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DC TVU Mafia

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Wait, hang on, I'm completely confused. Bob speculated that Spruce was a recruitable hero turned villain before. And Spruce suspected that Bob was untrustworthy before. But toDay, writingdreamer, out of nowhere, throws a hail mary straight into my endzone and both of you are all for it. But are you saying that Bob is only temporarily trustworthy/kill-proof? What is going on? And why am I the one who's fated to die? Somebody else needs to straighten this out because nobody's gonna trust anything I try to speculate.

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 With one exception, Athena (but there is something that hasn't been addressed yet with her, and that is her closeness to SVNBob) so she really doesn't count. But if you look at the voting, the voting for JayKay (a newbie) is all done by long time players.


Why don't I count? I can only say that Bob and I were privileged to be partners in the last game and are partners again. I am a hero. JayKay is not exactly a newbie either.


I'm about to leave but wanted to say this first. It's possible, frankly likely, that JayKay is a Villain. Fine. But I'm pretty sure Bob is the SK. If we wait another Night he gets another kill. On the other hand, there's a reason we Heroes have vigilante kills to use against Villains...


Bob is not the SK at the moment. I don't know who is, but I feel like I should defend Bob.

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I have pretty much made up my mind that I am already dead, however, I will come back and defend my reasoning about this:

JayKay is not exactly a newbie either.

According to this, JayKay stated that he has only played one game before this.


And then this:


I can only say that Bob and I were privileged to be partners in the last game and are partners again. I am a hero.


Two ways to be 'partners', one is to be a villain and then you can have multiple 'partners', and the other is to be a hero and have that power.  We have already seen that Felicity (SilverStormm) had that power, and you didn't name her as your partner, so, with that in mind, you telling us you have a partner means you are a villain too.


I don't know game play very well, but I don't think that there would be two pairs of heroes in one game that had powers to talk to each other. If there are, color me stupid.  However, if I am right, and if you and Bob are partners that means you are both villains (which I have long suspected).  What I couldn't decide was whether Bob was the SK or a villain but you just confirmed his villain status, so thanks for that.


And one last thing, Athena with the 'at the moment' and TCS with 'this round', I have to admit, I am struggling with this.  Again, I am not that knowledgeable on game play, but I know there is some powers afoot that I can't claim to know.  And I think I am being made to consider the fact that it might not be this day that we lynch Bob.


I am not comfortable with lynching JayKay however, so that only leaves one other person that made a mistake and showed their colors, and that would be Athena.  If anyone is willing to start a lynch leaning that way, I will consider giving up my life for that endeavor.  Either way, I will not have another opportunity to vote because I know there is a target on me.


Anyway, I must dash, I always seem to be running around like I have rockets on my feet. 

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Two ways to be 'partners', one is to be a villain and then you can have multiple 'partners', and the other is to be a hero and have that power.  We have already seen that Felicity (SilverStormm) had that power, and you didn't name her as your partner, so, with that in mind, you telling us you have a partner means you are a villain too.


You can have a partner in more than one way and without revealing my identity, I will say that Bob is mine on the side of the good. Heroes have partners all the time especially when fighting the dark side.


Honestly Biz, you're posting a lot more on this than you did the last game so I think you already overselling.

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Hmm, what I find interesting is that Bizzbuzz is claiming to be a particular Hero, yet on page 27 he/she says "on a path to kill these Villains one by one".  Yes, that is our goal as Heroes, yet it could also be said to be the goal of our SK.  Just a little something to think about, a lot of his/her posts just give off a SK vibe.

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Honestly Biz, you're posting a lot more on this than you did the last game so I think you already overselling.


I got lynched in the last game, so my game play is now been changed to more of an active stance.  Sue me.


I don't believe for one moment that you are a hero Athena.


Making such a big claim as you did, you would expect to get questioned.  Or are we supposed to hang on your every word?


Hmm, what I find interesting is that Bizzbuzz is claiming to be a particular Hero, yet on page 27 he/she says "on a path to kill these Villains one by one".  Yes, that is our goal as Heroes, yet it could also be said to be the goal of our SK.  Just a little something to think about, a lot of his/her posts just give off a SK vibe.


