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S09.E20 Reunion Part 2


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@CaliforniaLove Yep, I posted about reading that on reddit...lol at it being true. Briana didn’t like the pronounciation of Devoin so she changed it, according to a post on Reddit from awhile ago. The actual pronounciation makes me think of Lavoooiiinnn: 


...if you know, you know. 😆 

Edited by Rebecca
Added the clip 🤣
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Fuck princess Jenelle. She’s just so put upon, ever an innocent victim of life. 🤮 Why was she buttoning and belting her pants when she was backstage? Because she’s gained a few and they were too tight? I know that move...but, it was an odd thing for her to do it in front of a bunch of people. 😆 

If David isn’t mentally ill then the idea of a psych evaluation shouldn’t be a scary thing or a threat or insult. Taking one isn’t the problem...his inability to pass it is the issue. 😆 Lol at “all the really good things” Jenelle said were “happening in {her} house.” Damn. I don’t see how anyone can watch this and think she wants to leave David. Byeeee, bitch. See ya on the news and, later on, in the streets, wit ya perfect hussssssbanddddd. 🖕🏻

Kailyn is annoying. Hearing her speak (aka bitch, she knows no other tone) makes my blood pressure go up. I can’t imagine knowing her in person. I can’t deal with hearing ANY judgements she has about the circumstances by which other people have children. Look in the mirror, hooker. How many years until Kailyn likes Lauren and has to apologize for being an asshole, like has happened with Vee? Maybe that’ll never happen but you’d think she would be wiser about her treatment of Lauren considering everything with Vee. Kailyn is so strange because she never changes her behavior or grows at all. Even with video evidence of what she should do differently! She just sucks. I’m through giving her passes because of her childhood. She’s right, she’s grown ass woman and she’s fucking up three children herself at this point. Time to fucking grow as a person! Only an idiot thinks they’re fully formed at 27. She really thinks she can’t change a damn thing about herself at this point? Kailyn doesn’t deserve Vee...not even a little. 

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I had no idea that Nessa was married to Colin Kaepernick.  I don't like her as host of these reunions, but I'm glad she spoke up to Jenelle, and I'm glad she did it on the show.  I don't think it was necessary to go into full fight mode--I'd have liked her to say, "your posts hurt me and my family.  You know, Colin Kaepernick is my husband, and what you posted was ignorant and uninformed.  If you want me to explain to you--or anyone else--why he kneeled, I'll be glad to talk to you about it after the show.  But before you start talking about how hurtful posts are to you, you should know that you post hateful, untrue things about other people who've never done anything to you."

Of course, Jenelle would have flounced out of there in (not)tears, whining about her medical conditions, before Nessa could have gotten to her second sentence.  Jenelle and most of the others cannot bear to be confronted with something they've done that's wrong, and the usual response is running off the stage in tears.  Nessa should not have tried to make up with Jenelle; her husband is a more important relationship.

Kailyn continues to be hideous.  Step-brothers, half-brothers--the people watching this show know full well what those boys' relationship to each other is, and it does matter because her inability to be faithful to their fathers (except Lux's father, and if he showed any interest in her, I guarantee she'd be fucking the mailman) is a big part of her story.  I agree that Dr. Pinsky (another asshole) didn't mean his remark to be hurtful, and I agree with Kailyn that nobody in the boys' life should make those discriminations where it's not necessary, but her carrying-on was a sermon on morality from the biggest whore in town.

Javi was there for the money.  They get a bonus for appearing on the "checkup" shows.  Jo has my respect for staying away--I hope Vee gets to spend her $2500 or whatever it is on herself.

And who would have guessed it?  Jo has turned out to be a really good dad, as did Gary.  Two guys I would never have thought it of.

I asked months ago why it wasn't pronounced "de-voyn" since that's how it was spelled, and by god I was right.

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1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Vee is way better than me because the hoodrat and haircut comments on top of the fact that she is a unabashed user would have been the end of it. I would be cordial; I would acknowledge her presence; I will do my best to do what is in the best interest of the child, but friendship would never be an option. 

