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S20.E15: Brothel

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On 2/15/2019 at 11:45 AM, GordonGartrelle said:

Don't just think of popular actors.  

I have been watching original airings since the 90's all shows, to include, LA and Trail by Jury.  I live off the reruns.  Some faces, actors stay with you.  I had to google who the guy that played Maggie on Hitch was because I know he had been in a few across the board, turns out his name is Austin Lysy, and he has stared in 4.  2 mothership, 2 SVU.  Who can forget Mike D?

I am watching this morning "Breeders" from the Mothership and saw a familiar actor, but I didn't know her name. I googled the episode and came up with Ann Dowd.

3-SVU, 1-Trial by Jury, 1-Criminal Intent, and 4-L&O

It so hard to remember their names and I have to resort to trying to come up with the name of the episodes in order to look up their actors' names.

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7 hours ago, dttruman said:

It so hard to remember their names and I have to resort to trying to come up with the name of the episodes in order to look up their actors' names. 

Perhaps this will help you:



Edited by preeya
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Can Olivia just change careers and become a survivors rights advocate, or run a support group, or something because that is so obviously what she actually has an interest in doing. Not solving crimes or being a objective detective, she has seemingly been over that for awhile now. She just wants to give inspirational speeches to sad looking but beautiful women, and growl at dudes in suites or sweatshirts. I think, she, the NYPD, and New York City in general would be better off. 

Anyway, I did mostly like this episode. The focus on Fin was great to see, and I liked getting some of his backstory without a bunch of Making It Personal melodrama you get with a lot of character focus episodes. I also kept waiting for Jennifer Esposito to be the dirty cop, so they actually surprised me when she was innocent. I liked Phoebe, its too bad she was seeing someone, she and Finn had good chemistry together. and the case was mostly focused on actual crime solving, not some super dramatic very special Episode or super emotional yelling and crying, even from the supposed professionals. 

I didnt mind the judge being the bad guy, but his motives really hurt the otherwise more down to earth feel of the episode. Like, his eyes were bulging full on crazy eyes style and he was ranting and raving like some dollar store serial killer perp, not a well respected judge. I would have preferred (and it would have made more sense if) he thought that the women being in the brothel at least kept them somewhat safe, or keeping them out of the justice system so they could spend more time with people who really are trying to change, or that he was just corrupt and wanted the money, those I could at least understand how he would have gotten to, not this ranting and raving about their souls being dead because of his dead daughter or something. 

Not too much Saint Olivia this week, but her trying to lead the one woman into fingering Phoebe was awful, and if it was her, could easily have gotten the whole case thrown out. Why not just ex out the other pictures, and put a big arrow over her picture and get it over with? And her ending with her pep talk to the one woman just seemed to tacked on. She hardly had any interaction with this person, hardly did anything with solving the case, but Mariska apparently has it it her contract that she has to be all soft voiced and supportive to some pretty female victim by the end of the episode and be Saint Olivia the Savior. You see what I mean about her being more suited to be a counselor of victims advocate? She might not be very good at those either, but at least its where her interests are!

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On 2/15/2019 at 12:46 AM, Xeliou66 said:

That was the best episode of the season, it’s been a long time since I’ve thought an episode was that good. It really felt like classic SVU, with a lot of good investigation with nice twists without any personal crap. 

It was awesome to see Fin get some focus, the more of Fin the better, him and Carisi were awesome together as always. I couldn’t tell if Phoebe was going to be dirty or not, and so the episode was suspenseful, although I did suspect Kofax’s possible involvement. 

The only bad parts were the absence of Stone, he should’ve been in some scenes, the scene between Benson and the girl at the end, that was just more of St Olivia’s preaching and saving the world, and Benson’s behavior when showing the girl the photo array, after she said she didn’t recognize any of them, Benson had no right to continue to ask about Phoebe, it was highly unprofessional and unethical.

Overall this was a strong episode with a lot of good twists and investigation, and it was solid from start to finish. Best episode of season 20 IMO.

When the girl ended up dead, I remembered a post awhile back wishing for a dead hooker in an alley type story again, and we finally got one. It was so refreshing to witness a good old fashioned investigative case. There were a few problems; the biggest being a malware popup by Benson at the end, but otherwise satisfying.