First off, I am female, no matter who my character might be.  Please look back at the context of why I wrote that.  I was asking for protection, because I have in mind who the villains are, but we can only kill off one player per day.  I was going to offer more of my suspects, if only allowed to live.


And yeah, I want to say, I have been active ... it's because no one else is.  I am playing this game by myself it seems.  I keep getting these ambiguous clues, and I am trying to work them into the game play.  If you look back at my last game, I did that too.  And when I got vocal, I got lynched, and yet, I was a hero, just like I am this time.


Maybe one day you will learn, rather than hide hoping to not be noticed, some heroes speak out and speak up for what they believe in.


So, I can't win for losing.  I am dead, I know it.  And yet, we can't get a lynch going.  Any hero out there, it's come down to someone needing to back out of a vote to be able to finish one.  It's up to you.  I am done.

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*floats in....*
                            ...chomps on ghostly popcorn, enjoying the festivities...

                            ...thinks "Hmm...Hell ain't so bad after all..."


                            I desire to go to Hell, not to Heaven. In Hell I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes,

                            but in Heaven are only beggars, monks, hermits and apostles. - - - - Niccolo Machiavelli


*floats out...*

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I've been sitting on my hands mostly because I don't really like either option but we're running out of time and haven't reached a lynch. This is my gut based on the conversation thus far but I still don't feel right about it.

5 to David Lynch SVNBob (BizBuzz, TJtrack99, JayKay, Dougal, Stacey); 3 to pick the wrong target

7 to David Lynch JayKay (writingdreamer, SVNBob, The Crazed Spruce Athena, TMunz, jessied112, egavasc) 1 to hold on hope.

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I'm at choir practice and can't post much, but for various reasons I don't trust wd's "word on the street".

6 to David Lynch SVNBob (BizBuzz, TJtrack99, JayKay, Dougal, Stacey, photo fox); 2 to be the voice of reason and logic

7 to David Lynch JayKay (writingdreamer, SVNBob, The Crazed Spruce Athena, TMunz, jessied112, egavasc) 1 to follow the crowd

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So, if you guys think I'm going to close things out on a cliffhanger like this, you've been spending too much time watching Agents of SHIELD.  Day remains open for now.


Also: everyone, please be cautious about "liking" gameplay posts after you have died.  My concern is that if you were in a position to know things, such as who certain players were, liking some posts could be construed as endorsing arguments made within them, which isn't fair if you're dead and everyone knows who you were.


Liking the nonsense/drinking/"avenge me" posts is fine, and gratuitous Liking of everything I or Lisin posts could butter me up just enough to spare you a mod-kill at some point ;) . Please just be careful about Liking posts that constitute actual gameplay.


Thanks!  Game on!

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The problem I'm having is that all of the information everyone's sharing doesn't seem to make sense together. The facts are these:
-CP brought up the possible "mold" clue for JayKay on Day 1. She was killed by Victor Zsasz (see below) on Night 1.
-We lynched Spruce on Day 2. In the Night 2 story, Montoya shot somebody who was not confirmed as a known Villain/Serial Killer.
-Spruce voted for Bob on Day 2.
-Stormm had the ability to communicate with Barry (The Flash).
-John Constantine has brown eyes on the show but blue in the comics. Both have blond hair.
-Victor Zsasz must be the Serial Killer in this game - he's made individual kills during the Night stories.
-Bob has previously dropped hints at who he is even when he's been a Villain.


