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The Princess Bride Mafia

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Well, I don't watch Game of Thrones, but this sounds like me.


Khaleesi got this one, too.  Definitely awesome.  

Sean Bean!


As I don't watch Game of Thrones (I know, I know *ducks*), I have no idea if this is accurate or not. Sounds like it could be.


Ned Stark was the best character on the show.  A word of advice, though, TJ:  

Try not to lose your head.  

  • Love 3

QUIZ:  Which Game of Thrones Character Are You?  





No shit, Quiz.   


I have a hard time believing you're Westley because you're trustworthy and people in masks cannot be trusted. 

  Hmmm I got Tyrion, But it won't paste





Well, I don't watch Game of Thrones, but this sounds like me.

This is me too. And it is me too

Edited by Machiabelly
  • Love 1

Night 8
Just Desserts
His heart sank as the boy disappeared from view, Oh hell, what am I going to do now?! he thought despairingly. As he turned to take the long walk back a voice called out, “Murderer! I saw what you did. Murderer! I know who you are, I’m going to tell!”
The Albino looked around but couldn’t see where the voice had come from deep in the trees. He heard rustling and the sound of someone moving hastily ahead of him. “I didn’t do anything, I tried to save the boy!” he yelled back but was met with only silence.
Eager as he was to put this behind him, the walk back to the clearing, where the secret entrance to The Pit of Despair lay hidden, seemed to take forever. As he neared the clearing he could hear angry shouts from what sound like a very large crowd indeed. He stopped, feeling wary, and peered from behind a tree to observe what was going on. “Are you sure this is the right place?” one man asked aloud.

“Yes, I’ve been here before but they all look the same” shrugged a huge man whom the Albino recognized, causing him to shiver with fear.

“Well he has to come out sooner or later, then we’ll have him!” another man stated calmly.

The Albino watched as they continued to mill around the clearing poking at tree trunks without success. Eventually someone suggested, “Maybe this isn’t the right clearing? I say we go look for another one”.

“Yeah maybe you’re right” the huge man sighed.

They turned back and began walking in the direction where the Albino was currently hiding. The Albino threw himself into the nearest bush and sat quietly as the sharp twigs and thorns scratched at his face and body, afraid to move a muscle as they passed by.
Once they had moved out of sight and he could no longer hear them he crept out from his thorny hiding place and scrambled to his feet.
Moving quickly with his heart pounding in his chest he made for the secret entrance and pushed the knot in the tree trunk. The door swung open and the Albino dived inside, relief flooded over him. He watched as the door slowly closed once more, desperate for the security it provided. With only an inch to go, a meaty hand shot in and grabbed the edge of the door. The Albino’s eyes widened in horror and shock, “Noooo!” he cried out as the door was pulled open once more.

“You can’t be in h-h-here!” he stuttered as Fezzik’s face came into view.

“Says who?” a voice asked from behind the huge man.

The Albino backed away and half stumbled, half fell all the way down the stairs backwards.

“I’ll call the guards, I’ll call the brute squad!” he shrieked, panic stricken.

“I AM the brute squad” Fezzik chuckled.

“That’s him! He killed a boy, I saw him do it!” the same voice from earlier shouted. Looking at his accuser the Albino could see it was a young man he didn’t recognize.

“I didn’t kill anyone! I tried to save that boy, he fell, it was an accident” he stated shrilly.

“Liar! You were chasing him, that boy was trying to get away from you, I saw the whole thing!” the young man spat back at him.

Having reached the main chamber of the Pit, everyone was eyeing The Machine; “What is THAT?” one asked.

The Albino was too petrified to give a coherent response other than “mmph, er, I, not..” as Fezzik cut him off, ”That is a bad machine that hurts people, it hurt my friend real bad”.

“Destroy it! Let’s make sure it can’t hurt anyone else!” the young man shouted.

Fezzik advanced on The Machine just as a new voice called out above the din, “Oh, I think we can find one last use for it before it’s destroyed” everyone turned to see who the new voice belonged to.

At the top of the stairs stood the Man in Black with his hands on his hips and a grin beaming across his face. Out from behind him poked a head with curly dark hair, “Fezzik my friend!” Inigo cried out and pushed past Westley to go greet his huge buddy.

