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Regina, the Evil Queen: The Only Happy Ending Will Be Hers

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This is yet another case of them going for a big! shocking! surprise! moment at the expense of story logic. Aside from the burning at the stake, when she thought for a while that she'd killed Snow and was happy about it and the heart crushing, when she thought for a moment that she was killing Snow and was happy about it, you could believe the idea that all her crazy revenge schemes were because she didn't actually really want to kill Snow, deep down inside. But they needed Emma to believe her mother had died to come to her "there's no place like home" realization, so they gave up on character logic. Plus, they also love themselves some crazy Evil Queen and don't seem to think about how that portrayal affects the way she's seen in the present. If she'd just been what we saw in season one, her redemption would have made more sense. Once we get into village slaughtering and random innocents murdered because she's having a bad day, then it's not just about her reconciling with Snow. She has a broader societal wrong going on.

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If she'd just been what we saw in season one, her redemption would have made more sense. Once we get into village slaughtering and random innocents murdered because she's having a bad day, then it's not just about her reconciling with Snow. She has a broader societal wrong going on.


I could not agree more with this! Early Regina, and I have a hard time letting go of this characterization of her because Lana sold it so well, was more focused on causing Snow the same pain she felt at losing Daniel. She had a very skewed idea that Snow was responsible, I think it was more that she couldn't really admit to herself what a monster her own mother was and had to focus her anger on a much easier target. But she was redeemable because it made sense and she did seem to kind of go out of her way to find reasons not to actually kill Snow.


Then for a while the show just went full out with her, making her irredeemably evil, slaughtering entire villages, "killing" Snow. And then they went full on redemption. I just wish they had skipped the middle part. She could still be evil. Have her burn crops to try to starve the villages rather than just outright killing them. Have her locking up anyone who helped Snow rather than outright killing them.


But this is an issue with the show in general. Anyone who is not a main cast member is not really treated as a person. Villagers aren't people, they are set decorations that our Hero/villains can burn like ants under a magnifying glass. People who aren't given families/last names/more than a few lines of dialog, are basically cannon fodder. Not to be thought of after they die. I have learned to work within this show logic which is how I can separate Regina's level of evil, she is more of a cannon fodder killer, from Rumple's level of evil, he's a guest star type killer. We aren't supposed to see Regina's cannon fodder murders as bad because, well, those were just extras. No one is supposed to care about the extras. (keep in mind, I don't remember the exact body counts of either Regina or Rumple because, again, gave up trying to use real world moral standards on these characters since it just doesn't apply, so she may have killed more name brand characters than I remember (I really only remember Graham at the moment) it's just the impression I am left with.

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If she'd just been what we saw in season one, her redemption would have made more sense. Once we get into village slaughtering and random innocents murdered because she's having a bad day, then it's not just about her reconciling with Snow. She has a broader societal wrong going on.


I could not agree more with this! Early Regina, and I have a hard time letting go of this characterization of her because Lana sold it so well, was more focused on causing Snow the same pain she felt at losing Daniel. She had a very skewed idea that Snow was responsible, I think it was more that she couldn't really admit to herself what a monster her own mother was and had to focus her anger on a much easier target. But she was redeemable because it made sense and she did seem to kind of go out of her way to find reasons not to actually kill Snow.


Regina is more human in S1. (Even for being a cold-blooded, psychotic murderer.) In the flashbacks, you had Cora and Rumple pulling the puppet strings. You also saw more of her thought patterns and why she went crazy. The depression signs were more obvious and her bad deeds were actually contemplated. She didn't go around killing jesters for comic relief. From episodes like 1x02 or 1x18, you could tell she was a hurting person who felt rejected. So, while still a devious villain, her centrics were about expanding her character and giving new information.


It's Mayor Mills that truly compliments her past. She was forced to act like a semi-normal person. While she abused Henry, I think she still valued him to some degree. Her fear of having him being taken away by Emma was understandable. (Not so much the lengths she took to sate it.) The insights into her psyche actually don't stop in the present. That nightmare scene from 1x21 said a lot. But, even with scenes like that, it was never overbearing. She was able to remain evil without sacrificing her three-dimensional qualities. Dare I say at some points I found her even relatable at some level.


