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S02.E06: Twenty-Fine

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Dammit, I'm on the Dennis/Davia Train- those two had amazing chemistry last night (and also that episode where the mother was there being a shallow narcissist), and I truly hope they get together.  They seem to get each other. It's nice to have a couple to root for, because Callie and her relationships are making my teeth itch.

I still don't understand why Callie is keeping that ridiculously expensive piece of clothing. Return it already.

I am looking forward to see Confident Hot Raj.  I think he's a great character and I hope he sticks around, even if/when he and Marianna break up.


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Good lord, Joey is humorless. It's really a shame because I liked them a lot last season.

And good lord, Callie is unbearable now. She must be amazing in bed for a rich white dude to burn his party registration for her.

I, too, have boarded the Dennis/Davia train. I love their friendship but they've got a big spark (and thank god he didn't actually sleep with her mother). The song was beautiful (and I love that song to begin with). All the performances (save for Mariana and Callie) were adorable. Malika's little peanut gallery of friends were hilarious.

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"She got in a car with a pimp!"

"...who are you people?"

I really hope that we get random vague snippets of Mariana and Callie referencing the insane shit that went down on The Fosters and everyone else being just baffled. 

Davias mom really is a piece of work, who tries to make people think they had sex when they were black out drunk as a pick up routine? I admit, I am kind of getting on the Davis/Dennis train. They were my favorite act this week, they have ridiculous chemistry, and they just seem to get each other so deeply. I really like them as best friends, but...

I am really glad that we finally got the whole cast in one episode in one plot together, even with a kind of meta "we are all off in our own storylines" comment. No one in this loft just has a movie night or goes out for drinks or a dinner for their birthday, do they? 

I liked all the performances though, they were a ton of fun. Well, except for Marian and Callie, that was just awkward. They should have just been dancing nuns. As for who was the jerk, I think Callie wins jerk-dom for telling everyone, including Raj, about the sex dream, and keeping the fancy clothes even though she is basically broke. Mariana shouldn't have brought up the bar, but Callie was being needlessly mean about the whole thing.

Poor Jamie, I really hope that Callie ends it soon, its not fair for her to string him along when she is clearly not as into him as he is into her. If his belief in small government is a deal breaker for her, even after he dramatically burned his Republican registration, she just needs to stop before this goes any further. She is still clearly making eyes at Gael, and as I said last week, Jamie just isn't enough of a project for her to fix, unless she wants to "fix" his politics or his rich straight white guy-ness. He is a really good guy, he deserves better than to be in love with a woman with one foot out the door even as she thinks about moving in with him. Honestly, what is so great about Callie that makes all these quality dudes want her so badly?

I swear, every scene between Alice and Joey I just wait for Joey to get pissed at Alice for every little thing she does. Maybe talk to Alice about her taking their sex life more seriously right away, and dont just pout and get pissed? That dance really was super hot though, get it Alice! I like Alice a lot, but she has really crappy tastes in partners. First that awful ex who strung her along for ages, and now wet blanket judgmental Joey. 

I am glad that Raj and Mariana made up and that he is going to work on being more confident and less insecure about who else might like Mariana. "No my phone!!!" 

Awww Evan. I can just picture him seeing "DTF" online and frowning at his phone in confusion. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

am really glad that we finally got the whole cast in one episode in one plot together, even with a kind of meta "we are all off in our own storylines" comment. No one in this loft just has a movie night or goes out for drinks or a dinner for their birthday, do they? 

I liked all the performances though, they were a ton of fun. Well, except for Marian and Callie, that was just awkward.

I really liked this episode, one of the reasons being that the cast was altogether at spots and also because it was nice to see them having fun (as 20-somethings often do) rather than exclusively dealing with "serious issues".  It was also  meta that everyone's performances were fun and/or entertaining except Callie and her sister, which was of course Callie's fault (the same could be said for the show writ large).  Also quite enjoyable to see Callie called out on her shit for once, even though I am sure it is fleeting.  Every cast member got a chance to shine; and is in my imagination or is Gael more interesting/fun outside of Callie's orbit? 

2 hours ago, gesundheit said:

I, too, have boarded the Dennis/Davia train. I love their friendship but they've got a big spark (and thank god he didn't actually sleep with her mother). The song was beautiful (and I love that song to begin with).

There was some "Shallow"-level eye fucking going on here for sure (and the actress who plays Davia has a lovely voice).  It was also the first time in a while we've seen Dennis exhibit an emotion other than depression or ennui, e.g., him being rattled that sleeping with Davia's mother might have killed "his chance of...", the looks he shot Davia when Malika's boyfriend was reading his poem etc (btw, Malika's boyfriend is kind of awesome).  

I know it was a cheap laugh, but the DTF? thing with Evan was amusing. 

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2 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

I still don't understand why Callie is keeping that ridiculously expensive piece of clothing

You mean the one that looks exactly like the other not-expensive clothes she used to wear when working with the judge?

