Meredith Quill February 1, 2015 Share February 1, 2015 I'll take a liqueur coffee with Tia Maria please! 1 Link to comment
photo fox February 1, 2015 Share February 1, 2015 Beer sounds good. What's stocked on the deck? :-) 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz February 1, 2015 Share February 1, 2015 Have a great game everyone! Keep me stocked in Amaretto Sours! 1 Link to comment
photo fox February 2, 2015 Share February 2, 2015 Ooh, I love those! Ever have a Midori sour? We were recently introduced and became fast friends. ;-) 1 Link to comment
writingdreamer February 2, 2015 Share February 2, 2015 I'd love a hot toddy! Actually got off work early tonight, time to celebrate! 2 Link to comment
Machiabelly February 2, 2015 Share February 2, 2015 Congrats Mark HB. Although that was the worst play call since Licoln decided to go see My American Cousin. 7 Link to comment
MarkHB February 2, 2015 Share February 2, 2015 Lol.. For once the Patriots benefited from a Pete Carroll mistake! :) And, thanks! 3 Link to comment
Machiabelly February 3, 2015 Share February 3, 2015 Is everyone snowed in? 1 Link to comment
caprice February 3, 2015 Author Share February 3, 2015 Seems like everyone is snowed out. Certainly the weather here is about to change. I spent all of yesterday with a brutal sinus headache. Good thing I'm flying... east tonight. Yikes. At least I'll get to spend Friday with one of my dearest friends and then see a play that I wanted to be in. :D Okay, here's the story. Night One: Overtime“Kenny, I simply don’t believe you know what you’re talking about.” Pete Campbell was in a bit of a snit. The disagreement they’d had over how to deal with Birdseye had expanded and was starting to disrupt the office. “Young men,” Bert shook his head, “I don’t know what your problem is, and I don’t care. Settle it, now, and either go home or get back to work. I’m an old man and don’t have time for this nonsense.” The young accounts men picked up their shoes and slouched from the senior partner’s office. Once outside, they glared at each other and Ken very nearly snarled, “Don’t tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about, Pete. I’m the one who developed the relationship with Birdseye and you tried to undermine me.” “Well, now you’re just talking nonsense,” Pete scoffed. Ken laughed. “You want to hear nonsense? Maybe we should call Freddy. I hear he’s on the wagon and working again.” The White Horse Tavern:Scowling at the bottom of his old-fashioned, Don sat, listening to Roger prattle on about whatever had caught his attention; most likely a blonde. For some reason, Don found it odd that for all his dalliances, Roger tended to stay away from redheads. It was odd if only because, aside from the first former Mrs. Sterling, Joan was the only other woman he was able to have any sort of long-term relationship with.Roger’s voice broke through Don’s mental meanderings. “You know you’re lucky, right?” “What do you mean?” “I mean you’re lucky that we were able to build up any amount of client base after your stunt with that letter. You’re lucky Garner and Lucky Strike didn’t call for your head on a silver platter.” Another bar:Bob wandered into the dim bar, understanding at once why the remote location had been chosen. He allowed his eyes to adjust to the low light and saw his target in a back corner. The older man had already seen him and raised a hand to signal him over. “Young Mr. Benson, how was your meeting?” “Mr. Phillips, thank you for the introduction.” Bob was not sure how to ask his question so he decided to blunder ahead. “I’m just not sure....” “Why I’d send you to CGC?” Luckily, Duck chuckled at the man he considered a new protégé. “Trust me, this will be a much better fit for you.” The hangar:“Well, at least you were able to find your way here.” Ted was barely able to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. “I told you, I know this town like the back of my hand... I’ve been here long enough,” grumbled Lee Garner, Jr. “Now, I’m ready to return to New York and destroy Don Draper and Roger Sterling.” Active accounts:AthenaCuriousParkerMachiabellyphoto foxSilverstormmThe Crazed Sprucejessied112LisinTMunzTJtrack99JayKaySVNBobBizBuzzstaceyMarkHBwritingdreamerDougal Night officially begins now. Those of you with night actions have 24 hours to send them in. There is a clue in this story. The bar is still open and there is still no game discussion in-thread until the Day story goes up. 2 Link to comment
Machiabelly February 3, 2015 Share February 3, 2015 Storming here too. We had to stay an extra night at the casino. Our 19 is home and she has had no power for 13 hours. I am sure she is fine though. I will have something old... Rob Roy. 1 Link to comment
SVNBob February 3, 2015 Share February 3, 2015 I'll go with a classic. A Martini for me, please. 1 Link to comment
egavasc February 3, 2015 Share February 3, 2015 A Manhattan barkeep and keep em coming! Gotta enjoy my favorite drink while I can before enduring whatever it is they serve in Westeros. Speaking of Winter Coming, or ya know, staying long past its welcome. If anyone would be interested in co-modding the GoT round with me, I would love some help! 3 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce February 3, 2015 Share February 3, 2015 Tom Collins. Neat. 1 Link to comment