Pretty much everything else is hearsay. So what have people said?
-Jessie first thought that Spruce was Laurel, which I think a closer reading of the story proves to be false (and Spruce himself mentioned).
-Then wd mentioned her "word on the streets" and "voices" telling her to vote for JayKay. Bob joined her, then some of us started to vote for Bob. wd then hinted a bit more at her identity - or her source (aside: I think it could be either, a "word on the street" has to come FROM someone, after all).
-egavasc found CP's possible clue for JayKay but Dougal pointed out that CP was killed by the SK and voted for Bob.
-Speaking of, Bob then started mentioning the connection between the lynch order and the story. But he also italicized the word "count" in a post (aside: Zsasz is known for counting his kills on his body) and, later, capitalized the noun Victor (please don't make me have to connect those dots for you).
-But Spruce then said to Bob "I think it's fairly likely that you're not a villain, and I'm positive that it would be pointless to DL you right now."
-Dougal made a list of characters and pointed out that while the man shot on Night 2 isn't named, it seems likely that it's Constantine, and logically therefore Spruce's character.
-Athena then claimed to know that Bob is a Hero, later implying that they know each other's identity. (They could be Masons, which are different from a communicating pair.)
-TMunz voted for JayKay with no added explanation.
-Spruce reiterated about it being a bad idea to DL Bob, as well as it being "extremely likely" that there's another unnamed character running around. (aside: to me, that means that he's that extra character, but who is it? Maybe someone else from the show Constantine since at the moment the title character is the only one in the game?)
-photo fox raised some questions on why Spruce must be a Hero, and what proof of JayKay's guilt there is besides wd's say-so.
-Spruce asked me why I think Bob is the SK...see point 4 in this section :)
-Biz made some implications that she was the one communicating with Stormm (aside: the two have them have seemed close to me, so I can buy this).


So, here we are. For some reason I feel like I'm playing a game where everybody but me knows something. wd, Spruce, you're asking us to take a lot on faith. You understand why that's hard? Especially when it actually COULD be that everybody but me knows something because they're the Villains. I don't think this is the time for subtlety. We're almost at a deadlocked vote.
-How do we know DL'ing Bob will do nothing?
-Will the real John Constantine please stand up? And do you have a secret twin?
-Does anybody else think Bob is the SK? Am I jumping at shadows?
-How much of my night did I use up on this game? Answer: a lot! As evidenced that I started writing this quite a bit before our mod gave us more time :)


ETA some formatting (I'm glad I CAN again now that I don't have to post from my phone!).

Edited by TJtrack99
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I keep going around and around in circles... it's a good thing most of "my" forums are on hiatus, because I'm shirking my mod duties tonight!


So, here's the argument I have against trusting writingdreamer.  First of all, there's the fact that the "word on the street" seems a little too convenient, and some people seem a little too eager to jump on JayKay with really no evidence.  But I also keep going back to the "graffiti" clues on Day 1, and how that potentially is a clue to wd's identity.  Also, what if wd is dropping clues like SVNBob did in the last round?  Because what is graffiti but literally "words on the street"?


But then there's that "fields of gold" reference wd made in one of their posts.  I've been wracking my brain and googling to try to find something, and all I could find was an issue of a comic called "Rose and Thorn" titled "Fields of Gold".  I couldn't tie it in to anything, and frankly, it seems to obscure, as Spruce at least seemed to understand wd's reference.  So then I started researching the characters in our little mystery, because I don't watch these shows, and who do I find that Constantine is visually inspired by?  None other than Sting of "Fields of Gold" fame.


All this leads me to two different hypotheses:

  • Spruce is Constantine, a hero, based on the fact that he was injured (David Lynched) but not killed, and the injured character in the story fits the physical description of Constantine.  That would make wd a villian who is trying to pretend to be Constantine to hide their own villianous ways.
  • wd is Constantine, a hero.  This means that Spruce has to be someone else, but not necessarily a villain.  But would Montoya (a hero) shoot another hero?
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I'd buy that wd is a hero who somehow got information from Constantine, who is Spruce. The Sting=>Constantine "fields of gold" reference seems pretty plausible.... Though Spruce did pretty strongly imply that he's an unnamed character (who would it be? I don't watch the shows, but isn't Harvey Dent blonde/blue-eyed/tall? Has he been on Gotham?), that could just be misdirection to try to keep the villains from thinking he's an important hero.

Italicizing count and capitalizing Victor are pretty huge...Bob being Zsasz seems very possible at this point; as likely as that wd has good information, maybe.

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Guys, you are all seriously making this girl's head HURT. I had a long long day, and I'm finally free of some of the IRL stuff, and I come in here expecting to see results, and what do I find? MORE POSTS. All ya'all are a bunch of TALKERS.


On my first pass over all this, I gotta say, I'm seeing some really interesting thoughts. Nothing that changes my mind at the moment, though, and in fact, some of what's coming up is re-affirming my current vote. I think I need to sleep on this, and see how I feel in the morning. Which is technically now, but give me a few hours...

