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S01.E04: Mad as a Hatter


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OK, so I finally got around to watching the episode. 


Everyone is ridiculous (Annabelle, Caroline, Caprice) pretending that Juliet just went off on Annabelle for no reason and that Annabelle wasn't acting rude and dismissive and awful. It wasn't like she made an excuse about the underwear to explain herself and then politely tried to excuse herself. Rewrite history much? It's possible Juliet might still have been offended if Annabelle had said, this kind of craziness is not my scene anymore (because it didn't seem that crazy) but she made no attempt to be polite and now she's criticizing Juliet simply because she baited Juliet into being loud and brash and "American." Just because you don't raise your voice, it doesn't mean you're still not being an asshole. Why does Juliet need to feel "guilty" about everything?


Juliet's kids are adorable.


I didn't mind the hats. A big part of the reason I watch these shows is to see things I wouldn't normally encounter... fashion, grand estates, beautifully prepared food, adorable small children and dogs. What? Do these women think I want to just look at their faces every episode?


Ah! Why did Annabelle rub her wrists together after spritzing on some perfume? I was taught to never do that. I didn't get to see much of the fashion show as they really sped through it but I did like one or two of the pieces. I wish we'd see more of the beauty (nail polish, hair, makeup) because it looked interesting.


I did like Caroline's point that you shouldn't get involved in someone else's fight, especially if you don't know the details. I detest the show "What Would You Do?"


I'm not sure how to feel about the baby shower thing. On the one hand, it's Caprice's baby shower. She should be able to make whatever decision she wants to make. If she wants to have it in a restaurant, then Caroline isn't obligated to cover the expenses and host it but Caprice should be allowed to do whatever makes her comfortable. Caroline's argument that she only lives 40 minutes outside of London doesn't work for me because, hey, there are some people who don't want to bother with a 40 minute drive to go to an event. It doesn't make them terrible people that you don't want to have at your event. 


OMG -  I hate that show too!  I hate the idea that there is a show that encourages people to meddle in business that is not their own.  Thats how people get shot and/or stabbed.


Why shouldn't you rub your wrists together, I do that too, so I'm wondering why I shouldn't...

OMG -  I hate that show too!  I hate the idea that there is a show that encourages people to meddle in business that is not their own.  Thats how people get shot and/or stabbed.


Why shouldn't you rub your wrists together, I do that too, so I'm wondering why I shouldn't...

Thank you.  This.  For the love of God and all that is holy I thought I was the only one who HATED the show "What would you do?"  That is the dumbest show and the premise is just stupid.  Hope I don't get dinged for being off-topic but I just had to say that.

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I'd love to see this  Vogue cover Caprice  says she did.  What edition?  What month's issue?  Her resume is a horrifying study in talentless desperate jiggling and performing 'air blow jobs' for the cameras.  Just like Kim Kardashian.


I have never been to a baby shower in my life.  And I know it has different cultural aspects even in different regions in the U.S.   But Caprice was acting like she got to make all the decisions once she agreed Caroline could throw one for her.  Granted it is show contrivance.  But who is such an ego bloated cow who thinks she can dictate exactly how someone throws a shower?



Caroline didn't suddenly move.   Her house is exactly where it was when the offer was made.


I do get that the guest of honor should be held in greatest consideration when planning.  But I find it rude beyond compare to even think, be it contrived reality tv, to assert yourself like a turd that won't completely pass the way Caprice did.


I wish even if just for show drama, Caroline simply said plans were already in the works, listed whoever Caroline is friends with that Caprice would forego her morning injections to rub shoulders with as on the guest list, make sure the show is filming and sit back and watch that fame addict crawl to her house in forty minutes or less.



And what is with the home maternity wear that makes her look like she is trying to smuggle a pregnant Kim Kardashian I.to the movie with her and yet her belly at its supposed 7 months is smaller than Scott's.


Who should stop thinking black is slimming.  He looks like a Weeble with AIDS.

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I have never been to a baby shower in my life.  And I know it has different cultural aspects even in different regions in the U.S.   But Caprice was acting like she got to make all the decisions once she agreed Caroline could throw one for her.  Granted it is show contrivance.  But who is such an ego bloated cow who thinks she can dictate exactly how someone throws a shower?

Caroline didn't suddenly move.   Her house is exactly where it was when the offer was made.


Exactly. That's why I had to wonder if it had anything to do with the recent dust-up between Juliet and Annabelle and Caroline refusing to get in the middle? Because, ostensibly, Caroline had offered to host this shower awhile ago, and it's just NOW that Caprice is balking at the location. Caroline mentioned something about having stuff at her house, so it seems she has already been planning and preparing and to suggest relocating at that stage is just rude, IMO. 

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Caprice is ridiculous.  I've driven 30-40 minutes away for a baby shower.  I've also driven 3-4 hours.  Your family and friends will make the drive.  They aren't coming because people just love baby showers so much - - they are coming for YOU, to celebrate with you.  If people aren't going to attend because the party isn't in the city, they aren't really your friends.  Just saying, Caprice.

Caprice doesn't care about any of that. All she cares about is if the paps show up. & they won't at Caroline's house.

That was the impression I got. That she had tried to sell the paps on crashing the baby shower and no one was interested in trecking out to the suburbs to get photos of a D-list baby shower.

That or she has some sort of elaborate scheme to rekindle the feud between Annabel and Juliet so she can pretend to be Annabel's BFF again (seriously I doubt Annabel even knows her last name or cares to), but she's pretty sure whatever her dastardly plan is Caroline will have none of it.


I hadn't seen this show until today (watched the 4th of July party and hat party episodes) and have to agree with whoever said they like Marissa and Caroline and tolerate Juliet because she annoys Caprice and Annabelle.  


Also, every event they've gone to where there has been hat drama, it seems like everyone else in the crowd is wearing hats.  I decided last night that it's just a function of Caroline and Annabelle, and I guess maybe Caprice too in her Madonna faux Brit way, being the above it all Brits who can't be bothered to be into anything that the Americans get excited about.  Because we don't get excited about anything, darling.


And, don't forget, unlike the British, Americans don't have any traditions. 


Seems to me that these ladies have extremely haughty attitudes to go along with their stiff upper lips - not very attractive traits.


Juliet's kids are so cute.  I'm in love with little Georgina.  

Edited by parisprincess
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This episode was Noelle's "I love Scott even though I have to wait for his billions."  Her talking about the "side" to Scott no one ever sees and then her attempts to show her intimacy with him were laughable.  Meanwhile, how much plastic surgery has she had?  Her eyebrows are up to her hairline.  I bet she is much older than she admits to.


The muse of McQueen also looks like a plastic granny.  She's just irritating.  Nothing spectacular about her.  


The muse of McQueen also looks like a plastic granny.  She's just irritating.  Nothing spectacular about her.   



I saw a bit of the re-airing of the polo match episode.  Natural light is not the friend of any but Marissa and Juliet (Juliet actually has a no e complexion in natural light) .  But poor Annabelle's face looks like a plate of cottage cheese with a layer of Bare Minerals dusted on it.

Edited by heebiejeebie

All through this episode, and the last party-gate episode I have wanted to scream at Caprice. You are trying too hard, sweetheart. You are not, and will never be an English woman. You will always be an American living elsewhere. Besides that, the British 'way' isn't necessarily the 'best' and/or 'only' way you moron. You try hard snob. Plus, your friendship with Annabel seems one sided. Haven't heard your name uttered from Annabel's lips' yet.

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