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From Deadline;

Amazon has given the green light to Lorena, a four-part documentary series about the notorious case of spouses Lorena and John Wayne Bobbitt, with Jorden Peele (Get Out) attached to executive produce via his Monkeypaw Productions and Sonar Entertainment.

The docuseries is said to provide a fresh perspective on the story of Lorena Bobbitt, the Virginia woman who in 1993 infamously cut off her husband’s penis with a kitchen knife as he slept, and how one event laid the groundwork for the modern 24-hour news cycle and increasingly sensationalistic media coverage. In the above photo, Lorena Bobbitt wipes away tears as she listened to her husband testify in her 1994 trial.


@DangerousMinds 🙋🏻‍♀️

I was in high school when this happened, and I remember my peers and the adult men in my life collectively crossing their legs when the details of what Lorena did surfaced. Quite naturally the media portrayed her as a jealous crazy hotblooded Latina who cut off her husband’s penis in a fit of rage. Then OJ happened, the case was kind of pushed out of the spotlight, and my limited teenage attention span dismissed both cases. So it was interesting to see her side of the story told in detail.

WARNING: there are graphic images of the severed organ in almost each episode. You can feel the lead up to it, but just ugh...so not necessary. One time is enough.

John, at first, came off as too dim witted to even attract a woman, let alone beat one up. But with each episode, you see and feel his douchebaggery make its way to the surface, and that he’s pretty typical in terms of a text book batterer...denying the severity of his violence, blaming his victim and his own abusive past, his abuse continuing with other partners, his fame obsession, etc. And yet again, it was no secret what he was doing to her, and those who were relatively close to them were not surprised about what happened. Why does it take some extremely violent act for people to speak up? And finally, what I found most disturbing of all is the fact that he is still reaching out to Lorena via letters and social media. It’s probably more about money than anything else (the first thing I thought of was when Amy Fischer and Joey Buttafuco did their first joint interview a few years ago), but it’s just...disturbing after all these years. Especially since she’s mostly been out of the spotlight until recently. It’s so text book, that these abusers never want to relinquish control, no matter how much time goes by.

As for Lorena, she still seems a bit shaky, but considering everything she went through, it’s not surprising. But it’s nice to see that she was able to escape alive, climb through that mess of a trial and all of the people trying to make a quick buck off of her trauma, and rebuild her life. I hope she has found some sort of peace.

  • Love 14

I just finished this series. Good goddamn is John Wayne Bobbitt a piece of dog shit. I'm laughing at how time has not been kind to him. That stupid single "diamond" earring... Meanwhile, Lorena is gorgeous.

What I got from it all is that he's a pathological liar, narcissist and sociopath. He's a violent criminal who should never have been released from jail, but he's white and a "victim", so here we are. The number if chances this guy has been given! Oh, and that story about his childhood house being burned down by his black neighbors in the "ghetto"? Shut up, lying racist.

And how does he own a gun as a felon??

I hate him so much. I recognize his behavior from my own father and a past abusive relationship of mine. I hate how the media portrayed him as a victim of a "crazed woman" and his violence was never the headline. I don't remember any of that part, and I was in college at the time.

I am in awe of Lorena's strength and resilience. She's amazing and the fact that she uses her experience to help others is incredible and shows her true heart. The difference between her and John is stark.

  • Fire 1
  • Love 16

It’s so telling to me how after the trials Lorena just wanted to get back to her normal life and use her experience to help others; while John wanted t cash in on fame and fortune, trying to take the easy way out of everything.  Her success and happiness now are her best revenge.

I walked out of the room to get a snack during the last episode as he lamented his life long victimhood.  Boo hoo.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

It’s so telling to me how after the trials Lorena just wanted to get back to her normal life and use her experience to help others; while John wanted t cash in on fame and fortune, trying to take the easy way out of everything.  Her success and happiness now are her best revenge.

I walked out of the room to get a snack during the last episode as he lamented his life long victimhood.  Boo hoo.

"These women will do anything for a green card." "These women tell the police anything—just lying to get sympathy."

Oh, OK. The fact that he had multiple arrests and jail time for domestic assault is extremely telling. It's generally pretty difficult for a female domestic assault victim to be believed by law enforcement and the courts, much less having her assaulter found guilty and serving any time.

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, TexasGal said:

It’s so telling to me how after the trials Lorena just wanted to get back to her normal life and use her experience to help others; while John wanted t cash in on fame and fortune, trying to take the easy way out of everything.  Her success and happiness now are her best revenge.

I walked out of the room to get a snack during the last episode as he lamented his life long victimhood.  Boo hoo.

This so much. You know who got abused a whole bunch and DIDN'T turn into a violent psycho? Seemingly everyone in this story but you. When we think about the cycle of violence, and how often abusers use their own trauma to explain their behaviour, well, yes, it can sometimes help explain or give context to your life, but it doesn't excuse anything. It's important to contrast stories like John's with stories like his neighbour's ("I swore I would never stand by and watch another woman treated the way my mother was.") People often say or believe dismissive things about victims of violence being somehow "doomed" to revisit that violence on others, but it's simply not true: a wide range of reactions are possible, and no one gets to evade personal responsibility for the intentional harm they cause others.