I haven't watched the episode yet but I guess the expensive one was a pant suit, like the other(s) she has?

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I just caught up with this show but it is amazing to me how much more interested I am in Gael when he's not in Callie's orbit.  Too bad that seems inevitable.   Jamie deserves better.  And the thing is, it's fine that Callie isn't into him enough, but stop stringing him along.  She really hasn't changed much since her getting in cars with pimps time.  

I like GENUINELY every character more than Callie including Joey and I'm more interested in Mariana than Callie but only marginally.    

And add me to the list of people who doesn't really want to ship Dennis and Davia but there you have it.  

I know watching Callie study isn't particularly riviting television and it keeps her removed from the Coterie which was a HUGE problem with her story last season,, but every time she starts to study she gets distracted and I don't have any confidence that she's done any of the studying and while I don't blame anybody for not passing the bar the first go round plenty of intelligent and successful people didn't, it is past time for her to buckle down.  I just don't know how to show she's done that while making it nteresting...  I'd welcome a couple episode break from Callie but you know they'd never grant us that bit of awesome.

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6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I liked all the performances though, they were a ton of fun. Well, except for Marian and Callie, that was just awkward. They should have just been dancing nuns. As for who was the jerk, I think Callie wins jerk-dom for telling everyone, including Raj, about the sex dream, and keeping the fancy clothes even though she is basically broke. Mariana shouldn't have brought up the bar, but Callie was being needlessly mean about the whole thing.

Poor Jamie, I really hope that Callie ends it soon, its not fair for her to string him along when she is clearly not as into him as he is into her. If his belief in small government is a deal breaker for her, even after he dramatically burned his Republican registration, she just needs to stop before this goes any further. She is still clearly making eyes at Gael, and as I said last week, Jamie just isn't enough of a project for her to fix, unless she wants to "fix" his politics or his rich straight white guy-ness. He is a really good guy, he deserves better than to be in love with a woman with one foot out the door even as she thinks about moving in with him. Honestly, what is so great about Callie that makes all these quality dudes want her so badly?

I really want to like Callie and she makes it so hard. I am liberal too, but I thought she was being super obnoxious to Jamie about being a Republican. She said herself he has progressive stance on things, so who cares what party he identifies with? I do think you need to share similar values with a romantic partner (or will end up fighting all the time), but you don't need to think the same on every view.

And I agree, Callie was a bigger jerk by far. She risked Mariana's relationship, whereas Mariana just mentioned that she failed the bar. Didn't most people already know, considering her latest job? $1500 is ridiculously expensive for a suit when you have no job, Mariana had a right to be annoyed.

I can kind of forgive her shooting down Mariana's ideas for the performance though, because it is super annoying to be asked to do that, by someone who almost got you fired. 

Evan must be pretty smart to own his own company and be successful. He didn't think of Googling "DTF"? It was funny, but totally inappropriate for a guy to text that to an employee, regardless of context.

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4 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

but totally inappropriate for a guy to text that to an employee, regardless of context.

But he doesn't know what it means so he doesn't know it isn't appropriate.   But, yeah, he should know that Google is our friend.   

My brother was on the spectrum and his dating life was before google so he'd ask me things like this. He knew I wouldn't lie to him, ever and I think he had been burned by people lying to him for their own amusement in the past so while I laughed at the text I immediately assumed the correct nature of it... and totally forgot about google.   But, yeah, google.   


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9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I really want to like Callie and she makes it so hard. I am liberal too, but I thought she was being super obnoxious to Jamie about being a Republican. She said herself he has progressive stance on things, so who cares what party he identifies with? I do think you need to share similar values with a romantic partner (or will end up fighting all the time), but you don't need to think the same on every view.

The thing with Callie is that she has the need to make people agree with her, change their views and say she is right. That's the only way it works for her. I know people who are republicans but haven't voted for the party in years - why they remain affiliated is a conundrum to me - so the writing was poor in this regard. Saying that he has progressive views is not really much but then again, it would require a long episode to unravel that. I still think the writing was a little too black and white, and made Callie look even worse.

I am still not on board with Davia and Dennis but I liked their scenes. I hated Joey. They are making them look like an arrogant ass. Alice is incredibly nice and she is really trying to respect Joey, where they are at the moment - searching, transitioning - whatever they need but Joey is acting like Alice needs to read their mind and feelings. It was extremely selfish of them, the way they assumed Alice was making fun. It is the me me me attitude. Alice, on the other hand, was amazing.

Since the beginning of this show I have said that Callie seems too detached from the other residents in the Coterie. I still think this is the case. I don't know if it is the acting but she continues to be the weakest link in the show, imo. Other characters have interesting stories, they have real development. Callie has been running in circles and her relationships feel shallow. Even with Gael, it is all the sex and nothing else. I think their scenes lack sensuality, whatever they are trying to do is not working.

