caprice April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 HO-DOOOOOR!! 4 Link to comment
photo fox April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 The suspense is killing me. Assuming I'm not already dead. 5 Link to comment
Drogo April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Photo that was perfect. 4 Link to comment
egavasc April 1, 2015 Author Share April 1, 2015 Mod Note! I would just like to note, Jon Snow is technically not dead. He's undead. That's right, totally turned him into a wight! Also all the men at the wall are dead (probably). Beware the White Walkers. 2 Link to comment
Drogo April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Jon Snow would freakin' hate that. 3 Link to comment
MarkHB April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back? 3 Link to comment
MarkHB April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 It's now 11:30 at night and you have me thinking about ribs. 3 Link to comment
JayKay April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” Wouldn't the bolded portion be considered a spoiler for book 5? 4 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Wouldn't the bolded portion be considered a spoiler for book 5? Please spoiler tag that for the Unsullied. Thank you. ;) 6 Link to comment
TJtrack99 April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” Hodor Hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor, “Hodor hodor.” “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor’s hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor” hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” “Hodor hodor Hodor Hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor,” hodor hodor Hodor Hodor. “Hodor Hodor, Hodor,” hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor’s hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor. “Hodor.” said Hodor. 7 Link to comment
Drogo April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 "What do you know about fear, boy? Fear is for the winter when the snows fall a hundred feet deep; fear is for the Long Night, when the sun hides for years and children are born and live and die all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little Lord." -Old Nan to Bran Stark 4 Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 "What do you know about fear, boy? Fear is for the winter when the snows fall a hundred feet deep; fear is for the Long Night, when the sun hides for years and children are born and live and die all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little Lord." -Old Nan to Bran Stark O' my sweet summer child. You are all the knights of summer, and winter is coming. 4 Link to comment
Drogo April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Can Summer come, too? 3 Link to comment
MarkHB April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Once upon a time, there was a story. But the story was very timid, and so it ran into the dark forest and no one ever saw it.... Hey, it's a theory.... ;) 4 Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Oh, the story is not a timid story, the story is a nasty, ugly, brutal, mean story that is simply lying in wait to jump out from it's current hiding place and traumatise you when you least expect it. #becarefulwhatyouwishfor ;) 4 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 I don't like the sound of that ... something dreadful must have happened. Is this all a dream? Am I really dead? 3 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Something wicked this way comes 4 Link to comment
egavasc April 1, 2015 Author Share April 1, 2015 Day 4 And peace came to the Realm. Joffrey realized what a little shit he had been and vowed to become a better king. Stannis offered to help guide him by becoming Hand of the King, bringing a decisive end to the War of the Five Kings. At the wall, there was a rainstorm of dragonglass, killing all the White Walkers forever. The maesters performed a spell that turned the dragonfire into flowers, and beauty rained down whenever they breathed. Dany made it to Westeros where she was welcomed with open arms but she realized that Essos was her true home and turned back. Arya and Sansa were reunited. And Everyone lived happily ever after! Game Over! APRIL FOOLS! I promise the story is coming. The week is just beating up on me. I think the head cold going around has finally caught up to me and i have an almost GoT level burn on my arm (I work at a bakery, dropped a hot pan on my arm. It's not actually that bad but it is pretty ugly). But it is coming! And is much more gruesome than this. 7 Link to comment
caprice April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Well, to clarify, the story is fantastic. Your run of crappy luck is just that -- crappy. Still, I'm giggling at Joffrey realizing he's a terrible person and very happy about the dragonglass raining down. Was it in time to save Jon Snow? 4 Link to comment