2A carries these themes and brings them higher. But then 2B happened, and Regina was assigned to mustache twirling for a long, long time...

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I'm calling even more bullshit on Regina never having taken a single dance lesson in her life after watching Sisters. There's no plausible way that Regina—who lived in a huge mansion and played dress-up in regal gowns and wore tiaras and feather boas and put on makeup for fun—would go several decades without someone in her high-class family teaching her how to dance. It's asinine. If Killian learned how to dance in his few years of being in the Navy after living his entire childhood on a boat filled with slimy, dirty men, then Regina should have had plenty of opportunities thrust upon her by her mother to learn how to dance.

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The dose of Lethe probably wiped her memory of dancing lessons. Cora was afraid to make her take the lessons again becasue she was worried people would wonder why Regina has seemingly forgotten how to dance, leading to Regina finding out about the memory wipe. 


There--I fanwanked it! :-p

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Interesting that Henry, Cora and Regina's living situation was much better here than in "The Stable Boy" (which wasn't bad by any means, just not as extravagant), so I take it that King Xavier was still in power at this point. I still wonder how he got ousted, his kingdom fell, and Henry, Cora and Regina downgraded as a result.  I'd like to see that flashback.  Plus, King Xavier was awesome, the actor did a great job making him detestable and skin-crawlingly creepy.

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Were we specifically told that Xavier's family lost power? Because it could simply be a case of Henry being a second or third son, which would make him a prince, but never King, and which house they were at during each episode. A country estate used for riding and hunting would not be as lavish as the main palace--particularly if owned by a nonheir son.

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Regina was even pretend dancing with her doll at the beginning of the episode. Are we supposed to infer that dancing was a lifelong dream of hers and she never got to live it until Camelot? Because that doesn't make me feel bad for Regina, it makes me think, "Well, why didn't you get dancing lessons, Queenie, instead of wasting all your time fantasizing about killing Snow White?" If she couldn't do it at home, she certainly had enough power, money, and the time between Snow turning from Bailee Madison to Ginnifer Goodwin to get it done.

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I saw a fan theory (you guys have prob already discussed it) that in S6 Regina will once again be the Evil Queen, and after this episode I think it could happen.        In S5 Regina is fully on team heroes  and dare I say it she's a bit boring now - in all her chats with Zelena Regina is sounding more and more like Snow and the show doesn't need it's 3 main characters (Snow, Emma & Regina) all giving the same hero speeches.  They'll never make Snow or Emma evil, as they showed with Dark Swan - the worst thing she did was break up Violet and Henry, but we already know Regina has done a lot of dark things, so it wouldn't be a total shock to see her do it again.  


Don't get me wrong I am not a Regina fan, in fact I've only really started to like her in S5, but she's become so good now I don't know where else they can take her.  Either way I think they'll need to shake up Regina's character again in S6 or she's in danger of becoming a very boring character (ala Snow White).

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in all her chats with Zelena Regina is sounding more and more like Snow and the show doesn't need it's 3 main characters (Snow, Emma & Regina) all giving the same hero speeches.  

It has to do with subpar hero writing imo. The writers don't know how to make the heroes dynamic or unique. Pep talks and hope speeches are all they're really given to do. (Besides Captain Swan drama, of course.) To A&E at the end of the day, being good is just telling bad people they're wrong and that they need to have hope. If Regina reverts, you can bet your bottom dollar that Zelena will *ironically* try to help her stay in the light. (Shocking twist! Nuance! Never been done before!)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Were we specifically told that Xavier's family lost power? Because it could simply be a case of Henry being a second or third son, which would make him a prince, but never King, and which house they were at during each episode. A country estate used for riding and hunting would not be as lavish as the main palace--particularly if owned by a nonheir son.


Their clothes weren't as fancy-looking in "The Stable Boy" and Cora said to Regina "The deals I had to make to get us out of poverty, to get us this life", which makes it sound like their fortune took a big downturn, left them in poverty, and Cora had to work had to get them the position and home they were in now.  The only way I can gather that happening is if Xavier's kingdom fell and all in his family, even a nonheir son like Henry, lost everything by extension.