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The problem I'm having is that all of the information everyone's sharing doesn't seem to make sense together. The facts are these:

-CP brought up the possible "mold" clue for JayKay on Day 1. She was killed by Victor Zsasz (see below) on Night 1.

-We lynched Spruce on Day 2. In the Night 2 story, Montoya shot somebody who was not confirmed as a known Villain/Serial Killer.

-Spruce voted for Bob on Day 2.

-Stormm had the ability to communicate with Barry (The Flash).

-John Constantine has brown eyes on the show but blue in the comics. Both have blond hair.

-Victor Zsasz must be the Serial Killer in this game - he's made individual kills during the Night stories.

-Bob has previously dropped hints at who he is even when he's been a Villain.

Good summary of the actual facts, TJ. I'll add one thing and expand on another.

  • Halcyon Days was revealed to have a protection power that shielded the target for both a Night and the following Day. (And it is implied that there is another protector out there with an even stronger power.)
  • Not only have I hinted as to my identity in the past, but I continued to do so in this game, in every post I made, and not just the one time. The hints are not based on the shows themselves, but (one of) the comic universes that inspired the programs in question.
  • Oh, I dropped a hint in that previous bullet point.  The same kind I've been dropping throughout.

So let's examine what's in question. I'll respond to what I can.

-Speaking of, Bob then started mentioning the connection between the lynch order and the story. But he also italicized the word "count" in a post (aside: Zsasz is known for counting his kills on his body) and, later, capitalized the noun Victor (please don't make me have to connect those dots for you).

I'll explain this.  Those particular hints are indeed hints, but not for my identity.  I was speaking directly to Biz at the time, and as such, I was hinting my suspicion of her identity.  To clarify, when I posted that, I believed Biz was Zsasz.  However, since then, Biz made a hint-claim at a hero I thought I knew the identity of, but the person I thought was said hero has made no counter-claim, and has in fact made statements that support her claim.


Therefore I no longer think Biz is the SK, and I offer an apology.  She's just a misguided hero that rushed too quick into acting against me.  We really are on the same side, Biz.  I don't know what else I can say to convince you of that. But the bomb I thought I had is a dud.



-But Spruce then said to Bob "I think it's fairly likely that you're not a villain, and I'm positive that it would be pointless to DL you right now."

-TMunz voted for JayKay with no added explanation.

-Spruce reiterated about it being a bad idea to DL Bob, as well as it being "extremely likely" that there's another unnamed character running around. (aside: to me, that means that he's that extra character, but who is it? Maybe someone else from the show Constantine since at the moment the title character is the only one in the game?)

-Spruce asked me why I think Bob is the SK...see point 4 in this section :)

Putting these all together because I think they're all related and very important.


-Athena then claimed to know that Bob is a Hero, later implying that they know each other's identity. (They could be Masons, which are different from a communicating pair.)

I wanted this to be kept quiet, but since it's already been put out there.... Yes, Athena and I are Masons.  That's the real reason I asked her to be my proxy.  If you believe what I've been saying about my identity, you ought to be able to determine hers too.


-Biz made some implications that she was the one communicating with Stormm (aside: the two have them have seemed close to me, so I can buy this).

I concede to this information. It seems valid to me too. See my apology above.


-How do we know DL'ing Bob will do nothing?

It won't do nothing.  It'll eliminate a Hero and allow for the possibility of 2 more kills in the night.


-Does anybody else think Bob is the SK?

Several people on your side of the vote must.  But the people on my side don't.  They must have a good reason for it. But not that one.



Spruce is Constantine, a hero, based on the fact that he was injured (David Lynched) but not killed, and the injured character in the story fits the physical description of Constantine.  That would make wd a villian who is trying to pretend to be Constantine to hide their own villianous ways.

Except if this were true, Spruce would probably be denying wd's hints and claim, and wouldn't be in on her lynch. But he's not. He hasn't made any moves to deny wd's claim, and is supporting her lynch.

Therefore, this

wd is Constantine, a hero.  This means that Spruce has to be someone else, but not necessarily a villain.

is probably the case.  It is in fact what Spruce is claiming.