“Inigo, I been so worried for you. You found him, you found the Man in Black! The Princess will be so happy!” Fezzik said all at once, delighted to see his friends once more.

“Oh yes, well, to tell-a the truth, he found-a me” Inigo said a little sheepishly. “But I took him to a Miracle Man and he remembered who-a he is now” he said smiling, “I did-a good, no?!”

“You did very good Inigo, I’m so proud of you” Fezzik chuckled.

“Enough with the family reunions for now, we have this ‘person’ to deal with” Westley stated as he descended the staircase.

The Albino was shaking now, unsure of what fate was in store for him.
“I think a poetic end would be for him to be the final ‘experiment’ this infernal machine ever performs” Westley suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement. “Fezzik, would you care to do the honours?” Westley indicated to the machine with a hand.

“Sure, I can do that” Fezzik replied taking hold of the Albino, who began screaming. He lifted him up and laid him on the machine, holding his legs and torso down, Inigo and the others began to strap him in.

“Someone please gag him, that screaming is going to give me a shockingly bad headache” Westley asked, covering his ears.

Someone stepped forward and tied a rag around the Albino’s mouth, once he was fully secured everyone stepped back except Westley, who stepped forward, “Now this is going to hurt, quite a lot actually, I can attest to that. Please do try to keep the noise down.”
The Albino squealed in terror as Westley walked back to the starting mechanism. “This is for every person you helped to cajole, kidnap or kill using this damnable machine. Know that it was all in vain because it will be destroyed along with the records and plans immediately after your death” he announced. In one fluid movement he pulled the lever and turned the dial up to full. The Albino’s eyes widened briefly as his mouth opened in a muffled scream, a few moments later he had expired.

Emerging sometime later from The Pit of Despair Westley was greeted by Buttercup who threw herself into his arms, “Westley you came back! Can you remember me?! What happened? Are you ok?” she reeled off the questions between kisses, giving him no time to answer.
Peeling her away for a moment he looked deep into her eyes and softly replied, ““I told you, I will always come for you, this is True Love, you think this happens everyday?”
Then he kissed her.
The End.

The Mostly ALL Dead:

Jesse – Yellin, Neutral, Recruitable.
You are the leader of The Brute Squad, neither a Hero or Villain unless recruited, until then you may choose to assist the heroes or villains as you see fit. You deal with outlaws and ruffians without mercy as instructed by your superiors. If recruited you will endeavour for your side to win.

Hanged Man – The King, A Hero, Mason with The Queen.
You are an old but kind man, slowly becoming senile, deaf, and difficult to understand… however, you are still King of Florin. Due to your ailing health, you’ve relinquished all but a few of the ruling duties to your son Prince Humperdinck, who has let the power go to his head and now looks to your neighbouring countries with greedy eyes. You have a soft spot in your heart for Buttercup because she once kissed you. Together with The Queen, you form a mason pair and may communicate outside the game thread.

CuriousParker – removed from the game upon request replaced by Jesse.

