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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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I like the outfit.  I recall CL mentioning how cold her top was so I'm glad for her they fixed that, plus it always looked too impractical before.  The boots do look a bit loose but boots are not so hard to swap out if they prove to be impractical.  I think they like the short jacket cause it shows off her figure clearly. 


I need to see the front of her pants to make a more expert judgment.  I don't hate them but I'm not totally sure how they compare to the old black ones.  So much of her outfit IS her old outfit I'm wondering if the front of her pants are more similar to her old ones than we can currently tell.


About the color.  I think it's perfect.  Back when we were still doing wild speculation the subject of her coming back as the White Canary came up but we also pointed out that white is too bright for practical purposes and decided some shades of grey would make more sense, but that the grey would in the deepest shadows look white in comparison so hence, White Canary and the real thing ended up being just as speculated. 


So yeah, I'm pleased with the look.  I think I like it better than her first outfit. 


I am just so excited to have Sara back.  I'm more hyped for her possible return in season 4 than any of the regulars on Arrow.  I wonder how soon we'll get her back.  Justice demands since they killed her in the first episode of season three that she comes back in the first episode of season four but I doubt they can get her resurrection backstory set up so quickly. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I think they may show her waking up in the LP as a teaser at the end of episode 1, then maybe skip an episode and show us her and Merlyn or Nyssa or whoever resurrects her in episode 3. All this time, the main cast won't know she's back so it won't affect any storylines.

The issue I have with this idea is that at this point Sara's return isn't the interesting part (in as much as we know how it happens already).  It's the who and how we get to the point of the LP that I'm very curious about.  If it's Merlyn orchestrating it, then I could see him just going ahead and doing it secretly (and it be revealed that he exhumed her body and stuck her back into a fridge until he had use for her again cause honestly, I don't think I can take them dropping a desiccated bunch of bones and sinews into the pit which means I need her to at least look mostly like her fleshy self before her big dip).


If it's Nyssa putting Sara in the pit, then how she's able to do it needs more backstory IMO.  She doesn't have control of the LP.  Also why now?  What pushed Nyssa to dare risk it?  Is it just proof that it worked on Thea?  Is she so incredibly lost and lonely that she's willing to do anything?  Is Malcolm appeasing a rival?  Did Rip come back from the future and give them a new prophecy?  These are things I want to know but don't think they can fit into the opener of Arrow and also catch us up with all the characters and bring Oliver and Felicity back to Starling City. 


Thea was really excited to see Sara at her Welcome Back from the Dead Party that Oliver threw. She greeted her at the door and introduced her to Roy and Sin (of course not knowing that Sin was Sara's little sister). That showed that they knew each other. Laurel was Oliver's girlfriend so I don't know how she could know Sara that well. But I suppose Sara being two years younger makes her closer in age to Thea. 


I like to fankwank that Sara babysat Thea (to get closer to Oliver) and that's how they know each other. 

I hope we get some scenes with Sara and Thea, they have a lot to talk about it. They are bonded now because of the LP/ Sara would be the only one that would understand what Thea's going through. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I think they may show her waking up in the LP as a teaser at the end of episode 1, then maybe skip an episode and show us her and Merlyn or Nyssa or whoever resurrects her in episode 3. All this time, the main cast won't know she's back so it won't affect any storylines.

That would be interesting. It could be similar to what they did with OQ in the winter premiere. Where I thought it was dumb for them to tell the audience that OQ was alive, but keep it from the main cast. I think it might make for a better resurrection story for Sara. It would be nice to see them parallel or mirror the trilogy that made the BC be the thing that gives us back SL/Canary now WC. IDK, Im just excited for them to bring her back - I hope they do it well.

I don't care how they bring her back, I'm just happy she is back. 