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Cora does use the plural us, but she seemed to see Regina as an extension of herself--it could easily have been a referral to her own mill/tavern girl days.  As for fancy clothes?  Fashions change, or if they were in the country estate, you would dress down a little,


Or, if she was talking about actual time--maybe, if Henry is a second son, they were cast out or given really tiny allowances by Xavier's successor.

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Regina's plan to allow Zelena the chance to redeem Hades completely backfired and shows a real lack of foresight.


Regina: Trust me. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it's what's best for your daughter.

Why is Regina making all the decisions for Pistachio? If Regina honestly thought that was the best plan for Robin's daughter, then everyone needs to stop listening to Regina's intuition. It's usually wrong.

Also, I totally misheard this line reading when I first watched the episode:


Blind Witch: Consider it payback, Regina! For tricking those children into burning me in my own oven.

I thought the Blind Witch said, "For tricking those children into burning in my own oven." I thought finally they address it! At first I thought it was only a slight whitewash where the writers wanted to make it seem like it wasn't really Regina's fault this happened...


Evil Queen: You aren’t the first boy or girl that I’ve sent into that sticky sweet house. But, you are the first to emerge.

...because the Blind Witch was still the one to ultimately put the kids in her oven. But now I realize it was just a full whitewash.

Edited by Curio
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I thought the Blind Witch said, "For tricking those children into burning in my own oven." I thought finally they address it! At first I thought it was only a slight whitewash where the writers wanted to make it seem like it wasn't really Regina's fault this happened...

Well, to be fair, I don't think the Blind Witch gives a flying fig about Regina sending her free food. There's really no reason why she'd mention she sent those children to their deaths. She'd be more angry that Regina sent children and a fireball to roast her alive. 

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Well, sure, it makes more sense the way it was actually said. But the sentence still technically works even without the word "me" in there. Though I should have known the REC would punish Regina for burning the evil Blind Witch and not for sending the children.

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Elitist, much?


Was it originally planned for Regina to face more of her victims in the Underworld?

KITSIS: No. For us, we liked the idea that she had to get closure with her family. We loved having the victims that were there go up. A bunch of villagers we’ve never met before we didn’t think was as interesting as putting her in an arc with her sister, mom, and dad.

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I understand that Regina's family might be more interesting than nameless peasants. But the show built up we would be dealing with her victims, and we didn't. We dealt with victims (or self-proclaimed ones) of other characters. Regina just swooped in to save the day like she didn't have anything to do with anyone's suffering but her father's.

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Wow, I can't believe Eddy actually said in words he couldn't care less about the villagers.  I mean, if he didn't care about the villagers, what about Leopold?  Or Eva?  It's not "interesting" for them, or Snow, who had both her parents murdered, to get closure?   It wouldn't have been interesting for Charming and his brother and drunk father to get closure?

If they wanted to give Regina character growth, making amends to victims would be a hell of a lot interesting than insta-sisterhood with Zelena or insta-forgiveness for Cora.

Edited by Camera One
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And, I guess, what's interesting varies.   I don't see the great fascination in seeing Regina's family issues.  Very little of it was actually new ground for Regina.  Having to actually deal with some of the evil she wrought would have been actual, new things for Regina to do, and for us to watch.

But, why watch a new scenario, when we can watch Regina feel victimized by her mother, again, or have a family member apologize, again?

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Basically, "Sisters" was trying to show how Regina and Zelena were both so damaged, and scarred, and that's why they turned out the way they did.  Regina used to be such an innocent, friendly, open person.  Meanwhile, Snow and Eva started off as bratty snobs.  

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3 hours ago, Mari said:

And, I guess, what's interesting varies. I don't see the great fascination in seeing Regina's family issues.

I'm in the same boat. The 100th episode bored me to tears because I'm just not interested at all in the Mills family drama. Cora was never one of my favorite villains, Henry Sr. is just kind of there, and we've already seen that drama in numerous episodes. Why not have Regina meet Percival or Graham in The Underworld and be faced with some real character growth? Is it a case where that's treading too close to official hero status, and Adam & Eddy want to still keep her closer to the villain's side? Or do they think that Regina is redeemed enough where facing her victims isn't needed? Or does it just straight up bore them and they don't even think about how these things play out on screen?

