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S12.E07: Sabotage

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Some nice tattoos in the face-off challenge and the masks didn't suck. My needs are few, show.

The outcry continues about Ash staying, but her mask was better than Tito's to me and more importantly, a man was due to leave.

Nunez emphased "traditional" Japanese a couple of times, yet some artists figured they should change colors and add fangs ... smh.

Can anyone point me to an image of a good hannya tattoo? I'm not sure what Nunez was expecting to see. The editors could have thrown us a bone there.

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Great tattoos this week. 

The concept of the initial challenge was a bit screwy. Getting to choose the subject and style is a massive advantage compared to choosing your opponent. Not a coincidence that only 1 out of 6 "choose your opponent" contestants won their face-off. 

Mentioned this last week: Laura Marie is getting an impressive edit recently. Several mentions of how good she is and how she's one of the best in the competition. I expect her and Dani to finally rip off a few TotD over the next couple weeks. 

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Really loving Dani, Laura and Holly this season.Hope Laura takes the title. Also really like how smooth Cam's work is, I just haven't been creatively blown away yet. Same deal with Faun. 

In regards to the elimination I completely agree with this weeks choice. My least favourite masks were Jason's (Those horns) and Tito's. I see all the troubles Ash had especially with the patchy grey but I liked the overall look and design of her tattoo and it was refreshing to see something different.

A lot of people saying she doesn't deserve to be here and should have gone home before but I really think she stepped up her game. I don't think she'll last too much longer but I really like her and enjoy watching her on the show. There's something very endearing about her. 

Really disliking Jason's attitude. Intentionally screwing over someone mid tattoo when it's being put on someone forever and then laughing over it. Not cool. I would expect someone who proclaims himself as such a great artist to have more respect in the field.

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After last week's mess, it was great to see so many good tattoos.  The whole pick your competition versus pick the style was silly.  Of course the chance to pick style and subject is more important.  Who wouldn't want to be able to pick the style and subject they are most competent doing?  

As always, Dave is consistently the voice of reason on this show.  I do miss having other tattooists as judges to provide another voice.  

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On 7/24/2019 at 1:17 AM, 2727 said:

Some nice tattoos in the face-off challenge and the masks didn't suck. My needs are few, show.

The outcry continues about Ash staying, but her mask was better than Tito's to me and more importantly, a man was due to leave.

Yeah, Ash annoys me but she deserved to stay this week. Tito was circling the drain anyway.

And look at what happens when gimmicks are limited and you just have tattooers face off against each other - you get good tattoos! Shocking!

I did find myself wondering if there was blind judging how the faceoff between Fon and Janelle would've gone. Not that Fon's tattoo was bad by any means, but based on how Ollie and Nunez automatically assumed the best tattoos were Fon's during blind judging, I wonder how much of an edge they're giving him in judging just because they like him.

Jake is a dick. Don't shit talk the design in front of the canvas; I can't believe he was trying to defend that stance. 

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Agree with everything already said.

Thought it was interesting that they showed us the little "between commercials" outtake of Laura and Cam talking about how the battle of the sexes was just fake bullshit and they really aren't into any of it and wish it was over. The strong implication being that they are made to partake of this drama for the production. 

I mean, we already know this, of course, but the show likes to pretend it's real, so I wondered why they showed us that. And of course ten minutes later is a forced scene of Laura talking about their big opportunity to take out one of the men. 

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How they are portraying Cam is really reminding me of how...Josh(? I think that was his name) from a few seasons ago was portrayed. The one from the seasons where they had 3 returning coaches who was on DJ's team and won. The party line and all the editing made him look like an ass, but then when he was actually interacting with his teammates, he was a good guy and a good teammate. I think Cam is probably the same way - knows he was cast to be a cocky jerk, so he just is playing the part.

I did think it was interesting Cam considered his style to be the same as Jason and Laura's. I haven't really thought of him as a new school guy.

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Agree with everything already said.

Thought it was interesting that they showed us the little "between commercials" outtake of Laura and Cam talking about how the battle of the sexes was just fake bullshit and they really aren't into any of it and wish it was over. The strong implication being that they are made to partake of this drama for the production. 

I mean, we already know this, of course, but the show likes to pretend it's real, so I wondered why they showed us that. And of course ten minutes later is a forced scene of Laura talking about their big opportunity to take out one of the men. 

I see what they are saying, but in fact the teams are real in some ways - in the flash challenges you get skull pick by your team winning or losing. The team who gets TOTD gets to send someone down for elimination. These things do have an impact on the game. I'm not saying the drama isn't forced between the two teams, but the teams are not just in their heads, or "alliances" between some people. 

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On 7/24/2019 at 2:53 AM, Kelda Feegle said:

I'd rather wear Ash's than Tito's, the horns on Creepy Jason's would drive me insane- one in and one out seems like a mistake of epic proportions.

I know, right? They really glossed over those horns. It was like two left feet.

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A couple of the winners seems off to me (Janelle and, to a lesser extent, Ash), but then when I noticed that the six standing on the runners for the elimination tattoo were three men and three women, it all made sense.

Cam's win wasn't a WTF like Fon's was, but he called the shot and then didn't follow through.  Yes, his rose was better, but not by that much and certainly not enough to allow to not do a mandala so much as a frame for the rose.  He said a mandala with a rose, which made it sound like the mandala was the main part of the subject, like how Janelle's main subject was a dog with roses.

I don't particularly like Ash and I do like Cam, but nothing bugs me more than cheating the subject (especially when it was his choice!).  It bring back bad memories of Krusemann, who might be my least favorite inktestant ever.

Edited by Sile
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I just wanted Ash to go home because she is such a wreck emotionally it pains me to see her go through this. I said out loud "Oh, just let her go home already!" Not that she's bad but she's a tough to watch ball of nerves.

And, that said, I agree Tito lost.

Oy those horns on Jason's! That horn on the right side came from nowhere and also came out at a weird angle as well. He's also the king of dickheads for talking shit about his opponent's work and making "suggestions" that would intentionally make her tattoo worse. "Lies are my humor" is no way to live your life. I'd suggest Jackhole Jason instead of "Creepy"

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Jason lost me as a fan by intentionally misleading people for “humor” purposes although he wasn’t necessarily giving advice to make the tattoo look bad, he was giving advice that changed the style of the tattoo so it wouldn’t meet challenge parameters. Still a hugely dick move but it’s not quite as bad as telling someone to draw a backwards hand on something. 

I was also really unimpressed with Jake obviously talking shit in front of a canvas and then trying to say he wasn’t. “I didn’t say it was bad.” Stop splitting hairs over your exact wording when you know full goddamn well that what you were doing wasn’t cool. Say “yeah, I agree it wasn’t cool and I won’t do it again” like a mature individual instead of throwing a tantrum and stomping off. “I did a tattoo so I would be safe.” Only because your bearwolf tat was slightly better than Tito’s. 

Also, weren’t the judges just telling Cam to draw a front view wolf a few episodes ago? Now a front view wolf is a bad idea? 

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