I know I'll have to see Laurel (ugg) I hope it's minimal because I never really bought them as close sisters. Although maybe Cassidy will do better now that she's not threatened by Caity.  Sara will still always be the better badass, so I guess it's good that she'll be in different time periods doing her thing. I do want to see Quentin and Sara because I still go with my fanwank that Sara was a Daddy's girl, the tomboy that watched and played sports with him. Then of course I'll need to see Oliver's reaction to Sara coming back to life for like the fourth time for him. Baby Sara obviously has to meet her namesake. Diggle's reaction should also be great, along with Felicity who can actually be happy that she's not dead anymore, again. 

Rewatched Arrow 302 tonight. I was struck by something again at Sara's funeral. I remember seeing it then but I didn't know what to make of it then other than something as suspicious. But they cut to someone gazing onto the group during the funeral. When I first saw it I thought it might be the killer. But now that LoT is a go, I wonder if they might use that opportunity to have whoever LPs her there at the funeral. The 3 major suspects I think for lp Sara I my mind are: Nyssa (out of love); Rip & Malcolm (to get/maintain OQs loyalty). They now have the perfect opportunity if they use that moment for 302. No one on TA would suspect a thing.

I still can't bring myself to watch that episode because I feel I will have a rage fit for the way they killed her. But if there was a mystery person watching Sara's pitiful funeral then maybe the EP's had some forethought about this spin off and not keeping Sara dead for good. 


I wonder if they will talk about where Sara was when she dead? She was on the other side, depending on if it was a for a day or almost a year. Buffy came back thinking she was in heaven or Angel went to a hell like place for an eternity. 


I'm hoping it's Rip that brings her back because I would think Nyssa having known about the LP wouldn't have been so brokenhearted if she could just bring her back. I know Ra's is there, but Arrow's version of Ra's couldn't strike fear in an ant. Nyssa would've done anything for her beloved. As for Malcolm, unless Sara rises from the dead and snaps Malcolm's neck I don't want him being the one that brings her back. Rip works for me being a Time Traveler and a third party whose interest in Sara is for the greater good. Sara being needed on the Time Traveling Justice League makes it about her. Not about Laurel's journey or Oliver's manpain which is what her death was about. If she's going to be reborn, I want it to be about her. 

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I agree, making Rip the one to save her would kill two birds with one stone - explain how she can be resurrected at all, one year later (time travel did it) and introduce Rip himself in the way that would let him form a few relationships from the get-go and especially create a dynamic with Sara (and maybe Ray if he'll still be on Arrow).

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Yes, it was just a cut back to a perspective behind the trees before the transition. NO person was shown. It was small, but it felt like something. They have used similar shots to imply that people were watching in on the scenes in other episodes.


I sorta want it to be Rip as well if I had to choose. I would like for her to be brought back for her. I also think it would be nice for her relationship with Rip to be special and this is a unique way to start a relationship.


I agree that if Nyssa had brought her back she likely would have not been so sad the past season on Arrow. Unless she was trying to play OQ, MM & Ras to try and take over the LoA, but I don't think it is likely.


Malcolm bringing her back would be all about MM, which would be his MO, but frankly I'm a lil exhausted by MM shenanigans last season.

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I still can't bring myself to watch that episode because I feel I will have a rage fit for the way they killed her. But if there was a mystery person watching Sara's pitiful funeral then maybe the EP's had some forethought about this spin off and not keeping Sara dead for good.


I wondered for a while if bringing back Sara was always the plan but Caity Lotz says she thought Sara was staying dead when she filmed the scene and it was only much later did the spin off thing happen. 


It's possible that the show runners could take that fade back shot and use it to show someone watching but I don't think that was the intention of the shot.  They've used that kind of thing before just to frame a scene (even if sometimes it IS used to show someone watching)  


I do prefer Rip to go back and get her while she's "fresh" but I'm keeping my expectations low since like most others, I really don't care how or why she comes back as long as she does. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Caity wouldn't know what the EP's have planned. They could've left an opening for a possibility depending on if she was available or not. But if we look at the time line, this was planned earlier then we knew about it. 


In August they filmed Sara's death, I'm guessing around December Caity came back to film the Canaries episode and the spin off was announced in February, They had to be talking to her about it some time in between then, to get her signed. 