Edited by Curio
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I actually enjoyed the 100th episode, and I liked that they explored a "kinda there" character like Henry Sr. vs. Cora Redux.  But the rest of the arc should have been Regina facing her victims.  However, Eddy's quote clearly shows they don't feel Regina needs any more redeeming, and to hell with the villager victims, literally.  They clearly think Regina becoming besties with her sister was much more important to her character "development".

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3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Percival wasn't some faceless villager.

Yeah, he could have served as the poster boy for all the other faceless villagers. Or they could have created a poster child in the flashbacks for Regina to encounter in the present (like that Black Tooth guy, only one of the truly innocent victims). Heck, in the flashbacks for that episode they showed other victims, like the jester, that Regina didn't encounter in the Underworld. What it comes down to is that they weren't interested in having Regina face the consequences of her own behavior. They were only interested in having her excused and blessed. Emma got more grief from the person she killed in defense of her son than Regina got for all her mass murder.

And just when I was starting to actually kind of like Regina, they manage to make me hate her again in one interview.

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What about that groom she killed because she was having a bad day?  I don't understand how the writers can be so clueless.  And this is supposedly their favorite character to write for.

It's not close in terms of quantity, but while Zelena started off with good redemption, they had her kill the Munchkin and decapitate the Guard a few episodes ago, and we're not supposed to care about them either.  Since clearly, killing Marian and raping Robin aren't good reasons for Robin refusing to hand over the baby.

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I totally understand people who love Robin/Regina/Sean/outlaw queen being upset and angry that he died. And they are right that the writing was poor for his death and leading up to death and the lack of screen time was a mistake if they were going to kill him off. What I don't understand is the argument that it isn't fair to Regina. She was/is the evil queen, she has killed hundreds of people and purposely created chaos and destruction in thousands of lives. Even if she had a perfect redemption arc, that wouldn't mean she deserves a happy ending.  

I get that people who love her won't enjoy watching her suffer, but why does anyone think she deserves an easy life or a traditional happy ending? It makes sense that such a destructive character (changed or not) will face loss and struggle. That's how it should be. 

And I think it's almost guaranteed that she will end the series in a good place, possibly with a new love interest, definitely with the the love and continued support of her former victims. So either way she's getting off easy karma wise. Look at all the tragic endings for characters that were truly good. Why does she "deserve" more than them? 

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Because the writers keep insisting at every turn that Regina had suffered the "most". I'm getting tired of Regina's woman-pain being the crux of yet another arc. I hope it isn't.

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2 hours ago, janett snakehole said:

I totally understand people who love Robin/Regina/Sean/outlaw queen being upset and angry that he died. And they are right that the writing was poor for his death and leading up to death and the lack of screen time was a mistake if they were going to kill him off. What I don't understand is the argument that it isn't fair to Regina. She was/is the evil queen, she has killed hundreds of people and purposely created chaos and destruction in thousands of lives. Even if she had a perfect redemption arc, that wouldn't mean she deserves a happy ending.  

I get that people who love her won't enjoy watching her suffer, but why does anyone think she deserves an easy life or a traditional happy ending? It makes sense that such a destructive character (changed or not) will face loss and struggle. That's how it should be. 

And I think it's almost guaranteed that she will end the series in a good place, possibly with a new love interest, definitely with the the love and continued support of her former victims. So either way she's getting off easy karma wise. Look at all the tragic endings for characters that were truly good. Why does she "deserve" more than them? 

I don't really get the argument about "fairness" and "deserves." I think that somebody's True Love dying is of course an awful thing to watch a character experience regardless of what they've done. I don't think I've seen anyone argue for other characters to be unhappy to finally give Regina success in love. I wouldn't, for example, say I feel no sympathy for Rumpel if Belle died even though I find Rumpel a repulsive character, or that he "deserved" to lose his True Love because he's been such a bad person. Good and bad happen to everyone, and it has nothing to do with whether or not they are a good person or a bad person. I find it more strange that someone would get satisfaction out of Robin dying, like it's some karmic justice for a character unrelated to Regina's crimes die so she can be "punished" for her crimes. I guess--and mileage will definitely vary--I've come to find the constant whining about Regina to be the most exhausting thing about watching this show the past 4 years (since it seemed to begin in season 2).