egavasc April 2, 2015 Author Share April 2, 2015 No. But that's because Jon Snow is the worst. 3 Link to comment
writingdreamer April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 You know nothing, Jon Snow! ;) 4 Link to comment
Drogo April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Need story. Delayed gratification is overrated! 2 Link to comment
egavasc April 2, 2015 Author Share April 2, 2015 It is with the editor. So it's last call. If you have any drink orders, get them in now 3 Link to comment
Drogo April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Just realized that in addition to his chiseled face and dreamy hair, wight Jon Snow will now have bright blue eyes. There's no hope for any of us mortals. I'LL TAKE THE BOTTLE. BOTH OF THEM. 6 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 I'm afraid. Someone hold me please. 4 Link to comment
egavasc April 2, 2015 Author Share April 2, 2015 Day 4Small Council Chambers in The Tower of The HandThe chambers were dark and somber. Much had happened in the few weeks since the council had last met; the number and faces were considerably changed. Queen Cersei had reinstated Lord Baelish as Master of Coin after the unfortunate disappearance of her brother. Jaime reluctantly assumed his father’s position of Hand of the King as a means of keeping close to his sister and to better serve the realm rather than remain as the maimed Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Varys retained his position as Master of Secrets, his little birds had never been more important; given the new and varied threats to the realm. On this cold, dreary evening the council gathered to discuss what to do about dragons and Stannis Baratheon.“Well, I suppose the rumors about the Targaryen girl and her dragons are true. Only two sightings thus far? I think we all realize that we probably should have killed her while we had the chance now shouldn’t we?” Littlefinger said. He had missed being in the room, soaking in the power of the realm. And with Lannisters dropping like flies of late, perhaps his time on the Iron Throne would come sooner than he could have had hoped.Varys said softly, “I believe there is only one dragon. The descriptions from out of Dragonstone as well as the recent sighting here both speak of a large beast with red and black scales and red-black wings. It is unlikely that there is more than one.”“We are still wholly under prepared to fight dragons. What few members of the Gold Cloaks remain are undertrained and assuredly ill equipped to fight anything other than basic soldiers. We’re lucky that Stannis no longer has his red priestess and her strange magic. He’s the one foe we’re likely to best in battle. Mayhaps the maesters have something from their history books that will give us the upper hand against these beasts?” Jaime proposed. Military strategy was his forte, but then he never imagined that he would need to deal with the possibility of dragon fire.The Queen Regent spoke decisively, feeling more confident in her position now that she no longer had her father and brother to contend with, “I will speak to Grand Maester Pycelle. He has assured me that there is a bit of dragon lore taught to the Maesters of the citadel.”“Very well then, that is one matter in hand. Shall we move onto Stannis and his pitiful attempts to become king?” Littlefinger scoffed.Varys quickly responded. “I do not think we have anything to worry about from Lord Stannis. He has lost his second in command Lord Davos and his supposed miracle worker Lady Melisandre. I imagine he will very soon come to his senses and beg forgiveness. The Wall will be waiting for him.” He privately wished to prevent any movement toward attacking Stannis; he had lately arrived at the opinion that the remaining Baratheon brother was a better fit for the Iron Throne and indeed the realm than the current monstrous king“Perhaps that’s true,” the Kingslayer replied. “His troops are certainly weakened. He will have to regroup before another attack. Perhaps we ought to focus on fighting the dragons. Maybe they will do us a favor and take out Stannis too.” On the road to the EyrieBrienne and Pod had struck up a sort of truce. He never spoke unless it was completely necessary and so she allowed his continued presence. It had worked out for them for the most part. Pod had almost figured out how to best ride his horse and they had made, well, better time. They were close to the start of the great climb that was the Eyrie when five mysterious men confronted them.“You shall go no further. The Lannisters send their regards.” stated Ser Daven Lannister.“I am on a mission from Jaime Lannister himself. I have been travelling with Tyrion Lannister’s former squire. The Lannisters have no quarrel with me.” Brienne retorted, irritated to be interrupted when her journey had been so arduous.