ITA about the state of their lives now clarifying the truth of the case. The media tried to portray John and Lorena as some sort of "toxic combination" where they were both at fault. He was inconsiderate and she was hot-blooded or whatever. But look at what happened once they were separated. He went on to abuse multiple other women, and she made personal sacrifices, willingly endured public mockery, to raise awareness and offer material aid to women who were suffering as she had. Then, she got remarried and as far as we know, hasn't cut off her new husband's penis even once. So who's the toxic one, really?

  • Love 14

I grew up in Northern VA, and I was 20 years old and home from college when this story broke in the Washington Post. I remember laughing over the unbelievable details, but didn't follow the trials or think much more about it except for seeing some of the comedy sketches. My memory was pinged when I saw the documentary pop up on Amazon last week, and I started the first episode out of curiosity.  Then I was like, OMG, this all happened in MANASSAS? I currently live in Manassas, Virginia...the apartment complex and the hospital are a few miles from me, the courthouse where the trials took place is right down the road. I was really drawn into this story. I didn't remember the outcome of the trials and was horrified (though not surprised) that John was acquitted, and relieved that Lorena was found not guilty.

I finished the last episode last night, and I'm surprised that John actually agreed to participate in this documentary because his true nature really comes shining through.  The porn, the botched penile enhancement surgery (he said, 'I did a lot of research and this is the best doctor in the world'...cut to articles about hack doctor losing his license 😂), the fact that he is too dim witted and violent to even keep a job as a bouncer at a brothel, the horrifying details of his abuse of other women...it's all too outrageous to be true, and yet it is.  I think he must truly think that his version of what happened, that his wanting a divorce made her so upset she cut off his penis in a fit of rage, and that he's been a victim of greedy women, is believable.  Sorry dude. Even your friends told the truth about you bragging about rough sex because they were so horrified. I'm just sorry that what happened gave him even a modicum of fame that he was able to cash in on. 

I'm happy that Lorena is settled and happy with a family, and that she works with victims of domestic abuse. I'm surprised and yet not surprised that he still contacts her and writes her letters, because that is what abusive men do. Again, he probably believes that she contacted him first looking for money. My emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend would come up with his own version of events that astonished me because they were so blatantly false, and yet he convinced himself they were real. 

Finally, I just have to mention the hideous fashion of the 90's...and I was a young adult then and fully participated in the atrocities. Yikes!

  • Love 12
On 3/6/2019 at 11:05 AM, Goshengir1 said:

I grew up in Northern VA, and I was 20 years old and home from college when this story broke in the Washington Post. I remember laughing over the unbelievable details, but didn't follow the trials or think much more about it except for seeing some of the comedy sketches. My memory was pinged when I saw the documentary pop up on Amazon last week, and I started the first episode out of curiosity.  Then I was like, OMG, this all happened in MANASSAS? I currently live in Manassas, Virginia...the apartment complex and the hospital are a few miles from me, the courthouse where the trials took place is right down the road. I was really drawn into this story. I didn't remember the outcome of the trials and was horrified (though not surprised) that John was acquitted, and relieved that Lorena was found not guilty.

I finished the last episode last night, and I'm surprised that John actually agreed to participate in this documentary because his true nature really comes shining through.  The porn, the botched penile enhancement surgery (he said, 'I did a lot of research and this is the best doctor in the world'...cut to articles about hack doctor losing his license 😂), the fact that he is too dim witted and violent to even keep a job as a bouncer at a brothel, the horrifying details of his abuse of other women...it's all too outrageous to be true, and yet it is.  I think he must truly think that his version of what happened, that his wanting a divorce made her so upset she cut off his penis in a fit of rage, and that he's been a victim of greedy women, is believable.  Sorry dude. Even your friends told the truth about you bragging about rough sex because they were so horrified. I'm just sorry that what happened gave him even a modicum of fame that he was able to cash in on. 

I'm happy that Lorena is settled and happy with a family, and that she works with victims of domestic abuse. I'm surprised and yet not surprised that he still contacts her and writes her letters, because that is what abusive men do. Again, he probably believes that she contacted him first looking for money. My emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend would come up with his own version of events that astonished me because they were so blatantly false, and yet he convinced himself they were real. 

Finally, I just have to mention the hideous fashion of the 90's...and I was a young adult then and fully participated in the atrocities. Yikes!

Basically all this. I’m so happy for Lorena. 

John is a dipshit. 

  • Love 3

This was really good. Really really good. I was a teenager when the incident happened. I remember the jokes; I never really knew any of the details. I started the doc thinking that they were both likely aggressive and violent with each other; but that she took it too far in cutting off his penis. Boy was I wrong. As the show went on, it was revealed just what a truly vile human being John Bobbit was. IMO, she didn't take it far enough. I'd have thrown his dick down the garbage disposal. In the end, I was so proud of Lorena. She really overcame a lot. 

