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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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Or maybe Meg will die and it will all be too much for Kate so she will leave the BAU to spend time with her husband and new child.

I don't think EM would be able to bring herself to have a pregnant main character killed off.


I think it was not appropriate for Kirsten to break the news about JLH leaving. I don't think there was any ill-intent, but its just not her place to make that announcement. It should come from either CBS, a showrunner, or JLH. I can speculate all sorts of things about the cast dynamic-- maybe I'm wrong and JLH is very tight with the rest of them, but I don't really get that impression from social media, public appearances, interviews, and even onscreen. Well, everyone but JJ seems to like Kate on screen. I remember that JJ never seemed to be all that fond of Elle in season 1 and I've heard rumors that AJ didn't like Lola. Not sure if there is any truth to that or not.


I once heard a rumor that AJC was arrested for domestic violence but could never find any proof (and highly doubt there was any truth to it).


AJ may not have demanded more screentime, but we know that she did demand more money. Whether it was a reasonable amount or not, I don't know. As for the screentime, I don't know if that was a reward or punishment for her antics during negotiations. Either they said "Ok, we'll give you more focus and attention" or it could have been "You want more money? Well, you can put in more hours to earn it!" Or it could have been neither. Maybe the CBS mooks looked at the petitions to bring her back and decided that they should focus on her more, despite the fact that she wasn't even the same character anymore. Or it could have been something else. Who knows.


I will really miss Kate when she leaves (unless something happens and JLH somehow stays).


I wonder if Kirsten got in trouble for breaking the news.

Edited by zannej
  • Love 3

If anyone wants to see (hear) things about JLH being an awful person : Google -> Rich Cronin J.L.H.

I just Googled this just because I am a nosy Old Dog and the comment on the story I copy herewith:-


This seems more like a case of Rich Cronin trying to become relevant again.


Apart from it being very old news it once again is back to the old thing of rumour and speculation. From what I read it just seemed like JLH behaving much as many, many young attractive girls do. People take what they want from such stories. Was it just another break up , was it JLH being bitchy or was it Rich Cronin enjoying the spotlight and trying to hang onto it when the relationship crumbled. I doubt we will ever know. It must be very hard to have any kind of stable relationship in the glare of celebrity - that is the one thing I admire AJC for as she seems to have a very solid marriage.

  • Love 5

I just Googled this just because I am a nosy Old Dog and the comment on the story I copy herewith:-


This seems more like a case of Rich Cronin trying to become relevant again.


Apart from it being very old news it once again is back to the old thing of rumour and speculation. From what I read it just seemed like JLH behaving much as many, many young attractive girls do. People take what they want from such stories. Was it just another break up , was it JLH being bitchy or was it Rich Cronin enjoying the spotlight and trying to hang onto it when the relationship crumbled. I doubt we will ever know. It must be very hard to have any kind of stable relationship in the glare of celebrity - that is the one thing I admire AJC for as she seems to have a very solid marriage.

ITA, Olddog. Not a lot of people's romantic foibles would bear up under media scrutiny. I think this took place a number of years ago. I know I wouldn't want to be judged by things I did in my early 20s.

I care, particularly since bashing like that is exactly the issue I had when JT came on board and Paget's fans flipped their shit. Nothing against Paget, but you'd have thought Blake/Tripplehorn was a war criminal from the reaction she got. This is what gives fandom such a bad name, that people don't know how to calm down.

I agree -- keep the irrational ranting about an actor's moral compass to Facebook.

  • Love 6


I think it was not appropriate for Kirsten to break the news about JLH leaving. I don't think there was any ill-intent, but its just not her place to make that announcement. It should come from either CBS, a showrunner, or JLH. 


I wonder if Kirsten got in trouble for breaking the news.

This I totally agree with, zannej.

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OT: The weather can't make up its mind here. It's more like summer right now. A rainy summer.


So, I saw a promo picture for the next episode and it looks like Jack will be playing on an X-Box with Ed Asner. I'm dreading it somewhat because there is potential for some really awful acting, but I'm hoping I'll be surprised.

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So, I saw a promo picture for the next episode and it looks like Jack will be playing on an X-Box with Ed Asner. I'm dreading it somewhat because there is potential for some really awful acting, but I'm hoping I'll be surprised.

This next episode will finally give us some decent Hotch time and will hopefully be a good one. Such a shame though that with only 4 episodes left and the Kate's bratty niece storyline to play out we don't have much Reid to look forward to. At least we have Matthew's directing in Mr Scratch coming up and he seemed really excited about that one.