Could he be a hero as he says?  Yes.  I'm not as convinced he's a hero as I am about at least 2 other people (sorry Spruce), but I am more convinced than I was when I started that lynch.  I was 99.9% sure then, about 25% now.  Which is about as suspicious as I am about the majority of the rest of ya'll, so that's pretty good.


But would Montoya (a hero) shoot another hero?

Not knowingly.

Edited by SVNBob
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Okay, I'm at least temporarily convinced, Bob. Let's do this.


5 to David Lynch SVNBob (BizBuzz, TJtrack99, JayKay, Stacey, photo fox); 3 to try to be the voice of reason and logic.
8 to David Lynch JayKay (writingdreamer, SVNBob, The Crazed Spruce, Athena, TMunz, jessied112, egavasc, Dougal); 0 to poke it with a really sharp stick and see what happens.

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Day has ended.  All game discussion ceases.  Thanks, everyone.... Look for the Night story no later than 11 Pm Wednesday night.  Night actions aren't due until after that goes up.


And at long, freaking last, THE BAR IS OPEN!!!!!

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Oh, FFS!! Finally! Totally bored ghostie here! Not being able to post SUCKS!! If this is indicative of how long y'all are going to take during Day, I'll be binge-watching the first six seasons of Mad Men to get ready for my game.




Hot spiced cider for me, thanks!


Oh, and apologies for the extreme usage of exclamation marks.

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I just want a frothing mug of antibiotics.

There are going to be so many 30 Seconds to Mars fan videos for Suicide Squad on YouTube in the near future.

Personally I'd prefer a violent rendition of "Heroes Just Don't Understand."

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Wow.  Just... wow.  Now if only JGL could get his Sandman movie announced....


I'm working on the story, but it's going to be delayed.  I'm hoping it will be up tomorrow.  You all will have at least 24 hours for night actions once it's posted, probably rounded to the next 11 Pm that occurs after the 24 hours has elapsed.

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12 Midnight


.....suddenly, the heavy old door to the bar swung open and smashed against the back wall. The bartender's head snapped up, expecting to see some rowdy fools stumbling in and disrupting the other patrons, but there was nothing. He waited a moment, drying another beer mug as he did, but no body entered. Shaking his head in annoyance, he headed over to the entrance. Maybe it's a windy night, he thought. He peered outside into the darkness, expecting a whirl of wind, but there was nothing. It was calm, serene and surprisingly warm.


Shrugging his shoulders, he pulled the door shut, ensured it was secure and made his way back to his station.


As he rounded right, towards the back of the bar, the hair on his arms suddenly stood on end. It was as though someone had doused him with ice cold water. He rubbed his arms, trying to quell the chill when his eyes darted to the opposite end of the bar. What looked like a lone square piece of wood lay abandoned on the bar, and a teardrop shaped piece of wood rested on top. A board game, he guessed. The bartender glanced around, looking for the owner, but there was no one. No one was near by.


Taking a step forward, he realized what the toy was. A Ouija board? Who the hell left this here? The far end of the bar had been unoccupied all night. No one had come around, instead staying clustered around the pool tables and dart boards. His patrons weren't the mystical witchcraft loving type, that was for sure.


Whatever, I'll just put it in the lost and found. As he moved to pick up the toy, the tear drop suddenly moved and he felt another cold chill wash over him. The bartender jerked his hands back in shock. What the hell? The teardrop was shifting, making quick deliberate movements. Despite his better judgement, he peered closer. He could see it selecting certain letters with the utmost precision. His eyes widened when he realized what was being spelled out.....





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Whatever, I'll just put it in the lost and found. As he moved to pick up the toy, the tear drop suddenly moved and he felt another cold chill wash over him. The bartender jerked his hands back in shock. What the hell? The teardrop was shifting, making quick deliberate movements. Despite his better judgement, he peered closer. He could see it selecting certain letters with the utmost precision. His eyes widened when he realized what was being spelled out.....






**Floats slooowly in....ooosh, who knew ouija boards were that EXHAUSTING, hacking it used sooo much spectral energy; I'm pleased my efforts didn't go unnoticed! Thanks HD! *winks* Floats back out...**

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*walks in, grabs a drink*


Sorry, y'all. The next few days are jammed packed with studying and writing papers. I have three essays to write in four days and two exams to study for in the next four days so...yeah, that's why I haven't been able to really look into the stories for the past week or so. I'll be around more on Tuesday, once I'm done exams and am on Christmas break.