Amen and honestly if I were Jo, I'd be a little annoyed. Kail's only nice to people who play by her rules. Vee is currently doing that, Lauren is not, which is why Kail is suddenly besties with the former and shit-talking the latter. If Vee had sided with Jo on the child support issue, we wouldn't even be here right now. 

As you said, if I were in a similar situation, I'd be courteous for the children's sake, but playing "big happy extended family" would not be going down. Mainly because it's pure manipulation on Kail's part. 

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, Mothra said:

And who would have guessed it?  Jo has turned out to be a really good dad, as did Gary.  Two guys I would never have thought it of.

I actually always liked Jo and Gary, and I’m not surprised they turned out to be good Dads. They were always willing to step up and care for their children from Day 1 no matter how they felt about the mothers of said children. 

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On 5/28/2019 at 9:48 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

Thank you for reminding me of that. 

WHY is she reading his phone...even if they WERE together at the time, which they WEREN’T, reading someone else’s text messages is so fucked up. And she just talks about it like there was nothing wrong with it. 

Bitch, don’t read shit that isn’t yours and you won’t see people calling you c*nt. And stop acting like one. 

And let us not forget the absolute shit-fit she threw when Javi wanted to look at her phone when they were still married.  Back when it actually was the others business who they were talking to.  

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1 minute ago, eskimo said:

And let us not forget the absolute shit-fit she threw when Javi wanted to look at her phone when they were still married.  Back when it actually was the others business who they were talking to.  

Yes and she lied and played it as if Javi was being a controlling husband when she was AT LEAST being emotionally inappropriate with Chris (if not fucking him by this time). 

  • Love 15
On 5/30/2019 at 11:07 AM, Mothra said:

I had no idea that Nessa was married to Colin Kaepernick.  I don't like her as host of these reunions, but I'm glad she spoke up to Jenelle, and I'm glad she did it on the show.  I don't think it was necessary to go into full fight mode--I'd have liked her to say, "your posts hurt me and my family.  You know, Colin Kaepernick is my husband, and what you posted was ignorant and uninformed.  If you want me to explain to you--or anyone else--why he kneeled, I'll be glad to talk to you about it after the show.  But before you start talking about how hurtful posts are to you, you should know that you post hateful, untrue things about other people who've never done anything to you."

They’re not married; he’s just her boyfriend. When she referred to her “family” I couldn’t tell if she was trying to claim the Kaepernick side as her own despite no blood or legal relations, or if she was extrapolating the perceived insult to include her actual family, who I guess technically count as “African-American” but aren’t what we normally mean by that term. 

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I clicked on the multiple quote icon, saw it said "Quote 3 posts," but when I clicked on it my browser ate them. I'm too tired to go and reread the posts, so I'll just do it this way, and probably forget what I actually wanted to mention. Also, my vision is blurry so there will probably be 10 thousand typos and not good, fun ones, just stupid ones:

KAIL: She has always had a self-sabotage streak in her. When she posted that she was in a relationship with that young man, she was using Jo and his brother to drive her to meet him or watch Isaac while she pretended to work but was actually meeting up with him. Jo's parents had said that she couldn't date while living under their roof, for free, because they were afraid she was going to get pregnant again and they were worried that she would end up dropping out of school. Janet spoke very positively about Kail and how hard she had worked to get where she was at that moment in time and her concern another pregnancy would cause her to backslide. During the episode where Kail returned to their home after changing her profile, Jo's dad was pretty gruff when he confronted both Jo and Kail, but really mostly Kail, about Kail sleeping back in Jo's room and his thought that they were together again. Jo and Janet said they thought so, too, but Kail's response pointed out something Jo said suggesting that they weren't exclusive. There was an extended scene on the website way back then and that argument went on for quite awhile.

When she got caught on camera "shaking Javi's head" she was sent to a counselor by the show. She later said she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and started on a medicine. She remained a raging asshole, blamed Javi for "making her threaten him" when he tried talking to her about it for the camera. She had to undergo parenting classes and anger management classes after accusing Jo of domestic violence and obtaining the restraining order for her and Issac. No one in Jo's family got to see Isaac, and more importantly, Isaac didn't get to see them for about a month all because Kail is a raging asshole and liar, but I digress.