Edited by Old Dog
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I think it was not appropriate for Kirsten to break the news about JLH leaving. I don't think there was any ill-intent, but its just not her place to make that announcement. It should come from either CBS, a showrunner, or JLH.


I once heard a rumor that AJC was arrested for domestic violence but could never find any proof (and highly doubt there was any truth to it).


I wonder if Kirsten got in trouble for breaking the news.

It's also possible that Kirsten didn't realize she was "breaking the news" about anything. Sometimes people don't realize or forget that something isn't common knowledge. For example, my cousin's wife is pregnant, and they had only told immediate family and were waiting for the 3-month mark to tell the rest of the family, but then my other cousin didn't realize and she spilled the beans to everyone over Easter, only to be surprised that we didn't all already know.

It happens, and one would hope that there was no malicious intent behind it. I doubt there was, but I tend to err on the side of optimism.

I would be extremely surprised if there was any truth to the rumour abouty AJ being arrested for domestic violence. I guess people can surprise you and it's not like I know her personally, but again, optimism.

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Oh, I agree that its possible she didn't think about it-- but as an actress and someone in the business it *is* something she should think about. She's been on the show for 10 years now and that is long enough to have learned that it is not appropriate to mention that someone is leaving when it hasn't been officially stated.

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""Rumour and speculation quickly get out of hand in these things.""

Yet everyone posts lies about AJ here.


I've never seen any JLH haters. People (including totally ignorant JLH fans) are hating on AJ.

Ok, I was wrong. Kate had 3 centered episodes in a row: 10x15,16,17. She had 6 centered episodes (10x1,3,8,15,16,17) out of 19 and there are 7! main characters. JJ only had 2 centered episodes this season. I have no idea what you're talking about, i have no idea how can you feel like AJ has taken over the show. Honestly, i don't even want to know. All i see is blind hatred toward AJ('s character) I get it, y'all saying that you have nothing against AJ .. yet posting insane lies about her being demanding and begging for more screen time is ok.

JLH had 2x more screen time than AJ/JJ ever had and she had 10x more screen time than MGG/Reid. Who's demanding more screen time?

I'm so glad JLH is leaving (if she's leaving not just promoting herself with saying it). At least JLH fans can quit sending hate to AJ.

Obviously you are pro AJ (and very much anti JLH) and that colors your opinions just as it does for any of us regarding our favorites. I used to love the JJ character and now can barely stand her. I'm neutral about JLH. Don't know much about her, but she has not been given much to do this season, so I cannot understand the horrible comments I've seen about her (Yes, they're out there. Just go to the CM Facebook page), unless they're coming from insane Emily fans who just can't get it into their heads that Paget does not want to come back to Criminal Minds. I haven't liked any of the episodes enough to save them to my DVR so I can't go back and check, but it seems to me that JJ is at every take down (except perhaps the weird bird man ep when Hotch made her stay with Garcia) and is featured heavily in most episodes, and this is at the expense of the characters I'd prefer to see like Hotch and Reid. I will say that this season Morgan has been featured much less, but since it was like the Morgan/JJ show in seasons 8 & 9, that doesn't bother me. And let me also say that folk saying they are tired of seeing so much JJ and that they would like to see the other characters get some screen time is not hatred. I can only assume you're a young person because of your statement that folks are "hating on" AJ. Also, to have a desire to see less of a character or to even dislike a character is not saying that you don't like or that you "hate" the actor portraying that character. 


The main concern I have if JLH does leave is that they should not try to replace her. We don't know if there will be an 11th season yet, but if there is, it could very well be the last. There's no need to mess with the cast at this point. They should go back to involving local FBI agents and local law enforcement more heavily in the cases and give the long-time cast members more to do. 

  • Love 7

Oh, I agree that its possible she didn't think about it-- but as an actress and someone in the business it *is* something she should think about. She's been on the show for 10 years now and that is long enough to have learned that it is not appropriate to mention that someone is leaving when it hasn't been officially stated.

I meant that she may not have realized that it hasn't been officially stated - she may have thought that she was commenting on something that everybody already knew.

She definitely should have thought about it more carefully, but if she was under the impression that an announcement had already been made, it's not necessarily something that she'd self-censor.

I'm a bit surprised they haven't come out with a statement/comment on her interview though.

