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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Christie: "I don't think Kat has seen one episode of this show. She came in and wanted to know how many Instagram followers she was getting."
Also Christie: "I don't know if Veto has ever been used the first week in this game."

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I'm hungry and I need more coffee and I need to pee but I afraid if I get up and leave the feeds for five minutes, there will be three different backdoor options discussed and I will be horribly behind but Christie will still be crying.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

I'm hungry and I need more coffee and I need to pee but I afraid if I get up and leave the feeds for five minutes, there will be three different backdoor options discussed and I will be horribly behind but Christie will still be crying.


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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Love this song!  What does this mean?

ah! The most beautiful women were 80’s and earlier!

Today....women look like Lisa Rinna.    What is going on with Holly’s face? 

On that lip reading post from earlier....what does he say?

I can only make out.....p💓ssie.......at the end. Lol!

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Sam seems to really want to keep his word to Cliff and pull him off the block.  Now he's asking if Jack would have the votes to get voted out if she were to put him on the block.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sam really wants to save Cliff so he wants to see if there's an alternate for a replacement nom.


They should put up...Jackson.

People would kick him out....fo’ sure! 🤣

I don’t really care who goes home!

Edited by Dance4Life
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Now she's telling Sam that Jack is trying to turn her against Nick.  Sam said, "Is he?"  So if Nick was unaware before, he will definitely be clued in by Sam that Christie has question marks regarding Nick.

Sam is trying to reassure Christie that Nick and Bella aren't trying to flip the house like she believes.

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With as much shit as Christie has talked about Jack (and it will get back to him), she might as well throw him up there as the backdoor option. Otherwise, she's kinda shooting herself in the foot. She's telling EVERYONE BUT JACK that she wants Jack out but she doesn't waaaant to.

Edited by Callaphera
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How is Jack bullying Christie??

Last night they were bullying the entire house!

Cussing out (in their convo) Kemi and Bella. Who have done nothing to them! 

Oh, yea.....All Kemi Did was Talk to Jack. ..... About not wanting to be back-doored.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

With as much shit as Christie has talked about Jack (and it will get back to him), she might as well throw him up there as the backdoor option. Otherwise, she's kinda shooting herself in the foot. She's telling EVERYONE BUT JACK that she wants Jack out.

I agree!  Make a bold move.....or, just allow Kathryn to go home...quietly.

Kathryn wants to check her IG following....anyways.  Lol!

BUT.....what if Jack has the.....secret power??!  🙌🏻

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Christie said she feels like a target now, and Sam jumped on that. That's why you've got to stick to the plan.

I do agree that she just needs to backdoor Jack. All this tea spilled will get back to him.

Edited by vb68
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Just now, Dance4Life said:

BUT.....what if Jack has the.....secret power??!  🙌🏻

I honestly don't think that Jack would be able to keep it quiet. He would tell Jackson, who would tell Kat in a moment of "please let me talk you off the ledge of paranoia", who would get paranoid and we would have heard about it by now. 

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Christie:  "But honestly, fuck Jack!"  Take your own advice, Christie and fuck him by sending him packing.

Christie says that putting Ovi up would ruffle the least amount of feathers.  She said the same shit when she was on the vote Kemi out train.

Christie to Sam:  "I feel so much better now."

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Sam might have just convinced Christie to put up Ovi to save both of their games.

Ovi is not a bad choice at all. I know Ovi went to tattle on Sam/Nick/Bella/Kemi talking to the Jacks, so it's better to get a guy like that out. Christie is right; Ovi will go with whoever is HOH in order to fit in. That can be a dangerous type of player.

Also, I don't really like Ovi. I feel bad for him but it is what it is.

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Christie thinks Bella has the power.

"There's nothing she wouldn't do, eat, or smell."

Christie now to Sam- This all feels better now in my stomach.

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Sam is telling her that if he uses the veto and she puts up Ovi, Jack will be hardcore coming at them.  He says they need to figure out what they're going to tell him.

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I'm not thrilled with it either, Peach.

Sam just seems really good with the lowkey manipulation.  He straight up told her he's playing the veto no matter what Christie wants but  is doing such a good job playing to her emotions.

Oh good lord, Christie is now swearing on her sister.  That's still a thing??

Edited by vb68
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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Sam just seems really good with the lowkey manipulation.  He straight up her he's playing the veto no matter what Christie but  is doing such a good job playing to her emotions.

I agree. He was so smooth there. I actually thought it was better than Derrick's approach which was so fake and/or dick-ish.

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They're going to draw M&Ms to see who gets the honour of drinking with Christie and listening to her cry about how she doesn't want to play Jack's game because she likes girls.

Somewhere, Donny is having flashbacks. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Bella and Christie are now talking.

I'm guessing Christie is mending the relationship with Bella that Bella doesn't even realize was fractured since last night!

I think she'll retroactively realize it since Christie told Sam about her doubt for Bella and Nick.  I guarantee Sam will mention it to Nick.

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Now Bella is up there with her. Christie says she wants to do what her family would be proud of. I never get this line of thinking. Most families of hamsters would be supportive of you regardless of who you put up as HoH. If you were a racist, bullying asshole then I could see a family being upset, but choices as HoH? 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Bella and Christie are now talking.

I'm guessing Christie is mending the relationship with Bella that Bella doesn't even realize was fractured since last night!

In the HOH trash talk party.....they were all saying.

Bella is a Tiger Mom’s daughter.  She is a fierce competitor! 

whoopy-doo!  All that means is that Bella can play the piano! 🎹🎼 🤣

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3 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

In the HOH trash talk party.....they were all saying.

Bella is a Tiger Mom’s daughter.  She is a fierce competitor! 

whoopy-doo!  All that means is that Bella can play the piano! 🎹🎼 🤣

But Jackson and Christie have both said that Bella has seen some shit in her life and that she's street wise.  I'm not sure what they're referring to there.

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Dear HGs,

If you plan on drinking the whole bottle, don't bother looking for the corkscrew to open the wine. Just shove that cork down into the bottle and spit out the little pieces of cork that break off and end up in your wine. Halfway through the bottle, you won't care about the cork anymore.

Someone who takes wine camping but always forgets the corkscrew and can't be bothered to wait for the guy with the Swiss army knife to come back from peeing in the woods

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Boo. Jessica won the M&M wine drinking contest. I was hoping for Jack to win it because I feel like Christie deserves an hour or two of uninterrupted Jack BULLYING and THREATENING to make up for the past two hours of Christie crying I just sat through. 

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Does Jack know something already from that HOH convo?

He says he feels like he's making himself a target. It looks like his ears were burning. He knows something's up even if he doesn't know specifically anything.

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Jackson says Jack still has a solid 6 even if they discount the outliers.  Jack says he doesn't want to think about the game so much.  Jackson is telling him that he hasn't done anything wrong with anyone.

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Jack and Jackson talking.  Jackson is naming all of the people who supposedly have Jack's back.

It's almost verbatim the conversation I transcribed last night that Jackson had with Kat, only replace "You're a vote for" with "Has your back". 

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