“Have you met King Joffrey? His Grace is very fickle in his desires and more often than not those desires usually involve someone being brutally destroyed. Today is merely your turn.” Ser Daven Lannister calmly said as the five men drew their swords.Brienne, a highly skilled swordfighter, managed to hold off the men for a while matching thrust for thrust, parry for parry. Podrick, a largely untrained squire, did what he could to help in the fight but his mistress was simply outnumbered. The five knights had almost bested her when a sudden shadow was cast over the ensuing battle. The rapid darkness distracted the attackers, who looked upward to see what could possibly be blocking out the sun. At the sight of the large beast, the horrorstruck men all turned tail and fled; fear for their lives vastly outweighing any duty to the crown.“Podrick! Run!” Brienne screamed, eager to save her young squire. She had been wounded in the rout with the craven assailants and knew that she could never escape the beast in time. Podrick might not even be able to evade this fate.“M’lady! I mustn’t leave you!” said Pod, duty bound even to the end.“Pod, go, that’s an order damn you, GO NOW!”Tearfully, Podrick rode off as swiftly as he was able. He had grown to admire Brienne and would miss being in her service. Brienne took her sword and prepared as best she could to fight the terrifying dragon. She valiantly managed a few good thrusts against the creature, scraping some of the black scales from its mighty body, at full health she stood little to no chance but wounded as she was, she was unable to sufficiently dodge or roll to defend herself against the monstrous beast. Regardless, she decided to go out fighting till the last; summoning up all the courage she had left to her, she let out a mighty war cry and charged the beast head on, as Drogon unhinged his brutal jaws and breathed out one great flame of dragonfire instantly turning the lady knight to cinders. Brienne of Tarth had fought her final battle and would fight no more. In the hands of The Silent SistersLisin - Davos (House words: Unknown), Villain Baratheon, Protector:You are Lord Davos Seaworth, aka the Onion Knight, and loyal supporter of the one true King Stannis Baratheon. A former smuggler, always prepared to tell it like it is, you have become one of the king’s most trusted advisors, the Hand of the King, although you differ on religious grounds. His Grace raised your status and family from nothing to knighthood. As such, you would die to protect him and his claim to the throne. Should he be targeted for attack, you will take his place. As an advisor to the King, you will help him choose whom to target on his path to the Iron Throne.Hanged Man - Melisandre, Villain BaratheonYou are the Lady Melisandre, Priestess of the Lord of Light and advisor to the true King Stannis Baratheon. You have converted His Grace to the faith of the one true God the Lord of Light. As Priestess of the Lord of Light, you have magics that are otherwise unknown in Westeros and you work to support Stannis as a means of spreading your faith. Your ability to see what others cannot grants you the knowledge of one person per night. Should you discover the Spider or Littlefinger, you can bring them to your side. You also may help King Stannis choose whom to target on his quest to reign over all of Westeros. You cannot win without Stannis. Protect him at all costs. If Stannis should fall you cannot win the throne, your mission will then be to prevent the villains from winning it. Upon your death, the Lord of Light will transfer your powers to another member of your team. Oinky Boinky - Tywin - (House words: Hear Me Roar) Villain Investigator LannisterYou are Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King. The patriarch of House Lannister, it is your ruthless pragmatism that has elevated your house to the most powerful in the kingdom with your grandson on the throne. Despite disgusting rumors of Joffrey’s illegitimacy, you are determined to leave a legacy, by keeping a 'Lannister' king on The Iron Throne, at any cost. On odd numbered nights, you and the other members of your house may target an enemy. Victory can be achieved only when you outnumber the lesser nobles and have vanquished the pretenders to the Iron Throne. You also may seek out the role of one person per night, looking for either Littlefinger or Varys the Spider; both of whom have access to valuable information. Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne. Dougal - Tyrion (House words: Hear Me Roar) Hero, InvestigatorYou are Tyrion Lannister, former Hand of the King and Master of Coin. Often referred to as ‘The Imp’, a name you are not fond of, your dwarfism has profoundly affected your life. Hated by most of your family for causing the death of your mother, you’ve developed a thick skin and use your scathing wit to deflect cruelty. Your intellect and political savvy have helped keep the Lannisters in power, but you can no longer endure the disrespect and constant betrayals of your family. Now you endeavor for the Heroes, seeking out villains to ensure the safety and well being of the common man rather than the sadistic King Joffrey. You may investigate one person per night. Should you discover either Lord Varys the Spider or Peytr Baelish aka Littlefinger, you will recruit them to your side and access their valuable information.jessied112 - Jon Snow (House words: Winter Is Coming) HeroYou are Jon Snow, bastard son of Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark and member of the Night’s Watch. Raised by your father alongside your true-born half-siblings at Winterfell, on an equal footing with Eddard's legitimate children and trained in combat skills alongside your half brothers. A natural leader, you display bravery, resourcefulness and quick thinking and noted to be a skilled horse rider, a gifted swordsman, being trained with swords "since you could walk". You are constantly accompanied by your albino direwolf, Ghost. You chose to go north to ‘The Wall’ (a 700ft tall structure made of solid ice) to protect Westeros, as your bastard status ensures you could never become the Lord of Winterfell. You and your fellow brothers (aka ‘Crows’ because you all dress in black) of the Watch take a sacred and lifelong vow to defend the realm from the Wildings and ‘WhiteWalkers’ (long believed creatures of myth), forsaking earthly pleasures for this higher cause. CuriousParker - Brienne of Tarth (House words: Unknown) HERO INVESTIGATORYou are Lady Brienne of Tarth, aka, somewhat unkindly, Brienne The Beauty. Only living child and heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth (The Evenstar) of Evenfall Hall on the Isle of Tarth, located in The Stormlands and lady knight extraordinaire. Headstrong and judgmental, you are also honest, straightforward, loyal to a fault and determined. Although you have received extremely poor treatment from most knights, you cling to a naïvely idealized concept of knighthood. Despite – or perhaps because of – the fact that you have no expectation of ever being recognized by society for your accomplishments and strength of character, you nevertheless strive to live up to the ideal of a true knight at all times. You are a fierce and exceptionally honorable warrior, a former member of King Renly Baratheon’s Kingsguard; ‘The Rainbow Guard’, until his untimely death. There are few in Westeros who could best you in combat, not even a bear! You are currently in search of Jaime Lannister, who Lady Catelyn Stark left in your charge. Each night you may ask of one person “Is this Jaime Lannister?”, in an attempt to discover Jaime and thereby redeem him by bringing him to the side of the Heroes.Still praying to the Old Gods & The New:MarkHBAthenastaceyMachiabellycapriceTJtrack99The Crazed SpruceJayKaySVNBobBizBuzzDrogoTMunzwriting dreamerphoto fox Welcome to Day 4. You have 48 hours for discussion. There are no clues in this story. Best of luck! 3 Link to comment
caprice April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Holy crap!! What a way to go, CP! And it looks like everyone was ganging up on you. Boo, hiss. 3 Link to comment
Drogo April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 RIP Brienne... You were awesome and I have always been strangely attracted to you. 2 Link to comment
TMunz April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 This feels like the real show, when all your favorites die and you're left with a shell of what your heart used to be. 6 Link to comment
Hanged Man April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Wow she had a really neat ability. Oh, uh..... WoooooooooOOOOooo 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Crap, this is way worse than the Red Wedding. I am speechless. Seriously. 2 Link to comment
photo fox April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 So... the bastard Lannisters tried to kill CP, but the dragon got to her first? And we don't know if she was able to find Jaime or not? And I guess this means the purring and the litter weren't clues after all? It seemed like they could only point to either jessie or CP, but they've both been proven to be heroes. RIP, ladies. This round is insane. I don't know if I'm coming or going. 