Anyways, since we've all gotten so carried away with this, I thought I'd post this article: http://www.vcpost.com/articles/56082/20150408/criminal-minds-latest-spoilers-season-11-unlikely-happen-online-petition.htm

Although I'd take everything in the article with a grain (or tablespoon) of salt, it seems to imply the opposite of what Kirsten said in her interview. Just a reminder that we don't actually know for sure that JLH is leaving.

  • Love 2

I meant that she may not have realized that it hasn't been officially stated - she may have thought that she was commenting on something that everybody already knew.

She definitely should have thought about it more carefully, but if she was under the impression that an announcement had already been made, it's not necessarily something that she'd self-censor.

I'm a bit surprised they haven't come out with a statement/comment on her interview though.

Anyways, since we've all gotten so carried away with this, I thought I'd post this article: http://www.vcpost.com/articles/56082/20150408/criminal-minds-latest-spoilers-season-11-unlikely-happen-online-petition.htm

Although I'd take everything in the article with a grain (or tablespoon) of salt, it seems to imply the opposite of what Kirsten said in her interview. Just a reminder that we don't actually know for sure that JLH is leaving.

Well KV's interview did come after even if it was only a day. I got to say I am hoping she is right. Not because I can't stand Kate that honor goes to JJ aka "The Mary SUE" aka Messer's "Golden Girl". But I fully agree with what MCatry said about how the potential for the character had been wasted. Because, Messer just couldn't help herself right away she has to bring in the family drama for Kate. Now I will admit I actually liked Kate's husband. But that obnoxious snot nose brat Meg is a different story. I would have much rather seen Kate interacted more with the different team members. I would love to have seen a scene where she is completely blown away by Reid's so called abilities.I also feel that the cast would benefit with one less person. And I am hoping if JLH is indeed leaving that CBS will finally get some smarts and opt not to replace her.

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This spoiler doesn't really tell us anything we didn't already know, but here it is anyway.


How heartbreaking is that Shemar's last year on CM was wasted on JLH instead of dedicating the season to him. He's been on the show for 10 years. They not only wasted his last season on her but it seems like they're also wasting his last ever episode on her. I can't understand why they are wasting these dramatic storylines on JLH, she's unable to show any deep emotion. When she tries to make a sad face or trying to cry..i burst out laughing

This spoiler doesn't really tell us anything we didn't already know, but here it is anyway.


Why oh why does Messer always take some of the suspense out of the show by telling us now that no major deaths will occur?? Is she just calming down her teenybopper little girl fans? There was speculation going on that if Morgan does leave, he might be killed off but this interview takes that out so we know if he leaves it is to have a happy clappy Disney ending with Savannah. Messer should keep her mouth shut and let us be surprised.

I'm not particularly looking forward to the bratty Meg storyline but hopefully they may surprise me. Unlike those with the irrational hatred of JLH I don't feel she has dominated this season in any way and she has been a good fit to the team. It will be interesting to see how they play this story out with a heavily pregnant JLH - she can hardly go rushing in to save the day so maybe the others get to shine in the finale.

  • Love 5

Why oh why does Messer always take some of the suspense out of the show by telling us now that no major deaths will occur?? Is she just calming down her teenybopper little girl fans? There was speculation going on that if Morgan does leave, he might be killed off but this interview takes that out so we know if he leaves it is to have a happy clappy Disney ending with Savannah. Messer should keep her mouth shut and let us be surprised.


Do you think it'll be a slow clap?

  • Love 6

I've decided not to read the article. I find myself being irrationally annoyed when Messer starts spouting off too much and gives things away-- plus she says things I disagree with and I think its just better if I don't read her interviews.

Here is the promo for Mr Scratch



Looks interesting. Although I'm very disappointed to see the unsub's face in the promo. at one point he looked sort of like Bane from the College Humor Badman videos. And what he's doing is totally ripped from stuff Scarecrow did in the comic books. But I liked the Batman comics, so I'll give this one a chance.

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“Mr. Scratch” is the alternate title for a legendary tale also known as “The Devil and Daniel Webster”, set in 1840 but written in 1890. That one is the story about the trial of Jabez Stone, defended by Webster, who sold his soul to The Devil but wants to renege on his contract. The Devil- also known by the alias “Mr. Scratch”, a name with New England origins- agrees, but appoints the jury himself. Although the jurists are American, as Webster wanted, they're all traitors, the most notorious in American history (up to that point in time), aside from Benedict Arnold, who was “away on business”.