TMunz - A Florin peasant, a Hero.
One of Florin’s underclass, you’re nothing special (except in that trite “but everyone’s special” kinda way) and you’re none too clean, but you love your country and royal weddings. And food. Of any kind. You’re really not fussy.  You have no powers in this game.
Machiabelly - Westley, a Hero Investigator of sorts.
You are a brave man who left Buttercup to seek your fortune. Later reportedly murdered by the Dread Pirate Roberts, you in fact spent the time away learning everything the world could teach you, with the sole focus of returning to your beloved. Upon your return, you are disguised as the Man in Black, and intent on rescuing Buttercup from the clutches of Prince Humperdinck and any other threat. Because you are only searching for your true love Princess Buttercup, you may enquire of 1 player each night; "Is this my beloved Buttercup?" You will receive one of the following responses: Yes, No or No Result. If/when you do find her you will become a mason pair. Beware! Prince Humperdinck’s henchman searches for you, should he find you Humperdinck would have you tortured, at which time he will ask you(via the game mods) 3 questions, which you must answer truthfully. Find Buttercup fast, there is strength in numbers...
Lisin - Count Rugen, a Villain Protector.
Prince Humperdinck's right-hand man, you are a sadist and wannabe author, torture and pain being your special area of study. In fact, you have designed a diabolical machine to help you in your quest to learn everything there is to know about the maximum amount of pain a person can bear, as you believe these findings will be your legacy. Your biggest mistake in life was to murder Inigo Montoya's father... it has lead to his life long crusade to seek you out and make you more than a little bit dead. It’s not easy for you to hide your identity, as you are a unique man who has 6 fingers on his right hand.
As a Protector, you must choose a different player to protect each night. If Westley is handed over to you, you will torture him; you will be able to ask him 3 questions (via the game mods), which he must answer truthfully, he then automatically becomes your team's nightkill that night.
MarkHB - Vizzini, a Villain Investigator.
Owing to your brilliance, there is no doubt in your mind that you are the world’s #1 criminal genius. Being short of stature and also of temper due to your Sicilian blood, you sometimes misuse words in frustration if your plans are thwarted. A smug, ruthless man, you cannot refuse a battle of wits, even to the death, as you know you shall always win.
As an investigator, each night you may investigate one player in the game by PM'ing the mods. Should you find Westley you will hand him over to Prince Humperdinck for questioning. You will get results back in the form of Name & alignment or No Result.
Dougal - Valerie, a Hero.
Although professed to be one by your husband Miracle Max, you are in fact, not a witch. You merely impersonate one; because all Miracle Men must have a witch assistant. You are indeed, the woman behind the man. You have stood by this man ... even though his confidence has been shattered since being fired by Prince Humperdinck. You know the greatest gift in life is to possess true love. You are a vanilla hero, however, IF certain pre-defined conditions are met, you have a dormant power that will be activated.

caprice - The Queen, A Hero, Mason with The King.
You are The Queen, a Hero and mason with The King. As the kind but elderly queen of Florin and Humperdinck's stepmother you have no real power in the land, and are content to while away your days with other noblewomen in ladylike pursuits such as sewing, flower arranging and gossiping. Together with Hanged Man, The King, you form a mason pair and may communicate outside the thread.

The Crazed Spruce - Prince Humperdinck, Head Villain.
The heir to the Florinese throne. You are an insecure and self-absorbed man who thinks of nothing other than pursuing your own interests. War and tracking/hunting animals are your primary focus, and you are good at it. Knowing that you have to marry because your father is dying, you set out to find a beautiful bride, however, you have sinister plans of murdering her on your wedding night and blaming Guilder so that you can declare war on them.
Each night you & your team may choose 1 player to kill. If your investigator finds Westley he will hand him over to you for questioning, by Count Rugen. Your team will win only when all who stand against you are dead.

Tjtrack99 - Inigo Montoya, A Hero, 1 Kill Vigilante & Limited Investigator.
You have devoted your life to learning the sword in order to avenge your father's death at the hands of the six-fingered man. Ultimately becoming a wizard, the highest ranked swordsman in the world and an extremely skilled and dangerous man. Having achieved this but still not having found the six-fingered man; you lapsed into depression and alcoholism, and came out of it only when Vizzini recruited you.
Whilst the six-fingered man lives, with a 1 Kill vigilante power in your pocket, each night you may ask of 1 player "Does s/he have six fingers on their right hand?" You will receive one of the following responses: Yes, No or No Result. If/when you do find him, you may use your 1 kill vigilante power to kill him that night. Should the six-fingered man be killed by other means, you may then use your vigilante 1 kill elsewhere.
egavasc - a Rodent Of Unusual Size (ROUS) and a Serial Killer.
You are a mutant rodent, eating everything in your path, animal, vegetable or human.  When you smell blood you attack; you are a vicious, slimy presence dwelling in the Fireswamp, and make survival almost impossible for anyone who foolishly wanders in.
As a Serial Killer, on each even numbered night you may choose 1 player to kill. You may only choose to kill from those players who have not posted at all in the preceding day, if everyone posts, then you will be able to choose from all players. Please contact us if you are unsure who your potential victims are on any night that your urge to kill is eligible. Because you have this restriction upon you, you will be immune from all investigations for the first 3 nights. You will only win when all other players are dead.
OinkyBoinky -  the Grandson, and thanks to some mighty plot armour, a hard to kill Hero, namely a 2-Kill Investigator. 
You are a young boy who would rather play video games than suffer the indignity of a visit with your grandfather who always pinches your cheek, which you hate. However, you were faced with just such a situation when you became ill one day and your grandfather offered to read you his favourite book. Your life was changed forever. You may PM the mods each night for the name and alignment of any player. You will receive one of the following responses: Name & Alignment or No Result. As your Grandfather is the teller of our tale he has ruled that you should have 2 lives in this game. The first time you are lynched or night killed you will survive. If you should be protected, you will not lose a life.
Lady Calypso - You are the Albino, a Villain & 'Brown Goo'.
You are a strange and silent Igor type character who takes care of Prince Humperdinck's Zoo of Death located in The Pit Of Despair, primarily as a lackey to Count Rugen. One of your main duties is to nurse injured prisoners back to health so that Count Rugen can inflict pain on them with his dastardly torture machine once they are recovered. Being Brown Goo means you will steal the vote of anyone who targets you, either by being the person to start an unsuccessful lynch on you or via any night actions, for the next game day. However, this does not protect you against any night kill. Your team will win only when all who stand against you are dead.
Forever Living Happily Ever After:

Jesse - You are the Grandfather, a Hero Roleblocker.
The teller of our tale, you are a man that cares very much about family and tradition ... and you would like to see that tradition carried on for future generations. When your grandson falls ill and is bedridden you take the opportunity to share with him a magical tale, proclaiming that it is your favourite book; the same one that your own father read to you when you were ten and in bed with pneumonia. As a Roleblocker, you must choose one player each Night to block from performing his or her night actions; you may not choose the same person on 2 consecutive nights.
SVNBob - You are Princess Buttercup, a Hero Investigator of sorts & Beloved Princess.
You began life as a common girl who also happens to be bold, passionate, and uncommonly beautiful. Parted from your true love Westley the farm boy, whom you believe captured and killed by The Dread Pirate Roberts, you move complacently through your days, certain that you will never feel passion for anything or anyone again, you merely go through the motions of the routines and rituals involved in becoming queen to Prince Humperdinck. As a Beloved Princess should you be lynched & subsequently die, town will suffer greatly for it; forfeiting a whole Day and going straight to the following Night. You may not reveal this to anyone but you are permitted to hint at dire consequences. Because you are only searching for your true love Westley, you may enquire of 1 player each night; "Is this my beloved Westley?" You will receive one of the following responses: Yes, No or No Result. Should you find Westley, you will become a mason pair, at which time you must then inform Westley he is now your bodyguard, dying in your place should you be targeted for a lynch or a nightkill. Beware! Prince Humperdinck's henchman also searches for Westley, therefore, it behooves you to find him sooner rather than later.

Athena - You are Miracle Max, a Hero Protector/Doctor.
You are married to -!notAwitch - Valerie. Once the king's leading miracle man, you now harbour a long standing grudge toward the King’s stinking son; Prince Humperdinck for firing you which shattered your self-confidence. You have a small but vital part in our story, as without you, the story would have a completely different ending. Even though your initial motivation is revenge against the pus filled Humperdinck, ultimately you end up discovering the real power of true love.
Each night, you must choose a different player to protect from being lynched the next day; you may choose yourself only once. If you are still alive the first time Westley should die, whether by lynching or nightkill, you will automatically revive him as he will only be 'mostly' dead.

Drogo - You are Fezzik, a Hero Protector.
The strongest man alive. You were jobless, friendless, helpless and hopeless in Greenland when Vizzini found and recruited you. Although excellent at following instructions, you’re very bad at remembering them, so you love using rhymes to keep Vizzini's rules straight. You have a good heart and your most admirable quality is that you don't like to fight dirty, but you have no qualms subverting the law. You are fretful, fair, loyal, and an excellent follower, because your only drive in life is not to be left alone. As a Protector, you must choose a different player to protect each night. If you rhyme 3 times throughout the day, you earn a Holocaust Cloak to wear for the night, this means you gain the ability to also either protect yourself, or any additional player of your choice each time you succeed in donning the cloak.
Please PM us proof of your rhyming and we will bestow the cloak upon you.
Aquarian1 - You are the "Impwessive Clewgyman", a Hero.
You are the chuwch official who pwesides over the wedding cewemony of Pwince Humpewdinck and Buttewcup. One of your most impwessive featuwes is a pwonounced speech defect that makes your lettew "r" sound mowe like "w." You believe in "twu luv". You have no powers in this game.