caprice February 4, 2015 Author Share February 4, 2015 Some days I rather dislike air travel. Jack, neat. Thanks. 1 Link to comment
egavasc February 5, 2015 Share February 5, 2015 Posting on behalf of caprice! Day Two Don’s office: “Mr. Draper!” The nasal voice broke through the last wall of his resistance and woke Don from what might have been a great idea. “Mr. Draper... your friend with the glasses is here!” Bert might have a reason for keeping the woman on, but she couldn’t remember a name to save her life. “Have a seat, Harry,” Don sighed, the younger man already halfway to the sofa. “Thank you, Mrs. Blankenship. Maybe next time you could use the intercom?” He rose and walked to the bar. “Can I get you something, Harry?” “You’d better make them both doubles. I’ve got bad news from California.” “Why does it seem that this is going to feel personal?” “Well, it’s tobacco.” Harry calmly laid out the plan as he’d heard it. “It appears that Lucky Strike has been gathering steam among some of the other big brands and they’re coming for you.” Just then, the intercom buzzed and Mrs. Blankenship’s voice crackled through. “Mr. Draper, Mr. Cooper is here to see you.” Looking at Harry, Don sighed then strode to the door. “Him, she gets right.” He opened the door and greeted the senior-most partner. “Don, I’m sorry,” Bert started in directly, feeling there was no use trying to sugarcoat things. “I’ve received a Telex from what appears to be a consortium of major tobacco companies. We’re going to have to reassign you.” “Bert, what are you saying? I’m a partner!” “My hands are tied, Don. We have to send you to Cleveland.” Peggy’s office: Stan, Peggy and Ginsberg were busy arguing about the direction the art should take on the latest Heinz campaign. Stan was still stuck on his erotic tangent and had just started loudly declaring that Peggy was too much of a prude to take advertising to “the next level.” “Really?” She stared evenly at him. “Do you really want to go there? Do you, or do you not, remember when Don had us locked in that hotel room?” “What? What was this?” Ginz perked up. Stan just sighed and lightly slapped the back of his friend’s head while trying to tease Peggy. “Look, you know I’m right. You can play a good game, but....” “No, Stan, you’re just an ass. If you want to draw ‘erotic’ pictures on your own time, fine, but right now, we don’t have time for you to do your Crumb imitations.” “What? The... who?” Ginsberg was completely lost in the conversation. “Where was I when all this was going on?” “It was before you worked here,” the other two sighed. Back at the White Horse Tavern: “Roger, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Cleveland? I can’t go to Cleveland.” The two men were keeping the bartender busy. “You know, Lee Junior has had it in for you ever since you wrote that letter, and none of the others were happy with you for it either. C’mon, Don, doctors still shill cigarettes on TV. What were you thinking?” “I know I was right about that, but... right now.... Sally’s not going to want to visit Cleveland.” “Hello, gentlemen,” a clear, gently commanding voice drew their attention from the ice at the bottom of their glasses. “Hi, Red,” Roger smiled. “What brings you to this hole in the wall? Not that I’m complaining.” “You left this at the office.” Joan handed them a manila envelope. “It might come in handy just now. Cheers!” And she left just as quickly as she had come. Don glanced at the envelope. “It looks like I’ve just been given a free pass.” The offices of CGC: “Don’t worry, they’re really looking forward to seeing you,” Bob tried to reassure the older man. He was excited, trying to anticipate the reaction waiting for them in Ted’s office. He’d been sent to find the former advertising whiz, and incredibly, Freddy had been in plain sight all the time. “I’m not sure about this,” Freddy sighed. By then, it was too late. They were in the office and Ted and Jim were already standing there, waiting to shake his hand. “Freddy Rumsen, it’s good to see you!” Jim Cutler’s voice boomed in the small room. “Come, sit down. We have a lot to discuss.” Ted Chaough just smiled. Active accounts: Athena CuriousParker Machiabelly photo fox Silverstormm The Crazed Spruce jessied112 Lisin TMunz TJtrack99 JayKay SVNBob BizBuzz stacey MarkHB writingdreamer Dougal Day Two starts now. You have 48 hours. There is one clue in the story! Good luck! 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom February 5, 2015 Share February 5, 2015 Bar is closed then? Nuts. Okay, off to analyze. 1 Link to comment
Machiabelly February 5, 2015 Share February 5, 2015 I see no immediate clues unless Robert Crumb refers to SVNBob 2 Link to comment
BizBuzz February 5, 2015 Share February 5, 2015 Ok ... so here is the thing ... this is technically my 4th ever Mafia game ... and one ended abruptly ... in all previous games I have kind of counted on the vets helping me out with their list of players, so could someone give me a rundown? If something doesn't come by tonight, I think I might just do what I am best at ... and that is making up clues. ::giggle:: For example ... this line: You’d better make them both doubles. I’ve got bad news from California. When I think of California, I think immediately of redwoods, which are trees, which leads to ... well you all know who. HA! 2 Link to comment