Anyway, despite the odds clearly stacked against him, Webster orates eloquently about the purity and sanctity of life, and how that is the most basic but most important of American needs. The jury is moved by his speech and finds for the defendant, forcing The Devil to rip up the contract. The Devil, though, tells Webster that he will fail in his bid to become President, and that he will have a son die in war. It's a bit of foreshadowing, since the real Webster failed to become President- largely on the heels of being a Northerner who agreed to the Compromise of 1850- and he did have a son die in war.

That's the legend, and it's been repeated several times in other formats- I best remember when The Simpsons did it, in the “Treehouse of Horror IV” where Homer's soul was up for trial- so I wonder if that's the story we'll get here. I somehow doubt it, but, if I'm proven wrong, it could be a fun case.

  • Love 4

Why oh why does Messer always take some of the suspense out of the show by telling us now that no major deaths will occur?? Is she just calming down her teenybopper little girl fans? There was speculation going on that if Morgan does leave, he might be killed off but this interview takes that out so we know if he leaves it is to have a happy clappy Disney ending with Savannah. Messer should keep her mouth shut and let us be surprised.

I'm not particularly looking forward to the bratty Meg storyline but hopefully they may surprise me. Unlike those with the irrational hatred of JLH I don't feel she has dominated this season in any way and she has been a good fit to the team. It will be interesting to see how they play this story out with a heavily pregnant JLH - she can hardly go rushing in to save the day so maybe the others get to shine in the finale.

Old Dog, I have to wonder about her sometimes… she actually says, as if they've done 2-hr finales every year, that they aren't doing one this year! She says they'll have a cliffy on the end of 22 and resolve it in 23. Well, HELLO, that's exactly what they did last year and the year before!

  • Love 3

Old Dog, I have to wonder about her sometimes… she actually says, as if they've done 2-hr finales every year, that they aren't doing one this year! She says they'll have a cliffy on the end of 22 and resolve it in 23. Well, HELLO, that's exactly what they did last year and the year before!

I've said it many times, they shouldn't let her near the press. She should leave the promotion to people who know what they are doing.

Wait, I may mean the showrunning as well!!

As it is, we know that the bratty teen will get kidnapped at the end of 22,  23  will be much gnashing of teeth, weeping and Kate blaming herself and then someone will rescue the girl safely (possibly Morgan) and then there will be some kind of party finish with fairy lights.

I had hoped that if Shemar was really leaving then we would have had a really great storyline for his exit but it doesn't seem like it. Maybe he has changed his mind or is thinking of it. I really want to know how those contract negotiations are going to see if we get another season. But as long as MGG is there, I'm there too.

Edited by Old Dog
  • Love 6

Old Dog, I think dealing with the press is a big part of show running. I think your assessment of the last two episodes is probably spot-on, so I hope Matthew's is everything we want...

As someone has been a part of a the press (as a freelance writer), I'll be the first to admit that dealing with the media isn't exactly easy. The media can be a bunch of vultures. But that being said, Messer needs to act like a damn professional with a very serious responsibility and work with the media that doesn't make her come across like a vapid middle school girl. It's not like she just started with CM a month ago; she's been a part of the show for a very long time.


On a brighter note: I, too, hope Matthew's ep is everything we want...and everything he wants.

  • Love 5

As someone has been a part of a the press (as a freelance writer), I'll be the first to admit that dealing with the media isn't exactly easy. The media can be a bunch of vultures. But that being said, Messer needs to act like a damn professional with a very serious responsibility and work with the media that doesn't make her come across like a vapid middle school girl. It's not like she just started with CM a month ago; she's been a part of the show for a very long time.


On a brighter note: I, too, hope Matthew's ep is everything we want...and everything he wants.

Thank you! You hit the nail on the head with how she comes off in interviews. She does not sound like a professional. I think she is probably a very nice person who means well, but she so often either spoils the surprises and/or makes false promises. Even though Ed didn't seem to get on board with social media and see how important it was for promoting the show, he knew how to talk to the press and give just enough info and he also knew how to avoid spoiling the surprises. Other than the association with a certain hellbeast fan who ran a fansite and the Seaver thing (which was totally his idea), he was a fantastic showrunner.

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Why oh why does Messer always take some of the suspense out of the show by telling us now that no major deaths will occur?? Is she just calming down her teenybopper little girl fans? There was speculation going on that if Morgan does leave, he might be killed off but this interview takes that out so we know if he leaves it is to have a happy clappy Disney ending with Savannah. Messer should keep her mouth shut and let us be surprised.

I'm not particularly looking forward to the bratty Meg storyline but hopefully they may surprise me. Unlike those with the irrational hatred of JLH I don't feel she has dominated this season in any way and she has been a good fit to the team. It will be interesting to see how they play this story out with a heavily pregnant JLH - she can hardly go rushing in to save the day so maybe the others get to shine in the finale.