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Ok ... wow ... don't know where to begin. I am numb from the brutal massacre of Brienne. I have to say that it would have to be a dragon to take out Brienne, because no Lannister should have had that privilege. No clue in the day story, however, did anyone find anything in the night story? I think I might have, but it's far fetched. So until I make any sort of accusation, I would like to know if anyone felt that the word forlorn was out of place in that story: She tumbled to the floor as the men dropped the heavy wooden frame around her. Bruised and battered, Sansa wept, hoping as always to return to her forlorn dreams of family. There is a game player that I have had my eye on for quite a while, almost from the first day ... I haven't mentioned it, only because I haven't been able to find a clue to match up with this player. However, that word ... it's a funny word, it stood out to me. I decided to do some detective work (Google) and I tried to match up each remaining player with that word, and I was surprised at what I found. We are already well into the middle part of the first 24 of 48 hours ... I am not sure if I should reveal what I know just yet, or maybe I should let you all see what I have seen. Oh the confusion that is this game. I can tell you, that if I move forward with my accusation, I fear for my life. If there are any protectors left, I ask that you show mercy on my soul. 2 Link to comment
Drogo April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 And we don't know if she was able to find Jaime or not? The odds aren't good; CP could ask one person per night, we've only had three nights and lots of players left. Would be cool if she did, because "Brienne and Jaime" is a pair-up I can definitely get behind. So until I make any sort of accusation, I would like to know if anyone felt that the word forlorn was out of place in that story: Bruised and battered, Sansa wept, hoping as always to return to her forlorn dreams of family. I'm interested to hear your thoughts, BizBuzz, though I'm not sure "forlorn" should be a smoking gun. Sansa Stark was fourteen, living the dream at Winterfell with a loving family, but she wanted to be a princess like the ones in her fairytales. She was promised to the future King Joffrey in exchange for their father becoming the King's Hand and moving to the capitol. All of her dreams were coming true. Then she discovered Joffrey was much more Prince Alarming than Prince Charming, and lost her beloved direwolf Lady due to his (and her) lies. Her father's new position led to his execution, her sister's disappearance (and presumed death), and a war in which her oldest brother and mother were killed, along with the presumed deaths of her two little brothers. She was publicly beaten, disgraced and pushed aside for a more lucrative Tyrell bride- and just when she thought she was free of them they made her marry the Demon Monkey Imp of the family responsible for her suffering. If there's anyone whose dreams merit 'hopeless' or 'forlorn'- it's poor Sansa. 2 Link to comment
MarkHB April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Seeing this: The chambers were dark and somber. Much had happened in the few weeks since the council had last met; the number and faces were considerably changed. Queen Cersei had reinstated Lord Baelish as Master of Coin after the unfortunate disappearance of her brother. Jaime reluctantly assumed his father’s position of Hand of the King as a means of keeping close to his sister and to better serve the realm rather than remain as the maimed Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Varys retained his position as Master of Secrets, his little birds had never been more important; given the new and varied threats to the realm. On this cold, dreary evening the council gathered to discuss what to do about dragons and Stannis Baratheon. It sounds like Baelish and Varys may have been successfully recruited by the Lannisters, and Jaime might be the third villain of their house (I had suggested Joffrey, but he remains unseen). Or, Varys might have been recruited by the Baratheons separately from Baelish, which is different from what I thought was going on (that they would be recruited as a pair). I had pursued the DL of jessie because I had a hunch (and that's all it was) that Athena and WD might be Baelish and Varys, and not only that but that they might still be recruitable (hence my suggestion of an early investigation of them, to try to beat the villains to them). Regardless, it appears that even if I was right, we are too late. My sympathies cp. 2 Link to comment
Athena April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 I don't think Jaime was recruited to be a hero. I think the story would indicate Brienne finding Jaime by now if she had. Everyone is still on me and my sister WD? The Lannisters have taken everything from us already. You'll just make WD cry more. 2 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 MarkHB, I would like to believe you, but we have to remember that this Day 4 Story has no clues. Also, I don't believe that Athena and WD are Baelish and Varys, as I believe I know who Varys is and that this player has not been recruited yet, as far as I know. I am not ready to make a commitment to my found clue ... I was sort of hoping someone else would be able to find the clue I did so I wouldn't think it was a shot in the dark. If no one comes up with it, I will post it later on today, and then hope for the best. 2 Link to comment