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24 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

When the girl ended up dead, I remembered a post awhile back wishing for a dead hooker in an alley type story again, and we finally got one. It was so refreshing to witness a good old fashioned investigative case. There were a few problems; the biggest being a malware popup by Benson at the end, but otherwise satisfying.

Agreed. It was great to see a case with a lot of investigation and twists and it was nice to get a lot of Fin after having several episodes in the past few seasons that have been advertised as Fin heavy and instead turn out to be Benson centric.

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On 2/16/2019 at 4:13 PM, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Remember, he once had an outburst blaming her for Little Dodd's death.

As well he should have.  I still blame Olivia, in part, for Dodds' death, my own self.  What good cop relies on a civilian's search alone as proof there's no gun in the house?  And where were all the uniforms?  No one else, no one, would've been cleared of any wrongdoing there within 24 hours like Benson was.  Then, Dodds, Sr. later apologizes to Benson and says she wasn't at fault!  I mean, must everyone worship at her shrine?

I like Dodds, Sr., too, and am worried about whatever Fin held over his head so he'd get to stay on SVU after making Sergeant.

On 2/16/2019 at 5:05 PM, ChristiKRN said:

There was no need for Benson to track down the girl at a NA meeting to give her a pep talk. 

And, as the bad cop approached her at an NA meeting originally, before trapping her into a life as a sex slave, it seemed especially inappropriate for Benson, a cop, to then... approach her at an NA meeting.

7 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Agreed. It was great to see a case with a lot of investigation and twists and it was nice to get a lot of Fin after having several episodes in the past few seasons that have been advertised as Fin heavy and instead turn out to be Benson centric.

Now if we could only get such an ep for Carisi!  I'd declare the entire season a success.

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7 hours ago, dttruman said:

Me thinks he doesn't protest too much. I wonder if he is going to be the next character that goes off hinge?

There have been so many characters assassinated on this show, it wouldn't surprise me.  Time's up, contract's over, lets not pay (insert actor's name here) any more, and shove them over the cliff.

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1. Okay, why does no one ever go to IAD? The first thing the defence would ask is why not? Were you all conspiring to hush this up? Once more an excuse to get the SVU involved in something which isn't their remit and address an issue -internet prostitution- that needs addressing. 

2. Boy, Benson should get some better glasses, they look awful. Like Carisi in the shoe shop, that was fun. 

3. That all the girls recovered from their addictions seems a bit trite. If it was that easy the judge wouldn't have had to do this in the first place? Spare us the Benson sermon please! You feel this was something she wanted to do as she doesn't feature much in the rest of the ep. 

4. A brick? REALLY? Couldn't they have just got a fake gun and substituted it instead?

5. So we do IDs by asking a drug addict suffering withdrawl? I don't think so. 

6. Some red herrings here, the drug counsellor and the other judge, you weren't sure who was the leak. 

7. Can we not discuss police raids in a crowded bar in loud voices? 

8. Why did the fleeing hooker run up instead of down? What did she expect to find? 

9. Rollins once more the naysayer, very down on the hooker user, due to her own experience? 

10. No Stone? At all?

11. Did the hooker jump or was she pushed? Was that ever established?

12. Boy, the prostitution ring has a weird idea of what 'going underground' means? But I guess this is SVU were no one ever waits the police out or leaves town? 

7/10, it was okay. 

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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 5:48 AM, HunterHunted said:

This was a half decent episode. During the interrogation, the judge was spinning out into levels of crazy that it seemed would be very hard to hide on a day to day basis. I would have rather his motivation be more valid, plausible, and unbelievably jaundiced. If he said that the program kicked the girls who were most likely to relapse in part because government funding requires the program to have a certain number of successes, that would have been cynical but made sense. He could have justified the brothel by being the safest version of what these girls were going to end up doing. His actions would still be contemptible, but his cynical view of the world makes you realize why his decisions were rational to him.

Liv's photo array was terrible. You likely learned that the photo array was not ok because of a little show called Law & Order (most likely the mothership). Unfortunately, the Law & Order television program doesn't seem to exist in the SVU universe. And if it does, it's probably late season SVU.

They say 70% of miscarriages of justice stem from screwups with ID procedures. 

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