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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

Nick said he felt sick too but his was coming out the other end. I think they said they both ate tuna. 

Ahh! Ok, that makes sense too.  I'm sure Jackson ate a whole lot more of it, overeating essentially.   I've gotten a mild case of food poisoning once from shrimp, but my friend ate a great deal more of the dish involved.  I had mild nausea and some trouble out the other end, while he was practically puking his guts out and had awful cramping and major diarrhea.  TMI probably.  :)    

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Holly says she thinks Christie will blow up her own game.  She also says that Christie is trying to form an alliance with the other side of the house but she doesn't have all the details.  Now Kat's up in the room with them so the conversation has died.

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Kat left.  Holly says that she thinks that Kat would take shots for them.  She also says that she thinks Sam would, too but asks if they really need Nick and Sam both in the house to do this.  She thinks that if Sam goes, they can convince Nick to take shots for them.  Kat just came back.

Kat left.  Holly says that they should try to get as much info out of Sam as possible but that Sam still needs to go.

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A part of me almost wants the vote to flip and for Christie to not find out about it until the votes are read. Can you even imagine how she'd react? It would be delicious.

But I'd rather Kat stay than Sam because, as I said, Sam is boring, stupid, and weak.

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Jackson says he wants to go talk to Jack now.  Holly is worried that Jack will try to flip the vote and keep Sam.  Jackson says if Holly wants Kat to stay, he will vote to keep Kat in the house.

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13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

A part of me almost wants the vote to flip and for Christie to not find out about it until the votes are read. Can you even imagine how she'd react? It would be delicious.

But I'd rather Kat stay than Sam because, as I said, Sam is boring, stupid, and weak.

To be fair, Kat isn't much better. Sam kind of goes in and out between being stupid and having smart reads (he basically told Nick that he'd be an idiot to put up Nicole/Jess, for example).

They're all so stupid. I don't really care, though. I still haven't turned on the feeds this week and have barely been paying attention to what's been going on. 

It's clear that either a Six Shooter is going to win, or worse....Jess. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

It's clear that either a Six Shooter is going to win, or worse....Jess. 

For me, as long as it’s not Jackson, I’m fine with whoever. 

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58 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

I mean...it does have a fairly effective hook.

Haha. You're not wrong! Then again, how many people would have actually heard it? Most people only heard the music they and their friends and family made. And the church choir. Would that create earworms? 

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Holly is claiming to Cliff that if Jackson threw the rogue vote, it's news to her.  Cliff had told her that Christie had said that Jackson was the one and Cliff says he doesn't care if it's true.

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2 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

For me, as long as it’s not Jackson, I’m fine with whoever. 

For me, I can't endorse a Jackson win at all...but I also can't endorse a Jess win since she's done absolutely NOTHING in the game, has had terrible reads, and is basically a non-entity in the game in general. She reminds me of CBB's Marissa, except without a partner who's actually competent at the game. Unfortunately, Kat's not a real winner here, either. 

But I guess I'm rooting for nobody to win because they're either terrible people or god awful game players. Nicole has no chance in winning, and she was the closest I'd get to an ideal winner.

I guess...I dunno, I'd root for Christie? At least she's doing SOMETHING, except that she's terrible. I can't root for Tommy because he's been hiding behind Christie's coat tails while simultaneously doing nothing while also sucking the fun out of any potentially fun game move. Jack is a racist terrible person so fuck no. Analyse is a FUUUUUCK NO, almost as terrible as a Jess win. Holly's riding Jackson's coat tails but she'd probably be a tolerable, yet still awful, winner. Nick has no chance in winning and he's played a bad game. Ditto to Cliff, although I GUESS he wouldn't be a bad winner either? 

So, all in all.....*sigh* what a terrible season.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

It’s in the top two - or bottom two, depending upon how you look at it - but believe it or not, it has a strong competitor.  I don’t know if you could handle both of them on the same day, though.  Souls may die in the process, and I’m already over my bag limit for today.

OK, now you HAVE to tell us. We can take it. We wouldn't be here if we weren't made of steel. 

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cliff seems to be fanning the flames regarding Christie wanting Jackson out.

I really want to hope for something surprising and good to happen, but as usual this season I'm extremely pessimistic. It's easier that way. 

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25 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It's clear that either a Six Shooter is going to win, or worse....Jess. 

I don't know man, a Jess win would be kind of hilarious and since we can't have a good winner a funny one might work for me.

Christie to Tommy, "I trust everyone in the 6." 

It would be so fun to see Jackson/Holly openly turn on Christie/Tommy but ultimately it wouldn't matter because Christie has her power and she has Jessica/Nicole eating up everything she does. And that is precisely why Holly/Jackson won't really turn on them.

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20 minutes ago, zorak said:

Holly is telling Cliff that she's starting to think that if Sam stays in, he'd be willing to take shots at Christie.  Cliff says that Sam would.

Does this mean that Cliff is turning on Kat? 

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Christie/Tommy wanna turn on Jackson/Holly and Jackson/Holly wanna turn on Christie/Tommy but they all want to use one of the bottom feeders to do it but the bottom feeders all suck and can't win anything to do it so the Shitty 6 will never actually turn on each other until all the bottom feeders are gone lol but also ugh.

Enjoy that run on sentence.

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23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Here's the thing: I know it would NEVER happen, but could you imagine Kat's exit interview?

Kat: Julie, I guess those *bleep* WERE conspiring against me!

Julie: Kathryn, we are LIVE. 

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Jack asked Jackson who he's sending home tomorrow.  Jackson said Sam because that's what Holly wants.

Jack told Jackson that he feels like Tommy is ride or die with Jack.  Jackson said Tommy and Christie are together in the same way that Sam and Nick are.

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happy toddlers and tiaras GIF

LOL at Tommy coming in right after Jackson was talking about BDing Christie.

Listen, I just found out they don't sell barbecue fritos anymore and I'm very upset so these people need to give me some fights soon to make me feel better.

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15 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Listen, I just found out they don't sell barbecue fritos anymore and I'm very upset so these people need to give me some fights soon to make me feel better.

Is that true??? No wonder I can't find them anywhere!

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The HG's have said that if medical care is needed they are ushered off site to a doctor. I remember Becky of BB17 got a terrible toe infection and she was taken off site and given antibiotics and vicodins. She spent her last days in the house looped up on vicodin.

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Sam is telling Cliff that he talked to Jackson and Analyse.  Sam says that if they come to Cliff and say that they're voting to keep Sam, it's not a joke.

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2 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I can see this ending up like the BB19 finale. I couldn't stand Josh but it came down to "please, anyone but Paul!"

So, like, Jessica? For, like, winner? Of BB21?


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