Drogo April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 It sounds like Baelish and Varys may have been successfully recruited by the Lannisters I don't know... Both spymasters have been in the Capitol with the Lannisters since D1 so I'm not sure that being in a Small Council meeting speaks to their allegiance within the game. Also, neither is known for being completely honest with those they "align" with or terribly interested in the Lannister/Baratheon/Stark benefit... Baelish makes confusing-to-others moves that will benefit his own position, and Varys supports moves he believes are for the good of the realm. So no clues in the day story, and I've read N3 a few times now and nothing is jumping out. Anyone? Bueller? ;) 1 Link to comment
caprice April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Okay, I'll bite. Yeah, a story!!! I have read it about three times, and I gotta say, I don't like what I am seeing ... there's that wood thing again. My oh my, what could that mean? I am putting two players in the suspect column for sure. Way too early in the game however for me to make any accusations, however, so I will sit on it for a bit. I knew there was something weird about that word, abreast. That is a strange word to use, I don't hear it very often. When I think of it in this setting, I think of a breast, as in chicken. And there is only one player I know that has a fowl as their avatar. (ital. mine) I went back to review the Day One posts and found these. You know, since she's making noise about having held suspicions since then. Given our most recent story, I think we can all agree that "abreast" meant nothing clue-wise and was only a cool word in the story. The wood mention makes me think, well, never mind that, but there are players it could be tied to. Is this where you were going, BB? 3 Link to comment
Drogo April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Given our most recent story, I think we can all agree that "abreast" meant nothing clue-wise and was only a cool word in the story. "A breast" could've been nodding to a body part. A breast.. a foot.. a nose.. a tummy... Biz I think I'm picking up what you're putting down. Link to comment
BizBuzz April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 Hmmmm, interesting caprice ...To explain ... my wood clue at the start of the game was directed toward The Crazed Spruce (a tree) and Athena (goddess connected to the Trojan Horse). I don't know anything about TCS as he has been relatively quiet during this game. However, I don't believe Athena to be a villain. My abreast clue was directed at Curious Parker (she has a fowl as her avatar), and well, we have seen how magnificently bad that connection was. This is precisely why I usually wait until mid-game to make my accusations stand, unless I know something. I don't know much, however I do know something, and knowledge is power. Still not ready ... I really wanted someone else to find it first. Rest assured, I will post something by this evening if no one else can link it. 2 Link to comment
writingdreamer April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 I will go over the round from the beginning, checking not only gameplay but possible clues, and get back to everyone as well. The situation grows dire! 4 Link to comment
JayKay April 2, 2015 Share April 2, 2015 I read the story this morning and I'm still trying not to be upset. Messed uuuuuuuuup. At least Brienne went out like a huge badass. RIP CP. And we learned something new from it about one of the villain factions. Now I'm wondering if the lack of clues means that we *already* know something major. 2 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 Well ... it's getting to be that time ... and I really thought I was going to be in a position to state my reasons for my suspect ... however, I have to say I am not comfortable revealing what I know as there hasn't been enough discussion today. I am not sure why that is, however, instead of trying to figure it out, I will just sleep on it and play my cards in the morning. 1 Link to comment
writingdreamer April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 After reading through the whole round so far, I I would just like to point out that Oinky Boinky, on D2, started the DL on jessie, and he turned out to be the Villain investigator. Also, on D3 Drogo started the DL on Athena, which TJtrack quickly joined. As far as the DL on jessie, I'm not sure how many Villains were in on that, but I would like to plead with Bizbuzz. You've been very vauge this whole round, if you think you know something I would speak up now. Yes, it's dangerous but if nothing gets said then we run the risk of more people dying. One last thing, photofox brought up a clue for Hanged Man all the way back in D1, plus he/she spoke up and believed me when I made my claim. That's all I have now, but I'll keep looking. 