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S01.E12: You're Dead To Me

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TELLING THE TRUTH —  With Macy (Madeleine Mantock) on a quest to find answers, she goes against Harry’s (Rupert Evans) advice and summons up a Necromancer which puts her and Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) in harm’s way.  Maggie attends a frat party at Lucy’s (guest star Natalie Hall) encouragement, to help her get over Parker (Nick Hargrove).  Meanwhile, Mel (Melonie Diaz) helps Harry who is struggling with his regained memories.  Brad Silberling directed the episode written by Michael Reisz (#112).  Original airdate 2/17/2019. 

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It was an ok episode. Expected more flashbacks to help fill in the gaps cause I couldve sworn we saw them in the promo but really werent in the episode. 

"You are a Charmed Ones, find your answers" more like "You are a Charmed One, ask someone for your answers like you've had to do since the series began" As usual, something that the sisters as a unit should be trying to find legitimate answers to, Macy has to deal with this herself. Of course it is ABOUT her but this is the time you need your sisters the most.

I guess I can somewhat appreciate them trying to throw us for a loop with the Necromancer but I think its pretty bad that I was totally on her side in the beginning when it came to the Elders since they SUCK! The witch coming after her didnt help either.  I swear everybody has so much cooler powers then TCO do. Who needs demons when you have witches who are willing to kill their fellow witches to exact revenge? The Elders suck way more then I already knew they did if they have their own killing each other. And TCO arent even at the top of the food chain, this woman could take them out in a heartbeat. Of course Macy has to go to Parker to help find Maggie lol. And of course Parker helps them vanquish the Nercromancer who was evil because she cant attack a demon or else she is breaking her pact with...demons. 

Macy gets to utilize her TK in another way, literally with her mind. No hands, no eyes, just pure mind just to help drive home that she has darkness inside of her? So what is different between her willing to kill the witch who was willing to kill her and Maggie?

Oh yeah I forgot that Harry is a Professor. How did they even explain his sudden absence when he was in hell? His powers are still on the fritz? Yeah could really care less about Harry's son. Well at least the son storyline didnt last that long and Harry now has closure. 

I really wish we had like at least 6 episodes off from the Maggie/Parker drama. But they are already on their way to mending their relationship.

The pajama scene towards the end...now these are the scenes I need! Sure this whole "demons blood, blah blah blah" is fairly week but the thought is there. But then they had ruin it with having everyone go their seperate ways to end the episode. "You take the demon out of me" is just not a sentence that reads that well out loud.

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So...this episode was decent. Hell, even Parker/Maggie didn't annoy me for the very first time, so either the show is growing on me or they're finally ironing out their kinks.

Oh damn, I thought we were truly rid of Niko/Mel. Show, when you get rid of Niko in episode five and bring her back six episodes later to reignite this "super special love" thing....listen, it makes sense plot-wise. It would have been stupider if Niko never felt some sort of connection to Mel after the contrived history rewritten spell. But in season 1, with us barely knowing Niko before she disappeared, I still don't give a shit about her now. I'm more annoyed that Jada is going to be proven to be evil or not right for Mel or something, and I'm not really liking that idea. Let's hope I'm wrong.

I did love the Mel/Harry subplot. The Harry's son stuff was alright, I guess but I'm glad they wrapped it up quickly. 

No surprise Maggie/Parker are already on the mend. But...Parker's growing on me, so....we'll see. I'm not loving Lucy being used by Parker's demon dad, though.

Macy's darkness stuff IS probably one of the more interesting plots of this season. I guess it's a waiting game to see when she does turn evil. It'll be at the expense of one of her sisters so let's see which one is in mortal danger at some point for Macy to turn dark. I did like the Necromancer stuff. It was obvious that Nancy was evil and using Macy. 

They really need to get Maggie some self defense classes or something. And then they need to show these sisters practicing magic a bit more.

More sisters bonding and more Harry interacting with the sisters, please. Use Parker in small doses and....well, at least Galvin wasn't in the episode.