MarkHB February 5, 2015 Share February 5, 2015 Ok ... so here is the thing ... this is technically my 4th ever Mafia game ... and one ended abruptly ... in all previous games I have kind of counted on the vets helping me out with their list of players, so could someone give me a rundown? I'll try to pull it together tonight if no one else has done it by then. 1 Link to comment
TJtrack99 February 5, 2015 Share February 5, 2015 Okay, I don't follow the show, but here's my best guesses (with a little help): Heroes: Don DraperPeggy OlsonStan RizzoPete CampbellRoger SterlingBert CooperJoan HollowayMrs. BlankenshipKen CosgroveHarry CraneMichael Ginsberg Not sure:Herman “Duck” Phillips (probably a Hero, but was talking with Bob Benson...) Freddy Rumsen (I'd think he's a Hero too, but he's with the Villains at the end...) Villains:Ted ChaoughBob BensonJim CutlerLee Garner Jr. -Maybe Freddy was a recruit and the Villains got him. That would be bad news for us Heroes. -Seems like Don was "attacked" (reassigned) but got saved (possibly by Joan?) -I feel like the scene in Peggy's office contains the clue (all of the other scenes either deal with the "attack" and subsequent saving, or showing the Villains gathered). Any ideas? 1 Link to comment
JayKay February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Well, I finally regret never getting into this show. I'm sorry, guys, I might be hopeless this game. Manila envelope? I just spent 20 min. reading about Manila on Wikipedia and then another 10 trying to find a way to link any of you to sea-lions, which appear on the city's coat-of-arms. It's Day 2 and I'm already about at the end of my rope, here. 2 Link to comment
halgia February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Yeah, I think Joan probably protected Don. So...good job, whoever that was. Jim, Bob, and Lee Garner Jr are definitely villains based on the show. Not sure about Ted or Duck; they could go either way (partly depending on our illustrious mod's opinions :p). I would have put Freddy as a hero, probably, but yeah he could be a villain too (or a recruitable, if they plied him with drink). That's 17 characters, 17 players. The only other people I'd expect might be Betty or Sally, except it seems like we're focusing on work life, or maybe Sal or someone – but I think this list is probably right. 1 Link to comment
Machiabelly February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Well, right or wrong I am going to act on my Robert Crumb possible clue. One to David Lynch SVNBob (Machiabelly) Seven to grow on Link to comment
halgia February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Crumb seems clueish. The only other thing that stands out to me is Cleveland, which I don't remember being on the show, and in quick googling I only found this – but it's probably just where ad men go to die. I'm tentatively in: Two to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal); Seven to take him on a Latin American cruise (Should be 9 votes total for the majority.) 1 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Seems about as good as anything. So unless someone has a better suggestion.... 3 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce); 6 to test a riding lawn mower 1 Link to comment
SVNBob February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 (edited) Seriously? Me? What have I....ok, never mind. But really, the "clue" is my name? A common surname? A name that has consistently been in the top 20 male infant names for over 100 years? That's the best "evidence" you have against me? Wow. What a stretch. Someone's reaching pretty hard on that. *side-eyes Machiabelly* Crumb would be a better clue for a Fritz or a cat, but not for me. Edited February 6, 2015 by SVNBob 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 I'm not completely convinced, but I'm in for the moment, unless anyone has something else? 4 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce, stacey); 5 to go out singing "The Best Things In Life Are Free" 1 Link to comment
caprice February 6, 2015 Author Share February 6, 2015 *Mod Note* You know, I suppose the nature of this particular round would be less a DL and more of a contract re-negotiation.... Other than that, I'm not happy to see that there are several players who have yet to post. I'm not counting, "I got my PM!" posts as they aren't part of the game. Whether or not you have powers, you are all important to the game. Oh, and I'm going to be away from my computer tonight. You may now return to the game. 3 Link to comment
MarkHB February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 I'm unconvinced, but I don't see anything more likely. 5 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce, stacey, MarkHB); 4 to insist on banana cream coffee in the break room. 1 Link to comment
TJtrack99 February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Seriously? Me? What have I....ok, never mind. I don't think you're ever going to live down literally being The Devil in that one round ;-) I think the Crumb + erotic pictures -> Robert Crumb -> Bob makes sense. 6 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce, stacey, MarkHB, TJtrack99); 3 to take his Swingline stapler away But we should keep discussing things. Acknowledged? Over and out. 1 Link to comment