Stacey - You are the Ancient Boo-er, a Hero.
A wizened old lady who appears in a nightmare that Buttercup has about marrying Humperdinck and speaks out about this wedding, in a most demeaning way. Your purpose in the story is a strong one, as you make Buttercup realize that her true love yet lives. You have no powers in this game.
That's it folks, it's over, True Love the heroes won!
Thanks to all for making it a fun game, we will be back with the recap and awards as soon as we have decided who's getting what ;)
In the meantime, let's all raise a glass to the power of true love! Cheers!

  • Love 4

Clearly we should not have hired Rebecca De Mornay as a nanny. That's my fault. That's on me. But, wow, those eyes.

Yeah, 'those eyes.' Suuuuuuure.... I guess I know why we never had other children. ;)


Ooh, I've been having some new cocktails over here that I'll have to share around when I get back! I do enjoy drinking in France. :D

  • Love 1

Clearly we should not have hired Rebecca De Mornay as a nanny. That's my fault. That's on me. But, wow, those eyes.



Avocado smoothie just came out my nose. Thanks for that! It was an interesting experience! Also HAHAHAHAAAA! I'm glad I'm alone in the office today! 


Speaking of Rebecca DeMornay, I have it on good authority this is what Lisin does when she's in the office alone.



  • Love 2

...What? Those are perfect 34b eyes, errr... blue eyes.

Need I remind you that you have access to umm... engravings of your Queen in a corset? (Hey, I had to go with something that seemed realistic.)

Sadly our office is carpeted... BUT we did just get all brand new hardwood installed at home so I know what I'm doing when I get there this evening! It will probably look more like this though...



Ooh, I have beautiful wood floors at home! That second one is totally me in the winter!

It is so hot here. Okay, it's probably still hotter for HM and Bob, but there has been no breeze all day and there is no central air. I'm prone to heat-related issues and I'm just dying here. May I come home?

  • Love 2

Well-played, folks!  And I knew we should have taken out Buttercup!

No, you Villains didn't want to take me out.  You wanted the other Heroes to do it in a DL.  I know you knew she was me, and I'm sure ya'll suspected Oinky was right about what my power was.


BTW, good thinking Oinky on figuring out my power.  As you all can see now, I wasn't allowed to say anything about it; only that there would be consequences if I was DL'd.  And when my name came up on Day 1...well, I had to say something.  And if my name had come up again, I would have said something about Oinky's "guess."


It is so hot here. Okay, it's probably still hotter for HM and Bob...

One advantage to my schedule: I get home before it starts to heat up, and stay home until it's cooled off.  But yeah, it's been triple digits recently.  Although the rain has been helping.

  • Love 3

No, you Villains didn't want to take me out.  You wanted the other Heroes to do it in a DL.  I know you knew she was me, and I'm sure ya'll suspected Oinky was right about what my power was.


BTW, good thinking Oinky on figuring out my power.  As you all can see now, I wasn't allowed to say anything about it; only that there would be consequences if I was DL'd.  And when my name came up on Day 1...well, I had to say something.  And if my name had come up again, I would have said something about Oinky's "guess."


One advantage to my schedule: I get home before it starts to heat up, and stay home until it's cooled off.  But yeah, it's been triple digits recently.  Although the rain has been helping.

I found you Buttercup on my first investigation. Regardless of being beloved, you were not getting lynched on my watch.  

I then found Mad Max followed by Rugen, Vizzini, Humperdink, Grandpa and the Albino. Being half dead, I was amazed everyday to still be alive and able to use the investigations. 

  • Love 1

I found you Buttercup on my first investigation. Regardless of being beloved, you were not getting lynched on my watch.

I then found Mad Max followed by Rugen, Vizzini, Humperdink, Grandpa and the Albino. Being half dead, I was amazed everyday to still be alive and able to use the investigations.

I alternated between protecting you two every night. Figured out Bob's character early when I protected him and Buttercup was saved from the shrieking eels. :)
  • Love 1

Not too long ago, when I realized that whatever my expectations for the Rangers were the Rangers would do the opposite just to piss me off and be contrary, I completely gave up hope and optimism for their season. They will tease but fall short and fail. I am certain of this. Plus, even if the Rangers do get to the Playoffs, they don't have a prayer against Kansas City, Toronto or Houston, and certainly couldn't beat the Cardinals or the Dodgers in the World Series.

