice Molly leaving because she was too occupied with your nonsense. At least the scenes between Molly and Cody are more tolerable now. And speaking of romantic anvils -- Jason and Sasha. <eyeroll> Yes Sasha, if you want to keep your baby safe and free of the ills of money, pick the Quartermaine mob-hitman as the father. Am I the only one who thinks that Olivia's plan to keep Sasha around is ridiculous? And how empty is that hotel that they can permanently comp her a room? Carly may be in menopause now but i think that would make her even more resentful of another woman who is bearing Jason's child since she will never be able to. Given the current political situations in Greenland and Ukraine, I hope that someone in the writing GH room is regretting doing a story arc involving rare minerals.
  9. my parents had that property border thing -- the person who owned their house before them built part of the patio and wall onto the neighbour next door. The solution was that every couple of years they had to write a letter acknowledging that their wall was on the other property. When it was sold, I think the next owners had to take on the responsibility. Brennan told Joss that he would train her so I presume that the Easter island trip is the cover for wherever she is. Do these people really believe that Joss, who has been studying environmental science for all of one year, would be asked to replace a graduate student on a field research? It's Joss, so that was a rhetorical questions
  10. Someone please make the Brook Lynn/Chase baby story stop. It's repetitive and making both Brook Lynn and chase look stupid. How is Anonymous sperm donor better then Uncle-who-wanted-to-help? Given how Leo is brother to both Sam and Dante, I think that Violet will be able to handle any confusion. At least with Finn, they get a medical history and the possibility of an organ donation if they need one. Oh joy, Lulu is obsessing about Charlotte again. Another arc I want them to end. Brennan clearly does not know Carly if he thinks she is such a fragile flower that he has to protect her from Sidwell. At least that was true. All the other reasons he gave -- that she's smart and emotionally controlled and can handle herself in danger -- were lies. I don't think that should be a deal breaker. Alexis is an addict and she's got 2 grandkids. Everyone has bad genes in the family, you work around it. (Before I accepted my husband's proposal, I checked to see if there were heart problems or near-sightedness in his family because they are a big problem in mine. He said 'no', so I said Let's do it. Then I find out that his father died of a series of heart attacks and his cousins all wear glasses.)
  11. Shows are more cautious now. Many of them only present with half seasons rather than going for the full 22 episodes especially if the network isn't sure it's going to be a hit.
  12. Scott Foley is very easy on the eyes. I approve. The friend got angry and stormed out of the intervention. (Having seen her mother, I don't blame her.) Then she went to a country & Western bar where she was kidnapped by some guys she owed money to. I was impressed with Ariana's Cantonese accent, as well as her dancing and parkour skills (although the latter was probably a stuntwoman) I wouldn't mind having more of the character on.
  13. But also with Lulu as a stepmother since the writing on the wall is clear. Realistically i think that it would be very hard for Scout -- Rocco has both his parents, Danny has his father Jason, Charlotte (when she comes back) will presumably have both her parents but Scout will be the child left out, the double orphan. To some extent, recruiting Jason is better than recruiting Joss: he has killer skills completely ruthless and a face of granite. But how useful is tricking or forcing someone to join who doesn't want to work for you? Plus, as Diane said today, his priorities have shifted so that he's putting Danny ahead of everything. He won't want to leave him to go be a spy that he doesn't even want to be. It's so stupid. I noticed that too. The books behind Finn on his bookshelf were also predominantly nursing books, and some on Portia's shelf too earlier. I figure there was a book sale at the local nursing college and the props intern picked them up by the box full.
  14. When Brennan was listing the reasons that Joss would be a good spy, her natural charm, her strategic mind, I was 🤮 Yes, when Kristina fell out of the window, Joss sprang into action. Because SHE'S THE LIFEGUARD. She may want justice but she's also impulsive, judgemental and always thinks that she knows better than everyone else. Joss is really stupid if she thinks that Brennan is on the side of justice when he's just set up Jason to take the fall for her. (Again, even if there is no body found, people have been convicted of murder.) The only way I could get behind this story is if it takes Joss off the show to go do spy stuff. Send her to Barcelona like Jake Drew lived up to my expectation of him and lied about being with Jason. Are they going to kill him now? Because given everything that he's done on the show, when Willow finds out that he's lied. Ouch than anvil of Tracy saying to Gio: "You're not a Quartermaine. But if you were, you'd be a better addition than Drew." Carly to Willow: "Wake up! You're having an affair with a man that doesn't exist." ADA: "You expect me to take the word of a career criminal over a US congressman?" Carly: "Have you seen the people in Congress?" Don't make me like Carly, show. Chase finally took my advice to ask Finn for a sperm donation. Brook Lynn's refusal is weak sauce. Why would a child be Trina and Kai have artistically placed paint on their blindingly white coveralls but there are no drops of paint on the floor. At least Kai is getting art therapy now. We need another expression for "begs the question" because doesn't mean what the characters on this show want it to mean. Have a good trip @GHScorpiosRule!
  15. When I saw Will leaving her outside, I shouted "Take her with you! Someone will kidnap a dog that cute!"
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