If Rip did bring her back right after Team Arrow buried her, where as she been for the past 7 months? Is she already traveling through time and fighting Vandal Savage? Is she somewhere else trying to regain her sanity? But it would interesting to see her and Rip already have a relationship. Knowing Sara would be a way to bring him into the fold since we already know everyone else besides Hawkgirl and the mystery hero. Whom I'm guessing we will meet them in Flash Season 2. 

Edited by Sakura12


If Rip did bring her back right after Team Arrow buried her, where as she been for the past 7 months? Is she already traveling through time and fighting Vandal Savage? Is she somewhere else trying to regain her sanity? But it would interesting to see her and Rip already have a relationship. Knowing Sara would be a way to bring him into the fold since we already know everyone else besides Hawkgirl and the mystery hero. Whom I'm guessing we will meet them in Flash Season 2.

He might have resurrected her and then taken her forward in time to when she was needed. I do like the idea of her having that connection to him before the series begins.

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If Rip did bring her back right after Team Arrow buried her, where as she been for the past 7 months?


I actually thought he'll just take her body to the future and then they'll use LP. But who knows. Maybe they'll just use LP without any time travel and there will be consequences, although 1 year is kinda too much to make sense, imho. It will raise the question of why doesn't Malcolm use it on Tommy or even his wife.

They could always have Ra's via Maseo bring her to the LP right after she was buried. He could send her with a brainwashing to live with the The Twelve Brothers in Silk so she could have somewhat her Comic backstory.


Ra's is into Romance ;) though he wanted Grandbabies so Sara's resurection would be a nice surprise for Nyssa later.

Or maybe they can have Damian Darhk put her into his stolen LP water that he presented in a similar looking to Ra's LP setting... And he sent her to the brothers.

Or Perhaps Damian has Sara be Las Vegas casino security and she could have a similar backstory to hers in AME-COMI GIRLS #8. Which I have never heard of or read but I find it interesting that she's pretty much The Black Canary Of That Alternate series and She's from Vegas. Which is where felicity is from. And all those felicity father rumors...



So I think they have some options other Than Nyssa, Malcolm or Rip. Though I think I want Rip LPing Sara to give them a pre show history.

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I'd rather they not connect her at all to comic White Canary so we don't have people bitching about white washing. I'm fine with her just using the name because it does make sense in this universe for her to choose that name. Keeping her nothing like the comic character just makes her another character using the name. 


I really don't care how she comes back, I'm just happy she is back. 


However I do think the EP's know they screwed up killing her off and brought her back because of the fan reaction. They weren't really thinking about how long the LP works for. They made the right decision being that Sara has been the biggest discussion piece since the spin off was announced. 

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I prefer her being brought to the Lp as close to her death as possible only so it does not set a precedent to bring back long since dead characters. Although I really wouldn't mind moira or Tommy coming back. But I feel like death should mean something or just not be used at all. I think the writers are beginning to get that concept though. But I guess with time travel now they could do that anyway; so maybe it doesn't matter.

As to where she's been for a year - I hope they write a good story. It is within her character to keep her resurrection from her family if she thinks it keeps them safe. So I wouldn't even mind if they didn't have her come back as a wsy to protect them.

Im guessing her aftereffects from lp will be worse than Thea because of all of her past traumas. So maybe she was healing in an ashram somewhere where she earns the name white canary or takes it in honour of the original white canary or something like that.

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I get the White washing issue but just do it the other way for other characters. The 12 brothers seem interesting to me. Sara training with them would be cool.

And having Sara enter through that Damian Darhk played games with Ra's and Nyssa (and eventually team Arrow) could service the Arrow S4 big bad plot as well as set up for LOT.

But like I said I want the Rip speculation to be true.

I think it matters to the question does death matter in this universe and rather or not-even past deaths last. Why aren't they all being Resurected?

For me it just doesn't matter. As for why others characters aren't brought back to life, I'm sure they can come up with an excuse.