After her bipolar disorder diagnosis no longer got her attention and didn't result in people sympathizing or excusing her behavior, she claimed she was misdiagnosed. I think that's probably true because I have a Ph.D. in Everything from the University of Google and WebMD and have diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder, like Amber (actually diagnosed as such) and Jenelle. In any event, I wondered if her need to sabotage herself was a trait of bipolar disorder and it can be, but in Kail's case, she's just a raging asshole of epic proportions who is too narcissistic to accept she's not special.

DEVOIN: Starting with 16 and Pregnant and continuing on Teen Mom 3 everything became The Coven of The Three Witches vs. Devoin and the Coven did everything they could to make themselves look awful. After Nova was born Devoin was not allowed to take him to his parents home, even when his mother's family tried to throw a baby shower. Brittany got in an argument on Twitter with a viewer who pointed out how ridiculous they were being and how he has rights, too, and she said that his family members were drug dealers and that's why she wasn't allowed to go. There was a later Brittany vs. viewer argument where Briana jumped in and said she wasn't going to "put Devoin on child support" because he paid her cash monthly and she was happy with the amount. Someone did dig up the info on Devoin's family members who were drug dealers, and he was also accused of it, which will be mentioned in a minute.

At one point, Roxanne had a screaming fit with Devoin about being in her house and said he was not allowed to come over unless she was home. She came across unhinged and like she was intentionally trying to punish Devoin for turning her daughter into a brazen hussy. After backlash on social media for it, and some people agreed with her not wanting Briana and Devoin home alone together but thought she was nasty about it, Brittany went on the warpath and said it was because they were smoking pot in the house with Nova right there. That context was cut from what aired, of course. She then changed the times he could come over to after dinner and he had to leave by a certain time. He said he couldn't get rides around her restricted schedule and felt that she was intentionally trying to cut him out of Nova's life. 

On one of the aftershows or Tell Nothings, Briana said that Devoin would be down the street during those hours but not come by. It wasn't really addressed on that show but good old rabble rousing Brittany had already said he was down the street dealing drugs and that he was deadbeat that didn't see Nova and that she was the baby's dad. Briana had to tell her to shut up before Devoin stopped paying her money and told someone who questioned her parenting since she didn't have a problem taking drug money, and I'm paraphrasing here, that she wasn't the one selling the drugs and all money spends the same.

Then, on the Tell Nothing for Teen Mom 3, Briana, Brittany and Roxanne scream like banshees at him and Roxanne takes of her shoe to throw it at him.  I think Roxanne took so much hate for her actions back then that she shifted way to the positive when it comes to Devoin today. He received much more benefit of the doubt then he probably deserves because they made themselves look awful and like they didn't want him in Nova's life because they were "Strong Women" who didn't need any man, father or not, except his money, which he should pay and Briana had said he was way back then,

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i just watched (very late to the party, i know). i honestly don't think Jenelle knew what Nessa was talking about, i could tell she was confused, so i believe her when she said she doesn't run her page, she has someone else do it. Jenelle is too self-involved to keep up with the news, so it doesn't surprise me she didn't know who Colin Kaepernick was. 

I'm not sure when this reunion was filmed, like if it was before or after David killed nugget. I know it aired about 3 weeks after, but I don't know when it was filmed. So I'm not sure if Jenelle already knew she wouldn't be back next season. 

Why was Jenelle fired, again? Why was Farrah fired, for that matter? 

I don't quite get MTV's decisions here, tbh, like there seems to be a double-standard, since Amber gets to stay on board despite 2 different felony domestic battery charges in front of 2 different children and apparently MTV supports that, or supports it enough to keep giving her a fat paycheck while airing it on TV. BUT if they're gonna fire people and bring in new ppl, i think they should limit the cast to 4 main girls per season. less is more, so people get more time to tell their story, because these past few seasons, when they are trying to film 5 girls, it's too much, IMO, it gives every story less airtime since they are trying to cram in 5 different stories at once. i'd rather watch 4 girls, with longer segments, than 5 girls, with shorter segments. 

Edited by SheTalksShit

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