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S05.E08: Don't Stop Beweaving

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-  Alright, people, I couldn't have my preferred D/J endgame.  Whatever.  I'm over it.  But I better get me some of Johnny/The Warden.  You owe me at least that little bit.  I mean, the Johnny/Lucy was thrown all up in our grills to start the episode, but J/L will always be this show's ultimate OTP.

.... oh, and D'avin, you're right.  You really do suck at being a wingman.

-  I'll let it go because I like this show too much, but just because they settled their differences - at least for the time being - doesn't erase the fact they still turned on each other; re: Mace & Calvert (& the rest of 'X-wing')

-  Damn, look at Fancy showing all these hidden talents.

-  Nice to finally get to see the backstory for Zeph.  Crazy farming religious fanatics.

.... oh, and PIP!!  Ok, not!Pip in a dream, but still... Pip!

-  Calling it now, but Khlyen is totally playing The Lady.  And he'll sacrifice himself to make sure his daughters and grandson can finally kill her in the end.

One last thing ....  is it just me, or has the 2nd half of this season (so far) been a lot more light-hearted and funny than the first half?  The last two eps were quite LOL-ish when not dealing with the heavier emotional beats.  At least IMO.

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Loved Johnny's happiness at his reunion with Lucy.  So funny and so sweet.

And got a great laugh when Zeph and Dutch had a "we should make into a t-shirt" and then both of them WEARING the t-shirt during the dinner party.

Who knew that Fancy had other talents?

This episode (and laat one) were so great.  I'm going to miss this show.

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I'm not sure why but I expected more from this show than The Lady than being brought down or tripped up by human emotions. But I guess they are consistent with the Khlyen as father figure.

I did love Dutch and Zeph's road trip. And the tapestry/data archive was beautiful. 

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Oh boy, yet ANOTHER episode where we are parked for an hour.  This time the characters play war games and visit their past and the silly Lady whines. Aside from the opening few minutes with the ship and Jonny ... nada. 

And the “feels” Achilles Heel. Disappointing. 

This is the slowest, most manufactured final season ever. The Lady isn’t the only one who finds the passing of time on this show boring. 

Also? Dutch should have taken out the sister in 3 seconds. 

Edited by Ottis
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Back in season one or two I claimed that this show has a problem with Dutch and her relationship with other women. She was mostly a bitch and just seemed to get along with guys. But they really fixed that by now and the show has passed the Bechdel test more than once. And how much did I love those 'Brain' and 'Brawn' t-shirts? If only this show was bigger - they would make great swag. As would Johnny's cute PJs, of course they're not listed on wornontv.net

Nice use of Fancy as an unexpected source for an exposition dump with additional culinary skills. Loved D'Avin desperately trying to hook up Johnny. But the prisons ship plot took up too much time. I can see the point they were trying to make but that could have worked without additional complications via psycho doc.

I'm also not on board with the Lady's sullen 'I can't handle emotions'-act. I mean it gives Rob Stewart some great moments but otherwise it's an overused trope. I would prefer her to remain a fierce and cruel presence only interested in the survival of her species. I've noticed due to knitting cult mother that the show seems suddenly trying to shed some ethical doubts over Team A's plans to annihilate the hatchlings which of course is uhmm... xenocide (?). Making the Lady vulnerable to emotions and humanize her could be the next step in shifting the endgame. I guess it all depends on what Lucy finds on the tapestry's data. (Btw taking inspiration from the Bajeux tapestry was a neat idea and the execution looked fantastic.)

That dinner montage really looked like 'let's play who'll survive to the end' lotto *gulp*

Edited by MissLucas
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If Zeph isnt in love with Fancy, I think that I might be. He reads, he cooks, he kicks ass, the man can do it all! 

Nice getting some more backstory on Zeph and seeing more of Leigh, even if it pretty much sucks, especially for someone like Zeph. I like that they gave them some reason for their anti science religious fundamentalism (even if its not a really good reason) beyond just being fanatics because. I did kind of wish that she could make some peace with her sister, but she has Dutch now at least as a sister! Its been great seeming them bond over the seasons and create this very sisterly bond, especially as in the past Dutch has had a bit of trouble making friends with women on a personal level. All of that white, I get the purity thing but it really does seem terribly impractical for a farming community. "Why do you think I ran away? Every day was laundry day." We even got to see Pip! It was a dream Pip and not the real one, but it was still nice seeing him!