I don't want Sara's post LP days to be skipped over. So I'm not up for any scenarios where she's been resurrected for a year and been in hiding or something.


I don't know if the Arrow fans want to deal with a lot of Lance Family drama. And if Sara's going to have issues on LOT regaining her memories and her dealing with hell from the past year(s) will be excuse enough whichever direction they take. Nightmares of her death and past can help her bond with Hawkgirl.

Edited by tarotx
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Ehh...no. Not interested in the twelve brothers at all, especially from what I've read

White Canary ends up torturing them all to death because Black Canary defeated them.

The twelve brothers thing from what I understand is a Black Canary storyline, and I'm not interested in any kind of White Canary vs Black Canary scenarios.

I'm going to say that I hope that she hasn't been alive this whole time. I don't know how they're going to explain it to take away the possibility of everyone coming back, but personally I'd rather her come back in the current timeline.

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Yes please to NO BC v. WC. Want them to actually write a sister/sister relationship that is positive and not just used for drama.


That might be difficult for these writers. Forced and unnecessary drama is their thing. 


I know I'm probably alone in this, but I have no desire to see Laurel ever and don't care about their sisterly relationship. They were horrible to each other. Plus some people just do not get along with their siblings and see them very sparingly. I'm fine with that being Sara and Laurel. 

  • Love 3

The only sisterly relationship I want to see is Sin and Sara. They cared about each other and had a healthy relationship or as healthy a relationship that anyone could have on these shows. I want Sara to tell Sin about what happened to her father. Sara did try to save him. 


It's interesting that Dinah said Sara wanted to be a doctor when she was little because she always wanted to save people. Yet, they made everyone say Laurel was always trying to save the world. When it was Sara we saw with the innate need to save people.


Sin's father, Oliver when he was captured first by Ivo, then by Slade, she even tried to save that burly dude that almost choked her to death when Ivo wanted him. Then she was going to kill him to save Oliver, she came back to Starling and started rescuing women from rapists, she took in Sin, she came running when Laurel was in trouble and a little girl from a fire. Sometimes her definition of saving someone was to put them down (like Roy) but still she was trying to help. 

To me it seems like Sara was the one always trying to save the world, while Laurel wanted the world to revolve around her. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Yeah I doubt you are going to get your wish of no Laurel. She might even be in it as much as Oliver and Barry.

Sara is linked to Laurel both by them being sisters, Laurel taking Sara's masked identity, Their relationships with Nyssa and Oliver and the whole original White Canary story in the comics.

Sara is the one who was drawn to saving people. They have actually given Sara most (all?) of the Black Canary's best and interesting traits and experiences.

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Since they've confirmed that it's really Sara, the original White Canary comics storyline would make absolutely no sense.  Granted, these are the people who are supposedly telling us that you can dissipate a black hole by running around its event horizon really, really fast (no, really fast), so who knows what's going on in their heads (Quentin suddenly asks Laurel "By the way, have you ever heard from any of your twelve brothers? And you're awful and you suck.").  But by most standards, reusing the name and dropping any connection to the comics original sounds like the best plan.

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Of course the complete original backstory can't be replicated but they could easily have Sara be connected to them for the past year.


And then there is the Alternate Anime Las Vegas White Canary who Could be used with slight work done to her backstory.

All I know is that they have given at least a wink to the backstory's to these Comic Aliases. And I don't want a rotten/bones version of Sara resurected a year after her death. Having Rip LP a fresh from a just buried but dug up version of Sara brought from the past is the best option imo. And they could even have Rip do this after he's introduced to team Arrow and the new "owner" of the Lazarus Pit Malcolm Merlyn.


I just don't want any hint of her being a villain, even if it's temporary. No secretly resurrected and brainwashed for a year into being some sort of super-assassin storyline. No epic Black Canary vs White Canary battles before Laurel saves Sara with the power of her sisterly love. *gag* I just don't want any of that.

Edited by Starfish35
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However I do think the EP's know they screwed up killing her off and brought her back because of the fan reaction. They weren't really thinking about how long the LP works for. They made the right decision being that Sara has been the biggest discussion piece since the spin off was announced.


