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Sherlock Mafia

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I would love to try a "fast" game.  As a newbie, I never new online Mafia took so long.  I only ever played Mafia once before in my life, at a party, and we got 3 games done in a couple hours.  I know the logistics of being online and in different time zones, signing on at different times of day, etc were going to take longer I just didn't know how to estimate that.  Now I know. :-)  And I can enjoy the laid back pace.


Anti-coolness confession...  sometimes I don't want to party "all night long".  

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Drogo, that kitten with the lion mane is the cutest thing I've seen today. Rafiki chucking Simba is pretty funny, but my favorite Lion King memories revolve around my then three-year old niece piping, "Can you feel da wuv tonight?"


My anti-cool confession: I'm with aquarian - there are times I simply don't want to party all night long.

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Well... if I got wear pastel separates and dance with Lionel Richie, I might want to party "All Night Long!".  Karamu, fiesta, forever!

Been there, done that, burned the last of the t-shirts.


I have no wish to humiliate all of you by flaunting my astonishing levels of anti-coolness, so I'll abstain from this one.

You are super-cool, Mark! There aren't many of us left who remember the killer stapler... ;)


I don't like any Tim Burton movies (ok... the only one I like is Sleepy Hollow). Also Billy Joel is my favorite musician. 

Billy Joel is AWESOME. I've seen him in concert, twice.


Some of us are actually proving to be pretty cool with our attempts to prove how uncool we are. I mean, I seem to lack the female shopping gene (although I enjoy shopping for lingerie/bras). The thing I dislike most in shopping for is shoes, but the last pair I bought - over-the-knee boots.

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I like most of Tim Burton's stuff. But I really like it when he and Danny Elfman team up.

Batman was the first movie I ever saw twice in the theater. Though not on the same day. To the best of my recollection From Dusk til Dawn, Independence Day and the Matrix are the only movies I have seen more than once on the same day.


Mark I see you and your neckscarf two rows behind Lionel...

I think Mark looks kinda like Bill Laimbeer... Though I don't think that Mark is 6'11"


Oh and something uncool about me, I am really boring in person.

Edited by Hanged Man
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I have some deep personal issues with E.T., so while I acknowledge it's value to society, I'm with @Lisin on not being a fan.


I've now started my December tradition of mainlining Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas movies. I fully acknowledge these movies are fluff, and most are...well pretty bad is a compliment for a few of them. But when we get closer to Christmas, we'll pull out Love, Actually (Mom and I, that is), and now we're actually in discussions with some extended family members to resurrect the Turkey Day Marathon of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Obviously, it won't be on Turkey Day, but given the fact that most of us are sorta kinda grown ups now, with actually responsibilities and commitments, we felt the important thing was that we DO it, whenever we could get together. The fact that it's much more likely to be call the MLKMST3K Day Marathon isn't a problem for us....


ETA: Giving some context to what Turkey Day is, for those unfamiliar. You don't need to watch the whole thing to get the gist...


Edited by stacey
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now we're actually in discussions with some extended family members to resurrect the Turkey Day Marathon of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Obviously, it won't be on Turkey Day, but given the fact that most of us are sorta kinda grown ups now, with actually responsibilities and commitments, we felt the important thing was that we DO it, whenever we could get together. The fact that it's much more likely to be call the MLKMST3K Day Marathon isn't a problem for us....

Were you aware that Joel already revived the Turkey Day Marathon a couple years ago?  He's been hosting livestreaming marathons for the last 3 Novembers.  And this year's was important because it occurred in the middle of the Kickstarter campaign for a revival season of MST3K.


Joel's also doing Double Feature streams this week as part of the final days of the Kickstarter.

Burton's Batman is actually my favourite version. Also, confession: I haven't seen much of The Dark Knight trilogy. I haven't really cared to see it, in all honesty. I've only seen scenes here and there of the second film. Also, my dad used to look like Michael Keaton during his Batman days and my dad was apparently mistaken for him once on vacation with my mom. I watched that film for the first time a few months ago and I can confirm. 


Also, I've been so busy the last couple of weeks because my university semester ends this upcoming Tuesday, so I've had final projects, assignments and essays. 

ET opened the same year I turned 11. I went to two separate ET-themed birthday parties, and got both an ET board game AND a card game for Christmas that year, but I've never once seen the movie. It took years before it came out on video, and I'd felt I'd aged out of it by then. By the time I was ready to watch it, I couldn't find a copy of it anywhere.
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My uncool confession is I love wearing cute animal face slipper socks and reading in bed. Sometimes I go wild and do both together! #livingdangerously


I love doing both things too. I however am no longer allowed to buy cute animal face slipper socks because Murph (my puppy) thinks they're monsters and barks at my feet when I wear them. He's a strange little dog. He is also afraid of anyone carrying anything. And pillows. 

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Heee! HE DOES! I mean, we had to give him some medicine so now he knows what turkey is and man... he doesn't want anyone else to have any. He's so bad. I'm a terrible mother because he's just so freaking cute that I can't help but be charmed by his terrible food stealing behavior. We're lucky he's not actually big enough to reach the table though so he just resorts to head butting your legs and arms trying to make you drop stuff. 


Also Drogo he's the biggest snuggler in the world so he'd be all in for your plan. 

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