I'm with you completely, Old Dog. Messer is incapable of keeping her mouth shut. She always seems so childish to me. She has to be the first one to tell rather than letting the audience sit back and enjoy the episodes as they unfold.

And I don't think that JLH has been over used but I have online friends that feel she is getting way too much emphasis. I neither like nor dislike her, but I feel she's being unfairly trashed by many viewers. Criticize her acting if you don't care for it, but she can't help what the writers and show runner come up with for her character to do. I don't blame AJC for getting excessive screen time the past couple of seasons. I blame Erica and the writers. But if I don't care for AJ's performance, I will say so. That said, I am disappointed that the season finale will be wasted on her bratty niece and not focusing on the profilers. But that is something Erica has erred about for many years now. She thinks the only way to have a successful season finale is to put someone from the team or a family member in jeopardy. 

  • Love 6

I'm with you completely, Old Dog. Messer is incapable of keeping her mouth shut. She always seems so childish to me. She has to be the first one to tell rather than letting the audience sit back and enjoy the episodes as they unfold.

And I don't think that JLH has been over used but I have online friends that feel she is getting way too much emphasis. I neither like nor dislike her, but I feel she's being unfairly trashed by many viewers. Criticize her acting if you don't care for it, but she can't help what the writers and show runner come up with for her character to do. I don't blame AJC for getting excessive screen time the past couple of seasons. I blame Erica and the writers. But if I don't care for AJ's performance, I will say so. That said, I am disappointed that the season finale will be wasted on her bratty niece and not focusing on the profilers. But that is something Erica has erred about for many years now. She thinks the only way to have a successful season finale is to put someone from the team or a family member in jeopardy. 

I like JLH and I think the introduction of her character has been fairly well done. I think if we were to look at the screen time statistics, particularly in the past two months or so, we would see that she's averaged more screen time than the rest of the cast, but it hasn't felt like she's been forced down our throats. Her niece, on the other hand, is a total anchor. Everything that could be said about the character and the actress playing her has been said. What's crazy is that by the end of the season, that character will have appeared in 6 episodes. For a recurring character that seems like far too many in just one, 23-episode season. The real shame in JLH possibly leaving is that most of her stories this year have been dominated by issues with her niece. I would think next year we'd get to move beyond that and see her involved in story lines that don't involve her "anchorniece" (yes I'm coining that term).

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I remember when Richard Dean Anderson left Stargate SG1 and they brought in Ben Browder. I liked him from Farscape, but they went way overboard on his character and really crammed him down the audiences' throats. So, its nice to see the contrast of them not doing that with JLH on this show.


Its interesting that Erica seemed to indicate that JLH was not going anywhere, but Kirsten said she was... But then, Erica exaggerates and sometimes outright bullshits at times.

  • Love 3


Its interesting that Erica seemed to indicate that JLH was not going anywhere, but Kirsten said she was... But then, Erica exaggerates and sometimes outright bullshits at times.

I really, really hope that Kirsten is the one who is right and JLH won't be back for season 11. It's nothing against kate, but her return will also mean the return of the snot nose brat. Plus if she stays The Mess is going to have two characters that will be mothers that she can be completely enamored with and fawn over and want to focus on at the expense of the rest of the cast, particularly Reid and Hotch. My only concern is that CBS won't leave well enough alone and would insist on replacing JLH if she is gone come next season. Naturally The Mess will be unable to help herself. She will insist on throwing some type of family drama into the mix where the new character is concerned and said character would no doubt be made the focus of the season 11 finale.

Edited by missmycat
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The author of the blog said rest assured, because the series regulars aren't going anywhere, but the only quote from Erica was "no major deaths."

Here is another differently worded spoiler for the finale, and it seems like it is exactly as been telegraphed for months now.


  • Love 1

The author of the blog said rest assured, because the series regulars aren't going anywhere, but the only quote from Erica was "no major deaths."

Here is another differently worded spoiler for the finale, and it seems like it is exactly as been telegraphed for months now.


Ahh. Ok. Thank you. And thanks for the link!

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I saw that. If I were a betting woman, I would bet he gets bupkis next season as well, as far as a personal life goes. The way Erica gives everything away but here says "we might talk about it next season..." Well, I'll not hold my breath. At best (?) we might hear about him having various dates with various people, which to me is very un-Reid-like.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 6

"We'll talk about it next year" sounds suspiciously like "I couldn't care less".


