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Supernatural & Vampire Diaries Mash Up Mafia

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Bizarre; my ketchup is generally well-behaved.  I don't need to have my valuable electronics keep an eye on it, it just sits in the fridge until summoned. ;)


I see the liquor truck got here!  I'll have that mojito now.

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Night 3: Timber


Mystic Falls, Virginia


Elena sat outside with Jeremy, silence overtaking the two of them. A lot of crazy stuff had happened in the last week. Actually, a lot of crazy stuff had happened in the last couple of years and she hadn't really gotten a chance to sit with Jeremy and just do normal things. A lot of it was her fault, of course; she was distracted by the supernatural and the Salvatore brothers. They just weren't as close as they could be so whenever they got the chance to talk about their lives, just the two of them, it was a nice moment. "So, Damon and Bonnie and the others should be here soon," she said lightly. Jeremy nodded, gazing off into the horizon, seemingly deep in thought. She never really knew what her brother was thinking anymore. It was an almost uncomfortable silence, so much that Elena was tempted to go back inside where Stefan was with Jo and Ellen. She decided to speak up instead. "Jer, please talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking. Are you excited for Bonnie to come back?" she asked softly. Jeremy finally turned to her, a small smile gracing his lips but the shrug coming from him indicated otherwise. "I don't...I mean, yes I am, I'm glad Bonnie's back and all, but..." he seemed at a loss for words and he ran a hand through his hair. "We've all cheated death so many times, and there's always consequences for it. I'm just tired of it, you know? Tired that we all die and someone, or something, brings us back. Next time, it's going to be permanent and I-I just don't care anymore and it scares me," he admitted. Elena wrapped her brother up in a hug, just sitting in silence for a moment. He embraced the hug warmly. 


"I'm going to make sure that all of us are safe from now on, alright? No more pointless deaths, no more of any of that," she said. Jeremy just looked at her with his sad, puppy dog eyes. "You can't promise that, Elena, and you know it. Death follows us everywhere now," he told her. Elena pursed her lips, knowing he was right. "Well, I'm going to do my best, alright? You and I have been through enough already. I want it to be over too," she told him. Jeremy just smiled wirely before Stefan's voice broke their moment. "Damon and Bonnie are back."




The reunion between the two groups was very bittersweet but also very quick. They caught each other up on what each of the dead people have missed. Once that happened, they finally took a seat in the Salvatore's living room. John sat a bit farther than the others, clearly not comfortable with sitting in a room half filled with the supernatural. "So, demons and angels are actually real," Stefan murmured as Cas nodded. "Well, that should be less shocking, seeing as there are vampires, werewolves and witches too." Jo, who was sitting by her mom and Jeremy, shrugged lightly. "Don't worry, you get used to the idea," she said helpfully. "So what now?" Kevin asked from his spot. "What happens now? Why are we back on earth?" he asked. Bobby gave a shrug as he crossed his arms. "I have no idea but I want to find out. We aren't supposed to be alive right now," he said. Damon rolled his eyes as he untangled himself from Elena's arms and stood up. "Well, whoopee, we're alive. Why is everyone complaining? Personally we should be throwing a celebration of life together for this," he said. Bonnie leaned forward in her chair. "You know damn well why we can't. I'm sorry this is only your second time dying, but for some of us, we have more experience in this department. You really should know better though; you've had more near death experiences that I can count. And for good reason," she told him sharply. "Ok, really, we shouldn't be arguing this. We should be working together to get answers," Jo interrupted. Elena stood up and nodded. "I agree with Jo. What matters is that you all are alive right now. Damon does have a point though; shouldn't we just enjoy the moment right now and maybe worry about all this tomorrow?" she asked.


Suddenly, a loud crash sounded as glass shattered from the window in the room. Elena instinctively ducked and turned as everyone rose to their feet. "What the hell was that?" Bobby demanded before loud shots fired through the room. The room turned into absolute chaos as people were ducking and trying to avoid the gunfire that was happening. It seemed to last for several minutes before it stopped. Most people were on the floor, covering their faces. Damon was the first to rise, followed by Cas as they looked around the room. Several things were broken and glass was everywhere. "Can't we just have one moment in piece? And can we avoid ruining the house?" Damon yelled, exasperated. Stefan got to his feet, eyes travelling through the room. "Is everyone ok?" he asked. Some mutters were given up Stefan looked at the few who were still on the ground. "Elena," Damon murmured as he rushed to his girlfriend's side, noting a bullet hole in her chest. Jo was leaned over Ellen, who was unconscious and Bonnie remained by Jeremy's side as he was also out of it and in pain from his own wounds. Kevin was lying motionless on the ground as well and Stefan could only do what he could to look around the room, trying to piece together what just happened.


