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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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They've only recently gotten together. Ironically, Richonne (Rick and Michonne) is also a non-comic canon, show-only pairing that happened because the actors had good chemistry and they've enjoyed a lot of fan support. I don't hear a lot of complaints about them "not honoring comic canon" or accusations of fan service though.


Considering Rick and Andrea are in together in the comics and Andrea is long dead and was butchered to death, there is nothing to complain about. And last I remember, Michonne isn't in a relationship at this time in the comics either with her former lover also biting the dust both in comics and the show. So there is no comic canon to honor with their pairing. 

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Olicity is now in the Elite 8 Round of Eonline's TV's Top Couple 2016 - voting ends on Sunday, April 24 at 5 p.m. PT....


TV's Top Couple 2016: Vote in the Elite 8 Now!
by LAUREN PIESTER Fri, Apr 22, 2016 3:00 PM


I didn't even know this was going on. Where have I been? Haha. I like Rick/Michonne a lot but I'll have to vote Olicity this time. Sorry Richonne!

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The best part about Rick and Michonne is Andy Lincoln's mom pestered him about it non stop, and then he pestered the producers on behalf of his mom. In conclusion, the biggest most watched comic book TV show on television fanservices Andy Lincoln's mom.

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Malec, Clexa, Claire and Jamie, and Olicity are in the Final Four. Captain Swan and Stydia got KOed.


I'm really glad Olicity made it past this round. The overnight voters worked their butts off to get out of some steep deficits and everyone pushed hard today. 

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Congrats to Olicity although I admit I was voting for Richonne. Mostly because I just love them and love how IMO organic that relationship progressed...not unlike Olicity

Scott Gimple was smart enough to see what they had with Danai and Andy. Like the Arrow PTB saw it with EBR and SA. Good for both shows.

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Wow, when I voted earlier today I honestly didn't think Olicity would win this round! I don't see them going further, especially not against Clexa or the Outlander couple, but this was a good run! Good job to those who voted. :)

Edited by Angel12d
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Seems odd that they used a manip for Olicity while everyone else got screencaps.

I think that manip is used so often that they might not even know it's a manip. They might just think it's from a photoshoot. (lolol /bitter)

Edited by lemotomato
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On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 2:10 PM, tv echo said:

Olicity is now up against Clexa in the Final 4 Round - polls close in this round on Wednesday, April 27 at 5 p.m. PT...


TV's Top Couple 2016: Vote in the Final 4 Now!
by LAUREN PIESTER | Mon, Apr 25, 2016 4:00 PM

Anyone hear the result for this.  I can not for the life of me figure out how to track down any answers. 

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I imagine they lost. Every time I voted, it seemed like the percentage was going down. Or maybe I was just bad look so they bounced back up once I quit. They were at roughly 45% the last time I checked on Wednesday.

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I suspect they lost as well.  (Also there were sites like reddit where people were encouraged to "take down" Olicity in this poll.) We'll find out for sure later today when they post the final round.

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GB was one of the honorees at last night's Alliance of Women Directors Awards & Benefit in Beverly Hills, CA...

A Call To Action As Chaiken, Berlanti Honored at Inaugural Alliance of Women Directors Awards
 David Robb April 28, 2016 11:11pm 


It was as much a suffragette rally as it was an awards ceremony, with speaker after speaker at the inaugural Alliance of Women Directors awards calling on everyone in Hollywood to play their part in bringing equality to women in the industry’s workplace.
*  *  *
Producer Greg Berlanti, who’s currently got half-a-dozen TV shows on the air, including Supergirl, The Flash and Blindspot, was one of the other honorees calling for the industry to make a change. “As I started running show,” he told the audience assembled at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills, “it was just a natural thing for me to want to hire as many women as I could. And so through the years, in writers’ rooms and edit bays, most of the staffs I put together were made of equal parts women and men. And then you would look at the directors list and they always seemed like they were from a different era – like something out of Mad Men. It was all white dudes…This seemed very odd to me. But you would hear the same Catch 22 refrain – a network and a studio had to have worked with a person to hire them. Well, if women were getting less opportunities, how were they ever supposed to get the opportunities that would get them approved?”

This year, he said, “after three years of commitment to growing our numbers and our lists, our most veteran action show – Arrow – will have 50% of their episodes directed by either diverse or female directors – with our other series not far behind. I have no doubt that many of these directors will then have the material they need to convince film studios they’re the right women to be directing the tentpole films the studios are making these days. Obviously, we haven’t done enough yet; I haven’t done enough yet; this needs to keep happening until it’s no longer a conversation – it’s just a way of life.”

“I would advise every director or producer with experience,” he said, “to pick one or two younger female directors to vouch for and mentor – call producers like me, call executives; make a recommendation and let’s keep the lists growing. We owe it to our mothers and sisters, and women who influenced us, to create an equal workplace in Hollywood. We owe it to our audiences and we owe it to ourselves. It will make all of us better.”