Caity Lotz has also said in recent interviews that it was fan reaction to her death that brought her back, but chances are TPTB instead of regretting their choice of killing her are patting themselves on the back for being so clever as to "solved" the dilemma they created by introducing her in the first place.




Yes please to NO BC v. WC. Want them to actually write a sister/sister relationship that is positive and not just used for drama.

I wouldn't put it past them to use a "Sara is confused" excuse and at some point pit BC vs WC which will be problematic for me if they have Laurel defeat Sara.  The alternative would be the bonds of sisterly love breaks through which honestly doesn't bother me.  Of course Sara loves her sister!  Whatever happens I want it to serve Sara's story, not prop Laurel up in her new title. 


If Arrow wants to build up Laurel and say she's now super duper at her job, fine, but don't you dare lift Laurel up by stepping anymore on Sara. 

  • Love 1

I wouldn't put it past them to use a "Sara is confused" excuse and at some point pit BC vs WC which will be problematic for me if they have Laurel defeat Sara.  The alternative would be the bonds of sisterly love breaks through which honestly doesn't bother me.  Of course Sara loves her sister! 

I totally believe Sara loves Laurel. It's just after "Canaries" and having just watched "Sara", I'm not confident of either either the writers' or KC's abilities to portray that in a way that doesn't make me want to rage.

Whatever happens I want it to serve Sara's story, not prop Laurel up in her new title. 


If Arrow wants to build up Laurel and say she's now super duper at her job, fine, but don't you dare lift Laurel up by stepping anymore on Sara.

Agreed on that. I'll never forgive them for "you have a light inside of you that Sara never had."

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The only light inside Laurel is her "on" button. 


Sara's been shown to be more caring Laurel. I know she hooked up with Oliver again but since I don't care about Laurel or their relationship I didn't care what it did to Laurel. I don't even care that she brought Oliver to the dinner. That dinner wasn't about Laurel it was supposed to be about them having dinner with Sara because she was alive and about Quentin foolishly hoping he could get his wife back because of Sara being alive.


I was more pissed that we didn't actually get the family asking Sara and Oliver all sorts of questions about where they were for 5/6 years and why they lied about her being dead. Because apparently none of them asked her any questions. Laurel never knew about Sara's scarred up body and Quentin didn't know that Sara and Oliver were on the island together. That coupled with Dinah just bouncing after spending 0 time with her not-dead daughter and them smiling and sending Sara off to be a killer again, makes me think they did think that Sara was on a Caribbean cruise for 6 years. I guess I can go with Quentin didn't know that Sara tried to kill herself to save her mother, but you'd still think a police officer would ask his daughter what happened to her. Yes, she could lie but he's seen her be jumpy and ready to attack at loud noises which screams PTSD and again he's a cop!

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I do want a couple of scenes of Sara and Laurel BUT I want them on Arrow NOT LoT.  For me to buy into this mission, LoT needs to be bigger than family drama or trifling romance issues.  I don't mind if there is flirting and ships, but I absolutely do NOT want triangles and that kind of crap.  The drama should come from making Vandal Savage one big badass villain who is intent of messing up time and making the world a much worse place.  And from internal issues like Hawkgirl's past lives, Victor and his Firestorm other half (especially if it isn't Robbie), Sara and her resurrection and quest to find her new place in the world, Ray and his issues with Anna, and so on...


They can save the relationship drama, bromances, manpain, etc... for Flash and Arrow where they are just trying to save cities. The people who are trying to save the world shouldn't have time for that.

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The only light inside Laurel is her "on" button. 


Sara's been shown to be more caring Laurel. I know she hooked up with Oliver again but since I don't care about Laurel or their relationship I didn't care what it did to Laurel. I don't even care that she brought Oliver to the dinner. That dinner wasn't about Laurel it was supposed to be about them having dinner with Sara because she was alive and about Quentin foolishly hoping he could get his wife back because of Sara being alive.