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

This was really good. Really really good. I was a teenager when the incident happened. I remember the jokes; I never really knew any of the details. I started the doc thinking that they were both likely aggressive and violent with each other; but that she took it too far in cutting off his penis. Boy was I wrong. As the show went on, it was revealed just what a truly vile human being John Bobbit was. IMO, she didn't take it far enough. I'd have thrown his dick down the garbage disposal. In the end, I was so proud of Lorena. She really overcame a lot. 

I was a little girl when this happened but even then I knew “he did something to her.” Women have been known to burn clothes, destroy cars etc when they are mad, but to cut off his penis? He either raped her or tried to sexually assault her child(since they didn’t have kid it was the former). To think this was before VAWA was passed. I loved LOVED seeing all the Latinx community supporting her with signs In Spanish. 

Again John Wayne is a POS. 

  • Love 6

Just now watched, and holy cow, is there more to this story than I ever realized. When it happened, I was caring for a dying husband and raising two kids, so I didn’t pay attention to details, and missed a LOT of the story. 

Bobbitt certainly did himself no favors by appearing in this, yet he seemed to think he was going over really well.  I try not to take glee in other people’s suffering, but I couldn’t help snickering at the botched penile enhancement. Talk about karma  

I’m pretty sure Bobbitt is and has been for decades a black-out alcoholic, and that much if not all his mayhem is committed when he’s drinking. He probably wasn’t too bright to start with, but wow, how many billions of brain cells must he have killed over the years with the drinking. I noticed he brought up that other people maybe do bad things when they drink excessively. In my daughter’s profession they call that projection. 

What a horrible human being. I’m glad Lorena has been able to straighten out her life and find better times, and I was glad to learn more about her. Very worthwhile show, wish it had gotten better publicity. 

Edited by Calamity Jane
  • Love 5

I just found this while I was scrolling through Amazon Prime over the weekend.

Holy Jeebus! My empathy and admiration for Lorena just skyrocketed. Watching her testimony during her trial when Ebert kept asking her about the rapes and sodomy, and how she tried so hard to answer and not break down, yet couldn't complete the sentences, just broke my heart. I don't know whether I detest Ebert or not. Because after that, we saw Mrs. Keegan, who was the surprise defense witness who told of Lorena breaking down at the salon. And it was Ebert, who told her to call Lorena's lawyer, because her calling about the case when he was prosecuting Bobbitt was too late, as the jury had gone to deliberation.

Yet. Yet. In this documentary, he has this shit-eating grin as he says Lorena clearly cut off Bobbitt's penis because she couldn't get an orgasm.😡

Yeah, Bobbitt's a piece of shit. Basically saying HE was the victim, and Lorena the abuser. SHE's the one who's stalking him, wanting to start over. BULLFUCKINGSHIT. When the evidence is right there, in the letters, the testimony, the reports. And then there's this:

On 2/24/2019 at 2:34 PM, TexasGal said:

It’s so telling to me how after the trials Lorena just wanted to get back to her normal life and use her experience to help others; while John wanted t cash in on fame and fortune, trying to take the easy way out of everything.  Her success and happiness now are her best revenge.

I walked out of the room to get a snack during the last episode as he lamented his life long victimhood.  Boo hoo.

I'd change that to BOO-FUCKING-HOO. And I don't believe a single word of it. NOT.A.WORD.

I mean, who was that couple on CNN's Larry King? His uncle and aunt? I thought Larry referred to them as his parents? The guy who said that his son was absolutely innocent?

And then there was Bobbitt's lawyer. The only honest thing he said was how his client was "incapable of telling the truth" after his acquittal. And he said that again, when saying anyone who knows him says that. AND THEN he realized what he said. Yeah? Freudian slip? Because those first words were the truth.

And then that asshat said that when a woman is raped there's "always SOME FORCE involved." Go die in a fucking fire, you asshole.

I'm frankly amazed that Lorena's trial didn't end up being a hung jury, since the jury foreperson was so convinced she didn't have the "irresistible impulse" when she cut off Bobbitt's dick. That he ultimately just went along with the other 11 members because they wanted to acquit her due to the abuse she suffered, and not because they believed she had a mental breakdown. I wish they'd gotten other jurors who believed her on this. Maybe they didn't want to appear?

I found it absolutely hilarious, that all these years later, and the cops involved still had difficulty saying "penis." Even that woman CSI, who found it, had trouble saying it.

And Howard Stern can also die in a fucking fire.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 6

i've been watching this on Prime.  Back then I was working in the Virginia forensics lab and didn't watch much news and only peripherally was conscious of the case.  I'd photographed the knife and panties but didn't really know what the case was. It wasn't until I was home sick one day channel surfing and saw a co-worker on the witness stand at his trial and the light bulb went off.  We only work with the evidence, not the various personalities. I remember driving by the courthouse on the way to a friend's house and seeing the media camped out and realizing why they were there during her trial.   

I live in Manassas now so it was interesting to see some of the sights. Bobbit is and was a POS.  Just the comparison between how each of them dealt with the publicity and aftermath tells that about him.  (That he's a Trump supporter is no surprise)  The fact that the "escorts" at the Bunny Ranch couldn't stand him tells a lot too.  And yeah, Stern can go screw himself with Bobbit.

If he'd been ugly as sin or if he'd been a man of color, this would have only been a blip in the news cycle.

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