Edited by tv echo
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On 4/25/2016 at 3:36 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

Seems odd that they used a manip for Olicity while everyone else got screencaps.

At least the manip was a pretty hot picture of them both... perhaps Eonline should have found a screencap, but at least they found a good pic ~they have chosen some pretty ugly/awkward pics for Arrow characters in previous contests. Also it really made me miss that length of hair on both of them. Those haircuts are really great on them. I do not like FS's mid-length now, it needs to be a little longer. I prefer s2 length, but I know that will likely never happen again unless EBR wants it and she seems to prefer long bobs over long hair. Also I think they believe the shorter hair makes her look older.

There was no way Clexa was not making it to the finals, Olicity never had a shot. There was far too much drama surrounding Clexa for Eonline to not monopolize on it. Plus, I think Eonline makes it so couples cannot be repeat winners. Olicity was probably going to lose either way, at least we made it to the final 4 and will probably have been defeated by the eventual champion.

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Arrow is now #40 on this guy's list (Flash is #48,  AoS is #42, Gotham is #35, Daredevil is #29, Supernatural is #25, Jessica Jones is #19, X-Files is #12 and The Walking Dead is #3)...

50 Best Drama TV Shows on Netflix: Arrow moves up
 by Patrick Schmidt 1 day ago


Superhero shows and movies are definitely the “it” genre right now and Netflix has definitely taken advantage of the incredible interest from viewers in that area.
*  *  *
But outside of those Netflix Original shows, the CW has been ahead of the curve when it comes to superhero shows like Arrow, which is in its fourth season, three of which are currently available on Netflix.

I admit, I was late to the party when it comes to Arrow and didn’t begin watching the show until it had been around for two full seasons. Boy, was that a big regret because I didn’t realize what I was missing by not catching on until two years later.

This show is great and could go down as the best show in the CW’s history by the time the show wraps up, and that’s why it’s moving up in this week’s ranking of the 50 best drama TV shows.

50 Best Drama TV Shows on Netflix Right Now


40. Arrow
*  *  *
Arrow was a smash hit when it debuted in 2012 to the highest ratings the CW had seen in years. Based on the DC Comics’ Green Arrow, Oliver Queen (Amell) is the billionaire playboy who was assumed dead for five years after the yacht he and his father were sailing on sinks. Queen loses his father but manages to survive on a deserted island where he learned of his father’s mysterious business dealings and how corrupt he was.

After five years, Queen returns home but as a changed man who dons a green hood and is set on vengeance with only a bow and arrows. The pilot episode gives us an origin story and from there we get the best TV show based on a comic book we’ve had this millennium.

The Green Arrow may not be as popular as some of the other DC Comics but the show delivers with intense action and should make fans of the comic pleased with their adaptation.

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Using Google, "SensaCine" translates to Screenrush in English, and appears to be a Spanish film website that is "part of AlloCiné Group, an international network of Film and Series adding 25 million unique users per month worldwide" (covering Spain, France, Germany, Turkey and Brazil)...

The 20 sexiest actresses of the small screen
Inmaculada Rego ▪ Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 10:00 am 

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The nominación for EBR is LEAD performance by a female in a dramatc series. So she was the lead female in that episode for them, wasn't it?

Edited by emarasmoak
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15 minutes ago, emarasmoak said:

The nominación for EBR is LEAD performance by a female in a dramatc series. So she was the lead female in that episode for them, wasn't it?

No. It means EBR qualifies for the Leos as "lead", because she's a Canadian citizen that's been in at least 50% of the all the Arrow episodes.

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Winners will be announced during ceremonies on May 28, June 4 and June 5 (EBR's award category is up June 5):

The competition in EBR's category:


The Nominees for Best 
Lead Performance by a Female
in a Dramatic Series are…

Emily Bett Rickards
Arrow - A.W.O.L.

Carmen Moore
Blackstone - Flat Line

Rachel Nichols
Continuum - Final Hour

Sara Canning
Remedy - Life In Technicolour

Stephanie Bennett
The Romeo Section - Dragon Fruit

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Why are they encouraging Bamford when Brotherhood was so shoddily directed? His second episode wasn't that special directing wise, but at least it wasn't in your face bad.

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Some media reporting on this morning's Leo Awards nominations...



Canada’s Leo Award nominations were announced Tuesday morning. Among the 2016 nominees were quite a few members of the CW’s roster including: Arrow, The Flash, iZombie, The 100, and Supernatural.

Arrow leads the CW pack with five nominations, including one for stunt coordination and a best direction nomination for James Bamford, for his and the stunt team’s work on “Brotherhood.” Emily Bett Rickards, was also nominated for best lead performance by a female for her work in “A.W.O.L.” The series also nabbed two costume design nominations for Maya Mani.