I would be interested if they took Regina into a different place from here than Evil Queen or Woegina. Her going into an "I give up" state would make more sense at this point. Actually, I'm starting to feel like several of these characters, particularly Regina and Emma, have gone through so many developments that they should be ready to keel over.

I hope she doesn't get a new love interest right away. I'd rather more focus be put on her relationship with Zelena for 6A.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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I do not think that Robin deserved to die or that it was proper karmic payback. I wish they hadn't killed him off actually. I just don't understand all the posts (on tumblr + twitter) that argue him dying isn't fair to Regina, that she doesn't deserve this, why must so many bad things happen to her? No character necessarily "deserves" anything- good or bad. But I can't say that I specifically feel bad for Regina because she has a hard life. She was extremely evil. I don't want her to suffer, but I don't feel bad for her either. I feel bad for Robin and Roland + Robin #2. 

To me, even though I don't think he deserved to die or that it was necessarily a good idea, it does make narrative sense to me that someone who has done so much evil (even though she has grown and become a better person) should not have all the wonderful things in life. 

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I guess a lot of it just depends on how you view Regina as a character (and, probably, her relationship with Cora and your feelings on 'The Stable Boy'). I'm past the point of feeling that Regina needs to be stoned and crucified before she can be happy.

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Our general feelings about her as a character definitely influence how we view Robin's death + her happiness. I would actually rather watch her be happy than focus on her pain or sadness again, so it's not that. I don't even want to see her struggle, but I don't see it as unjust or particularly sad if she does struggle. I don't think all the characters need to have perfect happy endings. It makes sense to me that some of them should continue the series with struggles along the way and possibly not get as "happy" of an ending as some of the other characters. 

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I don't want Regina stoned or crucified, arrested or even dead.

I just want her to be freaking remorseful about her past crimes.  I don't think it should be so hard to write.

Doing good like she's been doing for a while now is great, but until we get some actual remorse for her Evil Queen past, for all her crimes, for all her victims, then doing good is not enough, because it comes off that she's only doing good to get her own happy ending, not out of heroism.  It's the exact same mindset and motive she had when she was evil.  Until that changes, I can't buy "she deserves to be happy!"

Also, I got no satisfaction out of Robin dying.  I got no satisfaction out of Robin living, either.  Robin inspired a big "meh" to the end.

Edited by Mathius
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I would say she did good for her own satisfaction in season 4. I think after the end of 4B (after learning from trying to use an author to write a happy ending for her), and throughout season 5, Regina has been doing good naturally, without the focus on a reward.

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I would disagree about that in S4 and 5A, but 5B I'll give you.  Despite the complete lack of anything involving her dead victims, she did at least commit herself to helping her friends/family and sticking her neck out for them beyond what was needed.  I would hope she'd continue in this direction, but sadly I suspect the writers will instead regress her into thinking "Robin died at the end of all that, so being like that is pointless! I should just go evil again!"  Y'know, in the end, Regina actually IS a victim....of the writers, like every other character sadly enough.

Edited by Mathius
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1 hour ago, Camera One said:

The Writers got a kick out of "tricking" us that Regina was going to turn evil in the 4A premiere.  They better not play the same lame card again.

Do you really want to tempt the gods like that? ;-) 

ETA: The last thing I want is a sad Regina. Because when Regina is miserable, other people suffer. Just eat her Lasagne, people!!

Edited by Rumsy4
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I feel like we've already done sad Regina as well.  Remember, Emma and Regina sitting on opposite sides of the wall?  Henry and Regina on opposite sides of the door.  Snow coming by with her baby for a chat? (oh right, deleted scene).  

So Regina grieving over Robin Hood doesn't give me much HOPE for a good storyline.  

I'm also sick of The Evil Queen, so I don't want that either, since Regina has already hit her max and then some, on flip-flopping.  