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I think the reason I am dreading the (probably inevitable) Jamie/Callie breakup most is, I like Jamie a lot and I don't think he's going to be on the show anymore if they break up. With Gael, he lives with them. With Raj (if they ever break up) he works with Marianna.  But with Jamie, he doesn't have any story beyond Callie. I'll miss him. 

Totally 100% on the Dennis and Davis ship. Love them. 

Ok so, educate me please. Joey changing their pronouns and identifying as non-binary, is she still identifying as a lesbian? I mean, lesbians are women that are attracted to women. Right? And Alice being a lesbian... Does she even want to be with Joey now that Joey does not identify as a woman? The show is obviously writing it as Alice still being attracted to Joey but then, would that make Alice something other than a lesbian? Pansexual maybe? Although it's never been written that she's been attracted to men.  Sorry I hope I don't offend anyone with these questions. I'm just confused on it all. Again, please educate me!!

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2 minutes ago, Samwise979 said:

Ok so, educate me please. Joey changing their pronouns and identifying as non-binary, is she still identifying as a lesbian? I mean, lesbians are women that are attracted to women. Right? And Alice being a lesbian... Does she even want to be with Joey now that Joey does not identify as a woman? The show is obviously writing it as Alice still being attracted to Joey but then, would that make Alice something other than a lesbian? Pansexual maybe? Although it's never been written that she's been attracted to men.  Sorry I hope I don't offend anyone with these questions. I'm just confused on it all. Again, please educate me!!

I know a couple who are non-binary, one of them is transitioning. They both identify as non-binary and queer. I don't think there is a rule, it is an individual thing, how each person feels they really are will be how they will identify.  

13 hours ago, alexvillage said:

The thing with Callie is that she has the need to make people agree with her, change their views and say she is right. That's the only way it works for her. I know people who are republicans but haven't voted for the party in years - why they remain affiliated is a conundrum to me - so the writing was poor in this regard.

I'm guessing most people are just to lazy to change their affiliation. But I also know that in some states you have to be registered as either Democrat or Republican to vote in the primaries. And maybe for some people don't really identify with one party, but just picked it because they felt it was the lesser of two evils.

2 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

Ok so, educate me please. Joey changing their pronouns and identifying as non-binary, is she still identifying as a lesbian? I mean, lesbians are women that are attracted to women. Right? And Alice being a lesbian... Does she even want to be with Joey now that Joey does not identify as a woman? The show is obviously writing it as Alice still being attracted to Joey but then, would that make Alice something other than a lesbian? Pansexual maybe? Although it's never been written that she's been attracted to men.  Sorry I hope I don't offend anyone with these questions. I'm just confused on it all. Again, please educate me!!

I think that would be an interesting story. I actually thought Alice has been showing some hesitation with Joey transitioning, but maybe it's more because she's awkward in general, than feeling less attracted?

18 hours ago, bybrandy said:

But he doesn't know what it means so he doesn't know it isn't appropriate.   But, yeah, he should know that Google is our friend.   

That's why he should Google....if you don't know what it means, it has a chance of being inappropriate. 

3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

That's why he should Google....if you don't know what it means, it has a chance of being inappropriate. 

I genuinely don't think it would ever occur to my brother that something sent him by a woman from an app (or whatever) would be inappropriate.  I mean I absolutely agree he should have googled it... But I really don't think he would have assumed that something texted to him by a stranger was inappropriate because he would never text something inappropriate to a stranger.


My issue with Joey is that they seem to have a problem with Alice not being 100% comfortable with who she is.  But they since they've been dating Alice have hanged pronouns and began binding.  They are still working out how to best feel comfortable in their own skin.  They should let Alice do the same without judging.   

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I thought I was annoyed by Gael's hair being in his face all the time until the new haircut, which makes him look like a 12 year old. I would have gone all the way short or keep it.

Also, Callie is so freaking condescending. Good god how dare someone be a Republican. And also so judgmental of the women at that party. If they want to be stay at home moms and renovate their house then good for them. But she was looking down her nose. 

I would really love to see Jamie befriend someone from the Coterie, just so when him and Callie inevitably break up, he doesn't disappear from the show forever. Because, at this point, it's ridiculous to see Callie stick with Jamie when she keeps looking for excuses to be mad at him. Callie can disagree with Jamie's political views, but she intentionally is holding it against him, which is unfair. She knows who Jamie is. Who he's registered for politically shouldn't change that. It's not surprising of Callie; it's just annoying, at this point.

It's very similar to Joey/Alice. Sure, both couples have some happy moments, but we keep seeing them miserable together instead.

Man, Joey really is depressing. I can't wait for Joey/Alice to break up.

Davia/Dennis work so, so well. There are some good couples (Malika and her bf, Mariana/Raj) and then some irritating couples (Alice/Joey, Callie/anyone) so me not hating Davia/Dennis gives it a one up.

Mariana and Callie's fight was well done. I'm on Mariana's side. Callie is acting like such an entitled hypocritical asshole.

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