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 We do need to keep in mind, that we're apparently dealing with the two different teams of Villains, as well as an apparent Serial Killer; on top of that, we have Varys and Baelish to consider, and I'm very curious about these two characters; did they 'start' the game in the Hero column (snort)*? And thus are recruitable to one of the Villain teams? Is it possible that the Serial Killer could also have the ability to 'recruit' them? Yes, it would be unusual, but I'm thinking there's a lot going on in this game that could be termed unusual. And also, while it's easy to say, this player started the DL on this one (a proven Villain), so of course they're a Hero, or vice versa, we are dealing with a different set up then any game we've played here at PTV - multiple Villain teams, unusual Hero set ups (seriously, I can't stop laughing when I think of Baelish being a Hero in any sense), and an apparent Serial Killer. So starting a DL isn't necessarily conclusive proof to me of someone's status. I've noticed that there are a couple of players who have been much quieter this game than in previous rounds. I'm wondering if there is a reason for this? And looking at the possible clues that caprice floated a bit earlier, as well as Drogo, and then BizBuzz's apparent reluctance to tell us what she thinks she's found? I'm starting to wonder if we need to re-visit some earlier attempted DLs? And we learned something new from it about one of the villain factions. Now I'm wondering if the lack of clues means that we *already* know something major. Yes, JayKay, I'm wondering too.... * I'm a show watcher (just starting the books), and as such, I can agree with the possibility that Varys could be viewed as a Hero, if a somewhat shady one. But there ain't no way in heck that I could ever get on board with Baelish (aka Littlefinger) being a Hero. Psychotic? Yes. Hero? NOPE. 3 Link to comment
Drogo April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 So quiet on this board. Did all the talkative people die? I'll just throw out a reminder that I started the D3 Athena DL (attempt) based on actual clues in the story that I connected with her. (The goddess Athena cursed Medusa so she would turn men to stone, and the story contained "the gods" "stone" and "rocks". It's a myth I'm familiar with.) Afterwards, folks started chiming in about "gods & men" being in a previous story, and saying that mid-story ampersands are unusual which it appears that they are since I haven't seen any others. Still, the reason for my DL attempt was not an ampersand. Truth be told, I thought @ was an ampersand. TJ joined my vote based on mention in the story of Tyrion's reading (since Athena was the goddess of wisdom.) I cast the first D3 vote, and TJ the second... but y'all were pretty set on getting rid of Jon Snow. ;) I didn't like jessied112 for a DL based on the "purred" clue, since that clue was in D1, and I felt the D1 clue was clearly directed at Hanged Man (laughter choking a man.) Also, Oinky Boinky (who'd already been established as a villain and investigator) seemed a little too eager to get rid of jessie. Actually, here's my quote from before the vote went final - Also, since OB was a Villain Lannister, a jessied112 DL assumes that she's either Stannis Baratheon or the SK, and 2/16 isn't an attractive bet for me personally... especially based on the actions of one Tywin Lannister... I'd rather look to the story clues. I'm not vouching for anyone (sorry jessie) - and if she is indeed bad, no one would vouch for her since the SK doesn't have allies, and King Stannis' allies are now in the hands of the Silent Sisters. It's my first time playing, but I prefer to go with clues instead of trying to figure out who's lying and who's telling the truth. So, can we talk about some clues? 2 Link to comment
JayKay April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 I've been googling things from Night 3. So far I've learned a lot about mattress rotation schedules. Also, I agreed with Drogo's logic about Jessie not being evil but I didn't distrust writing dreamer enough to vote for Athena. It doesn't help knowing that even if we kill a villain, we're helping other villains. And the best of us are being massacred in the confusion. This game has been rough on morale. 4 Link to comment
SVNBob April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 I'll freely admit to being quiet in this game, but it's because I'm lost. Like I've said before, I'm not familiar with the setting, so I couldn't tell a clue from a standard setting piece or an Easter Egg. That's why I was trying to look at the gameplay to try to figure out who's at least opposing who. But that didn't work out so well. So I'm leaving most of the talk to people that know more than I. With luck, they'll find the clues that I can't. And those should be more valuable right now. 2 Link to comment
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