The ship plot was alright, we seem to be stalled a bit again even if we are at least inching towards a climax, I enjoyed it most for lots of good Johnny and D'avin banter and cute bro moments. D'avin really does suck at playing wingman, he has the subtlety of a space ship to the face. Him wanting to find Johnny someone was really sweet though, as was their "we broke every rule ever but are now super awesome heroes" high five. 

I do like the idea of Johnny and the Warden, and now that her hair is down more, they might be settling her more into love interest territory. 

So The Lady is having her "I cant handle the emotions omg daddy!!" break down, which I did see coming from about a mile away. I hope that Khlyen is actually playing her, or gets it together when he realizes that Dutch is alive. 

The tapestry looked really beautiful. 

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8 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Back in season one or two I claimed that this show has a problem with Dutch and her relationship with other women. She was mostly a bitch and just seemed to get along with guys. But they really fixed that by now and the show has passed the Bechdel test more than once.

Its a real shame that Pawter got killed off now, with how they've turned Dutch's character around, IE in terms of dealing with other (non-enemy) women.

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Definitely loved all of the brotherly bonding moments with the Jaqobis.  Aaron Ashmore and Luke Macfarlane really have nailed down that sibling-like chemistry.  D'avin trying to be John's wingman and bombing at it was hilarious, although to be fair, it's tough when your main choices are the former warden who imprisoned him and the somewhat unstable prisoner.  Realistically, I suspect John's true love would be if they somehow got Lucy into a human form (the opening segment was perfection!), but if they do want to pair John off at the last minute, The Warden is probably the better choice, since Calvert is still just a bit too kooky for John to have a serious relationship with.

So, Zeph basically used to live in a religious cult?  Glad she got out of there and was able to get the info they need.  I do question the idea that the sister would be that much of a challenge for Dutch, but I can buy that Dutch might have been holding back a bit.

Fancy's got some surprising hidden talents!  I hope all of this is leading to his eventual demise.

Speaking of which, looks like Turin did get captured after-all, but he isn't dead yet, so I can hold out hope.

Cool seeing a version of Pip again, even if he was a dick.

So, Khylen is actually now working with The Lady, because he is hoping to form a similar bond like he use to have with Dutch?  That's not good!  I continue to hope that Khylen is working some other kind of angle.

Only two episodes left.  And considering how most of this show's penultimate episodes end up playing out, I'm prepared for some heartbreak! 

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21 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Back in season one or two I claimed that this show has a problem with Dutch and her relationship with other women. She was mostly a bitch and just seemed to get along with guys. But they really fixed that by now and the show has passed the Bechdel test more than once. And how much did I love those 'Brain' and 'Brawn' t-shirts? If only this show was bigger - they would make great swag. As would Johnny's cute PJs, of course they're not listed on wornontv.net

That is normal. They do not exist. The prod team explained on Twitter that the PJs had been made specially for this episode using design coming from Johnny's favorite comics, Captain Apex. 😉 

Edited by BlueBlop
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I agree that The Warden is the better choice between her and Calvert, for Johnny's pairing partner.

....  but still a bit miffed we weren't introduced to his (human) "endgame" until about a third of the way into the final season.  If any of these characters should have had a lasting longterm pairing over the course of the show, it should have been him - due to his personal nature and sensibilities.

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13 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I agree that The Warden is the better choice between her and Calvert, for Johnny's pairing partner.

....  but still a bit miffed we weren't introduced to his (human) "endgame" until about a third of the way into the final season.  If any of these characters should have had a lasting longterm pairing over the course of the show, it should have been him - due to his personal nature and sensibilities.

You know the old saying in the Quad - lucky at computer hacking, unlucky at love.

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I am going to miss this show. 

I loved getting some more backstory on Zeph and the really great moments between her and Dutch. Also the shirts (hee). 

The prison story felt a bit disjointed, but I enjoyed the moment between the Jacobis brothers and the very poor wingman attempts by D'av. I thought it was pretty sweet and a good way to move beyond the non-triangle. Love the sequence with Lucy. 

PIP! I mean not really but sorta. I am currently very pregnant, so I may have gotten a little emotional at the talk of babies. 

I loved Fancy's hidden talents and the meal before the storm. I wish the rest of the gang was there. I am nervous about who will get killed off knowing this show. 

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