Machiabelly February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 In what years is/was Mad Men set? 1 Link to comment
caprice February 6, 2015 Author Share February 6, 2015 In what years is/was Mad Men set? Mad Men takes place in the 1960s. I'm cherry-picking from several seasons. 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 I am not exactly sure that just because someone was a certain way in one round they are that way in another round ... I am searching for clues ... and I thank TJ for the list (I think it was TJ) ... however, I am not convinced about Bob. Just because of a name? That is all we have on him? That doesn't seem fair? Can we look at the Cleveland clue? I think it was Dougal that said there was something to that? What did you mean by that? 1 Link to comment
Machiabelly February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Thank you Caprice. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 I'm not entirely convinced myself, but...I guess we'll see where this goes. 7 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce, stacey, MarkHB, TJtrack99, jessied112); 2 to make men mad.... ....clearly I've never seen Mad Men so..... 1 Link to comment
TMunz February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Nothing else jumps out at me. 8 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce, stacey, MarkHB, TJtrack99, jessied112, TMunz); 1 to take them off the air 1 Link to comment
writingdreamer February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 (edited) Hmm, I was thinking about the Crumb part, vs Robert=Bob. Remember, the clues aren't going to be right out in the open, and there's other possible clues, not just in this story but in the previous ones too. I just don't know if I feel comfortable finishing off the lynch, I'll let someone else do the honors. Edited February 6, 2015 by writingdreamer 1 Link to comment
Athena February 6, 2015 Share February 6, 2015 Bob, you know how much I respect you, but you're too good and I'm swayed by the Robert thing too... 9 to DL SVNBob (Machiabelly, Dougal, Spruce, stacey, MarkHB, TJtrack99, jessied112, TMunz, Athena); 0 to go to Hades. 2 Link to comment
halgia February 7, 2015 Share February 7, 2015 (Is it now immediately night, or is that only in Mark's games?) Biz, what I meant by Cleveland was just that it stood out in the story as something that might not really "belong", not that I had any particular idea that it necessarily referred to anyone in particular. 1 Link to comment
egavasc February 7, 2015 Share February 7, 2015 There has been a lynch so I'm going to call night since caprice doesn't have computer access tonight. Get your drink orders in! 2 Link to comment
caprice February 7, 2015 Author Share February 7, 2015 Thanks, egavasc. Yes, since there was a lynch, we can call it, well, let's go with dusk. I'm on the road and won't be home until Sunday. The story is half written, but won't go up until Sunday. Please, do not send night actions until the story is up. Thank you. I'll have a hot toddy, please. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB February 7, 2015 Share February 7, 2015 I like the way egavasc thinks.... I'll have a Manhattan, made with rye, please! 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom February 7, 2015 Share February 7, 2015 Guinness, please, and thank you! 1 Link to comment
SVNBob February 7, 2015 Share February 7, 2015 Well I definitely need a drink. Start the shakers and keep 'em coming. And ya'll are gonna regret this. Seriously. This was not a good call. 1 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce February 7, 2015 Share February 7, 2015 Long Island iced tea. On the rocks. 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz February 7, 2015 Share February 7, 2015 I think I will stick with my amaretto sours ... they are nummy! Thanks! Link to comment
Machiabelly February 8, 2015 Share February 8, 2015 Hot chocolate with vodka and a cinnamon stick 2 Link to comment
SVNBob February 8, 2015 Share February 8, 2015 While we're in this dusk period, I thought I should share this thing I found. Town of Salem, a free browser-based Mafia game set in a fictional depiction of Salem during the witch trials. Except it's not (just) witches they're after, it's the Mafia. Games are relatively quick, so it's a good way to get a Mafia fix if you want one (or because you can't play anymore in the game you're already involved in... ) They had a Kickstarter to help fund improvements and extras for the game, including getting it available on other platforms like Steam (which was fully funded so the game is also available as a Steam download). As one of the stretch goals, they got a couple YouTubers to create an original song and music video for the game. Well, they did that, and what's even cooler is that it's almost entirely made from game-play footage. Take a look and listen. 2 Link to comment
writingdreamer February 8, 2015 Share February 8, 2015 That looks awesome! :D 1 Link to comment
SVNBob February 8, 2015 Share February 8, 2015 It is pretty fun. I've only played 6 games or so thus far. And despite what some of you might think, I wasn't evil in all of them. Nor did I win all of them. It's been closer to 50-50 on both so far. 1 Link to comment
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