I was more pissed that we didn't actually get the family asking Sara and Oliver all sorts of questions about where they were for 5/6 years and why they lied about her being dead. Because apparently none of them asked her any questions. Laurel never knew about Sara's scarred up body and Quentin didn't know that Sara and Oliver were on the island together. That coupled with Dinah just bouncing after spending 0 time with her not-dead daughter and them smiling and sending Sara off to be a killer again, makes me think they did think that Sara was on a Caribbean cruise for 6 years. I guess I can go with Quentin didn't know that Sara tried to kill herself to save her mother, but you'd still think a police officer would ask his daughter what happened to her. Yes, she could lie but he's seen her be jumpy and ready to attack at loud noises which screams PTSD and again he's a cop!

Well I do think Oliver going to the family dinner was a bad move on his part.  Sara was just scared, but Oliver should have known better.  But the rest of your post, I 100% agree with.  I cannot believe that Quentin didn't know that Sara ended up on the island with Oliver.  I could totally understand Sara not wanting to give him specifics like the boat, Frisk, etc... but come on!  He should have at least asked how she survived the boat crash.  And if she lied and said that Nyssa rescued her, than he certainly shouldn't have been pissed that Oliver never filled him in on the details.  But I chalk all of that up to really bad writing lol.


But yea Dinah should have wanted to stick around a bit more and spend some time with Sara.  At the time it didn't bother me because I thought Starling City and Central City were closer together because of how people got between the cities so quickly.  I didn't realize until I saw people floating back and forth between SC and NP that something was really weird about how people get around on these shows.


Anyway, I think Arrow just has a really weird history of wanting to hold important facts for the "big reveal" so they don't have characters have conversations that should occur (even off screen).  Season one seems to have escaped this, but season two was definitely a bit off in this department. As soon as Oliver saw Slade, he should have been filling in his mother and sister about who this guy was and why he might be dangerous and he should have told his team everything he knew about mirukuru instantly.  But the writers space out giving the audience information and tend to make Oliver look bad because of it.  I mean seriously, Oliver could have told his mom and sister, "ok so I wasn't on the island alone, Slade was there, he hates me, and he's really dangerous - I don't want to talk about it, but you need to be warned" or something along those lines.  That would have been enough to prevent Thea from getting in the damn car at least.  The way Oliver withholds information makes him look really careless and that continued into season three.


Since this isn't Oliver's thread, but Sara's - I will tie this back to her.  What this means is that Sara also withheld information from her father that cop and her sister in season two when she knew Slade was involved - information that could have at least helped her dad do his job.  The writers of these shows really need to figure out a way to surprise the audience while having characters tell each other important things.  I hope that problem does not translate to LoT because I am very prepared to love this show.  (At least with LoT they might have the excuse of "don't tell anyone anything because if they know it could screw up the timeline" so that might help.)

Edited by nksarmi
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Oh trust me, I have no big desire to have LL/BC come over to LoT and hang out with SL/WC. The less they have to interact the better probably. I'm just saying that if they have to interact on the screen, I want there to be an amicable relationship. Similar to how I want SL & Hawkgirl to have a good friendship, I just think positive female-female relationship are lacking on TV and so if they must interact as sisters - let's make it positive. But LoT should be about SL/WC as a heroine and not about her previous issues/beef with LL/BC.


Interestingly, on the Arrow media section there was an article posted on things we might not know about KC and she said she would not forgive her sisters if they did what Sara did to her. I wonder if that perspective from the actress will always impede how she plays the role of LL. Because it does all seem like SL cares more about LL and LL is rather indifferent about SL (except to blame her for stuff). I would hope that KC would be able to see beyond her own personal perspective, because it does seem like the character of LL should be able to forgive SL at some point for the mistakes of their youth. Perhaps never really get over it, but she should be able to forgive her. Ultimately, LL should care about her sister more and I hope that having to grieve her death for a 2nd time made her realize how much she should value & love her sister - despite falling for the same guy (esp now that the guy is out of the picture).

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