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I hope the sisters read all the letters this time.  I get Macy's existential crisis; I just don't like the way it ended.  Having a pact with Parker's mother? Sigh.  It may be better for Macy and Parker to overcome their dark sides or in Parker's case, embrace the darkness and be stronger.  In thinking about it a little more, Parker's demon part is ingrained in his DNA. You can't really wash out half of what he is!   Also what is the deal with Parker's dad trying to meld his son with a Charmed One? Is there another prophesy we are not yet aware of?

We have some family answers about Marisol, but I need more.  Who is Mel's father and how did Marisol circle back to Macy's father to have Maggie? How did Marisol know her daughters would be the Charmed Ones? 

I was hoping that the necromancer was on the up and up, but that was a perfect explanation of how Macy has darkness inside of her.  All necromancers shouldn't be evil, though. 

I'm for Parker eventually becoming part of the TCO gang. Maggie did have a point about having to keep secrets from any regular guy. 

I'm also glad that Harry's family obsession was short lived. Charity could have showed him that information. 

Let Jada and the Sarcana not be evil. TCO needs other witches to be in their corner until they get their weight up.  The Elders also have to find out who is taking them out. Does it have to be other witches? What about warlocks?

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2 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

We have some family answers about Marisol, but I need more.  Who is Mel's father and how did Marisol circle back to Macy's father to have Maggie? How did Marisol know her daughters would be the Charmed Ones? 

They mentioned in the letters that Macy's dad would reunite with Marisol occasionally because they stayed in love.  Presumably during one of those trysts, she got pregnant with Maggie.  Marisol had the power of premonition, so that's probably how she knew her daughters would be the Charmed Ones.

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22 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

The show is growing on me ... does it have its problems yes but god help me it’s growing on me

Same here. I couldn't stand the pilot, but I really like the actress playing Macy, and I'm warming up to everyone else - they seem to embrace the camp, which is nice.

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Was Knansie telling the truth about Marisol not being able to see Macy? Cyd said that her boyfriend became a demon and tried to kill her, so she had to vanquish him. Could it be that Marisol would have awakened the dormant demon inside Macy and caused Macy to try to kill her? Which in turn would result in Demon Macy dying and Knansie not being able to increase the demon species on earth?

I'm glad Lucy is hanging around. I like the girl and it just sucks that she's being controlled by her ex-boyfriend's dad. Oh well. And somehow, Parker is now growing on me. First Galvin and now Parker. It would be nice if Parker remains a friend for now and works with the Charmed Ones while trying to put down his demon side.

It would be nice if the show somehow makes a case that just because someone has some demon in them, that doesn't mean that they're evil. Everyone is in control over their own destiny and everyone can be good or evil. Maybe if Macy and Parker embrace their darkness without falling into evil then it would be an interesting twist to the show.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
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I think this show is finally finding it's groove. It was kind of a hot mess for the first ten episodes but it's settling down into a more digestible pace. I really liked the demon of the week and it fit nicely into the overall story about why Macy was given up and why nobody knew about her. I'm taking that at face value for now since it seems to make sense. 

Knansie with a K was pretty funny. I like how she was wearing a name tag because she works at the makeup counter at Target or something. It's a nice change from the usual demon who seems to live in an underground labyrinth of caves like in the original show. Necromancy doesn't pay the bills!

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I do think this show is finding its footing, the actors are getting more settled into their roles, and they are actually giving us some good character moments, instead of frantically rushing from plot point to plot point, and basing everything around angst surrounding relationships we dont really know about.

The case of the week was pretty good, I liked the actress who played the necromancer a lot, and I love that she had a retail day job when she isnt raises the dead with the blood of demons. "Being a necromancer doesent pay the bills!" I really had no idea until the end if she or Syd were the bad guy. On the one hand, Knansie with a K was pretty creepy in the flashbacks, and raising the dead sounds like a decently sketchy business, but you never know, and its long established by now that the Elders are total dicks. 