"Damnit. Stefan, it's wooden bullets," Damon said, frustrated as he reached in to dig the bullet out of Elena's chest. Bobby leaned over Kevin, trying to shake him awake. "What the hell just happened?" Bobby asked loudly. Everyone looked very confused and Stefan moved to check everyone over. Bonnie just shrugged as she had her hand on Jeremy's shoulder. "I think he'll be fine. He just got hit with a couple of the wooden bullets," she told him. Stefan moved to check on Ellen and Jo next. "I think she hit her head when we ducked. She's ok and breathing, at least," Jo said, her eyes filled with rage at whoever did this. Stefan moved to Elena and Damon last, bending over and gently touching Elena's arm. "The bullet missed her heart, I think, so she should be alright. She'll just be out of it for the next few hours," Damon reassured him. Stefan placed his free hand on his brother's shoulder, letting out a deep sigh. Things definitely didn't go as planned, that's for sure.


The Deceased:
MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.
The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.

The Living:
photo fox



Ah, chaos, my favourite part of the story. So there's one clue in the story. It's night time now, so get those night actions in whenever. Sorry for the late update. I just needed to get the middle exactly right in order to get to the ending, and it took a while to get there. Time is 48 hours, as usual. Things are picking up, you guys! 

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asdfjkhsdaklfa WHY IS IT NIGHT.




(Since it is Night, let's not speculate or discuss the content of the story.)


Bartender, get me a double. I need it today.

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asdfjkhsdaklfa WHY IS IT NIGHT.




(Since it is Night, let's not speculate or discuss the content of the story.)


Bartender, get me a double. I need it today.


I think you may have had enough.  Bartender!

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jessied112 is having too much fun on the Big Brother forum.  :)



Also...yes...guilty as charged. I'm also angry as hell right now for things transpiring with Big Brother, so the story may be a little...anger induced :)


Just starting on the story now, so expect it...well, hopefully tonight.

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Also...yes...guilty as charged. I'm also angry as hell right now for things transpiring with Big Brother, so the story may be a little...anger induced :)

The next story is entitled In Which Everyone Gets Modkilled And Jessie Declares Herself The Winner.


Run for your lives! Flee before the wrath of the angry mod! The end is nigh!! Repent!!

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Day 3: In Which Everyone Gets Modkilled And Jessie Declares Herself The Winner.


Everyone dies.


The end.


Deceased: EVERYONE.


(Ok...but I am halfway done with the story...but I had to post this before I post the real story)

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Day 3: The Breakfast Club


Jo laid in bed, unable to fall asleep. Everyone had spent the rest of the day healing over the events of that morning and trying to figure out what happened, and who could be part of it. Everyone had an opinion of who it could be but until the person, or people (or demons, in their case) revealed themselves, they wouldn't know for sure. Nonetheless, Jo was on high alert ever since. Her mom was sleeping beside her; she was lucky that she was ok. She had woken up not long after and seemed to be ok, but Jo kept an eye on her regardless. As for the others, they seemed to be doing well too. Jeremy was resting in the room next door and Bonnie was with him; Elena had woken up a bit later than most, hurt but otherwise would heal up quite nicely. It was still weird to be so close to supernatural creatures, especially vampires, but she was supposed to be dead, so things were definitely weird anyway.


She finally sat up, running a hand through her hair as she quietly got out of bed. Her mom seemed undisturbed so Jo decided to head downstairs to get a glass of water. She opened the door quietly, glancing down the hallway before heading down the stairs. It still was pretty early morning but she didn't imagine anyone would be up. So she was surprised when she walked toward the kitchen and caught a figure sitting in the darkness. She jumped back, her hand instinctively reaching for the gun that Damon had given to her and she held it up. The figure in question just chuckled lightly. "Relax, Harvelle, I couldn't sleep either," John's voice carried through the room. She kept the gun up, walking toward him, her eyes narrowed. "Of course you couldn't," she said tensely. Ever since she learned the real reason why her father died, she couldn't find herself liking John much, not that she really did in the first place. She barely knew the guy anyway, but she only heard bad things about him from Sam, Dean and her mom. 