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I wonder if the dropping ratings of this show has any affect on the decision to turn Regina into the Evil Queen again.  For the entire show's run, the Evil Queen has been the face of the marketing.  But for the past 3 years, that character hasn't actually existed in the present day, just in occasional flashbacks. So potential new viewers who see the marketing and tune in expecting to see the Evil Queen on the show end up disappointed, since they're more likely to see St. Woegina instead.  By putting the Evil Queen back on the show in the present-day, the marketing actually isn't lying anymore, and the people who are coming for the Evil Queen will actually stick around.  But that's just a theory.

Edited by Mathius
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That's why her "I know killing is wrong now" line makes me so angry. She's always known that.

When she went into psycho mode, morality got suppressed hard. It was always in the back of her mind, since people like Snow kept reminding her of it. She "knew" killing was wrong, but intentionally ignored it so much that it was as if she had forgotten. It's a bit hard to explain. The show flip-flops between EQ knowing better and just being a psycho who lives in a world of their own.


LOL. No, Lana, we didn't forget.

The writers would like us to forget, except when they don't.

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So, we were told that Regina could not regret anything she's done, because it would mean she regretted Henry.  


She has regret now.  Poor Henry.  By her own logic, (and some of her fans) Regina doesn't love him, anymore.  

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The writing for Regina has reached a new low I hadn't believed was possible, which is especially a shame since it was starting to actually look promising: she'd gained total self-awareness, maturity, and acceptance, showing remorse for her past and was actually willing to endure her (supposed) "miserable" life since the alternative would hurt people and she doesn't want that anymore.  And then they took the easy way out with her, letting her have her cake and eat it too, and now we've got two Reginas to contend with that will probably embody everything wrong with her character for the past few years: one being the whiny Mary Sue who everyone coddles and the other being a ridiculous scenery-chewer who commits over-the-top irredeemable deeds.  Let's just hope the second one gets partnered with Hyde, that could actually be entertaining.

Edited by Mathius
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I hope she doesn't get a new love interest right away. I'd rather more focus be put on her relationship with Zelena for 6A.

I couldn't care less about Zelena and her four-to-five episode redemption arc.  I can't believe that she got such a quickie redemption arc so that she can be with the child she had conceived with an act of rape.  If she had been a man, people would be screaming with outrage.



The writing for Regina has reached a new low I hadn't believed was possible, which is especially a shame since it was starting to actually look promising: she'd gained total self-awareness, maturity, and acceptance, showing remorse for her past and was actually willing to endure her (supposed) "miserable" life since the alternative would hurt people and she doesn't want that anymore.  And then they took the easy way out with her, letting her have her cake and eat it too, and now we've got two Reginas to contend with that will probably embody everything wrong with her character for the past few years: one being the whiny Mary Sue who everyone coddles and the other being a ridiculous scenery-chewer who commits over-the-top irredeemable deeds.  Let's just hope the second one gets partnered with Hyde, that could actually be entertaining.

This is nothing in compare with the crap writing that has been dumped on Emma over the years.  Every crappy decision she had made or crime she has committed has either been minimized or shoved aside by the show's writers . . . and many of the fans.  As I had called her on another thread, she's the Teflon Swan.

Edited by CTrent29
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I couldn't care less about Zelena and her four-to-five episode redemption arc.  I can't believe that she got such a quickie redemption arc so that she can be with the child she had conceived with an act of rape.  If she had been a man, people would be screaming with outrage.

This should be on the Zelena thread, along with any other complaints about how she's been written.

(Y'know, like that scene with Roland....no, show, just....just no.)


 Every crappy decision she had made or crime she has committed has either been minimized or shoved aside by the show's writers . . . and many of the fans.

I don't think we're watching the shame show.  Emma gets dragged for every bad decision she makes, and is even stuck feeling guilty about things that are NOT her fault.  But again, this is the wrong thread for this.

Edited by Mathius
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I wasn't sure if I heard right, but did Regina say to Emma that she hates every moment of doing good?  Half the time when she's "doing good" on this show, it's to put down threats which are also endangering herself or Henry.  Does she hate those moments too?

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