Nope, they cannot.

I alternated between protecting you two every night. Figured out Bob's character early when I protected him and Buttercup was saved from the shrieking eels. :)

You know, that hadn't really occurred to me -- when I have two people I know I want to use a power on, to just alternate! I'm not sure I've been in that position, but it's good to think about for the future!


PS: Did anyone notice how many times I said I was "reading the story"? :)

  • Love 3

You know, that hadn't really occurred to me -- when I have two people I know I want to use a power on, to just alternate! I'm not sure I've been in that position, but it's good to think about for the future!


PS: Did anyone notice how many times I said I was "reading the story"? :)

No but I did know you were the grandfather. Maybe you needed to say 'AHEM, I am reading the story'

  • Love 2

Ok ... here we go ...
I have to say thanks to all for playing and it was fun sitting on the other side of the fence and watching how a game unfolds.  I got to learn a lot about the game itself and it was fun being able to converse with all of you behind the scenes.
SS wrote all the stories ... and I think she did amazing with what we had to work with.  Working with much beloved movie got to be a little hairy when you had to kill someone off, but I think she handled everything with grace and lots of out of the box thinking.
First, we have the awards ...
CP - The I’m Leaving On A Jet Plane Award
OB - Mafia’s Most Wanted Award
SVNBob - Pretty as a Princess Award
Machiabelly - Most Dashing Hero That Died But Didn’t Actually Die Award
Athena - Most Miraculous Miracle Maker Award
Hanged Man - Most Regal Death Award
Caprice - BadAss Queen Who Takes Zero Shit Award
Dougal - You GO Girrrrl, Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves Award
Drogo - The Funny, Fabulous & Phenomenal Diva Award
TJ - Incredible Accent & Amazing Moves (Like Jagger) Award
A1 - My Fiwst Time, I Twuly Had A Blast Award
stacey - The Getting The Hell Out Of Dodge Award
TMunz - The I Was Framed, Guv Award
TCS - Most Pouting Prince Popinjay Award
Lisin - The Evvvvvil Moustache Award
Lady Calypso - The If It Wasn’t For You Meddling Kids Award
MarkHB - The You Dirty Rat Award
egavasc - Most Fun Had As A Rat Ever Award
Jesse - The Comeback Kid Award
Second ... the play log:
Prologue posted on 05.29.15 (Friday)
PM’s sent on 05.30.15 (Saturday)
Day 1 … posted on 06.01.15 (Monday)

Clue: Humperdinck sighed in defeat, he wished to avoid the subject but knew it was unavoidable, “Yes, yes, I have to wed if I want to become king” he retorted feeling his blood pressure rising.

  • Lisin(opril) … medication used for high blood pressure

Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:

  • Day 1 / Rhyme 1...Giants were just as dumb as he’d suspected. And this game is already way more fun than I expected.
  • Day 1 / Rhyme 2...The soldier with oh-this-Gate-Key is named Yellin.  (Could be worse.. could have been named Smellin.)
  • Day 1 / Rhyme 3...Elvis is everywhere.  I haven't seen Elvis anywhere.


Night 1 … posted on 06.03.15 (Wednesday) at 9:41am Central

Clue:  He’d become thick as thieves with an older boy of noble blood, Tyrone Rugen who was known for his cruel and callous nature.

  • egavasc/csavage cruel and callous nature = savage.

Night Actions:
CP RB’d TMunz
OinkyBoinky investigated SVNBob (gave result of Princess Buttercup)
SVNBob Investigated Drogo for Twu Luv
Drogo wins cloak, protects SVNBob and himself
Machiabelly Investigated Drogo
Athena Protects Drogo from D2 DL
Lisin Protects MarkHB
MarkHB Investigated SVNBob
TCS kill order for Oinky Boinky
Day 2 … posted 06.04.15 (Thursday) at 3:56pm Central

Clue: The answer she got wasn’t the one she hoped for and she left the hut feeling anything but calm. Sloppy and shoddy fortunetelling that was, she thought to herself.