I also thought the backstory for Macy and her darkness, and why her mother left her, was pretty good, and did a good job at explaining why Marisol would have never had anything to do with her, or mentioned her to her sisters. I still think that Marisol had some skeletons in her closet, but this is a pretty sympathetic reason to be a deadbeat mom. I hope that they can find a way to allow Macy to combat her darkness without having to lose her demon blood, because that sounds like a really interesting story. 

I even liked Parker better this week, probably because they weren't the supposedly epic retread of Phoebe and Cole, and the guy playing Parker showed some personality beyond bland unhappiness. I think he works better as a possible friend/ally to the charmed ones, and maybe later getting together with Maggie, than as a love interest for now. 

Also happy that the angst with Harry possibly leaving as the girls White Lighter ended quickly, and he got some closure with his son. Mel and Harry are always a great combination, they have a great friend chemistry together, and walk a nice line between snarky banter and being supportive. I was annoyed at first that Harry showed himself as their White Lighter so quickly (and its still annoying a lot of times that the girls dont have to find things out on their own as much), but I do like them all being on the same page, and supporting each other.

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I do wish that the writers would put in a little more thought as to how the sisters can vanquish a demon. It would've been greatif we had seen Maggie/Macy figure out that Knasie with a K can only be killed by attacking a demon and using Parker as bait instead of it happening accidently.

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and its long established by now that the Elders are total dicks. 

We really only have Jada's word on that, and in the long run I seriously doubt she's going to be proven righteous. The Elders asked Mel to infiltrate this little group (can't remember what they're called) and I'm sure Mel is going to end up falling for Jada, but unless this show takes a hard right away from the original version, I don't see the Elders turning out to be the bad guys at the end of the day. I think at some point Mel is going to realize Jada and her group are bad news but she'll be all angsty over it because she's in love with her.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

We really only have Jada's word on that, and in the long run I seriously doubt she's going to be proven righteous. The Elders asked Mel to infiltrate this little group (can't remember what they're called) and I'm sure Mel is going to end up falling for Jada, but unless this show takes a hard right away from the original version, I don't see the Elders turning out to be the bad guys at the end of the day. I think at some point Mel is going to realize Jada and her group are bad news but she'll be all angsty over it because she's in love with her.

I hope there's a bit more nuanced about this. Considering how the show wanted to go the progressive route, it might be that the Elders are fine and good people but they're out of touch with the realities of the witching world. They're old and they've been in power for a long time.

So maybe it's that the Elders need to work with the Sarcana and change things so that everyone could be happy.

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On 2/20/2019 at 6:56 PM, CheezyXpressed said:

I hope there's a bit more nuanced about this. Considering how the show wanted to go the progressive route, it might be that the Elders are fine and good people but they're out of touch with the realities of the witching world. They're old and they've been in power for a long time.

So maybe it's that the Elders need to work with the Sarcana and change things so that everyone could be happy.

What doesn't really make sense to me is that the Elders really aren't THAT old.  They are just more senior witches.  Even Marisol was one and it wasn't THAT long ago that she was breaking a necromancer out of Tarturus in order to resurrect her dead infant!  I find it hard to believe that they would be so out of touch when they are obviously just normal women/witches who, presumably, have come into "power" due to their experience.  Probably there are some Elder traditions that have been passed down over time, but it's not like these women have been Elders for centuries or anything like that.

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This was probably the first episode of this show I liked overall. 

I wasn't keen on Harry's long-lost son idea, but I did like their little adventure in England and Harry's realization.  Though it was a little ridiculous that Harry and Mel seemed to have completely forgotten Macy and Maggie were in danger and they didn't seem on edge or worried or anything.  

Macy summoning the Necromancer herself without consulting her sisters was not cool.  I did find the Necromancer quite funny and enjoyable.  I was a little sad to learn she was actually fully evil.  Sid could have tried to explain things to Maggie, no?  

Parker's dad using the sorority girl was an irritating "twist".  

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Niko remains as bland as always. Did the actress just have episodes left on her contract that they’re trying to use up. I’ve no interest or desire to see her and Mel get back together.

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