"Put down the gun. I'm not here to strike against you," John said and Jo finally noticed the shotgun placed on his lap. She switched on a light to see him clearer and she noted the tired look in his eyes. She finally lowered the gun as she took a seat next to him. "Sorry, I've just been a bit..." "Tense?" he finished for her. She nodded slowly and he gave a sad smile. "I understand. Coming back from the dead isn't as simple as it should be," he said. Jo nodded slowly as she settled back in the chair, just staring at John. He seemed worn out, like he had gone through hell. Well, he technically did, but it was something more than that, and she knew what. She just didn't expect him to care all this much. "How are you doing? I mean, I know losing Sam and maybe losing Dean is hard for you," she asked slowly. He blinked at her, silent for a moment before shrugging, his fingers tracing the shotgun lightly. "It's hard, but I'm dealing with it," he replied. Jo couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the older Winchester. She knew that he had died for Dean and that seemed to be his one redeeming quality, so he clearly cared about both his children. She leaned forward in her chair, giving him an empathetic smile. "Sam was a real fighter. Dean's a fighter too, which is why he's going to make it out of this," she told him gently. John just stared at her for a bit before nodding slowly, no traces of a smile on his face anymore. Well, she tried, she thought.


Suddenly, a loud crash brought both of them to their feet, guns drawn. The two wasted no time in taking off upstairs, their feet pounding on the ground as a yell suddenly came from one of the rooms. Jo burst through the door to see the room trashed, Bonnie unconscious on the floor and Elena by Jeremy's side. He was staring up at Elena, struggling to breathe and Jo rushed to their sides, bending down. "What the hell happened?" she asked. Elena just stared at Jo, dumbfounded before finding the words. "I just heard a crash and I rushed in here and some guy was already jumping out the window," she replied. She looked back down at Jeremy, whose face was as white as a ghost. John raised his gun as he rushed to the window, just as the door opened. Jo, startled by the noise, turned and fired accidentally, the anger coursing inside of her before she could think about it. She gasped when it hit Stefan right in the chest and he stared forward for a few moments before collapsing on the ground. Damon was right behind as he caught his brother. Elena's eyes widened. "Stefan!" she cried as she got up and rushed to the vampire's side. Jo's mouth covered her face. "I-I didn't mean to. He startled me," she said, shaken. 


The others in the house stood outside of the room, peering in as Jo looked down at Jeremy, who didn't seem to be breathing. Damnit, she muttered as she lowered her head. They had a moment of peace and now that was taken away; it was like they could not let their guards down, not even when they were sleeping. She touched Jeremy's wrist, feeling no pulse. She looked over at Damon, Stefan and Elena. Damon was cradling his brother while Elena just kept looking back and forth between Jeremy and Stefan. Jo could feel the pain in the room as she looked back down at Jeremy. If only she had been more alert, maybe she could have saved Jeremy. If she hadn't been so jumpy too, maybe her gun wouldn't have hit Stefan right in the heart. If only they hadn't been loaded with wooden bullets, which could kill him. She looked up at the doorway, which her mother was standing in now. She felt her heart drop as she slowly got to her feet, unable to be there. It seemed like so much was happening so quickly and she needed a moment to breathe, so she quietly exited, moving past all the silent people as she made her way downstairs to take a moment to herself. 


She set down her gun as she walked outside to the front, looking at the sunrise. It looked so pretty, but not reflecting the mood of the situation right now. How could everything go wrong so quickly? She sighed as she took a few deep breaths. She really needed to calm herself down right now. They just lost the demons, or whatever was doing it, and they kept losing people. They needed to know at least who was behind it. Suddenly, she heard a noise from her right and she turned, tense as she instinctively took one step toward the door. She only relaxed slightly, her gaze focused on the person who she recognized. But the look in their eyes was far from friendly. She gritted her teeth, ready for a fight. "What are you doing? Take a step back." she commanded, her voice a bit shaky. The figure in front of her didn't listen and before she could turn and scream for help, Jo felt herself being flung to the ground, the eyes of a monster staring back at her.


The Deceased:
MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.
The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.

TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive.

Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love?

Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not.


The Living:


Ah, ok, so...chaos? That was actually fun to write. So there is one clue in the story. Another 48 hours should do the trick. Also, I wish the deaths had been more badass, so sorry about that. This is the best I can do at the moment.


Also, TJ, you joke about killing everyone was a literal coincidence, but thank you for making it, since it's ironic your character...ah...bit it. 

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Lordy, we need a CSI up in here to figure out how this happened. So yesterday egavasc was spared the electric chair and today three Heroes are dead. That's not a good ratio. Judging by how Jo died, I'm thinking that at least one of the Hero characters is a villainous mole of some kind. So that means that possibly at least three people out of ten are villains?


Since egavasc was saved yesterday, would it be a good idea to try again today or would that be pointless? @egavasc, what say you about this shocking development?