  • The Crazed Spruce … antonym of his name

Lynch: Jesse (successful)

  • 6 to DL TMunz (Jesse, stacey, MarkHB, Machiabelly, aquarian1, Lady Calypso), 4 to storm the castle
  • 1 to DL TJTrack99 (TMunz,), 9 to fight without left hands
  • 10 to DL Jesse (SVNBob, Drogo, Lisin, Oinky Boinky, egavasc, caprice, Athena, Spruce, Hanged Man, CuriousParker), 0 For happy hour

Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:

  • Day 2 / Rhyme 1...(a singular noun leaving in a plural fashion) … ♪REE-OO, REE-OO♪  Grammar police lights are flashin--
  • Day 2 / Rhyme 2...Never mind that nonsense I said before- I'm less brainless than I gave myself credit for.
  • Day 2 / Rhyme 3...I think these are solid clues. No favors necessary- if I lose, I lose. ;)


Night 2 … posted 06.08.15 (Monday) at 6:30am Central

Clue: The only job satisfaction he had was when he was ordering around the men of the brute squad, the men who have served you so long and so well, he thought bitterly.

  • Lady Calypso, reference to John Denver song Calypso

Night Actions

  • CP RB’d Hanged Man
  • OB Investigated Athena
  • SVNBob Investigated TMunz for Twu Luv
  • Drogo wins cloak, protects caprice and himself
  • Machiabelly Investigated caprice
  • Athena Protected caprice for D3 DL
  • TJ Investigates Stacey for 6 fingers
  • Lisin Protects Lady Calypso
  • MarkHB Investigated TMunz
  • TCS kill order for Hanged Man
  • evagvasc attacked Machiabelly (but he lives as MM revive power)


Day 3 … posted on 06.10.15 (Wednesday) at 12:11pm Central

Clue:  “Geronimo!” he called out as he ran off.

  • MarkHB, reference to the 11th Doctor = MarkHB is #11

Lynch: TMunz (successful)

  • 9 to DL TMunz (Machiabelly, Oinky Boinky, egavasc, aquarian1, stacey, Jesse, Drogo, Athena, Lady Calypso) 0 to turn to the next chapter
  • Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:  NONE


Night 3 … posted on 06.15.15 (Monday) at 8:39pm Central
Clue:  Look, I ’m Sorry, I’m not doing this because I enjoy it, it’s my job… ok maybe I enjoy it a bit’ he chuckled.

  • Lisin, first letter of each word of bolded sentence. L I S I N

Night Actions:

  • CP (Jesse) RB’d Athena
  • OB Investigated Lisin
  • SVNBob Investigated Machiabelly, found Westley
  • Drogo protects SVNBob
  • Machiabelly Investigated Dougal
  • Athena was blocked due to CP (Jesse)
  • TJ Investigated Machiabelly
  • Lisin Protects TCS
  • MarkHB
  • TCS kill order (auto kill) Machiabelly


Day 4 … posted on 06.19.15 (Friday) at 5:12am Central

Clue:  Westley groaned and wailed in barbaric animal-like sounds.

  • egavasc/csavage barbaric = savage

Clue:  Buttercup said nothing but gave him some serious side-eye and a playful coy slap.

  • Calypso = anagram of coy slap

Lynch: Lisin (successful)

  • 9 to DL Lisin (Oinky Boinky, Drogo, Jesse, aquarian1, Athena, stacey, TJtrack99, caprice, Lady Calypso), -1 in getting the bad guy and keeping them all dead.
  • 1 to DL Oinky Boinky (Lisin) 7 to make it happen
  • 1 to DL Dougal (Dougal) 7 to confuse everyone with the threat of suicide long enough to get a read on the situation

Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:

  • Day 4 / Rhyme 1...My dear friend Westley is dead, I remember the day he jiggled his head.
  • Day 4 / Rhyme 2...Interested to hear what others think.  Unless you're a villainous rat fink
  • Day 4 / Rhyme 3...What does it mean, what does it mean... It's one of the strangest parts of a bio I've ever seen.


Night 4 … posted on 06.24.15 (Wednesday) at 12:03pm Central

Clue:  He needed to look as regal as possible; he dressed and groomed himself taking particular care for this important occasion.

  • TCS – spruce definition (verb) trim in dress or appearance; neat; smart; dapper.