See you guys on the other side. Hopefully not the afterlife, of course.


*sits in the darkness where nobody can see*

Edited by jessied112
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* Drops a Guinness off next to Jessie *


Folks, the story is in the hands of the editor!  I'll post it as soon as possible.  (Why does it feel like I really said, "Editor, meet bus"?)

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Night 3:

Laurel had gone through the service door at the bottom of the stairwell and was approaching Oswald's car when her world turned upside-down and she found herself being deposited back in the dining room by the strong arms of the Flash. She looked, and saw the Speedster was joined by the last people she wanted to see: Caitlin, Diggle, and Oliver, who had managed to change into his fucking Arrow costume. Lying on the floor was something under a tablecloth, which she took to be Felicity's remains. She chugged what remained in her flask and threw it aside.

"She was just exiting the hotel," reported Barry, "and I'm pretty sure that's fresh blood on her jacket." She crossed her arms, trying to conceal the spots. It was left to Oliver to ask what the rest were thinking.


"Please, it's Blackhawk... 'Arrow,'" she said with a sneer. Two -- or three, counting the Flash whose name she didn't know -- could play the costume game, masked or not. Not that she thought she had many moves left.

"Fine... 'Blackhawk'. What's all this about? Did you...? Why...?" Just then, he was interrupted by Bullock, Allen and Montoya, who had come in response to the 911 call. John Constantine, wearing his trademark trenchcoat that had seen better days, had made his way in with them; he had scammed a conference badge off of a drunk sales rep and immediately headed for the open bar at the back of the room.

Allen stopped short when he saw the group. "The Arrow??? Put down that bow, sir, we have a.." Bullock stopped the line of thought. "Allen, do you have any idea how much paperwork is involved in extraditions? Do you really want to get involved in that? Let's just stick to our own cases, okay? Like... Hey, wait a minute." He pulled a photo out of his pocket. "You're the one! We got the security photos from the Clocktower Condos, and you're the one who went in with Barbara Kean, left, came back... and never left again, at least not by the front door!" The news set Montoya ablaze. "You killed BARBARA, you degenerate..."

"Easy now, Montoya; she's still just a 'person of interest.' Hey, isn't that your boy up there?" Bullock indicated the balcony, where the handsome man with the blue eyes, clad in an all-black outfit, was watching the goings-on. Montoya and Allen looked at the situation with Bullock and the heroes there, decided Laurel wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, drew their weapons and headed for opposing staircases.

When they got to the balcony, they had him surrounded, and he put up his hands. "Look, lady, I'm a good guy, I'm not looking for any trouble." The voice was American.

"That's Officer Montoya, and we'll be the ones doing the looking. Who are you, and why did you run from us last night?"

"I'm a special security consultant for the conference," he said as he handed over his ID. The detectives were incredulous. "GCPD is providing the security for the conference!"

"Yes, that's why they called me in! The mayor was responsible for GCPD being here, but that was mainly so they could be 'tax collectors' for him and Falcone."

"So, why'd you run? And who hired you?"

"You're GCPD, right? I knew having separate security wouldn't be appreciated, plus I didn't feel like having to shell out for a 'special work permit.' Not to mention..." His voice got quiet, conspiratorial. "... You shot me!"

"And I was hired directly by Wayne Enterprises. Guy named Pennyworth."


As this was going on, Bullock was assessing the situation below. He looked at Laurel, at the heroes, at Oliver's bow, at Felicity's shrouded body on the floor, and decided, "OK, I'll tell you what. I'm going over to that bar and talk to that gentleman to see if he knows anything." He indicated Constantine. "Just... don't do anything that isn't self-defense."

"You can't do that!" protested Laurel, more afraid of the people who had been her friends than she was of the police. "I know how this works! I'm a District Attorney in Starling City! I graduated summa cum laude from Ivy University Law School!"