R.I.P. TJtrack99, photo fox and Lisin. Most of your deaths were not hilarious.

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RIP to those that died...


However confused I am, I think this is important:


Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love?


Is PF the reason that egavasc was saved?  Did it backfire?

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Wow. Bloody bloody night. I think photo fox was an innocent bystander taken out by Lisin's power if her power and the story are anything to go by. Photo fox was one of the people suspicious of me in the previous day. Why try to lynch someone that you know that that will cause your death? And if fox's death was due to protecting me, wouldn't the death have occurred at the beginning at night not the end? So I don't think I was protected. And I think if you try to kill someone and they don't die they're probably a hero.

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Also, TJ, you joke about killing everyone was a literal coincidence, but thank you for making it, since it's ironic your character...ah...bit it. 

Oh, I knew there was a strong chance of that happening in this game when I saw that I had a nifty power. (I hope everyone else noticed that this is essentially the same power from Reb's last round, haha!)


Heroes, AVENGE ME!! (And Markbro and fox and Lisin too!)

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Here’s what I think went down.


  1. @Lisin used her power and shot @photo fox by accident.
  2. Villains killed @TJtrack99
  3. A serial killer took out @Lisin
  4. I think Elena is the serial killer because Elena is really Katherine (Elena’s evil doppelganger)


None of the above really helps us though.


I think the clue is “I'm not here to strike against you”.


I’m just not sure what that points to at the moment.

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Would it be possible for a villain to protect another villain as a night action that carried into the day? Because if so, they would have known well ahead of time that we were going to lynch egavasc next.

eta I can't believe I typed lunch, we're a figuratively bloodthirsty (heroic) mob, not a literal one.

Edited by JayKay
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Sorry I didn't mention this during Night, but in the Meetups thread a Boston-area meetup is being planned for the middle of this month.  I thought I'd mention it in the forums I actually frequent, as right now it appears that all those in the mix are folks I don't know, and I'm not anxious to go only to find myself surrounded by people who don't watch the shows I do.

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Oh, I knew there was a strong chance of that happening in this game when I saw that I had a nifty power. (I hope everyone else noticed that this is essentially the same power from Reb's last round, haha!)


Heroes, AVENGE ME!! (And Markbro and fox and Lisin too!)

*raises Hand* I noticed!!! And it brought me joy!! :)

Would it be possible for a villain to protect another villain as a night action that carried into the day? Because if so, they would have known well ahead of time that we were going to lunch egavasc next.

It would be posssiable I think...my take? egavasc is a 2 kill meaning we gotta try this again and hope it sticks...

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Just a chance to quote Pretty Woman


Should we all take a moment and reflect on this post from @egavasc on the first day? Hmm?


Lordy, we need a CSI up in here to figure out how this happened. So yesterday egavasc was spared the electric chair and today three Heroes are dead. That's not a good ratio. Judging by how Jo died, I'm thinking that at least one of the Hero characters is a villainous mole of some kind. So that means that possibly at least three people out of ten are villains?


Since egavasc was saved yesterday, would it be a good idea to try again today or would that be pointless? @egavasc, what say you about this shocking development?


R.I.P. TJtrack99, photo fox and Lisin. Most of your deaths were not hilarious.



It would be posssiable I think...my take? egavasc is a 2 kill meaning we gotta try this again and hope it sticks...


I'm inclined to agree here. How likely is it that it's not a two-kill?


We started with 15 total; usually 1/3 are the villains, and 2/3 the heroes. I've not played a game with a serial killer or any similar characters, so I'm not sure of the breakdowns in those cases. But if we went with the original breakdown of 1/3 vs 2/3, 5 started as villains, 10 as heroes. We've lost one villain and four heroes; so the breakdown now would be 4 villains and 6 heroes. So something needs to happen to keep the heroes in the game.


I'm still afraid, but I'm not scared!


1 egavasc (stacey) 5 to Rasputin her rear

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Umm, just checking, but we only need six TOTAL to kill, right?

By the math, that is correct. 10 players left. Majority is half plus one.

5 egavasc (stacey, TMunz, Dougal, JayKay, SVNBob) 1 to scratch with pages torn a phone book found at a pay phone.
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@CuriousParker picked out “I'm not here to strike against you” as a possible clue. This kinda stood out to me:

"If only she had been more alert, maybe she could have saved Jeremy. If she hadn't been so jumpy too, maybe her gun wouldn't have hit Stefan right in the heart. If only they hadn't been loaded with wooden bullets, which could kill him."


But I'm not sure what it would be. Something related to regret? Repetition? I just don't know. The story from last Night also has me stumped.

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