I get the impression Messer is really pissed that people keep asking questions about this Reid guy.  What the hell is he anyway?  Some ugly nerd?  He's not even important! 

Yeah Spinner, I had said something similar on another forum. To Erica Messer he simply just isn't an important enough character to give an real thought or consideration when it comes to any sort of story lines for him. I'd even go so far as to say that Erica probably regards Garcia(a part time Character) to be of more importance than Reid. Which is why nowadays she is more likely to get a so called centric episode as oppose to him.

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A blurb from TVGuide on the finale: http://www.tvguide.com/special/finale-preview-2015/gallery/must-watch-tv-finales-2015/photo/2a637919-c8ee-4daa-a1b3-cdc9d0ce1601/

It mostly contains the same information we found out from other articles. The only newish information is that Kate and Hotch are somewhat aware of Meg being catfished before the actual kidnapping and they are writing in AJ's pregnancy, which Jim Clemente confirmed on twitter a little ways back. EM also says she doesn't like ending seasons on cliffhangers. I will give her some credit for this because it feels like something she would employ often. For a show in it's tenth season that would feel too gimmicky for me.

  • Love 2

We already knew this, but this is now straight from the horse's mouth.



Le sigh. I should have known that once again, when it comes to love and romance, Reid is getting thrown under the bus. Perhaps, it's just as well. Messer has proven time and time again a character like Reid means nothing to her, whether it means him getting a girlfriend or being treated as an incredibly smart and skilled man worthy of respect in the workplace. Thank goodness for fan fiction.


Erica probably can't relate to a character like Reid ("Ooh, he's nerdy and gross! I bet he has cooties!"). JJ is her go-to character, probably the one she relates to the most, and that's why JJ gets the biggest story lines and has been made into this golden goddess Mary Sue.


I'm not an actor, nor a TV script writer. But I think to act and write well, one would need a deep well of empathy to be able to relate to various types of characters, even those you in which you don't have much in common. Undoubtedly, Matthew has a fair amount of empathy within himself, which is why he can play a character like Reid so effectively.

  • Love 5

Yeah Spinner, I had said something similar on another forum. To Erica Messer he simply just isn't an important enough character to give an real thought or consideration when it comes to any sort of story lines for him. I'd even go so far as to say that Erica probably regards Garcia(a part time Character) to be of more importance than Reid. Which is why nowadays she is more likely to get a so called centric episode as oppose to him.

Reid almost died during last season finale, and not once, but twice, and what we had from that? Three and a half seconds of Reid rubbing his neck followed by Morgan questioning him if he was ok, and then moving on to another topic after Reid's standard answer - nothing is wrong.

And that was it.

But giving the ridiculous storyline they designed for Garcia, and then the ones for JJ, plus Kate's annoying niece, the even more annoying Rossi's daughter and finally the perfect Savanna for the perfect Morgan, one may question if it is not for the best that Messer and Co. leaves Reid alone.

The only one who had something realistic this year was Hotch, last week.

Edited by MCatry
  • Love 5

Three times; once when Garcia got him out of the room before the bad cop came in and killed him, and twice with the nurse, who, after failing to administer fatal drugs, drew a gun and was going to shoot him and Penelope. But, yeah, if I could choose who would write any possible Reid mini thread, I might push for it to happen, but no, don't trust em.

  • Love 5

Hmmmm.  It was just pointed out to me about Matthew saying something about his limited screen time. Yes I know it was done in a joking way,but still the issue was bought up by him. So I find myself wondering if he actually feels this way. OR Is he perhaps aware of the numerous fan complaints about it. And this was his way of addressing it. Than again I could be making a mountain out of a mole hill.

  • Love 5

Hmmmm.  It was just pointed out to me about Matthew saying something about his limited screen time. Yes I know it was done in a joking way,but still the issue was bought up by him. So I find myself wondering if he actually feels this way. OR Is he perhaps aware of the numerous fan complaints about it. And this was his way of addressing it. Than again I could be making a mountain out of a mole hill.

I don't think you're barking up the wrong tree at all, MMC. He said it in his cheeky tone, but I think it was quite pointed.

  • Love 4

Yes, I'm sure he pointed it out because a lot of remarks are made about it in the fandom, but the way he said it told me, it's a real thing. Whether it bothers him or he is smack on top of it, well, he's very like the Cheshire Cat. In fact, when Matthew dies, decades from now, i imagine his smile will linger for a loooooooong time after the rest of him leaves.

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