Night Actions:

  • CP (Jesse) RB’d Lady Calypso
  • OB Investigated MarkHB
  • SVNBob (Westley is dead)
  • Drogo wins cloak, protects OinkyBoinky and himself
  • Athena (no submission)
  • TJ (CR is dead)
  • MarkHB Investigated caprice (didn’t post on Day 4 so is SK Kill)
  • Lady Calypso steals Jesse’s Day 5 vote
  • TCS kill order Drogo
  • evagvasc kills MarkHB


Day 5 … posted on 06.29.15 (Monday) at 4:53am Central

Clue: Fezzik’s right arm flew out ferociously, staggering the guard as he was sent reeling backwards, tripping over a log.

  • egavasc/csavage = ferociously = savage

Lynch:  Dougal (successful)

  • 7 to DL Dougal (Drogo, Jesse, Lady Calypso, aquarian1, Anonymous, stacey, egavasc), 0 for True Love and blind faith for the win!

Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:

  • Day 5 / Rhyme 1...I've always disliked Vizzini - he was a real meanie.
  • Day 5 / Rhyme 2... He gets caught by a rat and thinks he'll get rabies, but then he becomes an entree for her rat babies.
  • Day 5 / Rhyme 3...HM was RIGHT!!! He didn't trust Mark from the beginning and he was right! … What I want to know is, which Hero can kill during the Night?


Night 5 … posted on 07.05.15 (Sunday) at 8:21pm Central


  • Oinky Boinky Investigated The Crazed Spruce
  • Athena Protects Stacey for Day 6 DL
  • Drogo wins cloak, protects SVNBob and himself
  • Lady Calypso kill order caprice
  • SVNBob (Westley is dead)
  • CuriousParker replaced by Jesse RB’d egavasc


Day 6 … posted on 07.09.15 (Thursday) at 6:35pm Central

Lynch:  The Crazed Spruce (successful)

  • 6 to DL The Crazed Spruce (Oinky Boinky, Drogo, stacey, egavasc, aquarian1, Lady Calypso), 0 to prevail!

Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:

  • None


Night 6 … posted on 07.13.15 (Monday) at 6:57pm Central

Clue: His life flashed before his eyes and above all else, one childhood memory stuck there, dreaming of those bonnie bygone days when he and his grandfather had tracked game through the swamps.

  • Lady Calypso = quote from Lady and the Tramp, a Disney animated film

Night Actions:

  • Oinky Boinky Investigated Jesse
  • Athena Protects OB for Day 7 DL
  • Drogo Protects OB
  • Lady Calypso kill order for OB (not successful)
  • TJtrack99 dies
  • SVNBob (Westley is dead)
  • egavasc kills Tjtrack99
  • CuriousParker replaced by Jesse declines to use power


Day 7 … posted on 07.19.15 (Sunday) at 8:32pm Central

Clue:  A Reversal of Fortune

  • egavasc = Reversal; her username is spelled backwards - csavage

Lynch: egavasc (successful)

  • 5 to DL egavasc (Drogo, stacey, Athena, aquarian1, Jesse), 0 to sail to Guilder.

Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:

  • Day 7 / Rhyme 1...That's bad. First I was mad. But now I'm sad.
  • Day 7 / Rhyme 2...There once a Rodent of Unusual Size … With gingivitis and big beady eyes … He killed my friend … So soon came the end … Of the Rodent of Unusual Size
  • Day 7 / Rhyme 3...I know what SVNBob said about a No-DL being smartest for today... But the odds are shaping up to be 50/50 and I'm ready to play.


Night 7 … posted on 08.05.15 (Wednesday) at 8:50am Central
Clue: Fezzik’s face darkened. Unnoticed by scarface he continued; "A coward, plain as day". "Shelby, cool it" one of his companions

  • Lady Calypso = anagram “Lady Calypso is the albino”

Night Actions:

  • Oinky Boinky Investigated Lady Calypso
  • • Athena Protects SVNBox for Day 8 DL
  • Drogo Protects SVNBob
  • Lady Calypso kill order for OB (successful)
  • SVNBob (Westley is dead)
  • CuriousParker replaced by Jesse forfeited


Day 8 … posted on 08.14.15 (Friday) at 7:28ampm Central

Clue:  None
Lynch: Lady Calypso (successful)
Drogo/Fezzik Rhymes:  None

Night 8 … posted on 08.21.15 (Friday) at 6:52am Central

Clue: None

  • Love 3
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