The Flash also scored three nominations for J.J. Makaro for directing “Enter Zoom” and stunt coordination for this year’s Flarrow Crossover,  as well as  a nomination for visual effects team on “Gorilla Warfare.”

iZombie nabbed two nominations for cinematography on “Zombie Bro” and make up for Amber Trudeau, Malin Sjostrom, Corey Roberts, and Rebekah Bak.

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5 hours ago, dtissagirl said:

No. It means EBR qualifies for the Leos as "lead", because she's a Canadian citizen that's been in at least 50% of the all the Arrow episodes.

Oh, I see! Thank you for the clarification, @dtissagirl. Much appreciated 

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Maybe Arrow needs to hire more Canadian directors if Bamford is the best they can get for a director nod. Or maybe the voters were still a little motion sick from that episode they chose the wrong selection box.

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Olicity is up for Favorite Couple/SHIP in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 3d place), Oliver/Diggle are up for BrOTP (currently in 2d place),  Damien Darhk is up for Favorite Villain (currenly in 2d place), both Laurel Lance & Andy Diggle are up for Most Heartbreaking Character Exit (currently in 4th & 9th places) and Diggle kills his brother is up for Best Plot Twist (currently in 4th place) - you can vote for up to 3 choices in each category from now through Thursday, May 19th at 12pm EST....

Vote for Your Favorites! The 2016 Tell-Tale TV Awards: Round One
May 13, 2016

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SA is up for Lead Actor in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 1st place), EBR is up for Lead Actress in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 2d place), DR is up for Supporting Actor in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 2nd place), and WH is up for Supporting Actress in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 4th place) - you can vote for up to 3 choices in each category from now through Thursday, May 19th at 12pm EST...

Vote for Your Favorites! The 2016 Tell-Tale TV Awards: Round One
May 13, 2016

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Oliver & Felicity are still up for Favorite Couple / Ship in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 3d place), Oliver & Diggle are still up for BrOTP (currently in 2d place), Arrow is still up for Outstanding Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 2d place), SA is still up for Lead Actor in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 3d place), EBR is still up for Lead Actress in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 5th place), DR is still up for Supporting Actor in a Sci-fi or Fantasy Series (currently in 2d place), Diggle kills his brother is still up for Best Plot Twist (currently in 4th place) and Damien Darhk is still up for Favorite Villain (currently in 5th place) -  voting will continue through Thursday, May 26th at 2pm EST...

Vote for Your Favorites! The 2016 Tell-Tale TV Awards: Final Round
May 20, 2016Tell-Tale TV

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Options include Green Arrow, Felicity and Diggle - this poll will close at 09:06am PDT on Sunday, June 12th, 2016... 

Who is Your Current Favorite DC Comics TV Hero?

Current poll results (as of this posting):

1    Felicity Smoak    25.7%    7036
2    The Flash        22.9%    6255
3    Green Arrow    16.6%    4536
4    Black Canary    16.2%    4427
5    Supergirl        8.2%    2239
6    Diggle        2.2%    613
7    Lucifer        1.7%    453
8    White Canary    1.0%    278
9    Martian Manhunter    0.9%    251
10    Bruce Wayne    0.9%    235
11    Jim Gordon    0.8%    226
12    Liv Moore        0.8%    213
13    Atom        0.4%    118
14    Speedy/Red Arrow    0.4%    97
15    Arsenal        0.3%    92
16    Firestorm        0.3%    84
17    Hawkgirl        0.3%    76
18    Rip Hunter    0.3%    71
19    Hawkman    0.1%    40

ETA: I recently read an article (which I will not post in this forum) in which the writer claimed that Felicity is the most hated character in the Arrowverse right now. So take that!

Edited by tv echo
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7 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Somehow BC is now three thousand ahead of both Felicity and Barry. 

They gained about 6k+ in the last 24 hours. LOL That doesn't seem legit at all. 

But meh. This is the only poll BC will ever win and it doesn't matter anymore :p *shrugs*

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That does seem like an unusually jump. Honestly, I hate captchas but I think they make for a little fairer contest. I also find a lot of these online polls are too easy to hack or robobot.

I get devotion to a character, but honestly I don't understand the need to cheat or devote hours voting. The only way there is that big of a gain in 24hrs is either some overly devoted fans or bots. Either way if it helps people sleep better than I say let it be.

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5 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

They gained about 6k+ in the last 24 hours. LOL That doesn't seem legit at all. 

But meh. This is the only poll BC will ever win and it doesn't matter anymore :p *shrugs*

Actually BC jumped 11000 votes since yesterday, nearly tripling her vote count.  So clearly this poll allows multiple votes from one person (which I was already suspecting yesterday when the figures for Barry and Felicity increased quite rapidly) and is therefore essentially worthless.  Pity, I thought it was one of those that gave a true reflection of things by only letting people vote once.  Polls where you can vote multiple times are just a reflection of the fanbases' dedication, not a true reflection of actual popularity.

And, of course, Felicity and Felicity fans are being blamed for the dodgy BC numbers, because everything is always Felicity's fault these days.

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