"I don't care if you went to Gotham State, Penn State or Fresno Community College, I'm going to go get his statement!" replied Bullock, who had an uncanny eye for avoidable messes. "And then I'll be back. That okay with you?" Laurel sullenly glared at him but said nothing. Bullock pointedly turned his back and walked toward the bar, leaving the crew from Central and Starling Cities alone.

"Look, Laurel, err, Blackhawk, whatever happened... if there's anything we can do to help... This isn't you!" Oliver pleaded. "Bullshit, Arrow! This is exactly who I am, it's exactly who I was all along! I just had to realize it! Thank Gotham for that... this city brings out something different in everyone it touches. I found something here, but you... you couldn't let me keep it, could you?" She had hoped to go home, be the crusading DA by day, assassin by night, but now they all knew.... and there was one man who could never be allowed to know. Her world was crumbling as she spoke, and it was dawning on her that the only friend she had left in the world had a leather grip and was strapped to her thigh. "No, you all get to have all your little secrets, play all your little games, make Laurel 'it' in a game of hide and seek and all take off for the mall while she's counting. God help me, I loved you, you bastard, I loved you with all my heart and you treated me like I was a fucking joke! But as soon as I have a secret, as soon as I presume to have something of my own, YOU RIP IT AWAY!!!!!" She was getting increasingly wild, that "self defense" line of Bullock's was sounding less far-fetched, and Oliver notched an arrow. He caught the Flash looking at him out of the corner of his eye, wondering if he should intervene, and subtly shook him off. Even as he leveled the bow, he was still hoping to talk her down.

"Blackhawk, " The name was still awkward in Oliver's mouth. "If there's anything I've done to drive you to this..." The approach made her even more livid as her hand crept under her skirt. "NO! Don't even think it! Don't you dare make any of this about you! This was about me, for myself, and you do NOT get to add it to your endless pity party of things you feel oh-so-nobly sorry for yourself for! Get it‽ And the same goes for THIS!"

Only Barry really saw what happened next.

Laurel hurled the knife.

Oliver's fingers let go.

The arrow deflected off the blade, sending the latter harmlessly to the ground, and buried itself deep in Laurel's chest. She fell to the ground, and Caitlin immediately ran to her.

"Don't worry Laurel, we should still be able to save you. The paramedics are still here...."

"Don't bother," replied Laurel as blood filled her lungs. "There's nothing left for me, here or there.

"Tell my father.... I was.... finally happy. Just don't.... tell him how."

In the distance, a bird of prey could be heard making a shriek that sounded remarkably like HAWK-A-A-A!

Cancelled Comics Cavalcade:

  • caprice: Barbara Kean, a HERO. It is said you own an art gallery. However, you have never been seen there, and as far as anyone can determine all you do is hang around your magnificent watchtower condo in a state of semi-undress, drinking and smoking pot. Consequently, you have no other powers.
  • CuriousParker: Det. Jim Gordon, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person you wish to INVESTIGATE per night.
  • HalcyonDays: Leonard Snart, better known as Captain Cold, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. In addition, you may PM me the name of one person to PROTECT per night; that person will be unable to be killed by night action or by the lynch the following day. You may not protect yourself and you may not protect the same person two nights in a row. Your protective ability is not 100% foolproof, however, as there's someone better than you in the game.
  • SilverStormm: Felicity Smoak, a computer genius and a HERO. You are allowed to communicate with Barry Allen because I'm Team Barricity and I said so!
  • JayKay: Laurel Lance, a drug-abusing, blackmailing ADA, wannabe superheroine, and VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. Beyond that, you're pretty useless and have no other powers.


Soliciting for Next Month:

  • writingdreamer
  • TJtrack99
  • jessied112
  • stacey
  • Athena
  • egavasc
  • Tabbyclaw
  • photo fox
  • BizBuzz
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • SVNBob
  • Tmunz


There was one clue in the story.  Night officially begins now; you have until 11 Pm Saturday night EST, or roughly 33 1/2 hours from now, to get in night actions.  Look for the new story sometime Sunday evening.

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Ok....  That's not exactly what I expected to happen.  It's still a good result, don't get me wrong.  But I thought the result would reveal, well, something else.


In either case, I need a drink too.  Something seasonal...


Barkeep, a tankard of egg nog, if you please.

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